Frozen came out while I was on a mission. Sometimes there we can watch Disney movies, and as soon as I watched Frozen I thought to myself that this was the most brilliant movie Disney had produced in years. Then I thought "I wander what people on fanfiction net will have to say about this..." and started laughing to myself as I thought of all the weird cross-overs I knew would pop up.

This Frozen Rhapsody is just a collection of nonsensical ideas for Frozen cross-overs. I do not plan on developing any of these story lines, so if you would like to, feel free to write your own fanfiction about it.

Frozen Rhapsody

Idea 1 – Ice Make Castle (Fairy Tail)

"Let it go! Let it go! The cold never bothered me anyway!"

As soon as she was done singing, Elsa slammed the door of the ice castle, starting herself imposed exile in the kingdom of isolation she spent the last couple of minutes singing about.

What wasn't her surprise when a knock came on her door just a couple of hours later.

She decided to ignore it. Whoever was knocking on her door would soon give up and leave, which would be for the best. She didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of her powers.

Contrary to her expectations, the knocking only got more and more persistent, and soon she started to hear two boys' voices shouting, and a stern woman's voice rebuking them. Now curious, she went for the balcony. Perhaps if she kept herself in the threshold of the balcony door they wouldn't see her, and she would be able to spy on them unnoticed.

It didn't work out that way. As soon as she posed herself to watch them, one of the boys, the silver haired one, shouted:

"There she is! It some wicked cool ice magic you did there, onee-chan!"

"When I grow up I want to be as cool as you! One day I'll have my own ice castle!" The other boy shouted, as they both started waving.

"Me too! I bet mine will be bigger and cooler than Gray's!" The first boy said.

"Will not!"

"Will to!"

"Shut up, Lyon!"

Elsa watched with a mix of surprise and amusement as the two boys started fighting, and the woman – she assumed she was their mother? - hit them both and told them to behave. The woman them addressed Elsa.

"Anyway, we practice ice magic just on the other side of the mountain, so when we saw your castle, we thought 'Oh, we have a new neighbor, and it seems like she can do some pretty awesome ice magic!', so we decided to pay you a visit. And we brought cookies!" The woman showed a plate of home baked cookies of some sort. From the distance they seemed sort of burnt, but Elsa couldn't be sure.

What caught her attention was the fact that they simply weren't afraid of her. They had practically seen a huge ice castle appear from scratch in the mountain side, and seemed to think it was the most awesome thing ever. They'd even mentioned doing ice magic of their own. And burnt or not, homemade cookies were really nice.

"Just a second, I'll let you in!" Elsa hurried down to open the door.

"Name is Ur." The woman introduced herself.

"Prin... Qu..." for a second she struggled with a title, but gave up and introduced herself simply "Elsa of Arendelle, pleased to make your acquaintance... but why are you all taking your clothes off?"

So that's it, please review. And if you want to elaborate from there, feel free to, and let me know so I can read about how it turns out.

Also, about my other stories, I have not resumed writing them yet because, truth to be told, I completely forgot what I had planned for them. I was just able to remember the plot for "Dance of Feathers", so I'll soon start working on the next chapter. No prevision for "Zero Distance Prayers", unfortunately. It's nice to be back!