Asami awoke suddenly from movement in the bed. Her eyes snapped quickly open as her body jerked, responding to the motion. She felt a weight pulling free of her arms, and she began to sit up. Her heart pounded quickly in her chest from the momentary start. She shuffled against the sheets, pulling her legs in closer. Her eyes blinked while taking in her surroundings, making out shapes and figures in the darkness. The motion pulling away from her rocked the bed, and she felt the pressure and warmth retreating from her chest, where Korra had been tucked comfortably just a moment ago. Asami turned her eyes to focus on the other woman, trying to make sense of being pulled out of her sleep. She raised a hand to rub under her eyes to fight off sleepiness.

Beside her, Korra was starting to sit up, perched on the edge of the bed. At first she faced away, as if preparing to step free of the bed and leave, but she paused when noticing Asami staring at her in drowsy confusion. Korra turned back around and dropped to her hands and knees. She leaned into Asami, making the sleepy woman squint when she planted a kiss between her eyes. The cute gesture made Asami smile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," Korra whispered.

Asami groaned quietly while collecting her thoughts in her half-awake state. She felt a fleeting chill down the front of her body, where Korra had been resting a moment ago and radiating a pleasant heat. Blinking slowly, she focused finally on Korra and her words. "No, it's fine," Asami replied in a soft voice. "I'm up now. Are you okay?" She felt worried for Korra's sake, wondering what was troubling her in the middle of the night.

"Yeah," Korra offered. Her voice was a little worn, but above a whisper now. "I was just dreaming is all." She began to settle, kneeling in front of Asami.

"You weren't having another nightmare, were you?" Asami asked. She straightened herself to address Korra more seriously. If Korra was feeling afraid, she wanted to be there to lend her comfort. Her eyelids drooped, gazing at Korra with a slight pout of worry.

Asami's concern lessened when Korra shook her head in response, and she couldn't help but smile slightly at the adorable way Korra's short hair twirled through the air before falling onto her cheeks. "No, nothing like that. I was just remembering something." Asami gazed inquisitively at Korra, silently prompting her to continue. Korra fidgeted slightly under the weight of Asami's stare, and lowered her eyes in careful contemplation. After a moment, she cleared her throat to break the awkward silence. "I was thinking about Kuvira."

Asami relaxed slightly, letting go of some of the tension in her muscles. She leaned into Korra's shoulder, tilting her head to rest it against Korra's hair. "Kuvira? I thought you were at peace with that." She paused, watching Korra squirm in uncomfortable silence beside her. Asami furrowed her brow and raised a hand. She traced her fingertips along the curve of Korra's face, drifting up into her hair in an attempt to calm her. "I didn't know you were having dreams about her. You've never mentioned it before."

"It's recent," Korra responded shortly. Asami tilted her head, trying to study Korra's face. She seemed tense and restless. Asami knew intuitively that something else was nagging Korra's mind, distracting her. But before she could ask anything else, Korra leaned her weight away, stretching toward the edge of the bed. She pushed her feet out to the floor, moving to stand. She turned and looked back at Asami. Korra displayed a great deal of stress on her face. Her eyes looked tired, and not from being woken up. "Sorry. I need to get some water."

Asami sat in the bed, watching Korra turn and pace out of the room. She felt momentarily helpless, but wanted to do everything she could to offer comfort. What could possibly be bothering her that she didn't want to share? Even after all these years, Korra could still find it hard to express her emotions, but she generally opened up to Asami when prompted. Asami deflated, sitting in the bed for a long time. She carefully went over all the things she thought might be worrying Korra, but it didn't seem to be nightmares plaguing her, and nothing else came to mind. Asami placed a hand on her forehead, straining her mind to try and work out exactly how to approach Korra and what to say to her. She assumed Korra would open up when she was ready, but maybe she just needed to be reminded that Asami was there for her, no matter the problem.

Asami decided she needed to find Korra and lend her guidance. She finally slipped from the sheets and to the floor after a long wait, quickly finding slippers to combat the cold floor, and exchanging her large shirt for a warmer nightgown. She quickly shook the clothing to work the folds out of it, then set off down the hall to find Korra.

She swiftly moved through the mansion, passing a few doors, and leaning her weight around the corner to check a washroom. As she made her way toward the kitchen, the scent of lingering jasmine in the air confirmed her suspicions that Korra was there. She entered the open room, catching sight of Korra leaning on the counter. She was holding a cup of steaming tea. And she was facing away, her eyes focused blankly on the nearby window.

