So that last episode...kind of sad, well the part where Mary finds Francis and Lola sleeping together with their child between them, looking like a happy family...Anyways, from what was completely obvious in the promo for tomorrows episode, Francis finds out Conde's feelings for Mary. I can't wait for jealous Francis to come out again, I've missed his presence.

During the break, I've been nothing but sad and angry. My parents are driving me nuts and I am beginning to resent them and I hate that. I want to do that but I can seem to ever put a filter on when comes to them. They push it out of me and I...I dont know.

So here it is...

Town cryer, village flyer

Got a skull and crossbones on his chest

And I can't resist, when he looks like this

All his other girls, face on magazines

Big blue eyes, oh I don't know what it means

No, what does he want from me?

We're hanging in the bars

Running after cars to get home

Wishing on the stars, wonder what you are

I just don't know, he's beautiful

Maybe he shined a little more than me

No, it's too much, burn my sun

Up in flames we go, you fire breather

Ash and dust on my door

Smoke rise, trying to survive inside your arms

Fire breather breathing the fire into

Fire breather, I'm trying to survive inside your arms

Song: Fire Breather

Artist: Laurel

Album: New Moons Vol. 1


'The feeling of warmth surrounded me, engulfing me like a blanket and isolating me from the outside world. It was dark but I could barely make out a voice that was becoming more and more evident. Like it wanted me to know it was there, begging for my attention. Even as my eyes were blind, my ears became more and more sharp to the sound which seemed to be a soothing melody filled with love and beauty as it filled my thoughts.

"Mary." It was man. The voice was recognizable. I knew that voice from somewhere but I didn't bother to figure it out, the sound was too hypnotic to think of anything else. "My love."

It whispered endearments but as the words became more and more lovely I couldn't help but notice as the warmth began to be uncomfortable. Especially around my left hand. My ring finger where the symbol of my marriage wrapped around. The ring was simple and I could remember the day when Issac put it there but in that moment the simple silver circle grew heavier as I listened to the voice speak sweet nothings to me. The ring was burning my flesh as the voice rose, getting louder and was no longer beautiful but horrific. As if God, Himself was punishing me for enjoying the mans words.

"Anne." Another voice broke into the hell that swollowed me.'

My eyes snapped open and met Issacs' worried gaze. I nodded to him and unwrapped the blanket from around me. He was dressed already, probably about to go off to work. "I must see the king off, I will be home late." He spoke softly as I dressed.


"Are you...feeling well? You don't seem like yourself." He was hesitant, afraid to upset me.

Guilt spread throughout me as I realized how cold I must look. I replaced my frown with a smile and reached out to touch his cheek. "I am fine. Please be safe while you are in town." I said before I laid a kiss on his cheek and offered him a warmer smile.

He didn't look convienced but was against the idea of pushing the information out of me. Instead, he turned his head to lay a kiss on my palm. "You be safe also."

I nodded before seeing him off. The next couple of hours flinted by, cooking, cleaning, letting Giselle insult my cooking and cleaning again. It bothered her when she could see that I wasn't reacting to her insults. Instead, my mind was else where. On the man that I'd met in the forest just hours ago. It was wrong for me to be as upset as I was that he was leaving. I shouldn't have felt this way. After feeding and changing James before letting him go back to sleep. I expected my day to go that way. So it was unusual when a knock sounded the house. I watched Giselle go to get it

There stood King Francis, looking as beautiful as he did the night before but instead of the moonlight highlighting him, it was the sun light striking him from behind. His hair seemed to glow and his blue eyes sparkled, I could only describe him as a gift from God. He was looking down at Giselle until he felt me come into view. He looked up and his eyes brightened, if that were even possible. He smiled at mer, ignoring Giselles protests he came closer and the man behind him followed him before taking lead.

The mans gaze was glued to me but not in an inapproprite way. He seemed to be calculating my actions, as an attempt to understand my reason for being. He was tall and he had curly brown hair. His brown eyes seemed sad and soulful. He looked to the King who gave him a quick nod of encouragement before he began.

"Anne, is it?" The man hesitated and all I could do was nod. "My name is Nostradamus. I am the royal physican."

"Physican? What is the meaning of this Anne?" Giselles angry glare was set on me.

"I do not know." I looked to Francis who was still looking at me with kind eyes.

"Trust me." He whispered.

Giselle heard him and began to spout even more questions. "Anne, how do you know this man?"

"I am King Francis." I opened my mouth to explain but Francis beat me to it.

"Your majesty, I apologize." Giselle softened her tone.

"No need. I just need Nostradamus to take a look at Anne with no questions asked until after the examination."

"Examination?" That caught my attention.

Nostradamus began. "Anne, it is to my understanding that you do not remember anything from before two years ago, during the plague."

