Yu-Gi-Oh! Dissidia

The battle between gods of light and shadow rages on, their chosen champions locked in fierce combat both between one another and the wild creatures that populate their field of battle.

As their struggles rage on, their contest radiates like a beacon though existence, attracting attention from eyes unknown to even the gods themselves, those who would seek to investigate such conflict…

LOST FILE: Destiny Draw X1-I

A large mural of the two gods Horakhty and Zorc lit up an otherwise dark space, aided by their champions as they clashed. In the centre of the mural, a clock going up to 13 stood right in the centre, undisturbed by the ensuing chaos.

"A world of endless battle, huh?" A young man questioned.

"That's correct. The strongest duelists from across the multiverse are pulled into the conflict between these two gods to wage a war spanning eons." An older, wiser man responded.

The younger man sighed and put his hands behind his head. "And I wasn't invited because?"

"You see Yuga, there's a simple explanation for that." The older man looked over the mural. "The champions chosen and reborn infinitely by the gods are all from worlds created by them, your world was created by something beyond their sphere of influence."

Yuga walked closer to the man. "And what would that be, Agito?" He shook his head after saying it. "You know what? Never mind. Why are you showing this to me in the first place?"

"Well, since you're disappointed you weren't chosen for the battle…" Agito paused and looked over to him. "We're offering you a chance to duel some of the multiverse's strongest duelists."

Yuga's arms fell to his sides. "Y-You're serious? I can duel the greatest duelists ever with cards no-one has even seen before?!" He was practically shaking with excitement and anticipation.

"Think carefully before you decide to do anything, Yuga." An ethereal voice echoed. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but it could result in more harm than help."

Yuga scoffed at the voice's warnings and shrugged. "Don't worry, Cross. I'll be fine. I'll be done with these jokers before they even know what hit them."

A white "X" on Agito's left hand lit up. "Are you ready, Yuga?"

Yuga nodded. He was enveloped in a golden light as he shot into a vortex above him.

Meanwhile, in a desert with sand as black as the night, things were not going well for the Champions of Horakhty. Chazz was right in the middle of dueling Yuri.

"Stubborn little…" Chazz muttered under his breath, trying to think of a way, anything to get past Yuri's Starving Venom.

Bakura was intensely staring down Joey, with a smug and calculating grin on his face. "What're ya tryin' ta pull 'ere?!" Joey demanded.

Jaden, Yuma, Crow and Soulburner were preoccupied with a horde of Fiends from the Dark World and their seemingly infinite numbers.

"Flame Wingman, Skydive Scorcher!" Jaden's monster bathed half a dozen of the fiends in fire.

"Black-Winged Dragon, Shadow Squall Burst!" Crow's Dragon stirred up a powerful storm, blowing away a considerable amount of enemies.

"Utopia! Rising Sun Slash!" Yuma's Number ran through the fiends like a hot knife through butter.

"There's too many of 'em!" Soulburner called out, increasingly desperate against the ever-growing onslaught.

Yuya stood alone, face-to-face with Vector. He steeled himself against the Barian before him.

"Well well well, since you're the only one not occupied…" Vector's face instantly became almost inhumanly twisted and sadistic. "Why don't we play?"

He was about to launch a Duel Anchor at him as the sound of thunder struck nearby, a crimson light darting from an Overlay Network in the sky and landing right in the middle of where Yuya and Vector stood.

"Oh good, more backup! I could use a new friend!" Vector sounded pleased.

The smoke cleared, revealing a slender young man about the age of 16 with hazel eyes. His hair, predominately silver, had red bangs forming spikes at the back and 2 more at the front, the left & right pointing diagonally in those directions forming an "X"-like shape with a "V" at the front, with blue highlights along the sides. He was sporting a red jacket with white shoulder cuffs and black linings along the seams over a white T-shirt with a red "39" in the same manner as Utopia, as well as navy-blue fingerless gloves with a cyan star on the right one. He was also wearing green jeans held up by a brown belt with a keychain resembling Yugi's Puzzle dangling from it, accompanied by grey sneakers.

"He came from an Overlay Network. Does that mean…?" Yuto asked from within Yuya.

"Another Champion of Zorc?" Yuya finished.

The man turned towards Yuya with a confused expression. He tilted his head to the side "Champion of what?" He asked.

