This story is a direct-sequel to "Lights, Camera - Izaya?"
If you have not read it then I strongly suggest you go check it out before continuing here - there would be confusion and most likely many plot-holes if you don't.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy both installments of this Kasuya adventure!

[Kasuka's POV]

Kasuka slumped where he sat, feeling irritated after a long day of questioning from him and Izaya's director. This morning had been great; wake up in Izaya's guest room, have breakfast with him and try to help him make it - he was denied repeatedly, but that didn't bother him much - then call his driver to come pick them both up for work. Toren had seemed pretty relieved that he was okay, Kasuka did just run off from him the other day acting completely unlike himself.

And everything was just fine, until Izaya and Kasuka got onto the set and Mr. Watane spotted them with gauzes on, Izaya's around his neck and Kasuka's on his right arm, along with some small bandages on his left hand. Of course anyone would be worried if their workers walked up to them like that, but the persistent questions that followed them showing up had made nearly half a day's work gone.

The man just couldn't seem to wrap his head around it that someone had hurt both of his main stars and neither of them wanted to press charges or increase security. Again, understandable, but after an hour one would think he'd just drop it and leave it alone. Finally, the two couldn't stand it anymore and made up a lie while trying to stay away from the director and practice for the next episode.

"Mr. Watane, really, we don't need security. The guy that did this didn't even know who we were, he was drunk." Izaya coaxed, trying to get the man to believe him by smiling innocently, only getting more attention from Dong-Yul who was a couple meters away and had just showed up.

"My beloved, who did this to you!? How dare anyone lay their hands on you!" he shouted, moving towards him and tentatively reaching to try and see if 'she' was hurt anywhere else. "Tell me who did it, I'll knock them off the Earth, bury them alive- anything to make you feel safe again, I swear!" Izaya tried to back up as subtly as possible. Kasuka watched all this, trying to stop himself from pulling Izaya away from the man, not only because he hated how Dong-Yul acted towards him but he knew Izaya hated it even more. The man was too loud, too close, always too clingy and determined - at least, that was what Izaya always said when he grumbled about the other getting too close to him and trying to hold him.

To the actor's surprise, instead of Izaya telling him to go get him something to help, the same kind of excuse he'd used the last 3 times the tech manager had gotten too hyper for his tastes, Izaya went a little behind Kasuka and smiled wider.

"Actually Dong-Yul, that's not needed. Kasuka defended me well enough on his own when it happened." Izaya half-lied, glancing down at his co-stars arm to let him see for himself. The man looked at Kasuka's arm then up at his face for confirmation, getting a small nod.

"You shouldn't worry about it. I gave him a broken nose in return and a couple good bruises to make sure he learned his lesson." the actor fibbed, seeing Dong-Yul deflate while Mr. Watane looked more than pleased.

"I'm glad to hear our favorite heroine has her own body guard. I should have expected nothing less though, with how close you two have gotten while working together.." the man trailed off, looking between them expectantly. Izaya just smiled and nodded to try and make them leave faster, but Kasuka blushed slightly, realizing that to the rest of their co-workers they had already seemed like a pretty obvious couple. They'd been wrong before, but now that Izaya was giving him a shot, even without the title of dating..

Gonna have to make sure I'm not more open than usual with him. If they start saying things about us before Izaya's ready, he might run off..

So, he didn't comment to that, just nodding as well. "I'm glad I could help her, but now that everything's fine I think we should start getting ready for our next scene. You can imagine that, with the incident and then healing yesterday, we didn't get much practice in ourselves." he announced, seeing Mr. Watane agree quickly and herd Dong-Yul away from them.

"Yes, yes, I understand. We're going to be setting up props today and all that, so take your time!" he dismissed, leading Dong-Yul to the set so they could make sure the equipment was ready.

The two finally sighed relief and parted ways for a while, going to their own dressing rooms and relaxing. After Kasuka got over the initial headache of having to lie to his co-workers, two of - in his opinion - the most annoying ones, he moved to lay down on the couch instead. His thoughts drifted from work to Izaya and then to his brother, reminding him that he still needed to apologize for everything that happened the day before. He let out a small sigh and closed his eyes. I'll go over to his house after work and make sure everything's alright. I just hope he'll hear me out..

Chapter 1~ Again!

Alright, so thank you guys for staying with me this whole time and coming to read the sequel.

From this point out, most of the drama will be them getting more comfortable with each other and stuff with their work, etc. You could say that this sequel is the more domestic-based story of the two.

Not all of it's going to be happy rainbows but I will try to keep it level with everything else, just like in LC-I.

Also, you know the questions and opinions I asked for in the previous story? All of those answers I got from you guys carries over to here, so don't worry I haven't forgotten about your input whatsoever! Like I said, this is the domestic part, so the questions like: "Who would you want to be dominant?" "Which one of them would cook and clean, etc?" : Those will all be taken into account.

If you want to make sure I see them, you could just review again letting me know who you think should be what in their relationship at any time.

I'm always open to hearing your guys' thoughts, so don't be shy or afraid!

PS. I hope you all like the title! I'm still open to suggestions if you guys think of a better one.

I hope you all liked this chapter! Favorite, follow and review to see more!