Warning: I'm don't think there are any spoilers in this fic, but just in case you find one tell me so I can warn everyone where it is. Malik/original character If you don't like the pairing don't read it.

This is a random rambling of my bored mind. Malik Ishtar is my favorite character (tied with Yami Bakura), so naturally, I have to torment him and cause him pain…at least psychologically. If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh, anyone who tried to dub it would be sent to the shadow realm, Malik would rule the world, and it would be Ishtar Corp instead of Kaiba Corp. And maybe I'd let Yuugi show up in an episode or two…must pity the short people. (Like me!) *dramatic sigh* Oh, well...


"Hear that? We've got a new student! In the middle of the year, too! Sheesh, how weird…" The whispers circulated excitedly through Domino High until they reached the ears of one Malik Ishtar. He shrugged it off, unimpressed. He had been new here last year. He didn't bother to try and find out which face in the hall she was. She'd get introduced to everyone at some assembly or another-and at least in class. He was right. It was just as he was sitting down to history when the teacher announced the new classmate. He glanced up to see her rise, a tall, willowy girl with tan skin and long black hair twisted into a rope down her back, and slender golden obelisks dangling from her ears. The long sleeved jacket and the skirt of the uniform looked good on her. Something about her seemed vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. It was when the teacher announced her name, Asenath, that it hit him. Digging quickly and discreetly through his bag, he pulled out his black leather wallet and flipped it open. His eyes flicked from the picture staring at him to the girl two rows in front of him and back again. He swallowed, not believing his eyes. It couldn't be…Not her…

Yuugi poked him. "What's the matter? Are you feeling okay?"

Malik shoved his wallet back into his bag and nodded jerkily, turning his eyes to the teacher, hoping there wouldn't be any more questions. Fortunately, the lesson started and saved him.

Much to his dismay, though, Yami Bakura seemed to have noticed too, and brought up the subject at lunch. "So…whaddya think of that new girl?"

"Dunno." Malik tried to shrug off the subject. "Why should I have an opinion about her?"

His friend laughed. "Don't pretend! You practically jumped out of your skin when the teacher read her name. Did you know her from somewhere or something?"

Malik sulked over his soda. "I'm not telling."





"I'll…I'll…I'll do anything!!"


"Ye-I mean, no! Almost anything!"

"Get on your knees and beg."

Bakura did. "I beg you!"

"Why are you so desperate to know?"

"So I can blackmai-uh, because you're my friend and I don't want you to be unhappy!"

"Right. Um…kowtow and plead with me as you would the pharaoh."

Bakura considered this for a few moments and then touched his head to the ground once very quickly. "Please enlighten me, O invincible king of games who can be defeated by none…even weird people like the holder of the Sennen rod-ow!"

Malik had delivered a neat, sharp kick to kneeling Bakura's shoulder. "Not THAT much like the pharaoh!! Now sit down, people are starting to stare!"

R&R I love reading reviews. So please send any comments you have, anything at all.