He noticed the other duelists in their respective duels. "Oh come on! People from other worlds are stealing my style?! Really?!" He went on an angry tirade for quite a while, before turning to face Vector.

"Well, it seems all of us here are all humans." He noted before looking around.

Vector chuckled at being called a human. "Oh silly child, I'm far more than a mere human." He said smugly.

The man slapped his forehead. "Oh! That must mean you're an Arkon! My bad." He casually apologised.

"A what?!" Vector angrily snapped back. "Don't you dare compare me to those degenerate filth! We Barians have been a step ahead of those moronic Arkons for centuries! And especially comparing me, Vector, to the Council of Lords?! Rude!" Vector was practically twitching at this point.

"Arkon, Barian, what's the difference? Hopefully it's that you guys are less stupid and annoying." The man retorted before smirking and condescendingly shrugging. "You do remind me of Raiz, though."

Vector was growling in anger from the statement. "You'd better watch your mouth! Now be useful and help me annihilate this guy over here!" He pointed over to Yuya.

The man looked over to Yuya. "Am I interrupting something?" He didn't seem to understand or appreciate the magnitude of the situation at hand.

"Are you sided with Horakhty or Zorc?" Yuya asked. He slowly swallowed, anxious as to what the man's answer would be.

"Yeah, about that…" The man rubbed the back of his head. "I don't think I'm with either." He bluntly stated.

Vector materialised his Duel Disk out of thin air. "Well then, I guess there won't be any problems with me disposing of you, will there?" He began laughing maniacally. "Just who do you think you are, Mr. Big Shot?"

The man assumed a flashy stance side-on against Vector. "I am the saviour of the… No, ALL human worlds, and all life that thrives on them!" He held his left hand up to his face, as a red Kanji for king (王) shone through his glove. "I am Yuga…" He then pointed directly towards Vector. "Yuga Senku!" He then pulled out a Black Duel Disk and attached it to his wrist, as a rectangular cyan energy blade materialised.

Yuya and Vector just blankly stared at Yuga. "Nothing? Come on! I even modified my pre-duel catchphrase for this moment!" He sighed and loaded his deck into his Duel Disk. "Whatever, let's just do this." He grumbled.

"Is this guy even for real…?" Yuto sighed as he facepalmed.

"I really don't know anymore." Yuya was still trying to comprehend what Yuga's thought process was.

Yuga walked backwards, pointing towards Yuya. "Oh, by the way. I didn't catch your names. As you heard, I'm Yuga, so who are you guys?"

"Yuya Sakaki. Great to meet you?" He cautiously walked over to Yuga reluctantly shook his hand.

Yuga smiled. "Nice to meet ya, Yuya!" He immediately turned back to Vector. "Okay then, Raiz II, let's get on with this!"

Vector turned away from Yuga, only to contort his upper body over to face him. "Yes, let's." Pinkish-red energy instantly burst from Vector's body and rose to a fiery aura around it. "Barian Battlemorph!" His human visage dissolved to reveal his true Barian form, in all its glory.

"Let's duel!" The two of them shouted.

Yuga: 4000

Vector: 4000

"I'll go first." Vector stared intensely at Yuga. "I dra-"

"Can't do that." Yuga bluntly stated.

Vector blinked upon hearing Yuga's outrageous suggestion. "W-What do you mean by that?

"You can't draw on your first turn if you go first. When was the last time you played, 2014?" Yuga taunted.

Vector's eye twitched wildly as he desperately tried to hold back a scream of anger. "One more word, and I'll beat you to a pulp."

He pulled a card from his hand and slammed it onto his duel disk. "I summon Umbral Horror Ghoul!"

Umbral Horror Ghoul, Level: 4

DARK, Fiend/Effect, ATK: 1800 DEF: 0 (Attack Position)

"I activate Ghoul's special ability! I can reduce its ATK to 0 to summon another Umbral Horror monster with 0 ATK from my hand!"

Umbral Horror Ghoul

ATK: 1800 → 0

"Now come forth! Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp!"

Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp, Level: 1

DARK, Fiend/Effect, ATK: 0 DEF: 0 (Attack Position)

"When Will o' the Wisp is Special Summoned, I can change its level to that of another Umbral Horror I control!"

Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp, Level: 1 → 4

Vector raised his hand to the sky. "Now I overlay my two Level 4 Umbral Horror monsters! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon!" A large vortex manifested above Vector as his two monsters turned into purple lights and shot up into it, causing it to implode in a dark green light.

"An Xyz monster, huh? How Retro." Yuga said casually.

"Appear! Rank 4! Number 106! Giant Hand!"

Number 106: Giant Hand, Rank: 4

EARTH, Rock/Xyz/Effect, ATK: 2000 DEF: 2000, OU: 2 (Attack Position)

Vector then noticed something strange: Giant Hand wasn't in the Monster Zone. It was in a set of 2 zones in between his and Yuga's fields. "What kind of trick is this?!" He demanded.

"What? Don't you know about the Extra Monster Zones?" Yuga's face was that of disappointment. Any monster summoned from the Extra Deck like Fusion, Synchro, Link or, yes, Xyz, all have to be summoned to the Extra Monster Zone instead of the Main Monster Zone." He pointed directly at Vector.

"If we're playing, we're playing by my rules!" He exclaimed before giving a cocky smirk.

A million things raced through Vector's mind. Like, what was a Link Monster? Why did anyone think this system was balanced? How many different ways could he think of to eviscerate Yuga? But that wasn't important right now. He just wanted to wipe that smug grin off his face. "I set two cards face down. Your turn, 'Saviour'!" Vector taunted as he placed his cards in the Spell/Trap Zone.

Yuga briefly seemed almost solemn as he rose his head up from looking at the ground to greet Vector with a steely gaze. "Let's get this started." He muttered.

"My turn, draw!" He arched his hand off to the right before taking a look at the card he drew. "Wow, this is a good hand." He pulled out a card from his hand and held it outward.

"I activate Pot of Desires! This card makes me banish the top 10 cards of my deck face-down, but afterwards, I can draw 2 Cards!" He took the top 10 cards and put it back into his deck box, before adding the 2 cards to his hand.

"Because I control no monsters on my field, I can special summon Krysta Garuda from my hand!" He exclaimed as he placed down the card. A green orb appeared in the field & began rising, creating a small updraft as it seemingly absorbed the wind around Yuga & Vector before taking on a birdlike appearance.

Krysta Garuda, Level: 3

WIND, Winged Beast/Effect, ATK: 1500 DEF: 1300 (Attack Position)

"When Garuda is special summoned this way, I can add a Driver Monster from my deck to my hand!"

"Driver Monster?" Vector asked, somewhat concerned.

Yuga then held out the card he had added from his hand, and then did the strangest thing… He turned it upside-down. "Allow me to introduce you all to the newest evolution in duelling." He turned the card around, to show a monster similar to a Pendulum monster, but with a Dark Red base and a single cyan downward-pointing scale. "I set Krysta Imp as a Drive Zone!" He placed it upside-down in the Main Monster Zone, as a purple pillar of light shot down from the skies.

Krysta Imp, Level: 2

DARK, Fiend/Driver/Effect, ATK: 600 DEF: 1100 Drive: 8 (Drive Zone)

"What the…?" Yuya looked on in shock. He'd never see a card do anything like this before. "What just happened?!"

Yuga scoffed and slightly tilted his head. "That Yuya, is a Driver Monster. A monster that can turn a Zone into a 'Drive Zone'. Think of it like a way of Summoning monsters from the Extra Deck directly to the Main Monster Zone."

He then placed a monster over the Drive Zone. "Now I summon Krysta Kitsune!" A red orb materialised on Yuga's field near the Drive Pillar, drawing in a red energy before taking on the form of an ethereal red fox with nine tails and an upwards-pointing triangle on its forehead.

Krysta Kitsune, Level: 4

FIRE, Beast/Effect, ATK: 1600 DEF: 1400 (Attack Position)

Yuga held his hand to the sky. "But Drivers also allow me to do this! I Overdrive my Level 4 Krysta Kitsune with my Drive 8 Krysta Imp!" Kitsune returned to its orb state and absorbed the energy from the pillar, surging with lightning before imploding in a flash of light.

