Hey Guys! This is a new story that I am writing. It is Eric and Tris so if you don't like them then please don't read. I love them. I am going to have this story be M but it will start out as T. Thank You for reading my story and please review. I DO NOT OWN DIVERGENT TRILOGY! I will start the story with an introduction and then it will be Pov's hope that doesn't bother anyone. Eric is going to be the same character but Tris is going to be a little more Eric like sorry if you don't like that.

Eric loved putting fear into the new initiates. He hated having to get up early in the morning to train them though.

This morning was no different he got up and went to the choosing and then he led them to the train and then he had them jump on the roof.

After landing on the roof he took time to look at all of the initiates. He noticed that one of them was from Abnegation.

" Okay Listen up my name is Eric and I am going to be training you several feet below is the entrance to our compound but to get there you have to jump" he says.

He sees all of the initiates stiffen with fear and he grins " So who's first" he asks with a smirk.

Tris Pov

I have never felt so free in my life.

I loved jumping off of the train and onto the roof. One of the leaders of Dauntless tells us that we are going to have to jump to get into the compound.

I am going to go first because I am going to prove that I will make it in Dauntless. " I'll go" I say stepping forward from the edge of the crowd.

" Wow a stiff is going to go first" says a boy from Candor.

Eric jumps off the ledge giving me room to get up on the ledge. I get up on the ledge and take a deep breath and then simply step off of the ledge.

Eric Pov

I am kind of shocked that a stiff is going to jump first. When I get over my shock that a stiff is jumping I take a second to look at her.

I notice that she is very attractive and I like the fact that she is jumping first showing much bravery. I notice that she didn't even scream.

" So which one of you is next?" No one raises their hand when I ask this and I let out an annoyed sigh. " So the stiff is going to be the first one to jump wow Dauntless born I am disappointed" I say with a glare.

Eventually everyone jumps and then I jump and enter the compound. I look to see that Four is talking to Tris and that she looks uninterested.

I smirk and then I start to speak " This board" I say pointing to the board that is hanging " Is going to be how you are to know if you get into Dauntless.

" If you are below the red by the time training is over you are out factionless" I say. " Before anyone of you start to complain we are going to the training center" I say.

"Okay first jumper and last jumper in the ring" I yell out. Tris as I found out her name is and the girl named Molly are going to be the first to fight.

" The rules are that you keep going until one of you is knocked out or I say stop" I say.

Tris and Molly get into a fighting position and then they begin to fight. Molly charges Tris and then punches her in the face.

Tris falls to the ground a cradles her cheek. Molly continues to pound her until I yell stop.

I help Tris up off the mat and then tell Four to take her to the infirmary. I will have to check on her later.

I watch as the other initiates fight but in the back of my mind is Tris and I am wondering if she is okay.

"Why am I thinking so much about her" I ask myself.

After the last fight I tell Four to take the initiates into the dorms and I go to see Tris.

I walk into the infirmary and the nurses look shocked to see me because I never come to see anyone period.

I walk to see Tris and I see that she is awake and staring at the wall with a hard expression.

" Tris" I say gently shaking her shoulder. She looks over at me " What do you want" She asks in cold tone that could match my tone with the initiates.

" I was wondering if you were okay" I say while taking a seat on the stool beside her bed.

"Are you sure your not here to tell me how weak I am" She asks turning away from me.

" I don't think that you are weak I think that with a little practice you could become a very good fighter" I say honestly.

" Well thanks for that" she says turning to me and smiling.

" Your Welcome I will see you tomorrow at training" I say walking away.

Before I am out of the infirmary I hear a small "Bye Eric"

I decided that I like the sound of my name coming from her mouth.

Tris POV

I am still kind of shocked that Eric came to visit me.

A little while after he leaves my friends come in to see me and they decided that my injuries are not that serious so they bust me out and we decided to go and get tattoos.

I walk into the parlor and decided that I am going to get three birds on my collarbone and I decided that I am going to get and anchor on my left lower rib.

When we are finished we go back to the domritory to sleep. I wake up at six the next morning and change into a tank top and leggings and make my way into the training room.

I start to punch the bag and then I hear " I thought that I would here after last night" I sigh when I realize it's just Eric.

" Well I have no intention of being factionless so I figured that I should practice" I say while still hitting the bag. Eric comes up behind me and puts his hands on my torso and I feel a spark

" You need to turn your body like this when you punch " he says huskily. " Thanks" I say breathless.

" You should go and get ready everyone is going to be getting up soon" Eric Says.

" Okay, Bye Eric" I say while turning out of the training room.

I don't know what prompts me to turn around but I do and I see Eric with a smile on his face and I walk back to the dorm with a similar smile on my face.