Author's note;

I don't own any of the characters from Hellboy. I am not doing this for you, I am doing this for me. If for some reason you don't think my story adds up or relates to the Movies/Comics or that the characters aren't true to the ones on the Movies/Comics. I really don't care. It wasn't meant to be accurate it was meant for fun, and for the sake of writing. Yes I know my Grammar and spelling aren't phenomenal! Again I'm not all that concerned with being 100% accurate, I'm more concerned with getting the story written. However, I will try my best to make things easy to read, and keep the flow going.

Thank you for reading, Go ahead and comment or review it, favorite it Please leave some constructive comments and criticism! Just keep in mind that I bite back if you're rude ;)

Other then all that, I hope you guys enjoy everything! :)


Nerina woke up every morning in the place. Head down on the desk she sat at the night before, with at least five different books open to a specific page, two different pads of notes on her right. An empty coffee mug to her left, and behind her, A red mass of a familiar sleepy demon, she called Dante. Dante was never as smart as his brother, but he cared for Nerina and stayed by her side most of the time. Whether she was off on some random mission searching for answers, or searching for those answers in a plethora of books. Even though he couldn't properly search like she was, he was still a help to her. Even if it was just the comforting presence of a familiar face.

Nerina looked up at the clock above the couch Dante was sleeping on and sighed seeing it was nearly time for work. They were always on call but every now and then they'd have some set mission they had to full fill. Though Nerina would like to spend her days searching for her father she was plagued with the fact she needed cash and preferred to keep her job. Therefore she had to comply with these useless missions. I say useless, because they were just that. Simple clean up jobs where demons or the paranormal overstep their bounds and were in need of straightening out. Dante was better suited for this kind of thing, and Nerina was in the middle of processing leave so that she could go out and search for her father more then follow up with these cleanup jobs.

Nerina's sigh was interrupted by the groan of her red companion. A flash of yellow eyes blinked as Dante lifted his head to look over the back of the couch and at his semi-aquatic beauty.

"Hey there Sharp tooth...How's the research going?" Dante yawned

"Stalled, I fell asleep again.."

"You know in some cultures sleeping is a good thing!" Dante chuckled slowly standing up.

Nerina sighed and rolled her eyes "Well for this girl, Sleep isn't a good thing...I need to know why the Cuthra took my father. What is their purpose? And does it lead to me...Am I the cause of his kidnapping?"

Dante sighed, fearing his friend would always be plagued by these questions. Even from the stories he's read, Dante knows that the Cuthra are very quiet and only strike when they know they will succeed. As much as Dante wants to help find her father, he fears that this subject is damaging Nerina and will until he turns up. Or his body...turns up. Dante swallowed hard at that thought and knew Nerina had been thinking something similar this whole time. Especially when he glanced at one of the books she was reading, where the main focus was on the eating habits of the Cuthra. That whole book must have been torture for the poor girl. Knowing Her father could be, or has already been Cuthra food. Dante knew that the biggest concern of hers, was if they were too late.

Dante stepped forward and knelt down to hold her hands gently and look up at her, to be close, to be intimate. He kissed her hands softly and looked back up into her blue eyes "You're not the cause of their kidnapping. I promise you this...I also promise you, that we will find the answers to those questions soon but..." Dante wasn't able to finish that sentence, for Nerina stood up and turned away from him.

"Stop Promising things to me!" She snorted, her Daoine teeth bared.

Dante sat there a moment in still silence, exactly where he was before she rudely jumped up and away from him. Though he was upset at her for turning her back on him so suddenly, he turned to her, slowly standing up. When he heard soft, and near silent sobs, he decided he couldn't yell at her. She needed him, and if it meant taking the sudden abuse now and then, and reigning in his rage (Something he inherited from his father) Then he would do it, for Nerina.

"Nerina, Spending each day in here, only ever breaking for the bathroom or for work isn't healthy...Maybe if you take a break and come back later, something you've missed will pop out at you?" Dante watched Nerina's tail swish back and forth in frustration, her hand on her brow covering her eyes "Come on, Let's skip work today and go out?"

"Go out? Dante are you crazy?" Nerina swung around to face her red friend "We're a Six-foot-five red Demon with yellow eyes and a tail, and a five-foot-eleven blue..Monster! With sharp teeth, stripes and a tail! You really think people are going to be fine with a man that looks like Satan and his blue fishy Consort?!"

Dante held his hands behind his back and shrugged softly "I rather like my blue-fishy consort..."


"Nerina you seem to forget I stopped caring what people thought of me, besides my dad has proved to the public multiple times that appearance doesn't mean evil..." He sighed and looked at her "Even if people stare, even if people shout and call us names...Even if they think of me as Satan or some shit...Which really, are they that far off?" He chuckled, poking fun at his heritage "The point is, those bastards can think of me however they want, I don't care! I'm wanting to go out with...With my girl" He folded his arms over his chest and nodded with what he just said, hoping Nerina wouldn't attack him for calling her 'his girl'

And so far?...Nerina didn't seem pissed, in fact she seemed as if there wasn't much to say about it. She kind of glazed over it with out another thought. Her mind was too busy on the fact Dante wanted to go out in broad day light, not at night, but in the day light. She stood there, her eyes cast to the side as she bit her lip in thought. She glanced back up at him and squinted her eyes in his direction.