"Wizard that exists between worlds! Rain your judgement upon the wicked!" Yuga clenched his fist "Limit… BREAK!" The light faded to reveal a humanoid figure. "Overdrive Summon! Appear! Limit 4! Cross Magician!" The figure was a man with a red 'X'-shaped breastplate over a long black coat holding a black rod with a silver 'X' at the end with the top 2 prongs being longer than the others. He was wearing a black helmet with a silver 'X' over it and 2 blue gems where the eyes would be. His arms were decorated with several different gold & silver armbands.

Cross Magician, Limit: 4

DARK, Spellcaster/Overdrive/Effect, ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 (Attack Position)

Cross Magician descended onto the field, staring down Vector.

"How did…? That's impossible!" Vector took a few steps backward.

"Now I activate Krysta Imp's Driver ability! When it's used for an Overdrive Summon, I can draw a card!" A purple aura surrounded the top card of Yuga's deck, resulting in it shooting out and flying into his hand almost on its own.

He snapped his fingers. "Let's get this started! Cross Magician! Attack Number 106: Giant Hand!" Cross Magician floated into the air, the prongs on its rod snapping into a "T"-shape and producing a yellow blade of light from the tip. He dashed over to Vector's monster, sword in hand.

"Oh I shouldn't, but I can't resist." Vector taunted. "I activate Draining Shield! This will negate your attack and restore my Life Points equal to your monster's ATK!" A barrier appeared over Giant Hand's palm as it gave a signal for Cross Magician to stop.

"Oh yeah? Well I activa- Wait, can I even do that?" Yuga interrupted himself in his train of thought. "Nevermind, Draining Shield's effect only targets attacking monsters. Carry on." He followed up. Cross Magician's sword stabbed straight into Draining Shield, bouncing straight off it as it glowed red from absorbing the kinetic energy.

Vector: 4000 → 6500

"Well then 'savior', it looks like you were just talking yourself up." Vector taunted again. "You're just as pathetic as the rest of them!" He pointed over to Jaden, Crow and Yuma.

Yuga's face immediately turned serious. "Vector. The moment you called me pathetic was the biggest mistake you ever made." He glared him down like a predator.

Vector giggled. "Oh? Did I strike a nerve? That was pathetically easy." He eyed Yuga smugly.

Yuga clenched his fist as his breath grew heavier. "I activate the effect of Krysta Imp in my graveyard! I can banish it from my graveyard and add a Driver from my deck to my hand!" A card in his deck began glowing. "I add Krysta Soul!" He pulled the card out and added it to his hand.

"I set 4 cards face down. Your turn!" He sighed angrily as he set his spells and traps.

"Well then… My turn, I draw!" Vector carefully studied his hand before slamming one onto his duel disk. "I summon Umbral Horror Unform!"

"I summon my Umbral Horror Unform!" He cried out as his gelatinous monster took shape.

Umbral Horror Unform, Level: 4

DARK, Fiend/Effect, ATK: 0 DEF: 0 (Attack Position)

"Okay, now that's just unsettling." Yuga said in disgust.

"You have every right to be scared, because I'm about to attack with it!" Unform's viscous body compacted before lunging at Cross Magician.

"What kind of an idiot attacks a monster with 2500 ATK using a monster with only 0?!" Yuga looked almost disappointed. "Now to show you how stupid that idea was! I activate my face-down card, Brutal Brawl!" Cross Magician began glowing with a red aura as he parried Unform away.

"Brutal Brawl increases my monsters ATK by 1000 as long as I pay 1000 LP myself!"

Cross Magician

ATK: 2500 → 3500

Yuga suddenly felt heavy and stumbled forward, only just catching himself before falling. His breathing became heavier and more strained.

Yuga: 4000 → 3000

"Wha-What the…? It's just like in the Mirror Dimension… Real pain…" He managed to say in between gasps for air. He shook his head to clear it. "Cross Magician! Counterattack Umbral Horror Unform! Grand Cross!"

Cross Magician's rod snapped back into its sword shape as he dashed back to Unform slashing it into an "X"-shape before landing, Unform exploding behind it.

Vector was flung far backwards from the shockwave, skidding along the ground for quite a distance.

Vector: 6500 → 3000

"Y-You realise that Unform's effect needs it to be destroyed... Right?" Vector staggered to get up. "When it's destroyed by battle, I can summon 2 more Umbral Horrors from my deck!" He held up the 2 he was planning to summon. "I summon another Umbral Horror Unform and Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp!"