Asami pulled on the edges of her robe to tighten it around her. She made her way to Korra, sliding in behind her. She made a point of shuffling noisily enough to make her presence known. Korra looked over her shoulder at Asami as the older woman's arms stretched around her. She pulled Korra's back against her chest, embracing her, recalling recent memories of having been sleeping in this same arrangement with her Avatar in her arms. Asami sighed, her head tilting to press their cheeks together. Korra was stiff in her arms, shaking ever so slightly. "Korra, I don't like seeing you like this. Please tell me what's bothering you."

Korra sighed. She raised both arms, lifting the cup of tea to her lips to take a sip of it. Asami thought briefly that she might be stalling, but the shivering was starting to calm. The tea likely helped soothe Korra's rattled nerves, as did the hug. Asami stayed quiet, waiting for her love to speak. "I'm sorry, honey. I don't think I'm ready to talk about it."

Asami tightened her arms around Korra's middle. Partly to remind her Avatar that she was there, and partly to squeeze some sense into her. She loosened her embrace and leaned more closely into Korra, sighing against her cheek. Depressed Korra could be frustrating at times, if only because of her active unwillingness to be helped. But persistence tended to pay off — she just needed to be reminded of how much Asami cared. "You know there's nothing in the world you can't share with me. I love you. I want us to work through whatever's hurting you."

The tea cup lifted once again to Korra's lips. She drank from it slowly, then closed her eyes. Her face had a thoughtful expression, likely trying to work through a host of things swimming through her head. Asami waited in silence, eventually lifting a hand to run the back of her fingertips along Korra's smooth face. It pained her to see her Avatar so conflicted. She didn't know how else she could reach out to her. She had to believe that Korra would be willing to talk through her troubles. And she eventually was. "If I tell you, you won't get upset, will you?"

Asami blinked. A slight knot began to work its way into her stomach. She didn't like those foreboding words. She couldn't begin to imagine what Korra wanted to say. She had no suspicions, no reason not to trust her love. But Korra's words implied she wanted to express something that Asami wouldn't like. Her fingers began to loosen, relaxing from the embrace of the other woman. She eased back, slightly unsteady on her feet as she leaned into the counter beside the two of them. She could see some of the tension returning to Korra's body when the contact was removed. Korra was visibly unsettled, and Asami could only speculate on what Korra wanted to tell her. She spoke slowly. "I can't say whether I'll be upset. I can only promise that I refuse to let anything come between us. I care about you. Please." She lowered her eyes, not sure what else she could say and still be honest.

Korra turned in place, moving to face Asami. She stood near her, holding the still-hot tea in both her hands. She dipped her head closer, looking more cautiously at Asami's face. Despite the nervousness in the air from both of them, Korra decided to push onward. "Before Kuvira was arrested, when we were in the Spirit World, I talked to her briefly," she began.

Asami batted her worried eyes in Korra's direction. She felt small in front of Korra's words. They could literally be going anywhere. Many different ideas buzzed in her head, some tame and others horrid. But her Avatar would never do anything terrible. She'd never do anything to hurt her. Still, she felt creeping fingers of doubt crawling up her spine, and she restrained a shiver. She tried to focus on Korra's loving blue eyes to give her strength. "What did you talk about?" Asami asked in a small voice.

Korra averted her eyes, though only for a moment. Asami knew it was difficult for her to find the words, and to express what she wanted to say. She waited, and Korra continued. "She told me about how she felt growing up as an orphan. Su took her in, eventually, but I could tell she never stopped feeling lonely. She said she always felt as though her parents abandoned her. And I think that plagued her her entire life."

Asami felt tense, her body bracing for some impact yet to come. She followed along with each word, listening to Korra talk more in detail about Kuvira and her history. But confusion swelled in her face. She couldn't work out what Korra was trying to convey, or why she felt ashamed at sharing this story. There had to be more to it. "But you talked her through it," she said encouragingly. "You made her realize what she was doing was wrong. And you stopped the violence. Like a wise and decisive Avatar."

"I know, but I didn't like seeing what brought her to it. She seemed so… empty, and sad. I know she and I didn't go through the same things, but I've felt the same way before. It's so awful feeling alone. And the worst part is it could have all been avoided if only there was someone there for her when she needed it." Korra tightened in on herself, her arms crossing. She held the tea cup in one hand and her eyes fell to look away.

