Title: Happier Memories

Author: D

FFN ID: Insomniac Writer D

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://home.earthlink.net/~insomniacwriterd

Fandom: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust / Castlevania Crossover

Category: Fan Fiction \ Crossovers \ Anime Crossovers

Genre: Fantasy / Humor

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Blahblahblah, don't own 'em, blahblahblah, no money, blahblahblah, don't sue me!

Author's Note: If the characters seem a bit out of character, you've got to put in consideration of D and Alucard being ages 5 (D) and 6 (Alucard). They're half-brothers in this story, and both living with their daddy (Dracula).


Chapter One:

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Daddy!" the arguing pair shouted in unison.

Dracula rolled his eyes. Not again... he thought dryly as he entered the room where his two young sons stood facing each other off as they continued their bickering.

"Enough!" Dracula ordered. Both boys instantly fell silent, looking up at him. "Now, what's the problem this time?"

"He pushed me!" Dracul, the younger of the two boys, said, pointing accusingly at his brother.

"He started it!" Adrian shot back at his younger brother.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"





"Boys!" Dracula growled, effectively silencing the pair again. He sighed, kneeling down so he would be at eye-level with them, and asked, "What's the purpose of this argument?"

"Well, we--" they both started at the same time, stopping to turn angry glares on each other.

"I'll tell him," Adrian declared.

"You told him last time!" Dracul protested, pouting.

"So? I'm six. I should get to tell him!"

"You just turned six yesterday! And he's my daddy!"

"He was mine first!"

"He likes me more than you!" Dracul said cheerfully, grinning from ear to ear.

"Does not!" Adrian shouted."

"Does too!"

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

"Does not!"

"Wanna bet?"

"Daddy! Who do you like more? Him or me?" Adrian asked, looking at Dracula with hopeful golden eyes.

Dracul looked at his father as well, his blue-gray eyes hopeful and pleading.

Dracula sighed. "My sons, I love you both dearly, and equally."

The two boys thought about this for a moment, then simultaneously pounced on their father, tackling him to the floor and hugging him tightly.

"Love you, Daddy!" they cried out together.

Then, right on que, Adrian said, "I love him more!"

"Nuh-uh!" Dracul replied defensively. "I love him more!"

"No! Me!"

"No! Me!"

"No, me!!"















Dracula simply sighed, sitting up while his sons still clung to him. He carefully stood up, putting an arm on each of their backs to keep them from falling to the floor. The boys continued their argument, completely oblivious of their father's movements.


Chapter Two: Coming Soon!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! ( Please make sure to leave a review! I love to find out what people think of my stories. Chapter Two should be finished by Sunday. Again, thanks for reading! ~ D