Percy blinked as he walked up the long, metal stairs that would reach the Dragon's lair. According to his friend, Jack, who still scared him a bit, the Dragon was the first dragon ever created from Chaos. It was all mighty, and held power relevant to Chaos himself, when he was at full power.

So in other words, Percy thought That thing has more than enough power to make a Percy Jackson seafood special.

As Percy climbed up, many prisoners gave him looks that said that they pitied him. A few, even said "Good luck, you'll need it," and "Hope you don't die,"

"Encouraging," Percy murmured out loud.

The raven-haired man was still pondering his thoughts, and tapping his fingers inconsistently against his leg, when he approached a crossroad.

"Wait a second," Percy wondered, "This wasn't on the map,"

Asking if he was crazy, he decided that maybe he was a little bit nuts after getting here.

"Which way?" Percy asked out loud, and he peered down the right side. The corridor was dark, and unforbidding, with some stains that looked suspiciously look blood and golden ichor. The light bulbs were barely flickering, and random noises, like whispers and muffled shrieks could be heard.

"Okay, then," The son of Poseidon said, "Scary side, is a bit scary."

To the left, was a plain looking corridor that looked similar to the one he was in right, now. It was brightly lit, and looked relatively free of blood.

"Well, monsters do like blood and gore," Percy said cheerfully, and turned down the right aisle.

Drawing his sword, Black Sea omitted a low purple light that was better than the dying, exposed light bulbs that illuminated the stained walls, and the creepy floor.

As Percy wandered down the aisle, the lights kept getting dimmer, and dimmer, until he was left in utter darkness, except from Riptide's light, but that seemed to be sucked into the blackness as well.

"Hello?!" Percy yelled experimentally. Unlike the horror movies, no echo answered him, which was more eerie than the stereotypical echoes.

"Life's a frickin' son of a-" Percy was talking to himself, when he rounded the corner, and stepped into a blackened room.

It was dark, and Percy couldn't even see his hands, even if he held his hands right next to the glowing bronze sword.

Suddenly, the lights blazed on, and torches illuminated the walls.
Looking around, Percy glanced around, and saw that the room was a classic dungeon. It was all moldy brick walls, colored dull greys.

Unlike Annabeth's eyes, Perch thought. He fell into a depressed mode, but quickly flicked himself mentally. Snap out of it, he thought.

Cells were set in regular intervals, with old-fashioned, rusty bars made of ancient iron. The floor was the same as the walls, and was covered in light moisture, and even more moss.

Percy looked up, since no one ever did, but he did, because he learned the hard way that an enemy could come in any direction.

The roof was endless, just pure darkness as far as he could see, which was not very much.

The lights started flickering rapidly, and then blinked out all at once.

"Hey! I can't see!" Percy protested.

Suddenly the lights flared out again, blinding Percy, and he stumbled back.

"That doesn't help!" He protested again.

"Bow down to me, young one, for I am the Dragon!" a deep, rumbling voice came from the end of dungeon.

Percy blinked, and then his said the first thing that came to his head. "Wow, very dramatic. Like Zeus. You should be the god- er, the dragon of theater."

Then his brain registered what he said, and he internally groaned. What the actual hell is wrong with me. Screw you ADHD. he groaned in his mind.

Fully expecting to get beat to an absolute pulp, he was kind of surprised, when the Dragon roared with laughter. The whole cavern shaked, and some pebbles fell from the surrounding walls.

"I have not heard a joke in a long, long time, young demigod. Alas, we are not here to joke around. You have come to face a test. Chaos has recommended you. Let's hope you can live up to those expectations." The Dragon said, clearly amused.

The cell bars around the room all drew up, simultaneously, and made lots of creaking and grinding noise.

"Pick your enemy, young one." The Dragon announced.

Familiar foes surrounded Percy. Old monsters, like the Minotaur, hellhounds, gorgons, dracanae, telekines, and the monsters that Percy fought in Camp, approached him wearily.

Percy waved at the Minotaur. "Hey, buddy! Remember me? I took off your horn once, and killed you both times!" he said cheerfully.

The Minotaur looked outraged, and Percy laughed.

The Dragon looked thoughtful, and said, "Chose."

Percy immediately sobered up, and glanced around him. The monsters were relatively easy to defeat, still could hurt him, but he had experience, and he was confident that he could defeat them.

But then Lupa's advice came back to him, when he was in the Roman wolf's camp.

They can smell fear. Pick the strongest one, and you will earn respect. Respect will keep you alive. It's a weapon thats better than any sword, tooth, claw, or gun.

Percy looked for the strongest one, and nearly face-palmed himself. Duh!

The sea god's son pointed his sword straight at the Dragon, and said, "I pick you."

The Dragon laughed evilly and said, "Alright, brave demi-god. Let's fight."

His body came into view, and he was giant. No other word described him. He was easily a one hundred yards long, and had gigantic claws that could squash Percy. He had was a dark black and royal purple cracks spread across his body. He had gigantic wings, that was made of the scales.

The Dragon's head was big, and he had bright neon eyes, that held ancient knowledge.

Percy gulped. Shit.

The Dragon reared his head, and bellowed out neon flames, coming fast at Percy.

Percy yelped, and rolled out of the way. What do I do? Percy panicked.

Okay, think, calm down, Percy, he told himself, as he dodged another jet blast of flame. Alright, then, flames, so water, The green-eyed man devised, quickly.

Percy concentrates and the water moisture in the air, and the water on the mossy walls, form together, and creates a gigantic rolling tidal wave.

"Ah, a son of Poseidon, or maybe Oceanus?" The Dragon mused before blowing a hot fiery breath of fire at Percy.

Percy willed the water to make a shield, and the fire was extinguished, with a hissing noise, and an explosion of steam as it made contact with the water.