Asami tensed at the words. Feelings came flooding back, and she focused on the time the two spent apart when Korra was sick for three years. She generally felt like Korra was distancing herself from her friends due to her own personal struggles. But it almost sounded like Korra was blaming Asami for not trying harder to reach out to her. Maybe Korra did push away from everyone, but Asami could've insisted on going with her to the South Pole. She could've done more to be there for her. And then maybe she wouldn't have felt so alone. Maybe the worry was baseless. She did try very hard to stay in touch with Korra all that time. But the concerns about Korra feeling lonely definitely hit close to home. She raised her sad eyes to Korra. She wanted to clear any doubt there may have still been. "I hope you know that I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you were poisoned. I should have been. And I wanted to be, so badly, but—"

"I never blamed you for that, honey," Korra interjected. "That was entirely my fault. And I'm just so very lucky you didn't hate me for being gone so long."

Asami sighed unsteadily, shaking her head. "I could never hate you, for anything you did. I know it was a difficult time for you. It was for me, too. I just don't like knowing that you felt alone."

Korra nodded appreciatively. "I know. But I did that to myself. And I've gotten past it. What was hurting Kuvira was completely outside of her control. She was helpless, and she needed someone to reach out to her and guide her. I don't want—" Korra stopped herself, struggling to continue her train of thought.

Asami continued to watch Korra's face. She only felt more confused with every word her Avatar spoke. She knew some of Kuvira's story, but she didn't understand why Korra was repeating it now, or why it seemed to pain her so much. Korra talked about loneliness, but she knew her love couldn't be feeling lonely now, could she? So what was it? "Korra…" she began, but stopped, not knowing what to say.

The younger woman raised her eyes to catch Asami's gaze. Asami felt momentarily eased by the blue irises watching her, but Korra's voice was becoming increasingly unsteady. She was drawing closer to what she truly wanted to say. Korra spoke again. "It's—I know there are others out there just like her. Children who feel alone, like they don't have anyone. Children that can be saved, if someone just reaches out to them. I know there are kids who need loving homes, and loving parents." Korra took in a slow breath. She looked almost visibly pained, as if trying to breathe was a chore. Her eyes drifted away in thought, but returned to Asami when ready to speak again. Her expression showed a heavy sorrow, and fear. "And I—I really, really want to help them, Asami. I want us to be able to help them. I know I can't—we can't help all of them, but, maybe if we could help just one—" She bit her lip, unable to spit anything else out.

Asami was terribly confused, and she was sure the look on her face showed as much. Korra was dancing around the delivery. Anxiety was starting to push painfully upon Asami's stomach, and she couldn't stand it. She pushed away from the counter, closing some of the distance between them. Both her hands raised, cupping Korra's cheeks in her palms. She tried to steady her, to be her center and guide her. She looked closely into her Avatar's eyes, exhaling a pent-up breath. "What are you trying to say, Korra?" she asked plainly.

Korra's mouth twisted in an attempt to fight her words. She looked more vulnerable than Asami remembered seeing her in a long time. She was struggling greatly, but she forced herself through, into her confession. Her eyes were heavy as she spoke. "It's just—we've been together for twelve years now, and… I'm wondering if—if I feel I'm ready for us to raise a child together. I-I want to share that experience with you, and share the love we have with someone who needs it." She stopped, inhaling a shaking breath.

Asami's eyes drew wide. All the air in her lungs left her body, leaving her unable to respond. Her fingers curled on Korra's cheeks, and she shied away from the woman before her. She was speechless, her mind and heart flooding with a mix of emotions. She felt touched that Korra would want to share something like that with her. But she was immediately fearful of all the new things it would mean, and all the changes. She felt lost, never having even stopped to consider it before, yet realizing Korra had thought about it a great deal. She doubted herself, not thinking she could step up to such an immense task. And she felt a spark of something else. A closeness to Korra in that dark moment. But she didn't know which feeling to concentrate on. Or if she had any control of it. Her hands started to shake, and she raised one to her face. She finally let out a breath. Her cheeks flushed red, and she closed her eyes. "Korra, I—I don't know. This would be such a huge, huge step. I've never even… thought about this before." She turned away, suddenly feeling weak in her knees. She moved until her back was to Korra, starting to shake with a heavy looming uncertainty.

