Crossroads - Uncensored
Chapter 1: Present Circumstances

Put a candle in the window
'Cause I feel I've gotta move.
Though I'm goin', goin'
I'll be comin' home soon
Long as I can see the light.

Pack my bag and let's get moving
'Cause I'm bound to drift awhile.
Though I'm gone, gone
You don't have to worry
Long as I can see the light.

Guess I've got that old travelin' bone
'Cause this feeling won't leave alone.
But I won't, won't
Be losin' my way
Long as I can see the light.

Oh yeah

Put a candle in the window
'Cause I feel I've gotta move
Though I'm goin', goin'
I'll be comin' home soon
Long as I can see the light
Long as I can see the light
Long as I can see the light
Long as I can see the light
Long as I can see the light.

Lyrics by Creedance Clearwater Revival


"I wish you the best, Madame President."

His words felt funny leaving his mouth but he knew they were the right thing to say- the appropriate thing. He turned swiftly and headed down the long corridor, his strides shorter than normal. It would be his last walk down this hallway as The President of the United States and he tried his best to commit every detail to memory. Within minutes he reached the private car waiting for him near the East Wing. He could see the media frenzy lining the outer skirts of the perimeter some 500 feet away. As soon as he set foot inside the back of the Lincoln he picked up the phone and pressed a button.

Her voice immediately greeted him.

"I'm worried...are you alright?" Her voice was low and he was almost certain she had been crying. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the leather. Visions of her filled his head and a familiar tug immediately pressed against his pants. His lungs exhaled and he wasn't certain if he could actually answer the question.

"Don't worry. How are you feeling?" A long pause answered him and for a moment he thought the signal may have dropped.

"You didn't answer me..."

He half smiled at her reply.

"Leave the light on. I'll be there soon."


Olivia tossed her cell on the night stand next to her. She closed her eyes and tried to analyze his tone on the phone. It was his last day in office as president.

And he had to face the day alone.

She slowly sat up in bed, swallowing several times before placing her feet on the ground. The phenergan bottle screamed her name and she desperately fought the urge to take a pill. It stopped the nausea but made her so sleepy. Fitz would be there within a few hours and she wanted to be awake when he arrived.

A soft knock sounded and the door to her bedroom slowly opened. Abby's red hair looked frazzled and it made Olivia smile. She had been staying with her the last few days and she was so grateful not only for the company but for the friendship.

"Dinners in the fridge. I'm heading out now." She shot Olivia a small smile before closing the door behind her. The remote control caught her eye and she couldn't help herself. Without hesitation she turned the television on, despite what she promised Fitz.

CNN appeared on the flat screen and Olivia held her breath. A video of Fitz shaking hands with the now President Langston was playing in a small square at the top left of the screen, Fitz at the podium was in the center of the television. It was his last address he gave as President to the American people. Olivia read the words that flashed across the bottom of the screen in big bold letters:


Olivia's insides turned and the nausea she desperately tried to contain got the best of her. She leaped off the bed and ran to the bathroom emptying what little she had left in her stomach.

This feeling was still so new to her. She never truly felt what it was like to have no control over a situation. Until now.

But that's what being twelve weeks pregnant did to you.


Fitz made a series of phone calls as he waited for the plane to take off. He unbuttoned his collar and loosened his tie, before pouring himself another drink. He had a lot to sort through before the divorce became final. Their estate in California was to be sold immediately and he wanted to make certain Karen and Jerry received their fair portion. He was for the first time in his life homeless and just the idea of it made him want to drink more. His top priority would be purchasing a home.

He needed a place of his own...suitable for a family.

A familiar sound came on the speakers above and the seat belt signal lit up in front of him. Fitz put his cell back into his coat pocket when his fingers brushed the thin material. He took the picture out and examined it closely for what seemed like the hundredth time.

His eyes filled with tears as they narrowed around the small "dot" that had an arrow pointing towards it. Memories of Olivia telling him she was pregnant flashed before him. He would never forget the moment for as long as he lived.

He carefully placed the photo back into his pocket and took a sip of the bourbon sitting on the small tray. His throat welcomed the sting that traveled down his throat. His conscious couldn't help but wonder what life would be like after this. He had only been president for a year before resigning. The country was in turmoil and the long line of enemies he had made during his first year in office was growing longer every day.

Panic suddenly filled his chest as the thought of a child coming into the world set in. He would be shielding most of the child's life from the media, desperately trying to protect him or her from the harshness life had to offer. He took another long sip and looked out the window.