Umbral Horror Unform, Level: 4

DARK, Fiend/Effect, ATK: 0 DEF: 0 (Attack Position)

Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp, Level: 1

DARK, Fiend/Effect, ATK: 0 DEF: 0 (Attack Position)

"I activate Will o' the Wisp's special ability! I change its level to match that of Unform!"

Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp, Level: 1 → 4

The corners of Vector's eyes contorted into what probably constituted as a demonic smile on his mouthless face as his monsters shot into the Overlay Network. "Prepare yourself, human! I overlay my Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp & Umbral Horror Unform to Xyz summon Number 103:-"

"To what Extra Monster Zone? One per player unless you have Link Monster." Yuga responded smugly.

Vector froze for a moment. "NOOOOOOOO!"He screamed, watching his monsters fall out of the sky & back onto the ground.

Yuga pointed at Vector and began to laugh. "You… You don't even know about that? Bwahahahahaha!" He immediately fell over from laughing so hard. "Ow."

Vector snarled. "Who on earth does this brat think he is?!" He thought. "He knows of the Arkons, uses cards I've never seen before, arrives unannounced into the middle of a war between gods and yet he can't even take any of it seriously?!" He looked over at Yuga, still on the ground laughing. "Are you here just to test my patience?!"

"I set a card face down & end my turn!" He growled. "I'll wipe that smile off that face of yours one way or another…"

Yuga picked himself up, still chuckling. "Aw come on, can't you deal with being the punchline?" He shrugged and then placed his right hand on his hip.

"Judging from how you've acted so far, I'm guessing you're the cruel sadistic type who 'wants to see the hope drain from my eyes as you tear me apart' or something like that." Yuga then tilted his head slightly. "And something tells me that you don't like it when you're the butt of the joke, do you?" He remarked snidely.

"Don't try & analyse me, boy!" Vector fired back angrily.

"Ooh, looks like I hit a nerve. Not fun being on the receiving end, now is it?" Yuga taunted, much to Vector's fury.

Joey was watching the duel unfold. "What's with dis kid? It's like he ain't got any fear!" He muttered.

Almost immediately, a claw lashed out at one of Joey's monsters.

"I'd keep yourself focused on our duel if I were you." Bakura commented.

"Yeah yeah, just you wait!" Joey shook off the dust from the attack & refocused himself.

Yuga smirked as he reached for his deck. "Time to show you how the pros do it. My turn, draw!"

His eyes widened as he gazed at the card he drew. "Not bad, not bad. First of all, I switch Krysta Garuda to Attack Mode!"

Krysta Garuda, Level: 3

(Defense Position) → (Attack Position)

"I also set Krysta Soul as a Drive Zone!" A Yellow light shot up into the sky, much like how Krysta Imp did when it was set.

Krysta Soul, Level: 1

DARK, Fiend/Driver/Effect, ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Drive: 8 (Drive Zone)

"Now I summon Krysta Ondine over my Drive Zone!" Yuga held out the card as a blue orb not too dissimilar to that of Garuda's appeared on his field & absorbed aquatic energy to take on a half-humanoid shape with a fish-like tail.

Krysta Ondine, Level: 3

WATER, Aqua/Effect, ATK: 900 DEF: 1600 (Attack Position)

"Now Krysta Soul's Driver Effect activates! It's Drive changes to double that of the level of the monster in its zone!"

Krysta Soul

Drive: 1 → 6

"Time for another one! I Overdrive my level 3 Krysta Ondine with my Drive 6 Krysta Soul!" Ondine returned to its orb-like state & absorbed the light of the pillar, before exploding into a sudden rush of water and knocking several people around to be knocked off their feet.

"What now?!" Yuri exclaimed as he looked over to Yuga & Vector's duel.

"Primordial serpent & lord of the deep! Lend your strength to this battle & drown the world in your domain!" The water rose into a large serpentine shape & a gold sphere appeared where the head would be, followed by a gold downwards-pointing triangle mark on its forehead shimmering through the ripples.

"Limit… Break!" Yuga clenched his fist as a singular red eye shot open at the front of the monster's face. "Appear, Limit 3! Krysta King Leviathan!" It opened what would constitute as a mouth & roared loudly.