Korra approached her, as Asami knew she would. Very carefully, Korra's strong arms reached around Asami's middle and pulled her in close to her chest. Korra raised a hand, elevating the teacup into Asami's fingers. Asami's eyes cracked slightly, and she curled her fingers to take the offered cup. It was warm against her palm. She sniffled a weak thank you, raising the cup to her lips to drink. As she did, Korra strengthened the hug, pulling Asami against her body. Korra leaned against her neck while speaking. "I know. I'm very sorry. But I've been thinking about this for weeks now. I'm sorry I'm dropping it on you so suddenly. If you need some time—"

"I-I do," stuttered Asami. Her fingers were feeling numb. She felt sideswept by the revelation of what was on Korra's mind. She honestly didn't know how to feel. She felt a glimmer of hope that it could become something wonderful, but there was still lingering doubt over the incredible responsibilities she'd have to step up to. And she'd never before considered the possibility of including another person in her life. Like Korra said, it was very sudden.

Behind her, Korra sighed with some sadness. She loosened her grip to ease her weight off the taller woman. A hand drifted up Asami's arm and over her shoulder. Asami tilted her head as the hand wandered along her neck, pulling curls of long, raven-black hair away from her skin so her Avatar could lean in and issue a tender kiss to her collar. Asami let out a quiet sound, allowing the intimacy to relax her. Korra continued, trying to console her. "I'm sorry if I upset you."

"You didn't upset me," Asami replied in a kind voice. She lifted both hands, raising the cup to take another drink of the warm jasmine tea. She lingered on the warmth it offered, spreading heat through her chest and into her stomach. "And it seems like it could be such a wonderful thing. But I just don't know, Korra."

"I don't want to rush you," Korra said softly. She pulled away from Asami's neck, leaving behind a fleeting sense of absence where the two touched. "I've thought about it a lot, and I want you to think about it too. It's a big step forward, and I want to be able to take it with you." Korra raised a hand to pass over Asami's arm, catching her wrist. Asami removed one of her hands from the cup of tea, allowing Korra to take it and turn her on her feet. She leaned into the kiss Korra offered, briefly clicking their lips together. After, Korra spoke softly against her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," Asami breathed. She batted her green eyes, looking into Korra's comforting gaze. She found peace in the subtle smile of her Avatar, finally allowing her enough strength to pull away and relax against the edge of the counter, standing on her own feet without Korra's support. She took another sip from the teacup, which was nearly empty now. "I'll think about it. For you."

Korra flashed a wider smile. "For us, sweetie." She elevated a hand, running fingertips briefly across Asami's cheek. Asami appreciated just how gentle Korra could be. She knew how strong and powerful Korra was, and yet she was the kindest of souls when it came to Asami. It pained her to see Korra so vulnerable and anxious. She knew how much her Avatar cared about her thoughts and feelings, and wanted her opinion and her acceptance.

"Yes," Asami whispered. She tilted her head into the fingertips. She moved to meet the touch, kissing the palm. "You should get some sleep."

"Aren't you coming too?" Korra asked, concerned.

Asami shook her head and shied away from the hand. She settled back into position, drinking the last of the tea and setting the cup down. "No, I have some thinking to do. I won't be able to sleep right now anyway."

Korra nodded, showing her understanding. "Come to bed as soon as you're ready, okay?" She leaned closer and planted a quick kiss on Asami's nose. Asami scrunched it and returned a weak smile.

"I will." She watched Korra turn and retreat from the kitchen. She waited while her Avatar disappeared slowly into the hallway, around a corner.

Left alone, Asami inhaled deeply to release a large sigh. She tipped her head forward, clutching a hand upon her forehead. She had a lot to think about now. The idea of being… a mother to someone. And undergoing that experience with Korra, beginning the next stage of their relationship. Was she ready for that? She wanted to be happy, but it was honestly frightening. She didn't know how to begin. What would being a parent even be like? She didn't have the experience or the knowledge. But maybe that was part of the learning process. At least Korra would be there for her to lean on.

But the question remained how to start. Asami felt nervous just thinking about what changes would need to occur in their lives to accommodate someone new. Or even to begin preparing for it. They would have to first find a suitable adoption agency and go through the entire process involved. Not that she knew what that process entailed. And the house would have to change; they'd need to buy new things. Clothes, toys, a place to sleep — a child would need a room of their own.

Asami suddenly felt restless. She took a glance around the room and then set off down the hall on swiftly-moving feet. Her mind was now set on completing a task; she was focused on undertaking a project and finishing it. She wound through the estate, making her way into a side room with a number of shelves and books. After turning on the light, she walked a circle around the room, her eyes quickly scanning a variety of collected paperwork. Most of it was boring and technical. Details and blueprints for the rail station's layout, historical information, news articles, maps. She stopped near a collection of maps, picking out a recent one and stuffing it under her arm. Next, she strolled past collected blueprints of the mansion and pulled one free of the shelf. She continued on, glancing over various references until she found what she was looking for: a business guide. She plucked it from the shelf and walked to the center table in the room, spreading all three items out on it.

