A long time ago, in a far away dimensional plane, the great World Tree computer Yggdrasil, suffered a terrible error that threatened all of existence. Now the gods that be wish to help the worlds contained and maintained within Yggdrasil by setting the worlds to repeat time until they can undo the damage that was done!

As the worlds came into existence though, a great many became entwined. To bolster the protection and lighten his own work load, Kui Xing, the Chinese god of bureaucracy and paperwork, delighted the loops to his companions. And so, the Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon loops were born!



Ben, Gwen, Kevin, and Grandpa Max were in the Rustbucket, it was still early in the Loop, and they had just picked up Kevin from his life on the streets.

"So, what do you kids want to this Loop?" Max asked.

Ben, fiddling with his Omnitrix, didn't answer.

"Well," Gwen began, "I was thinking we get Mt. Rushmore up and running early this time, then we do some kind of Justice League type thing, we can recruit Cooper, and see if we can find Manny and Helen."

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Ben said absently. "Hey, you guys think I could use Alien X to pop over and see Rex? I grabbed the Allspark last time I was an Autobot and I want to see what happens when it meets Nanites."

"What happened when it met an Omnitrix?" Kevin asked.

"Thing turned into a little robot, freaked out, then melted into something like a Galvanic Mechamorph and-"

Ben felt like he got punched in the gut before the world went black.

Professor Utonium was having a rather relaxing Loop. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were all Awake, and had promised to make sure no one kidnapped him this Loop so he could work on some projects of his.

Taking some supplies from his Pocket, he prepared to begin the rather difficult task of fusing his Element X with the Super Soldier Serum he'd gotten from Steve Rogers in the Loop he replaced the scientist who invented it.

He'd worked out what he hoped were the correct mixture ratios. "Careful, careful," he told himself as he lowered the eye drop with Element X towards the vial of Super Soldier Serum. "Just. One. Dr-"

The Professor felt something blow up in his face, and the world went black, just before the two substances combined.


Finn smiled as he stabbed his sword into the dragons skull.

"Alright you, now tell me where you hid the treasure!"

"Never!" The great beast cried as it reared back and roared.

Finn just smiled, he was the only one Awake this Loop, and he was spending it on solo missions, collecting rare loot. He'd gotten some new swords, gems, some magic objects and-

Finn felt himself hitting him, just before the world blacked out.

Jack took a deep breath. The samurai was sitting in a peaceful glade, just after he had been thrown into the future.

He liked to do this every Loop, it helped him relax after his previous one, and, if any pings came in he had an easier time pinpointing them.

As Jack inhaled, he felt... something, as if someone, maybe more than one, cried out, just before-

TOM sat in his seat on The Absolution, watching a few reruns of some episodes of Naruto.

"S.A.R.A.? Anything new come in this Loop?" He asked. He'd been hoping for a few new episodes of that new sho- &#%$^404 &!?

Kui Xing was panicking. So were Yi, Fu Xi, Shou-Hsing, and every other Admin running Loops in the cluster they'd been assigned to.

"I just got a message from the Greeks," Shou-Hsing said. "Apparently, some kind of virus tried to ascend during a fused Loop Hephaestus was running."

Kui Xing sighed. "That's not good at all... what's the damage?"

"Every running Loop shut down," Yi said. "Hercules messaged that Adventure Time shut down, and the rest of our Loops did too."

"Alright, alright," Kui Xing said, shaking his head. "Run them into one of their Party Loop until we make sure nothing terrible happened."

"I think it's too late for that," Yi said. "All the Awake Loopers got routed into a new Variant/Fused-Loop and... I think you need to see this."

Kui Xing walked over to the hero gods terminal and looked at the coding for the Loop a larger number of Loopers had ended up in.

Ben rubbed his head. "Oh god... what happened."

"Not sure," a familiar, accented voice said with a groan.

Ben looked over to see Dexter, significantly taller than the boy genius normally looked, sitting next to him.

"Like the new look Dex," Ben said. "You have any idea what-"

Ben faltered as his Loop memories kicked in.

"Holy... where are we and how does this world makes sense?"

"If you are referring to the fact that even Finn and Ooo are here," Dexter said, looking over his datapad. "Then I can assure you, I have no idea."

Ben looked down at his watch, the Ultimatrix, which his Loop memories said was malfunctioning, and with a flick of his wrist, swapped it for his Omnitrix.

"Ben?" A familiar voice called through the watches com function.

"Zak! You're here too!... Sorry about that." Ben said with a chuckle. "I'm glad the badge I got you works here."

"Yeah... Rex called me a little while ago, Bobo's with him, and Fisk is with me," the Cryptid hunter said.

Before Ben could respond, another voice called in on his watch. "Ben?" Kevin asked.

"I'm here Kevin," Ben answered.

"Good, cause I'm here with Gwen... and Ben? Ship and Julie are here too and uh... they're Awake."

Ben groaned. "Great just... explain everything to her, I'll be there soon."

