(A/N: Finally another chapter and it's short as fUCK. Sorry about that, but after looking at it, this was the only way I could do it so here's chapter 9 but it's really freakin short. Enjoy!)

Chapter 9: God of Darkness and Destruction

The dark goo that had seeped into the cobblestones, and trickled pitifully away, had finally exited the gigantic city of Soleanna. As it gained some distance from the city, the ooze began to bubble and boil as if it were enraged.

"How…how was he strong enough…Silver…I hate you…SILVER!" it hissed in its distant and hoarse voice. "I…I need power…more…power...I need…body…mine…"

As if on cue, a dark pulse rushed past the ooze. It sent shocks of dark energy throughout the gooey substance, the energy bringing a bit of life to it.

"Power…!" The goo hissed in awe. "The darkness…it's so rich…where is it coming from…I need MORE."

Another dark pulse whisked past the ooze. The energy from it revitalized the ooze enough for it to form an unstable body like shape.

"Yes…this power…only a small amount and…I am feeling stronger. I need more. With it I…will have my own body…" it said as it looked down toward it's melting 'hands'. "I can sense that this power is…coming from the very core of this wretched planet…I need to find the source…and absorb all I can…"

The ooze melted and bled into the ground, immediately heading toward to core of the planet. As the ooze traveled, the dark pulse grew stronger and stronger…and strangely more familiar.

"That's strange…I know I've felt this energy before…yet I haven't felt it at all…I do not understand…"

With the closer it got the more familiar the dark energy felt.

"I do not understand. It feels as if the energy is in…two parts? Wait…is that…"

The ooze finally broke through the earth right to the open and exposed core of the planet. The ooze halted its movement and took in its surroundings.

"The core…the planet…what happened? And that energy-"

The ooze was interrupted when it felt a surge of energy pass by.

"I suppose I'll find out more about the planet later. This energy I'm feeling is far more important."

The ooze trickled down from the broken earth and onto a floating mass of rock in the molten core. The moment it touched the rocks' surface, the entire molten core lurched, as if finally sensing its presence.

"Whoever you are, come out and face me." The ooze demanded. "Your power has given me a more stable form, and through this I have been able to travel here. However, as I moved closer to the core, I was able to sense another part to your energy. Something to that of my brother in destruction, Iblis."

The molten lava began to bubble, stir, and shake as an enormous mass began to emerge from the depths of the core. The ooze observed in shock and slight horror as a giant creature comprised of darkness and fire arose.

"What…what happened while I was dormant…Iblis what happened to you…?" The ooze questioned, gazing at the giant's body. The creature did not respond, but only moved its head closer to observe the small ooze. The ooze took a defensive step backwards before composing itself and standing tall once more.

"I am Mephiles, and I demand to know who you are and why you are fused with Iblis."

The giant remained silent, and kept it's many eyes fixed on Mephiles. Mephiles in turn watched the monster with concern and confusion.

"Why do you not speak? Are you unable, or do you ignore my requests?" Mephiles asked, lowering his voice to a dangerous tone. The creature only cocked its head to one side as it began to move closer to Mephiles. In response Mephiles stepped away, moving toward the very edge of the rock he was standing upon. The giant then reached out one of its hands to Mephiles, its eyes remaining locked on him.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Mephiles exclaimed as the giant creature's hand wrapped around his body, keeping him from backing up any farther. Mephiles looked up to the monster's face and watched as the creature's eyes began to glow.

"Wh-what are you-" Mephiles was cut off as his body began to glow along with the creature's eyes. Searing pain was the last thing Mephiles felt before his body was sent to oblivion through a flash of light. In a few seconds the light died down, and the giant creature removed it's hand from the figure that now stood in Mephiles' place. The figure stood up straight and brought its eyes down to its now solid form. Its body resembled that of its former inhabitant, jagged crystals protruding from its skin and black flames surrounding its feet. However, it now retained features of the giant creature; serpentine, scaly, and emitting a strong aura of Dark Gaia energy.

A smile crossed the figure's muzzle, a deep laugh beginning to resonate from its throat. It took in a deep breath and let it out slowly in a long sigh.

"Now that I have obtained my own vessel, I can roam outside of this core without being weakened from the colder temperatures of surface. I am able to collect all the emeralds and take their power for myself! Then I will be able to bring my true form to the surface, and bring about eternal darkness." The figure laughed. "Dark Gaia will finally triumph and defeat the light."

Dark Gaia quickly brought his gaze upward to the broken pieces of the planet floating above him.

"I can sense a temple nearby…and an emerald along with Light Gaia. I must reach the temple before Light Gaia can." Dark Gaia said, as he lifted off from the rock and up toward the continents above.

(A/N: Sorry if that went too fast for anyone. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter out soon...? SO UNTIL NEXT TiME.)