Giving in, she said this "Where would we even go?"

A glimmer of victory shone in his eyes and he smiled "How about breakfast? We go to a Denny's or some other restaurant that serves breakfast?" He flashed a toothy grin at her hoping she'd say yes.

Nerina sighed as she took another moment to think on it, then looked back up at him " this a...Date?" She sighed cocking her hip to one side as her blue eyes pierced him.

"Uhhh..." If ante weren't already red, he'd blush. A date? Well, if she had remembered him calling her 'his girl' then perhaps what he was hinting at would in fact be a date. Though being Dante and his...Dante self, Decided to play with the word 'Date' "When you say date...You mean the two of us sitting at a table across from each other, and enjoying a meal together...talking POLITELY to each other, and actually enjoying each other's company, well then yes" Dante smirked a little and Nerina grunted.

Another pause from Nerina and she sighed once more nodding her head "Okay, Fine...I'll go on a date with you"

If my father could see me now

. . .

Hours had passed and the slam of the door and the sudden bursts of laughter bring us back into the library where Dante and Nerina tumbled in. Both full from a good breakfast and a grin on Dante's face. Nerina was smiling, as wide as she could at that moment still unable to fully be happy, knowing her father was missing, though Dante's goofy antics seemed to cheer her up enough.

"You..." He laughed pointing to Nerina "I didn't know you had such sass behind those pretty blue eyes?"

Nerina laughed and looked at him "Seriously? I give you crap almost every day! One might say you should be used to it!"

Dante chuckled taking his coat off "No, no, I mean the way you told that waitress off for purposefully spilling water on you...I mean come on, that was so on purpose, no one trips over a freaking french fry!" Dante chuckled flopping onto the couch, taking his boots off "Oh and how about when you snapped at that mother for her kid pulling m tail!"

Nerina chuckled and slipped her coat off too "I'm sorry but if I have kids, they are not going to act like that in public!"

Dante chuckled "Honey, your kids are most likely going to have a tail, I don't see them grabbing onto some one's tail for fun when they have their own..."

Nerina smirked softly and sighed gently "Yeah well, that's just an 'if' scenario"

"What? You don't want kids one day?" He chuckled

Nerina sat down and shook her head softly "No, not really...But I mean I have too, I have to some how revive my people. I don't know how being that I'm the only Daoine left, but I suppose if I reproduce with a dolphin or some crap, it will suffice"

Dante frowned softly "That's an odd image..." Nerina rolled her eyes at him and Dante sat up " So wait, you really don't want to have any kids?"

Nerina shook her head and shrugged "I mean, why? Theres so much in this world left to do, why ruin it by stalling yourself?"

Dante shrugged "You didn't stall your dad did you?"

Nerina bit her lip and furrowed her brow looking angry at him "You know what? Thank you for reminding me of what's really important here...finding my father!" She shouted and got up turning away to the book shelf.

Dante sighed and looked at her. All he's been trying to do is cheer her up, though he did admit at times he wasn't always good at it. He just wish Nerina would see he really, only wants the best for her. Dante sighed and let the silence fall between the two of them while he started to pile wood into the fire place. When he got the fire lit he slowly stood up and face her studying mound, nose deep into a book and pen scribbling against her note pad furiously. Dante slowly stepped closer to her and sighed "I'm sorry" He whispered.

Nerina looked up at him from her notes and leaned back in her chair setting the pend down "It's not your fault" She mumbled softly running her hands through her hair "I very stressed, I need these answers, Dante" She held up her hand before he could even speak "And the reason why I keep saying don't promise me anything, is because..." She sighed heavily "My father used to promise me all the time...That he'd never leave me alone, that he'd always be there" She shuddered softly as her lip began to quiver and tears welled in her eyes "I can't handle another broken promise from some one I care about"

Dante looked at her and knelt down in front of her again, reaching out and held her hand "Then I won't promise, I'll vow...I vow to bring back your father, and bring him home safely. I vow to help you and be by your side, til I know you two are reunited" Nerina's eyes leaked tears as she listened to his words. They touched her hart as she knew for a fact he was telling the truth, and how he would help her til her father was home.

Nerina bit her lip and did something she had only done once before...She kissed him. She leaned forward and softly, but longfully kissed him. Dante stood as Nerina had and wrapped his arms around her lower waist, returning the kiss with passion. Though he drove her half insane, he was loyal and thoughtful. If there was ever a good chance at her finding a mate, it would be in Dante.

As the fire cracked and the quiet room fell even more silent with their kissing, A warmth entered both Dante and Nerina. Though in Nerina, even for the slightest moment, She had forgotten about her missing father.

Hey you guys! Here's the sequel to Promises Make Problems! This is only the beginning! and yeah this is kind of a sucky beginning because it leaves no light into their current situation; Where's Abe? Well, I promise the second chapter will be full of more information, I just have one question for you...What do you want to see? Either between Nerina and Dante? Dante and Desmond? Nerina and the BPRD? I have what I want for the story, but is there any filler scenes you guys want to see? :) Lemme know!