Meanwhile, Pings from seemingly all over the planet went out, as the various Loopers tried to figure out what was going on.

"So you're telling us that since some universe," the newly Awakened boy genius known as Mandark began.

"Loop," Jake corrected.


"Crashed," Computress corrected.

Mandark growled. "We get thrown into this place, and a bunch of us got knocked Awake?"

"Yeah," Kui Xing said with a sigh. "I have Yi and Hercules taking care of the monsters, and the big bad for the Loop, calls himself,"

"Fuse," Buttercup said crassly. "We know."

"What's up Buttercup?" Finn asked. "You seem upset."

"I don't want to talk about it," the much older, and for some reason goth-looking, Powerpuff Girl sat down and pulled her knees to her chest.

"Buttercup is still dealing with some... things, that happened before she Awoke," Professor Utonium explained, putting a hand on his daughters shoulder.

"I remember that she was knocked into the ocean," Zak said, recalling his Loop memories.

"Yeah, I... got amnesia and some... guy, took care of me until my memory came back," Buttercup explained.

"A Looper?" TOM asked.

"Gods I hope not," Buttercup groaned. "I hope never."

The gathered Loopers decided to drop the subject.

"Anyway," Kui Xing continued. "We'll take care of things this Loop, I have Fu Xi talking to Juniper Lee, her Loop started Looping from the Crash. As did some of your friends, as you've discovered."

There had been quite a few new Loopers so far, a lot of friends, and some enemies, had started Looping.

"So... any idea how long this Loop lasts?" Rex asked.

"Not yet," Kui Xing said. "We're still sorting through all the new coding, which is a complete mess of code from... all your Loops."

TOM sighed. "Alright, ya know what? I'm just gonna go hang out in Sector V or something and wait for this Loop to end so I can get some new episodes of..." the robot Anchor stopped. "Huh... I can't remember... weird I don't usually forget my programs." TOM shook his head. "I'll have to run a diagnostic later or something."

Dexter sighed. "What is this place called anyway?"

Kui Xing rubbed the back of his head. "Well... this came in from the Hub after we ran this place into it."

He held out a flyer to the Loopers.

"FusionFall huh?" Finn asked. "Eh, could be worse."



"What sorcery is this?"

Macintosh took a moment to gather his bearings as he Awoke, glancing over to his... well, not his sister this loop, and from the looks of it more a Replacement then a Genderbent. "Hello there. Welcome to Equestria-"

The white stallion started, whirling into what Macintosh recognized as a martial art stance. "This realm is named Equestria? And how have I come to be in this form?" Impressively, he managed to maintain his stance without shifting too much.

"Huh." The farm pony sighed and rolled his eyes. "Ah take it this is yer first fused loop then?" He shut his eyes. "Hrm. 'Cordin' to mah loop memories, yer supposed ta be mah younger brother."

"...I'm sorry?"

"Right, Ah should probably explain things..."

"So... the constant repeating of time I have been through is not some trick of Aku?"

Macintosh chuckled. "Not 'less this Aku fella's responsible fer breaking Yggdrassil in tha first place. Granted, he seems like tha type ta do it, but from what Ah understand he's just not high enough ta actually have the power." He shrugged. "Anyway, since yer replacing mah sister, that means we've got a bit of farm work to do. Oh, and yer gonna want ta see Twilight. Equestria's a sanctuary loop, but... well, we do have our own dark forces ta deal with. It's yer choice if'n ya want ta help or not."

The white stallion narrowed his eyes. "A samurai always protects the innocent."

"Not impugning yer honor," Macintosh drawled. "Just saying if ya want ta relax, it's fine. We take our hospitality and status as a sanctuary seriously here, and yer a guest. If'n you reckon you need to keep a hoof in to not go spare, fine. If'n reckon you need ta spend the whole loop meditating on a field of flowers, then we'll see nothing nasty interrupts ya." He smiled. "By tha way, what's yer name?"

"...They call me... Jack."



Anna Awoke to a strange scene. It seemed this time Elsa was being replaced by some bald boy, and she didn't recognize the Looper. Using her Loop memories, she started the Loop the way she usually did.

"Nigel, do you want to build a snowman?"

Her brother blinked, reached for his tinted glasses and stared at her.

"As soon as you explain what is going, where my friends are, where my treehouse is and who you are."

Anna smiled as she liked to give the Welcome Speech. Reaching into her subspace, she pulled the latest book that she got from the ponies.

"Well, you see, there is this tree..."

A few Loops later.

Father stood tall above those snot dripping kids from his nephew's Treehouse.

"It seems that your precious Numbuh One isn't here to save you this time and once I am done with you all, you will be perfect little kids like my own!" He shouted, his flames growing larger the captured operatives Numbuh Two to Five. "Bring in Daddy's Delightitfier kids!" He bellowed to the collective group known as the Delightful Children From Down the Lane just as something blue and grey smashed into the side of his mansion, ripping it apart from what appeared to be a giant robot with a car on top.