Krysta King Leviathan, Limit: 3

WATER, Aqua/Overdrive/Effect, ATK: 2400 DEF: 1700 (Attack Position)

Vector scoffed. "So you have an oversized water snake, it's not going to get past my monster. Only a Number can destroy another Number!"

"I wouldn't be too sure." Yuga smirked. When Leviathan is Overdrive Summoned, it destroys all monsters on the field but it! Divine Deluge!"

Leviathan roared again & dark clouds gathered above the desert. A bolt of lightning arced across the sky & rain immediately began pouring down, flooding the field. Giant Hand, Will o' the Wisp, Unform & Garuda being drawn to the epicentre of a whirlpool with Leviathan's open maw waiting at the bottom.

"That means you just threw away your greatest monster! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This just keeps getting better!" Vector gleefully said.

"I wouldn't say that." Yuga calmly replied.

"W-What?" Vector looked on, confused.

"Cross Magician's effect activates! Once per turn when he'd normally be destroyed by a card effect, I can negate his destruction & destroy another card on the field instead!" Cross Magician created an energy barrier shaped like an X in front of him which swallowed up the water heading his way. A similar sigil appeared above one of Vector's face down cards as water rushed out of it & crushed the card under the weight of the water.

"Ergh… No!" Vector cried out.

Yuga calmly looked at the screen on his Duel Disk. "'Trick Buster', huh? Hope you weren't planning on using that or anything." He then laughed goofily after doing so.

"You imputent brat!" Vector yelled.

Yuga raised his hand up to the sky. "Krysta King Leviathan! Attack him directly! Splash Surge!" Leviathan raised itself into the air and above Vector, biting down on him upon descent and sweeping him a few feet away from where he stood before.

Vector: 3000 → 600

"Aaaaaugghh!" Vector screamed as he struggled to regain his footing. He staggered to his footing as a red energy coated his body "I'm… not done yet!" He roared across the field. "I activate the trap card Giant Sky Sword! When I have 1000 or less Life Points, I can banish all monsters you control!"

A massive sword bathed in a dark energy appeared hovering over Yuga's field. It spun in the air before immediately dropping blade-first into Yuga's monsters.

"Not gonna happen! I activate my own trap, Imperial Iron Wall! Cards can't be banished while this card is on the field!" Just before the sword hit Cross Magician & Leviathan, an ethereal wall materialised in front of them causing the sword to shatter.

"This… This can't be…" Vector murmured as he sank to the floor in despair.

Yuga placed his hand on his waist. "You know what? I think I'll let you fight back. I end my turn here."

"Wait, what?!" Yuya called out in disbelief. "Why did you do that?! Do you know what he'll do to you if he wins?!"

Yuga turned around. "Yeah, that's cool & all, but the duel has been boring so far. I want some element of a challenge here." He turned back to Vector. "Y'know, for all your boasts that the Barcodes or whatever you were called again are supposedly superior to the Arkons, you sure are weaker than them. A LOT weaker, in fact."

Vector responded by throwing a bolt of energy at Yuga, which hit him square in the chest.

"Agh!" Yuga cried out as he was knocked to the ground by the blast.

"SHUT. YOUR. MOUTH!" Vector yelled. "You are going to pay dearly for everything you've done here! My turn, draw!" He angrily drew his card.

"I activate Card of Adversity! If you control special summoned monsters & I have none, I can draw 2 cards!" He added the cards from his deck. "I also activate Recurring Nightmare! I can add 2 DARK monsters from my graveyard to my hand if they have 0 Defence Points! I choose Umbral Horror Ghoul & Umbral Horror Unform!" Ghoul & Unform briefly appeared on the field before materialising as cards in Vector's hand.

"I now summon Umbral Horror Ghoul!" Vector declared.

Umbral Horror Ghoul, Level: 4

DARK, Fiend/Effect, ATK: 1800 DEF: 0 (Attack Position)

"And just like before, I activate its ability to summon Unform!"

Umbral Horror Ghoul

ATK: 1800 → 0

Umbral Horror Unform, Level: 4

DARK, Fiend/Effect, ATK: 0 DEF: 0 (Attack Position)

"Now I overlay my two Level 4 Umbral Horrors to summon a greater servant of mine!" Unform & Ghoul shot into an Overlay Network above the field. "I Xyz Summon Number 66: Master Key Beetle!"

