I took a deep breath before I spoke. "OliVIA." I forced out in the end. Was I really about to say Oliver?! What the hell is wrong with me?! It's like I'm begging for him to find out that I like him! I mentally slapped myself, but I was quite glad that I caught my mistake before it was too late.

I looked up to see Oliver staring at me in a confused, yet still irresistibly cute manner. "Olivia is her name?" He asked innocently. Damn it! I don't want to lie to Oliver, but I kinda have to if I want to save this new friendship that we're starting to have.

That's when my nervous expression faltered into one of sadness. Right. Friendship. Because Oliver would never like me like that. Honestly. All I really wanted was to be in a happy relationship. So many people look happy in theirs, and I remember always getting pretty annoyed and jealous because there was no one that loved me like that. Everyone was only scared of me, and I hated it. I had feelings too. Yeah, I have a hard time actually being able to express them all, but they're there believe it or not.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Oliver was literally snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Y-Yes what is it, Oliver?" I asked curiously.

He still looked at me with a confused expression on his face, but that quickly changed into a soft laugh. Damn it Oliver and your cuteness. "Silly. You began talking but then you stopped out of no where. I was beginning to think that you died in there or something." He admitted shyly.

I shook my head and gave him a reassuring smile. "No no sorry. I was just lost in thought is all. Now come on. Let me continue, alright?" I asked, and I only got a small nod from him in reply.

Fixing my posture, and actually figuring out what I was going to say, I took Oliver's hands in mine and I continued to speak. "Olivia. I know that I haven't really known you for that long of a time, but you're about one of the few people who actually bothered with me, and who actually wanted to be my friend. I would be lying if I said I wasn't annoyed with you at first." I paused for a moment so that I could chuckle at the memory of me hating Oliver.

"But the more time I spent with you, the more this strange feeling began to grow on the inside. I know that this is all very strange and sudden for you to take in, but I swear to you that my feelings for you are real. This is the first time that I have ever felt this way about anyone before, and I have to say that I like it. I know that I'm an idiot, and I tend to ruin things a lot with others, but I just want you to know that I am going to do my best to make things work with you if you feel the same way." I stopped as I noticed that my thoughts were starting to just get all over the place, and I thought for a moment to actually see where I should continue.

"Listen Olivia. What I wanted to say is that...I think I'm in love with you!" I practically shouted as I looked back up into Oliver's eyes.

Oliver only looked at me with wide eyes as he took in all of the information. It was almost as if he had taken the whole confession thing to heart, which he should have considering that it was for him, and not for some Olivia chick. I honestly don't even think that a girl with that name goes to our school.

Nonetheless, I got so into the moment that I removed my hands from Olivers and instead moved them to cup his cheeks as I pulled him into a sweet and loving kiss. It had also been my first actual kiss with someone that I had actually liked. It had all been great until I had realized that I kissed Oliver

My eyes shot open as I stared back into Oliver's even wider eyes and with a noticeable blush on his face. Crap! He was my first friend and everything! And I probably took his first kiss! He probably hates me so bad now! My first friend, and he's probably going to hate me for being gay!

"L-Len I..." Oliver had began, placing a hand on his lips where I had just recently kissed him.

My mind was just all over the place and I didn't even know how to explain my way out of this one. "O-Oliver I just...you see I...I just...I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I-" I knew that I wasn't going to be able to form a proper sentence anytime soon, so I did the only thing my mind was able to register. I turned on my heels and ran out of my house, clearly shocked and ashamed about what I just did.

Since when was Len Kagamine gay?

Oliver POV

I stood there in Lens house just kinda taking in and processing what the hell just happened. Ok so first I had offered to be Lens practice dummy to confess to his crush who happens to be called Olivia...which is strange because I don't think that a girl like that goes to our school, and then Len gives me a very heart warmed confession, and then he kisses me...he just kissed me, and it was my first kiss, and I'm glad that it was with Len, but I'm just so frustrated with myself for not kissing back! But then he had apologized and said that he didn't mean it and ran away...does that mean he knows how I felt and was messing with me? No. Len wouldn't ever do that to me. I just needed answers. I really did.

I did what I thought was best for me to do. I sat down on Lens bed and awaited his return. There was no point in going after him if I took this long to decide on doing it. I probably wouldn't even know where he would have gone to, so it's best for me to let him clear his mind and come back home where I would question him until I got the answer to what I really wanted to know.

Why did he kiss me?

A/N: Here we go guys. Due to popular demand, I have updated this story. I'm sorry for such the long wait. I bet the chapter isn't even good enough to apologize for how long I spent on this ;;;;; forgive me. I've just been having a whole lot of family problems, but I hope that you guys don't hate me entirely yet ;v; haha. School starts tomorrow, so who knows when I'll update again...anyways. Until next time!