"I don't think so." Stepping down the metal arm was his brother's son, shaking his head and grinning. "I think it's time for you to chill out old man." The brat said, smirking as he summoned a blast of snow directly at him, knocking him into the wreckage of his home. "Come on guys, let's get out of here. My friend Coop here has promised to show off his ride and I think it will be good to add it to the bases defenses."

(Evilhumour and Xomnaic)

Numbuh Five shook her head in disbelief with Numbuh One smirking at her and the scene below.

"I told you that Coop was one of us Numbuh Five." He watched Numbuh Four shout with anger as Coop had defeated him again on their fighting game, which they settled on doing after they had tied on their belching contest had knocked down several houses.

"Numbuh Five saw it but she doesn't quite believe it." She shook her head back and forth, watching Numbuh Two and Three eye Megas again. Coop had promised to show off his bot once he learned that Numbuh Three had one herself but Numbuh Four had challenged him to prove he was worthy of entering sector V.

"There are adults who are still kids at heart and they are wonderful allies." Numbuh One answered, grin growing as he watched Coop grab another bottle of soda and chugging it down with gusto and unleashing another powerful belch.

Numbuh Five nodded her head, watching Coop look like a mirror image of Numbuh Four, tongue sticking out as they mashed the buttons with ridiculous speed. She then blinked, turning her head to her friend and leader. "Say, where did you get that freezing power?"



Kui Xing sat at his terminal, tapping a finger on the desk as he overlooked the cluster of Loops he was trying to get online.

Working with a cluster was nothing new, he'd been assigned to the cluster of Universes assigned to a branch named Cartoon Network out of simplicity. But right now, he was dealing with a cluster within a cluster.

Three universes were wrapped around each other, well, it would be more accurate to say two universes were wrapped around one larger one at two separate convergence points. One was an actual crossover, being two distinct Loops that met when their universes intersected. The other point was... tricky... the Loops seemed to exist in the same continuum, but wouldn't register as a single Loop.

Kui Xing had talked to a few other Admins about this, and he'd decided to bring all three online at the same time, with the first two having Tandem Runs with the third.

However, that wasn't the only problem, the largest of the three Loops was riddled with time travel, interdimensional travel, beings and entire species that were going to be Loop Aware, and a highly advanced device in the hands of the main Anchor candidate that could be problematic, and several presumed MLE candidates.

And yet, the Loop looked ready to go.

Somehow or another, everything seemed to be stable. The time travel all worked itself out in Baseline one way or another, as did the cross dimensional type, and any stable time Loops were locked down in Ouroboros Patches. None of the Loop Aware beings or species seemed overly malicious, and the few that would have been were locked down with code similar to what was in use on beings like the Anti-Monitor.

The device wasn't even deemed to be too dangerous to be Read-Only, though a few objects were, mainly the various time machines that kept creeping up.

As far as the other Loops went, one had a small amount of cross dimensional travel that sorted itself out, and the other only needed a single object locked as Read-Only and they all seemed ready to go.

"Well... if it's not broken," he said with a shrug as he activated the Loops.

After a moment, lines of text began to appear on the screen.

Loop designated "Ben 10" ready for activation

Anchor: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson

Activate: Y/N?

Kui Xing tapped a single key and hit enter.

Loop designated "Ben 10"

Activate: Y/Y

Activating Loop...

WARNING! Multiple Loops detected... Activation required.

Loop designated "Generator Rex" ready for activation

Anchor: Rex Salazar

Activate: Y/N?

Loop designated "Secret Saturday's" ready for activation

Anchor: Zak Saturday

Activate: Y/N?

Kui Xing sighed and reentered the command

Loop designated "Generator Rex"

Activate: Y/Y

Activating Loop...

Loop designated "Secret Saturday's"

Activate: Y/Y

Activating Loop...

... Loops accepted.

Loop designated "Ben 10"

Activate: Y/Y

Activating Loop...

... Loop accepted

... Anchor candidates: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, Rex Salazar, Zak Saturday, Accepted.

... Tandem Run with Ben 10/Generator Rex activating... accepted

... Tandem Run with Ben 10/Secret Saturday's activating... accepted

Lock-down code initiated on entities: Diagon, Maltruant, Eon... lock down successful

Read-Only code activated for objects designated: Meta-Nanite "Time"(3.), Time-Cycles, Dimension jumping Mr. Smoothies...

The terminal listed a few more objects before moving on.

Final diagnostic... Loop(s) activated, Tandem Run(s) activated, Lock down Code(s) in place, Ouroboros Patch(es) in place.

Loop activation successful.

Kui Xing let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "Now then... Yi and Fu-Xi... wonder where they got off to."



Eustace was starting to doubt himself. For the past few hours weird things have been happening on the farm. The power would flicker and die out. Strange noises could be heard every now and then like foot steps being heard when no one was around or clanging of pots pans. At first he would pass it off as the windmill needed fixed or it was just the wind. But now something was happening that was really setting him on edge.

He was hearing voices. He started hearing it when he went out to check on the barn. It was just a whisper, barely loud enough to here.

