Okay. I promised myself I would never write this plot line, but Austlly394 told me that she thinks I would do a great job with it, and then it got me thinking. So, I'm just trying it out. See if you guys like it. I won't update until I finish my story, We Are Timeless. So yeah.

Disclaimer: I don't own Austin & Ally

Ally's POV

"Listen, I don't want you to freak out, but I have something to tell you... And I'm not sure how you're gonna take it." I take a deep breath as I close my eyes. "I'm... There's... You're pregnant!" I blurt out.

Trish smacks her face as I bury mine in my hands. "Ally! That was terrible!"

"I knoooow!" I whine. "But I don't know how else to do it! This is impossible."

"Okay. This time, I'll be you, you be him."

I nod. "Okay."

"Austin," She takes my hands. "we've been best friends for a while. We've been together for a while..."

I nod, urging her to continue.

She sighs. "You're right. This is hard."

I sit back and grunt. "I still can't believe that I'm... pregnant. Me, Ally Dawson, 17 years old, pregnant."

"You're what?!"

I turn my head to see a stunned Dez. Y'know, it probably wasn't a good idea to do this in the practice room where anybody could just walk in at any time. I stand up, not really knowing what to do. "Dez! Uh-"

"You're pre-"

Trish quickly covers his mouth before he can finish that sentence.

"Dez, please don't Austin! I still haven't figured out how to break it to him."

He says something, but it's all muffled.

"What?" Trish and I say togehter.

Dez prys her hand off of his mouth. "I said: But Ally, he's my best friend!"

"But I'm his girlfriend! I swear, Dez, if you say anything I will have Trish eat your gingerbread man again."

He gasps. "You wouldn't dare..."

I stare straight into his eyes. "Try me."

"Fine. I won't say anything to Austin."

"Or my dad or Trish's parents or your parents or Didi or J.J. or anybody else!" I quickly add. "This stays between the three of us. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Trish and Dez say at the same time.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go clear my head." I say before I walk out of the practice room and head to my house.

Ally Dawson, how could you have let this happen? You're the responsible one. You're the one who rarely makes mistakes. You're the goody-two-shoes. How could you overlook that one tiny detail that can change and possibly ruin your life and everyone else's lives forever? How?

I don't know.

You knew he didn't have any protection. You knew you weren't on the pill. You knew it all. And yet, you still let it happen. Why?

I don't know.

You know you've probably ruined Austin's career. He had so much potential to go so far in life. He could've done so much better than you. He could've found a girl that made him as equaly as happy and better. And you ruined it.

I know.

I sit on the edge of my bed and wrap my arms around my legs. I have never felt so terrible in my entire life. Physically and emotionally. I'm pregnant. I've ruined my boyfriend's life. And there's no telling how my dad's gonna react. He really likes Austin, but once he finds out that we've been having sex, I'm sure there'll be alot of yelling.

I can't face them. I can't. There's no way.

I nod, finally figuring out what I'm gonna do. I'm going to leave Miami. It's the only way. Without me here, Austin won't have to have a kid to bring him down and my dad won't hate me or Austin.

I unwrap myself and grab my suitcase. I don't know when I'll be back, or where I'm even going. I just know I have to get out of Miami. Away from Austin.

Gah, I don't want to do it. But, if it's for Austin's best chance, I have to do it. I have to.

Okay. I'm gonna do it.

I go into my closet and grab a handful of clothes. As I begin to stuff my suitcase, everything just hits me all at once. My eyes start to burn as tears stroke down my face. My hands cover my eyes and I just fall to the floor.

I hear a knock on my door, but I'm physically incapable to get up and open it or even say 'Come in.'.

The tears continue to flow.

There's another knock and then a second later, the door opens. "Als?"

It's Austin. Shoot.

"Ally, what's wrong?" He asks, alarmed as he rushes over to me in the floor.

I sniffle as I wipe away a tear. "It's nothing."

I catch his facial expression as he sees the half-filled suitcase. "Where were going?"

I fake smile. "Nowhere."

"Allyson Gertrude Dawson, tell me what is wrong right now!" I knew I shouldn't have told him my middle name...

I look into his eyes. They're so sensere and worried and loving. But I can't tell him. I can't.

"Ally, why were you packing?" He continues to question.

I look up as more tears fall. "The baby!" I finally choke out.

"What baby? Ally?"

I turn my head opposite of his, wipe my eyes, and look back at him. "Austin, ou- My mom's baby!" What?


I gulp. "My mom's pregnant. I was gonna go visit her. That's why I was packing."

Austin wraps his arm around me. Gosh, I love that. "Then why were you crying?"

"I guess I'm just sad that she's not having it with my dad."

"Hey, can I come with you? I'd like to see your mom. I haven't seen her since you conquered your stage fright."

Well... Guess I can't leave. "S-sure. Lemme just text her."

I grab my phone and text Trish, saying I need her to come to my house ASAP. She replies a minute later with, 'On my way.'.

"Oh, darn. Mom says that it was just gas. Oh, look! Trish is here!" I run down the stairs and open the door, revealing my best friend. I pull her in, turn around, and push Austin out. "Well, Trish and I have some girl things to take care of so you need to leave now love you bye!" I shut the door, placing my back against it and breathing a sigh.

So, what did you guys think? Should it be continued?