The engineer then moved to retrieve other tools: a pad of paper, writing utensils, and ink. She returned to the table and sat, her mind now swimming with thoughts and ideas. She felt a spark of frantic motivation to get something done. Being wide awake and hyper-focused on the task of preparation made it easier to concentrate. Opening the business guide and flipping through it, she skimmed over the different entries, turning over pages until she found the proper section. She tapped a finger on the page, scanning down to a listing of adoption agencies. She pulled the paper and a brush closer, copying down the names, numbers, and addresses from the book. With the information jotted down, she turned her attention to the map. After a careful inspection, she circled the addresses corresponding to each building. She stopped, leaning back in place to consider the work done. At least now they would know how and where to start.

Her attention wandered then to the other map, the blueprints of the mansion. She reached out to pull it closer and inspect it. Briefly, she considered the areas closest to their bedroom. One was being used as storage, while another was a second office. She liked her primary office more, even if it was farther away. And, she supposed, making changes and sacrifices would be something she'd have to embrace if she wanted to seriously consider this as an option. She studied the room and its layout, then reached to lift the brush. She quickly drew a few sketch lines atop the room as an overlay. Where a bed might fit, where a toybox might go, where a dresser for clothes could be worked in. She'd have to move a number of things out of the room and find a better place for them. The desk no longer fit the "theme." The bookshelf could stay, but maybe she'd need to stock it with different kinds of books.

Eventually she stopped herself. She looked down at the paper, with the numerous thin ink lines detailing all manner of furniture and decorations. For a moment she thought she might be going a little too far with it. She focused so much on the "how" that she didn't stop to think if she actually wanted to. Her hand tilted to tap the hard end of the brush against the table with repeated thumps. At the very least, it would be an excuse to clean out the office. And doing additional research and contacting some of the organizations couldn't hurt.

She dragged all the paperwork into a pile, shuffling and stacking it into a single mass. She lifted it, tapping it solidly on the table to organize it. Afterward, she pushed away from the table and moved to stand with a final glance over the messy surface. She'd pick through and put away the rest of the mess another day. For now, she just hoped to make use of the notes she collected. She moved to leave the room, turning off the lights on her way out, and making her way back to the bedroom.

Upon arriving, she pushed the door open and leaned inside. Korra was asleep on the bed, safe and sound. Asami's weight eased into the doorframe, and she relaxed in place with all the paperwork clutched against her chest with both hands. Her green eyes wandered over her Avatar, curled up on her side with sheets haphazardly laid across her body. How Korra could sleep at a time like this, she didn't know. Asami shook her head, smiling to herself and whispering, "What am I going to do with you, Korra?"

She decided to approach, walking to the edge of the bed. Standing over her sleeping Avatar, she turned her gaze down and just admired the relaxed expression on her face. In that moment, she concentrated on Korra. Just the idea of being there with her, sharing a bed and a life together. She liked everything they had, and everything they enjoyed. In a strange way, she never really expected it to change. And she wasn't sure if she wanted it to. Was there really room for a third person? Her thoughtful eyes lowered and she sighed. She felt unsettled, eventually turning to plop down onto the bed. She sat near the foot of it, still holding both armfuls of paperwork. She returned her eyes to the sleeping Korra, clearing her throat. When Korra didn't stir, Asami spoke louder and more purposefully. "Korra, sweetie?"

Korra began to wake, shuffling in the bed at first and pulling at the sheets. Asami waited patiently, just letting her Avatar go through the steps of getting up. It took Korra a moment to steady herself and understand where she was. Her blue eyes blinked at Asami seated near her feet, and she lifted a hand to run through her short brown hair. Finally, after a yawn, Korra turned her sleepy attention to Asami. "Yeah? You okay?"

Asami nodded. "I'm fine. I didn't want to wake you, but I have a couple things on my mind. I'd like to get it all off my chest." Asami chewed on her lip as silence set back in. She wasn't sure if having this conversation in the middle of the night with a drowsy Korra was the best idea. But she wouldn't be able to calm down otherwise.

The short-haired woman yawned again, covering her mouth this time. She squinted her eyes to try and concentrate. But all the while, she was paying attention to Asami. Asami knew, of course, that demanding Korra listen to her at this point was a taxing experience. So she appreciated it all the more when Korra put genuine effort into it. "What do you want to… talk about?"