"Eustace...Eustace." The voice had a strange tone, as if it was beckoning him to come near. Eustace was doing everything he could think of to resist, but he still found himself going to where the sound originated from. Which, is where he was now standing outside the closed barn door with a flashlight in hand. Trying to lower his heart rate and shaky breathing, he reached out with a sweaty hand and slowly opened the door. And shined the light inside.

"Booga Booga Booga." Bellowed the owner of the voice. A strange portly creature with copper brown coloring and almost seemed to be of rock.

Screaming in fear and dropping the flashlight. Eustace ran back to the house as if the very demons of hell were on his heels.

Watching the old man flee from the barn. The strange creature known as a Goron began to chuckle, which then devolved into a full belly laugh. Calming down the Goron reached to the sides of it's head and began to pull, resulting in a white light that encompassed the individual. Once the light died down where the Goron used to be was now a small anthropomorphic dog that resembled a wolf.

"That was satisfying." Link said with sigh. He knew it was not the greatest thing to do, but that man had been getting on his nerves ever since he looped into this world.

Placing the Goron mask back into his sub-space pocket, Link began walking out of the barn to undo what he did to the power, and to switch spots with the decoy he made using the song he learned from the undead King of Ikana.

Outside the barn Link stopped and looked into a bucket with water in it. Looking back was a Dark grey dog with almost white grey streaks in its' fur. On its' forehead were three triangles that came together to form a larger triangle.

"Courage." Link mused. Pondering the name that his loop memories say was given to him.

"I don't know if that is a divine joke, but it is fitting."



Farkas smiled to himself setting up smoothies and 'fro-yo' for the kids. He had replaced Ernie, and seeing his unawake self was a bitter pill. He noticed that the chatter became muffled when a bald teen wearing sunglasses walked into the youth center. He idly wondered if the effect happened to Ernie and those who were 'Power' aware, or if it were just a loop quirk, before sitting on his stool and cleaning a glass.

The teen walked to the 'bar' sitting down and sighing. "Mr. Ernie, are you Anchored?"

"Those who Awaken may call me Bulk. Though I myself am adrift in this journey called life, Mr. Uno." Farkas said smiling.

Nigel nodded ordering a smoothie. When Bulk delivered he drank some before looking at it, his eyes widening behind his sunglasses. "This is good. Almost..."

Farkas smiled taking a picture out of his wallet showing it to Nigel. "Odd goings on these days Mr. Uno. Monster attacks, several adults and children brawling in the streets. An old friend remembering who he was."

Nigel nodded unconcerned. "It's standard procedure that during the time of a planetary threat, that all Agents are required in the field. Sadly, My uncle sees things differently."

"Ah. Old Benny always was a little near sighted. Praise the Power for the Power Rangers eh Mr. Uno? Or should I say, Red Tyrannosaurus?" Farkas said smirking.

"I will admit, the powers and equipment are a nice alternative to 2x4 technology. Numbuh Two's already seeing how to incorporate the two together. But you've changed the subject. We need every Agent, Numbuh Zero-one." Nigel said adjusting his glasses.

Farkas nodded to himself. "Oh aye, you do Nigel. However..."

At this moment a Putty Patroller ran in, only for Farkas to shoot it in the head with a blade blaster similar to what the Rangers used.

Farkas continued without missing a beat. "You also need a place to recuperate and rest. To have fun, even if this blasted two pronged war tries to force you to grow up before your time. I can tell you Red it will get worse. I promise, if I ever feel that the Rangers aren't enough, I'll take the field. Till then, drinks are on the house."

Nigel nodded taking another drink. "Dad says Hi, Uncle Bulky."

Farkas beamed. "Tell him to come in sometime. We'll talk about the old days."

Farkas smiled to himself, resting after 'happy hour' at the Youth Center. That is until Knightbrace came in spouting how the sugar would rot the kids teeth and looked to be about to attack when Farkas fired a warning shot, missing his head by an inch. "This is Neutral ground, you yellow bellied skunk. I want you to go to your leader, the man called Father, and tell him Big Brother Ernie wants a word. Got it?"

The Knightbrace started to gather his bravado when Farkas aimed the blaster (1)towards his face. "For a so called Adult, you're a poor example. There's an ongoing threat, and you mug children to clean their teeth?"

Knightbrace gulped and turned to leave when Farkas gave him a free sandwich. (2)

The next day, during on off time, the Delightful Children from Down the Lane walked in. Farkas honestly pitied them. The five best operatives(3) changed, fused and 'forced' to fight against the KND and all they stood for, seemingly eternally(4) not counting the Loops.

They walked up to the bar, Farkas wondering if the Power could do what 2x4 technology couldn't in this instance and nodded towards him. "Apologies Uncle Bulkmier, Father had an important meeting and couldn't reschedule. He went to visit dear Grandfather to plan a family reunion. May we have a mint chocolate chip Frozen Yogurt?" (5)

Farkas mentally cursed as he prepared their 'fro-yo'. 'Benny you old fool. After what he did to Eugene how could you?' He sighed handing it to the almost gestalt being. "On the house. So, you five are acting as his representative with all the power that comes with it?"