Reacting fast, Percy quickly transformed the water into a sword, and swiped down at The Dragon, hoping to catch him off guard.

The Dragons simply caught the giant water sword with his gigantic claw. "Fast, but not fast enough, young one."

Percy cursed, and relaxed his hold on water to conserve his energy a little. There was no way he could beat this gigantic brute of a being, with powers equal to Chaos. Maybe he couldn't defeat him, but he remembered the advice he had reflected a couple of minutes before.

Respect is the strongest weapon.

Percy knew that it would be hard to even land a hit on the Dragon, but it could hand him some respect before he got beat.

"Okay, then," Percy said out loud. "Hey, Mr. Dragon, did you-"

Then he flicked his two swords at the monsters fast, Black Sea spinning in an arc of black, and the water sword that had formed, stabbed at The Dragon's soft underbelly.

The Dragon, reacted fast, but slower, not really expecting Percy to attack. The being caught the water sword with both hands, completely halting the strong momentum, and Black Sea glanced off his hard scales.

The Dragon laughed, "You can not defeat me, young one," He looked around Percy, but he slightly paled.

The strong monster, whirled around, but Percy had vapor traveled to the Dragon's long scaly back, and was running strong at the Dragon, with the small pistol he had chosen out, and loaded. He fired two shots glancing off the Dragon's scale, but Percy persisted, and fired once, more.

The bullet skimmed the Dragon's mouth, and left a small slash across his face, perhaps no longer than Percy's hands.

The Dragon roared, and shook Percy off. The son of Poseidon caught himself quickly with the water he controlled, and picked up Black Sea as he flew to the opposite end of the cavern.

The Dragon looked shocked. Shocked that he was even injured, no matter how small.

Then he began to laugh, a loud laugh that rolled off the stone walls, and rebounded around the room.

His eyes twinkled as he looked at Percy. "Never have I been injured," The Dragon announced.

"I will wear this scar with pride, young one." He said.

"You have earned my respect, and I will bestow you with a gift. Know, that not many can defeat me. You know this. Good. I hope you become a great demigod, young one." The Dragon said.

Percy smiled as he recounted the story.

Jack dropped his jaw, and said, "Good job, man,"

Silena asked, "So what is it?"

Percy frowned, and looked at her, "Where's what?"

"Your gift, dummy," Silena said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Right." Percy said, flushing red.

Jack roared with laughter, and Beckendorf cracked a small smile.

Percy, rummaged around in his pocket, before pulling out a small black, keychain. It was nothing special, it was just a steel keychain.

Jack frowned. "What does it do?"

Percy shrugged noncommittally. "No idea. He said something about the stereotypical stuff about when it's the right time or something."

"Cool," Beckendorf, now comments.

Silena yawned, and stretched, "C'mon Charlie, let's go! I'm hungry," She said, dragging her reluctant boyfriend to the cafeteria. Said boyfriend waved back, and Silena yelled, "Bye!"

Jack glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "Shit. I gotta go. Have a date. See ya, around," The tattooed man waved at Percy before disappearing around a corner.

Percy groaned, and walked back to his bedroom. Might as well get some sleep, he thought, before passing out.

"Sonofamother-" Percy yelps, and then glared at Jack, who was trying very hard to look innocent, but not quite making it there.

Jack slowly backed away, whistling, and looked up at the ceiling.

"Why did you wake me up, you frickin' piece of-" Percy starts, but is interrupted, by a perky girl at the door.

"Hey, Percy!" Silena grinned.

Percy scowled, and wiped his face from the sticky substance, that Jack had slapped his face with.

"What is this?" Percy said, looking appalled at the stuff.

"Calm down, it's dyed whipped cream." Jack says, looking bored.

"Why the actual fu-" Percy got that far, when he was cut off once again, but a sheepish looking Beckendorf.

"I got it on video," Beckendorf, said grinning.

"I. Will. Personally. Kill. You. All." Percy said, pronouncing each word very carefully, and with venom.

"It was Silena's idea!" Beckendorf, said, hiding behind the Aphrodite girl.

"Hey!" Silena protested, "It was not! It's was Jack!"

Beckendorf quickly nodded, trying not be killed by the angry son of Poseidon.

Jack opened his mouth to say something, but then got drenched with water, from head to toe.

"Really?" Jack said.

Percy grins, as Jack tries to shake the water off his hair, like a wet dog. "Really."

And that's how the morning started.

"Why is it three?" Percy asked.

Jack glanced at the clock, and then at Silena, and the cowering son of Hephaestus.


The trio instantly split up, and ran in different directions.

Percy quickly made a decision and went after Silena, running hard, and sprinting hard.

Gasping after running for a full ten minutes, full out, Percy glanced around the corner, and realized he was lost.

"Damn," Percy cursed, and randomly opened a door, hoping to find someone to get back to the comfort of his bed.

What he found, was not what he expected.

Percy stepped into a room, and glanced around.

The room was brightly lit, and looked like any other room, but there was only a table with a couple papers stacked on top.

Looking around, he walked over to the table, felt confused.

On the plain, metal desk. stood some old rolls of parchment, yellow in color, and crumbling around the edges.

Carefully picking a paper up, he glanced at it.

Percy frowned and picked up another piece of paper. What is this? Percy thought.

On the paper, random parts are outlined, and it is some truly confusing stuff, like a Black Hole Rain, or the Dragon's blood.

Quickly shuffling through the papers, he found a blueprint to something that looked oddly like an engine.

Percy shook his head, clearly confused.

"Screw it," he muttered, and then gathered everything, and ran out of the room.

Hi guys. Hope you are having a good day and enjoyed the chapter! Remember to vote on the pairing! Thanks! :) -Chaosbot