Number 66: Master Key Beetle, Rank: 4

DARK, Insect/Xyz/Effect, ATK: 2500 DEF: 800, OU: 2 (Attack Position)

"Now I activate the Field Spell Overlay World!" A black hole appeared in the sky, surrounded by seven different colours of lightning.

"Wait, is that…?" Yuga mumbled under his breath, staggering to his feet.

"I activate Overlay World's ability!" Vector declared. "Xyz Monsters can't be destroyed by card effects, and any player that doesn't control an Xyz Monster by their End Phase will take 500 points of damage!"

"Okay then, good to know this card is fair & balanced…" Yuga grumbled.

"Now Master Key Beetle's ability activates! By consuming an Overlay Unit, I can place a counter on Overlay World! And as long as I control Master Key Beetle, Overlay World can't be destroyed!" Vector began to chuckle. "This is my unbeatable combo! Master Key Beetle can't be destroyed by a non-number monster, Overlay World protects it from effect destruction & Overlay World is protected via Master Key Beetle's ability!" His laughing grew louder. "You sealed your fate the moment you came up against me, so give up now & I'll maybe let you off nicely. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Yuga was simply assessing the situation. "Nah, I'm good." He calmly responded.

"Well then, suit yourself!" Vector cried. "Number 66: Master Key Beetle! Attack Krysta King Leviathan! Key Blast!" The key at the end of Master Key Beetle's horn began glowing & spinning rapidly as the monster took on a front-facing position and fired it at Leviathan.

"Krysta Ondine's ability activates!" Yuga called out. "Once per turn when it's in the graveyard, all battle damage I take involving Krysta monsters is halved!" A cyan barrier shielded him as Leviathan broke apart from the blast.

Yuga: 3000 → 2950

"Well then, let's see if you can get past my impenetrable combo!" Vector taunted. "I end my turn here. You're up, human!"

Yuga started laughing. "'Impenetrable'? Really? Oh man, that is so one of the wrongest things I've ever heard." He continued to laugh at Vector's assertion.

"How so?" Vector asked, slightly concerned.

"It's simple, really." Yuga replied, no longer laughing. "It would have been impenetrable except for one little thing." He paused & smirked again.

"You summoned it in Attack Position."

All the hope drained from Vector's face as the words echoed out. "S-So what?! Cross Magician has only 300 more Attack Points than Master Key Beetle! It won't be able to take me out in time before Overlay World brings your Life Points down to 0!"

"I wouldn't be too sure, Vector." He held out a card in front of him. "I have a field spell of my own, courtesy of a friend of mine." He then placed the card down. "I activate the field spell Mirror World!"

The area around Yuga, Vector & Yuya began shifting before completely changing into a rotating kaleidoscopic sphere of mirrors.

"This is pretty trippy." Yuya remarked. But almost immediately, his pendant began reacting to the area around him.

"What on earth is even going on here?" Yuto questioned within Yuya.

"What's your plan here?!" Vector demanded.

The symbol that was once on Yuga's left hand shone through his glove again, glowing a bright red. "Mirror World's effect is simple: it allows my monsters to attack twice." A reflective panel drifted by Cross Magician, making a mirror-duplicate of him stand right by him. "Game over." Yuga calmly said.

"No! Not here! Not to this child!" Vector ranted.

Yuga held out his right hand & pointed it directly at Vector. "Let's end this! Cross Magician! Attack Master Key Beetle!"

Both Cross Magician & his reflection dashed straight at Vector's Number, slashing multiple times before rising up & slashing together in an "X"-shape.

"Double Grand Cross!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Vector flew back hard & crashed out of the sphere screaming.

Vector: 600 → 0

Yuga Wins!

Yuga turned away from Vector & posed. "I think we're done here."

"Yeah, nailed it!" Yuga thought excitedly.

Vector struggled to get up. "How… How did I lose to him?!" he cursed.

"That'd be because you suck." Yuga bluntly told him. "Your deck is outdated, you're easy to read once you get angry & you didn't understand basic game rules." He smirked at the Barian once again. "Maybe you should take up a different hobby, like stamp collecting."