"That is correct Uncle Bulkmier."

Farkas rolled his eyes affectionately. "I've told you, just call me Uncle Bulky."

The five shrugged licking their fro-yos.

Farkas busied himself cleaning a glass. "I don't agree with what your Father is doing, especially if he's doing what I think he's doing. Especially with the little account of an ongoing Alien Invasion. I'll serve Adult's, Kids, Teens and robots. But I won't tolerate fighting within the youth center, understood?"

The five sat in silence, eating their fro-yo thinking. They knew their Uncle loved children. One incident cropped up in their mind of where Uncle Bulkmier lay waste to a group of Puttys that had cornered them early in the invasion. They nodded solemnly to him. "We will pass this on to the Adult's and Teenagers, Uncle Bulkmier."

1) Set to stun but he doesn't need to know that.

2) Farkas can see that the guy's heart is in the right place, it's just his methods, and timing that Farkas takes issues with.

3) Since himself, and Monty of course.

4) I say this because from what I remember, the four didn't age between going MIA to being the Delightful Children, Though there was an episode where they had a birthday.

5) in that creepy monotone voice of theirs.



Pikachu Awoke in a flash of light as he was released from his Pokéball. "So, this is a Pikachu huh?"

Something... wasn't normal. Pikachu rubbed his eyes and looked up at the boy who would be his trainer for the Loop. He looked about Ash's age and wore a white and black shirt and green cargo pants.

"That's right Ben," Professor Oak said. "He's an Electric-type Pokémon and-"

Ben looked at Pikachu. "And I can't go out and catch my own starter?" He asked.

This kid is either from another Loop, or an annoying variant. Pikachu decided.

Professor Oak laughed. "Of course not Ben, it's far too dangerous for a boy your age to go into the wild unprotected."

Ben looked like he was going to say something, but just sighed as if he heard that all too often.

The Pokémon Professor shook his head. "If you don't want him, then you can wait until the next Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur arrives."

Pikachu cringed at that thought, visiting Loopers would do that from time to time, then sneak off that night. And while Pikachu could easily break out of his Pokéball, he had trouble getting out of the little retractable holder the Professor stored it in, unless he fried the labs circuitry, but that usually upset the old man.

Ben shook his head and grabbed Pikachu's Pokéball. "Nah, I'll take him." He looked back at the Electric Mouse. "Come on."

Probably a visiting Looper. Pikachu decided.

Following the young boy, Pikachu had to wait until they got out of Pallet Town before he revealed himself to Ben. "Hold up," Ben suddenly said. He looked around, as if to make sure no one was watching, then reached into his pocket and pulled out... a watch. A weird looking highly advanced watch.

Ben snapped the watch onto his wrist and fiddled with the dial for a few seconds.

"Unregistered alien DNA detected." The device suddenly said. A green map was broadcast into the air above the watch, showing no less than a dozen different targets in the surrounding area, and even more farther away.

Ben whistled. "Haven't seen this many in one place since I Looped into Coruscant."

He was a Looper! Pikachu was about to speak up when Ben turned around and pointed the watch at him. The device emitted a yellow light which scanned Pikachu. "Scan complete... Please input Species name."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu said indignantly.

"... Registration completed, Species; Pikachu stored on playlist 'new' add title?"

"You should call it Pokémon," Pikachu said.

"Thanks," Ben turned to the Omnitrix, then stopped. "Did you just talk?"

"Yeah," Pikachu said.

"You a Looper?" Ben asked.

"Anchor actually," Pikachu answered. "Now, you mind telling me what's up with the watch?"

Ben smiled and held out his wrist. "It's called the Omnitrix, it allows me to... actually," ben said with a smile. "Let me show you."

The boy fiddled with the dial a little more, labeled his new playlist after Pikachu's suggestion, then smiled as a hologram of a Pikachu appeared over the watch.

"Ready?" Ben asked.

"Sure," Pikachu answered, not sure what to expect.

Ben slammed his hand onto the watch and was enveloped in a flash of green light. When the light faded and Pikachu was able to look back. He was greeted with the sight of another Pikachu grinning at him. It looked a lot like him, except the hair was different, like whenever Ash messed with Lily's transformation spell... oh.

"Pretty cool huh?" Ben asked.

Pikachu shrugged. "There's a Pokémon here that can do that, it's called Ditto."

Ben frowned and slapped the Omnitrix, now on his chest, turning himself back into a human. "Whatever," He looked around. "So... how many types Pokémon are there anyway?"

Pikachu shrugged. "Around seven hundred."

Ben nodded, the number was high, but Star War had more. "And how many different types do you usually encounter Baseline?"

Pikachu had to think on that for a moment. "Most of them, including almost all the Legendary Pokémon."

Ben nodded again. "You have any plans this Loop?"