Asami lowered her arms, dropping the collection of notes and papers onto her lap. She picked over them slowly, selecting first the one with numbers and addresses on it. "Can you light a lamp for me?" she asked sweetly.

Korra obliged, turning in place and reaching to the nearby lamp beside the bed. She flicked her fingers at it, creating a spark that grew into a larger, contained flame. Korra twisted the small knob on the side to adjust the light level to a point where they could both read. Once finished, she turned to look at Asami.

Leaning toward Korra, Asami handed the paperwork over, pointing at the page. "I looked up the different adoption agencies in the city. I found these three. But I would recommend the one at the top. It's larger and more well-known." She went silent, allowing Korra to examine the page. The woman's blue eyes moved back and forth, reading the information as if trying to learn more about each one just by understanding the names. When Korra's eyes lifted, Asami leaned over again, placing the second paper with the map of each location. "I marked where they are in the city, so we can find them easily if we need to visit."

Korra turned her gaze from one paper to the next. She reached out, lifting the map, and holding the papers side-by-side as if to compare them. Finally, she raised her eyes to meet Asami's. Her lips parted, trying to formulate words. "You really did your research. Does this mean… you want to do it?"

Asami shook her head. She pushed away from her spot, moving across the bed to sit next to her Avatar. She leaned on Korra's side, trying to allow some of the tension to release from her muscles. Korra herself was visibly shaken, and at this point wide-awake. She seemed very excited about the prospect of Asami agreeing. Asami did worry that that would be the case. She wanted to show as much support as she could manage, but had to be honest with herself, even if that meant disappointing her love. "It doesn't mean anything yet, honey. But it wouldn't hurt to contact them and find out more information."

"Okay," Korra replied in an unsteady voice. She turned to relax her weight against Asami.

Asami embraced her with one arm. She didn't enjoy letting Korra down, but she couldn't allow the situation to slip out of her control. If she was to take a step like this, it had to be something they both wanted. "There is one thing I want to do first," Asami added.

"What's that?" By now, Korra sounded wistful and a tiny bit sad. Asami knew she was denying Korra something she wanted, even if only temporarily, and she felt terrible for it.

"If we're going to do this," she began, "we need to fix up the house." She reached out to hand Korra the last paper, the blueprints with modifications. Korra took it and started to pour over it, concentrating heavily on the sketched details. "We'll need to convert a room, and I picked that one out because it's in the best location. There are several things we need to get first, like—"

"You're making me really nervous," Korra interrupted with a warm chuckle. "I fell asleep and you planned all this."

"I just wanted to make sure that we would be ready, no matter what happens." Asami reached out to Korra, taking one hand in her own and interlacing their fingers. She felt Korra's warm hand squeezing back, finding some fleeting comfort in the contact.

"So when do we do this?" Korra asked timidly, looking at the blueprint.

"Let's go slow and take a couple days to figure out what we want and then select it. We'll work on it together." Asami leaned into Korra's cheek, her head turning to plant a kiss there to show some comfort at a time when her words weren't carrying as much sway as she hoped.

"Together," Korra agreed. The two were silent for a time. Asami just rested herself against Korra's soft skin while holding her Avatar's hand in her own. Korra had a thoughtful expression for a long time, and finally spoke after careful consideration. "I want you to know that no matter what happens, I still love you. If it turns out this isn't for us—"

"Don't worry about that," interrupted Asami. She raised her other hand to touch Korra's face. The brush of fingertips drew Korra's attention to the hand, making her head turn. Asami intercepted her motion, planting a kiss on the other woman's lips. Korra allowed her eyes to close, holding onto the moment for as long as it lasted. Asami broke the kiss after a few short seconds in order to take a breath. "Let's just enjoy this, the two of us, and see where we end up. What will happen, I don't know. But I do want to find out."

The words seemed to calm Korra down, who turned to ease more of herself against Asami. Korra smiled as she listened to the reasoned response. "It's been a crazy day, but you're right. There's nothing more I want to do than see where we end up, together."

"Maybe it has been a little crazy," Asami admitted. She traced her fingertips gently along Korra's jawline, cradling her hand against her palm. She planted another soft kiss, just a quick peck this time. "But I'm okay with a little crazy."

Korra brightened noticeably. She grinned in response to the comment, and resumed the kiss once more. Both of their eyes slowly closed, and Asami held tight to Korra as they fell into the bed, in each other's arms.