Just then, a bolt of purple lightning struck down near Yuga, sending him flying further along.

"Gah… What the-?" He barely had time to collect himself.


"Zorc!" Yuya said under his breath.

"That's the guy these clowns are working for, right?" Yuga said, picking himself up. "Big bads never tend to do the dirty work themselves, it's like they have chronic laziness."

Another bolt of lightning arced straight at Yuga & Yuya as they braced themselves… Only to find a mysterious man had blocked their attack.

The man seemed mature, but young and full of life, and had gold eyes & long white hair with each strand of hair slowly becoming a colour of the rainbow the closer it got to the bottom. He was wearing light-blue robes with a simple white bodysuit underneath that showed off an athletic physique.

"YOU. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I SENSE IMMENSE POWER WITHIN YOU." Zorc was for once, evidently shaken.

"Thanks for the save, Agito. I owe you one!" Yuga said, obviously grateful.

Agito turned to Yuga. "Your being here has attracted both the gods to your presence." He calmly said. "We need to leave this place lest we interfere any further."

"What? But things were going so well!" Yuga grumbled. He then sighed & shook his head. "Fine, I'll head back. Ryoma's gonna kill me anyway…"

He turned back to Yuya. "Well Yuya, it was great seeing you. Maybe name your kid after me to remember me or something." He said arrogantly.

"But you're kind of a jerk." Yuya told him to his face, frowning.

Yuga did a double-take. "Even in other worlds people hate me? A whole multiverse of possibilities & none of them like me?! COME ON!" He ranted before fading away along with Agito.

Yuya looked on where they disappeared. "What was with that guy?"

He didn't have long to dwell on it before his arm was yanked back by a duel anchor.

"Did you think one human beating me would put me down?" Vector growled. "Come on, duel me!"

Yuya equipped his duel disk onto his arm as his pendant swung side-to-side. "Okay then Vector, you're on!"

"Duel!" They both shouted.

Back in the void, Yuga collapsed onto the ground exhausted. "That was awesome." He said.

"We assumed you would enjoy it." Agito replied. "You should be back in your own world soon. Your friends will have need of you very soon."

"Yeah yeah, I know." Yuga picked himself back up & stretched his arms out. He then took another look at the mural. "What's even going on here?" he thought before teleporting away.

Hawk: So yeah, that was Yuga's debut into Dissidia! Sano & I scripted the duel together, he gave me the background info & I made the dialogue from scratch. Not a fan on the swearing embargo & the insistence on using the dub names, but hey, them's the rules (that & I'm quite the pottymouth myself). If you have the time, be sure to check out Yuga's own adventures in the actual story at s/12835085/1/Yu-Gi-Oh-Xross (and don't worry, Chapter 3 will come out soon… Eventually… Maybe. So be patient). So yeah, it was an honour to write for a good friend of mine & I hope you check out both our works. Peace.

Sanokal: A pleasure, Hawk. For those who are wondering, the format is Hawk's; any content I create will still retain the usual method for depicting monster stats and changes. I'll be the first to admit that Vector's Extra Monster Zone goof was entirely on my part since I'm a muppet, and rest assured, he won't be doing that in the rewrite. Oh yes! It's been so long, I need to update everyone on the status of Dissidia.

The final duel has been scripted, and I've gotten over my writer's block regarding precisely how to end the story, so it's just a matter of writing it all down. As for the rewrite, owing to my taking so long to finish this iteration and Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS concluding earlier than expected, it will be including characters from VRAINS. Yusaku Fujiki, Ryoken Kogami, Theodore Hamilton, Ai, Lightning, and Bohman will all be joining the cast in the rewrite, in addition to Yuya Sakaki, Yuto, Declan Akaba, Zuzu Boyle, Yuri, Yugo, Leo Akaba, and Jean-Michel Roget from Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V, and I'm still deciding on the format. I can't promise when exactly the final chapter will be released, but it will be this year. I've been getting mixed up in composing Yugipedia's coverage of VRAINS and it's been eating into my time significantly.

In the meantime though, I hope you enjoyed this different take on The Lost Files. It was good fun coming up with the concepts and mashing it all together, and once again, massive props to Hawk for writing the chapter. I recommend Xross as well, despite its current short length. It's somewhat subversive in an intelligent manner.

See you again!