Pikachu smirked. "I see where you're going with this, and I'm onboard." Ben smiled. "But..."

"What?" Ben asked.

"How about a little challenge?"

Ben leaned in closer. "I'm listening."

Brock, Leader of the Pewter City Gym, watched as the young boy stepped onto the battle platform across from him.

Brock smirked. "I hope that Pikachu isn't your only Pokémon."

Ben smiled. "He is, but he won't be battling this time."

Brock looked at the kid as if he'd gone mad. "Do you know how a Gym battle works kid?"

Ben nodded. "I'm allowed to use up to six different Pokémon to beat you, and I'm the only one who can make substitutions."

"... You need to use a Pokémon." Brock said flatly.

Ben nodded and held up his watch, an image of what looked like a Gyarados appearing above it. "And I will."

"And... the winner is Ben Tennyson? From Pallet Town..."

The referee looked at the waterlogged form of Brock's Onix. And the Gyarados that had swept through Brock's Rock-types, that had also just turned back into a ten year old boy.

"Unregistered alien DNA detected." The Omnitrix scanned the unconscious Rock Snake.

Noticing the look Brock was giving him, Ben explained. "It uh, it does that whenever I meet a new Pokémon."

"So... that watch let you turn into a Gyarados?" Brock asked, still in shock.

"Yep, and now it'll let me turn into an Onix."

Brock looked Ben straight in the eyes. "Show me."

"I am the ultimate Pokémon!" Mewtwo cried, throwing off his cloak and revealing his true form.

"Ben?" Pikachu asked with a smirk. "Do you think the Omnitrix can-"

"Only one way to find out," Pikachu had warned him about this part of the Loop. Ben just hope his plan worked.

"A Pokémon is still a Pokémon," Ben said, stepping forward, fiddling with the Omnitrix and reactivating the scanner.

"Unregistered alien DNA detected." As had become normal this Loop, the yellow light scanned the Genetic Pokémon. "Scan complete."

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mewtwo shouted. "What has you're infernal device done to me?!"

"To you? Nothing," Ben answered. "To me, on the other hand." In a flash of green, ben was replaced with a near identical copy of Mewtwo. "I think that's pretty clear."

Mewtwo looked upon the former human in shock. "Impossible..."

"Nope," Ben said. "And you wanna see a real ultimate Pokémon?" Ben slammed the Omnitrix again, this time, a green wave traveled across his body. Turning him into a more muscular, stronger looking Pokémon.

Mewtwo looked at Ben in surprise, then frowned. "If it's a battle you want," He stood up. "Then it's a battle you'll get!"

Mew giggled as she fled the island with Mewtwo. "Be quiet."

"Oh come on," Mew defened. "He let you leave in peace... rather than pieces."

"I don't understand why you let him... scan you," Mewtwo said, trying to change the subject.

Mew shrugged. "He asked nicely."

Ben, Pikachu, Latias, Latios, and Bianca watched as the tidal wave made its way towards Altomare.

When Latios flew off, Ben asked where he was going. "I think," Bianca said through tears. "He's going to become the new Soul Dew, to save Altomare."

Ben blinked once, then said. "Yeah, that's not happening." Then ran forward and threw himself off the roof of the museum.

"Ben!" Latias and Bianca screamed.

A sudden flash of green lite up the area, and when it dissipated, an enormous winged form rose above the buildings. "Ben's a... LUGIA!?" Bianca screeched.

Pikachu shrugged. "Sometimes," Bianca didn't notice that the Pokémon next to her had just talked. Neither did Latias, she was too busy staring after the Lord of the sea... Pikachu swore he saw tiny hearts in her eyes.

A few miles out at sea, Ben hit the wall of water, using Lugia's ability to manipulate currents, he blasted it apart in a matter of seconds.

Back in the city, Pikachu made another mental checkmark. That's Altomare taken care of, and he scanned Latios and Latias... wonder what happens if he turns into her. I don't think they have a male form.

"Shut up Pikachu," Ben grimaced as she floated through the air on wings made of moonlight.

The Pokémon Anchor snickered. "Hey, you accepted the challenge, and you decided to use Cresselia for this." Ben and Pikachu were in the Sinnoh Region, near the town where the wild Darkrai usually showed up and caused nightmares.

When Pikachu told him how Cresselia naturally counteracted Darkrai's abilities, Ben had scanned the first Lunar Wing they found. Pikachu had just forgotten to mention that all Cresselia were female.

Ben gritted her teeth. "I hate it when this happens, I always feel really weird afterwards."

"Please, from what you've told me your organs rearrange half the time you transform... heck, I don't even think Gengar has organs, but you didn't complain after being one of them."

Ben continued to pout. "Are we done here? I've been flying around for almost three hours."

"Oh, you could've stopped after one, I just thought it was funny-Wahh!" Pikachu was unceremoniously dumped from Ben's back, landing in the ocean below.

"Oh very funny," Pikachu said, pulling himself onto dry land. "Just for that, I'm not telling you what the next big problem we usually face is."