"How does he know this?" Giselle's hostility toward me was put on a halt in front of the king but I could still feel it and she enjoyed that.

"While Anne speaks to Nostradamus, may I speak to you in private?" Francis make it seem like an option but we could all very well see that it wasnt a question.

I watched her posture stiffen, she then led the king out of the room. My attention turned back to Nostradamus. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Francis feels terrible for your loss of memory."

I waited for him to say more but instead he got up and began the proccess of making tea. "That is it? He feels bad about my memory loss?" He said nothing; he didn't even shake his head in response. "I think that there is something else that you nor F-King Francis is telling me."

"You must voice your assumptions to Francis." I sighed, I knew wasn't going to get any sort of help from him. He began to serve tea while I stared him down. It smelt floral somehow. I hesitantly took a sip and my sense seemed sharp with every gulp. Until it was gone, then my mind and sight began to get fuzzy.

Gasping as my eyes popped open, I realized that I was infront of my vanity. Behind me was Greer; I could feel her softly tugging my hair into place as she hummed a tune. Even farther behind her was Lola and Kenna; they were pulling dresses out of the chest at the foot of my bed.

"Mary are you ok?" Greer met my gaze in the mirror, her filled with concern. I nodded, as my mind went through the memories of us together. We were in the gardens, when we were getting ready for some special event, when Aylee died. Aylee, how could I ever forget my fallen lady, my friend. Lola and Kenna's memories came back too.

"I'm thinking royal blue and silver." Kenna looked to me for approval but my mind was somewhere else.

"I think Francis will adore those colors on you, Mary." Greer smiled as she sliped a blue saphire covered silver comb into the neat bun that she put on the edge of my head.

Francis. The King of France. My husband. The love of my life. I was getting ready for a dinner, in honor of some visitors. What were those visitors? How could I not remember them? I touched my head as it pulsed. Something was wrong.

"Mary, come and change! We don't have much time." Kenna called me from my thoughts.

Greer helped me up and they helped me dress. It was a longer process than I would've thought, getting into the extravagent dress. After they were done, they stood behind me, waiting for me to lead them out. A sick feeling began to spread through me. Whatever was wrong, I hope it didn't effect my sense of direction. Opening the door to my chambers, a feeling so familar wiped throughout my mind and I remembered what it felt like as my feet padded again the stone floors.

The guards next to me bowed. "Your majesty." I gave them a smile as I kept going, eager to see Francis.

Finally I reached the throne room, a man announced my arrival and everyone clapped but I paid them no attention as my eyes found a halo of golden curls. He gave me a dashing smile, holding out his hand. "You look beautiful." He whispered but my eyes went to the top of his head. There was no crown, I looked over to Lola she was not pregnant. I looked to the thrones, Henry sat next to Catherine. He was dead, Francis was king, Lola was having baby. Francis went after her.

Suddenly, there was a wail, a childs wail. I tried to look but Francis softly griped my chin and pulled my eyes back to his. "Don't." But I couldn't stop myself from searching for the upset child but all I could see was dark curls and the mother trying to consol him.

"James." The name passed through my lips before I could stop it as I was running before my brain could process it.

The child was getting farther from me, his wails getting lower and lower. I screamed his name, for people to stop the woman who was taking him from me; behind me was Francis and my friends screaming for me to come back. I couldn't, not while my son was being taken from me.

"Mary." Nostrodamus shook me awake. Mary. He called me Mary. That was my name. Yet so was Anne. The name Anne had become apart of me. Anne Belgard, married to Issac Belgard was me and yet I was know by many as Queen Mary Stuart Valois, of the Scotts and France, married to King Francis Valois.

What have a I done? James began to cry, letting me know his nap was over. Confusion was written on Nostrodamus' face as I picked my son up and shushed his cries. Giselle and Francis came back into the room. No one talked until James stopped crying. I could see Francis' mind trying to find any difference in James' features, tryng to find any source of doubt before just asking.

"Is he..."

"My son? Yes." I quietly mumured, not have the courage to look at him. He didn't speak again but his eyes were still on the child in my arms, he was in disbelief.

"This makes things even more complicated." Nostrodamus said packing up his ingrediants.

"I knew you'd be trouble for my son but death? This is your fault! Oh God, do you understand what this could cost him?" Giselle cried, covering her mouth.

"Yes. It could cost him his head." I flinched, looking down at James, his hands gripping my hair tightly, tears streaking his face, a slight redness covering his face. His blue eyes wide and watery. He was still beautiful. This could not end well for him either. No matter how innocent he was in all of this.

So Francis knows of James... next chapter will obviously be about Giselle and Francis's conversation and what Francis is thinking. I'll see you guys soon!