Ben smirked. "I think I can handle whatever Pokémon's, I have more than half of them now."

Pikachu smiled.

Ben stared at the being that had just arrived through the portal. "That's... a god," ben deadpanned.

Pikachu shrugged. "Sometimes he actually did make our universe, sometimes he's just credited with it, it changes from Loop to Loop."

Ben gulped. Scanning beings like Arceus had caused problems before. But he had scanned the Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina without much of a problem. "Well... a Pokémon's a Pokémon."

Pikachu and Ben lied on the grass next to a river, they didn't care where they were. "That... that sucked."

"Especially the black hole," Pikachu agreed.

"I guess since Arceus is... Arceus, the universe can't handle more than one of him,"

"Now I'm glad you didn't try out the Creation Trio while they were still on Earth," Pikachu added.

"I did warn you, didn't I?" Ben asked.

"Yeah... I just didn't think that reality would start to fold in on itself like that," Pikachu admitted. "It's a miracle Arceus left before the Loop crashed."

"You said he's Loop Aware, that might have something to do with it," Ben suggested.

Pikachu didn't answer.

"So, where to next?" Ben asked.

Pikachu pulled a camera out of his Pocket and snapped pictures of Ben's new form. "Are you done yet?"

"Hold on, it's not every Loop a new Vivillion pattern emerges." Ben's newest alien from, Pokemon number 666, Vivillion, was scanned from a Meadow Pattern Vivillion. But for some reason, Ben's wings resembled the Omnitrix insignia, though the device was set on his chest.

"The other's will get a kick out of this."

A few years later, Pikachu and Ben sat in Professor Oak's lab. It was close to the Loops ending point, and they had a challenge to complete. "... Noibat, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, and Volcanion." Ben finished. "Is that it?"

Pikachu looked at the Pokédex. "Looks like it." Except for a few Pokémon that didn't have DNA, Ben seemed to have scanned everyone known Pokémon. "I'm surprised you managed to find the last two, we hardly ever can."

Ben smiled and held up the Omnitrix. "Azmuth's upgraded this thing so that it can sense a strand of new DNA a planet away."

Pikachu smiled. "Next time we Loop together, we should test how your actual aliens hold up against Pokémon."

Ben smirked. "Is that a challenge?"



The samurai known as Jack walked through the twisted future on his lonely journey with a heavy heart.

The gods that be had sent him back in time to the point when he first came to the corrupted future because of multiverse had become damaged.

Blinking, he found himself at where the tower of the three blind archers missing with an old man sitting down with what looked like a lunch spread on a small table was being prepared.

Raising an eyebrow, he made his way cautiously over to the old man who flashed him a sharp smile before sitting down and offering him some rice balls.

The time lost travel raised another eyebrow, and with some hesitation, he took one and bit into it.

It was one of the most delicious rice balls he ever had.

Sitting down with the stranger to enjoy the meal, the two of them eat in complete silence.

After they finished their lunch, the old man looked up and spoke.

"So Samurai, you must be aware of the fact that time is repeating?" He spoke with an old accent, looking at him straight in the eyes.

Jack blinked and slowly nodded his head.

"It is because the World Tree is broken for reasons unknown. Along with my fellow companions, we are doing what is needed to repair Yggdrasil but that requires putting the universes on a safe mod, with time Looping. Of course, you already know this." He raised his cup of tea to his mouth. "I am Shou-Hsing and I am the one now charged in monitoring your universe, this Branch of the Yggdrasil, to make sure that your universe remains stable."

Jack frowned at this information, wondering why this Shou Hsing was here now. "I see..." He rubbed his chin, trying to think through all he knew of the Loopers and their stories of their Admins. "Will you need to leave to do your duties?"

"No, I will stay here as long as I need to make sure you are ok now. Most Admins don't do we do, they prefer to stay outside of their Anchor's sight and let them learn on their own. Kui Xing and my fellow friends decide that a direct approach is preferable." Shou Hsing smiled, lifting the kettle upwards. "More tea?"

1.8 continuation of 1.0


"Alright," Dexter looked over the gathered Loopers. "Anyone have any ideas for taking out Fuse this Loop?"

"Oh, oh!" Finn raised his hand. "I wanted to try dropping Ice King on Planet Fuse to see if he could freeze the thing, the crown has enough power to do it, it's just a matter of getting him motivated."

As was normal for a FusionFall Loop, the various Awake Loopers of their cluster were meeting in Sector V to discuss how to solve the crisis.

Dexter rubbed his chin. "Don't think we've tried that one before... anyone else?"

Ben raised his hand.

"Anyone who isn't going to will the planet out of existence," Dexter amended.

The bearer of the Omnitrix put his hand down, grumbled something about wanting to use Arceus.

"Actually," Johnny began. "I was think we could-"

The man was interrupted when the ground beneath them began to shake.

"That's not good," Dexter said.

A few seconds later, the world cracked open beneath them, and the Loop Crashed.

Lord Fuse stood in his lair, psychically directing his fusion troops across the planet.

"Your reign of terror ends here Fuse!"

The ruler of Planet Fuse turned and looked at the man standing before him, dressed like some kind of insect.

"How fitting," Fuse made to smash the man, and smirked as he brought his colossal foot down on his head.

His good mood lasted for a few seconds before he felt his foot being lifted up. "The Tick is going to save this Loop by taking you down Fuse!"

Kui Xing banged his head on his desk. "That... that... idiot!"

The FusionFall Loop had been going well, as well as it could whenever the amalgam world ran at least, until a visiting Looper had decided to 'purify' the world of Fuse's infection. He immediately ran to Fuse's Lair and proceeded to beat the being. Then thrown him, as well as his fusion lair, as hard into the corroded earth as he could.

The lair had fallen into the center of the earth, and broken the planet.

"That Loop was NOT suppose to Crash." Kui Xing sighed and looked over the terminal, several Loops were showing activity that they hadn't before.

"That's two more online, a few new Loopers... and a lot more for one section."

Nigel Uno rubbed his head as he Awoke. "Once I find out who Crashed that Loop," he groaned under his breath.

Looking around, Nigel saw he was in his bedroom at Sector V. "Whelp," he said, pushing out from his desk. "Might as well go see the team."

Exiting his room and walking down the hall to the Treehouses main room, he smiled as he saw Numbah's two through five at the meeting table. "Alright team," he called, walking into the room. "Any missions-"

He stopped when the rest of Sector V turned towards him and stared in disbelief. "Numbuh one?" Numbuh Five asked in disbelief.

"You're back from space!" Numbuh Three cried, running over to the Anchor and hugging him. "Does this mean you found a cure for adulthood?"

Numbuh One blinked in confusion. "What?"

"Did you change the settings on the Treehouse?" Numbah Two asked. "Cause all the settings are off from the last time I ran a full diagnostic."

"Forget that," Numbah Four said. "What's going on here? I'm pretty sure I went to sleep in my house, how did I bloody get here?!"

Numbah One blinked again, then smiled. "It's..." he began, his voice cracking slightly. "It's a long story team but... I'm glad I can finally tell you."




Korra gasped slightly as she and Asami arrived in the Spirit Realm. Normally Loop memories trickled in, but these... these hit her like a sledgehammer.

She'd been expecting baseline to give her one hell of an epic send off against that mega mech but that was... that was... wow. Dear Ravva, what a way to end it.

Suddenly, she became acutely aware of the hands she was holding. Her gaze snapped down to stare at her own hands, then up to meet Asami's bewildered gaze.

She could have let go. It would have been so easy. She'd done it plenty of times before when she and Mako had Woken up in the middle of a date, and he'd done the same. Just a quick jerk, a moment of blushing and a mutual agreement to never speak of it again...

But for whatever reason... Korra didn't let go.

And Asami didn't either.

For what could have been a minute or a millenium, they just... stared at each other, neither saying a word.

Finally, it was Korra who acted first.

She looked away nervously, a goofy, anxious grin on her lips. "Want to... I dunno..." She looked back at Asami, the slightest, slightest glimmer of hope in her eyes. "See where this takes us?"

Asami gaped at her in shock for a second, trying to work out a response... until finally she slowly smiled a small, kind smile. "Well..." She squeezed Korra's hands nigh imperceptibly. "We do have eternity to figure it out..."

Her smile widened when she found herself enveloped in a nigh spine-crushing hug, which she was all too eager to return.


1.0 Fusion Fall

1.1 Samurai Jack's welcome speech

1.2 Kids Next Door, time to wake up

1.3 Welcome Ben, Rex and Zak, to what we call the loops

1.4 Good doggie

1.5 A tale of good and evil while having a smoothie

1.6 Gotta scan them all

1.7 Jack gets to meet his Admin

1.8 Damnit Tick!

1.9 Say what you will, but just know one thing! If you want to sink this ship, you're gonna to have to go through all of Yggdrasil!

General Loop Mechanics

One person in a Loop, often the main character, is an Anchor. They are the person who first starts time looping.

There is always at least one Anchor present in a given Time Loop snippet, though it may not be the local one.

The standard pattern for a loop is that the Anchor (and whoever else is Looping there) come to awareness in a loop at a particular point in the story. From there, events will play out as influenced by the Loopers present, acting with the benefit of their foreknowledge, until either a predetermined end point is reached or all the Loopers have copped it.

To be Awake is to be aware of the time loops (that is, to have gone back in time this time.)

The Anchor is the only character guaranteed to be Awake. Even after others have started looping, it is mostly random as to whether they will be Awake this particular loop.

Crossovers, fusions, and alternate pasts can also take place. It is perfectly possible, for example, to have the characters Awaken into a loop which conforms to a fanfic universe rather than reality.

Loops do not have to be in chronological order, but it is strongly preferred that they not require a mutually contradictory order (where A must be before B and B must be before A.)

Just about every Looper is very, very stir crazy