"Mr. President, we've just been given word, the Chicago Tarmac is secure, Sir. Would you like Ms. Pope to meet you there?"

"No. That's not necessary. But I appreciate the've been good to me, Tom. I won't forget that."

He watched Tom nod his head before returning to his seat and checked his watch. It was close to 8:00 and he hoped Olivia wouldn't wait up for him. His attention reverted back towards the window where he continued to be deep in thought for the duration of the flight.


"He hasn't arrived yet, Mom. But yes...I'll make sure he knows what names you've picked out." She rolled her eyes and half listened to the rest of what her mother was babbling. She decided to take half a phenergan to take the edge off and it was a great decision. She actually felt normal for once and was looking over some notes on a case OPA was working on.

"You're father wants to have dinner with, Fitz-"

"Wait, what did you say?" Her words caught her attention and brought her present into the conversation.

"I told him the divorce would be final soon and he wants to have a sit down with him. Livvie, this is a good thing! Don't you WANT them to get along?"

Olivia tried to process what her mother was saying. She had spent the last few months barely speaking to her father. The moment be found out Olivia was having an affair with a married man, let alone The President of the United States, he practically disowned her. If it wasn't for her mother she was positive her father would have never spoken to her the rest of her life.

She heard the jingle of keys in the other room and quickly got off the phone. She would have to deal with her parents another time. Seconds later the door opened and there he was, wearing the same dark suit she saw on television earlier that afternoon. His tie was undone and shirt untucked...he looked a bit disheveled but incredibly sexy. Her hormones were all over the place and out of nowhere she suddenly had the urge to give him a blow job. Before she allowed herself to entertain the idea any further she propped her legs underneath her, hoping to calm the desire building between her thighs. They locked eyes and she could sense the concern on his face.

"You're still up?"


He stared at the beautiful brown eyes across the room. Olivia was sitting in the middle of their bed surrounded by files of some kind. Her face looked tired and he hoped she was getting enough rest.

"I was waiting for you." She replied while closing a folder. He watched her attempt to stand and was at her side two steps later. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned into her, immediately touching her stomach. Her small hand covered his and squeezed his fingers lightly.

"You promised you wouldn't push yourself."

Her free hand lifted up to his cheek and he leaned into it without thinking. A hint of her perfume filled the space between them and he shifted slightly without realizing it. Everything about her sent his body into a frenzy.

Especially the way she smelled.

"Are you hungry? Abby made us dinner..."

"I ate on the plane. I hoped you've eaten." He kissed her softly on the lips, making an imaginary trail down to her stomach, laying her down in the process until she was flat on her stomach. He placed small circular kisses around her navel before finally laying his body next to hers.

"How's the nausea?"

"I took half a phenergan instead of a whole pill. It did the trick. And I'm anything BUT sleepy." He felt her hand reach down his arm and caress it gingerly...eventually pushing it between her thighs.

He kissed the crook of her neck at her response and inhaled her once more, kicking his shoes off in the process. He attempted to sit up in bed but Olivia grabbed hold and pushed her body closer towards him.

"It's been a long day...I'm exhausted."

Olivia released him at the words and watched him as he undress, the protective wall he often hid behind immediately falling into place. He had begun acting this way since her hospitalization six weeks ago, when they thought she may lose the baby. Luckily, the spotting stopped and Olivia had just been cleared to resume all normal activity.

Including intercourse.

But he still wasn't comfortable with the idea. Her hospitalization changed everything. He refused to live the charade of a life he was living. It took seeing Olivia hooked up to a fetus monitor to truly make him decide what his future would hold. Everyone around him had dedicated their lives to making him president and he owed them so much...including Olivia. But this child was now his first priority and he would do right by him or her.

Things had been going great until her resignation letter appeared on his desk. It came out of the blue and he couldn't understand why she left. He had her immediately followed and when Tom told him she had been hospitalized a week later, the truth came out. Olivia was pregnant and he was the father.

He began making plans for his resignation the next day.

"So are we going to pretend today didn't happen?" Her words were purposely harsh and he knew he was treading on thin ice.

"I've been prepping for today the past two weeks, Olivia. It went exactly as planned. Hell, even Mellie managed not to stir up any trouble." He knew he sounded overly sarcastic but he didn't care. He couldn't help but feel as if Olivia was being too careless with her body, especially considering the events that just unfolded.

"Fitz...please don't shut me out. You voluntarily handed the presidency of the United States over. I know you're suffering. I'M suffering for you. It didn't have to be this way..."

"WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO, OLIVIA! THE BABY NEARLY DIED! YOU LEFT ME WITHOUT WARNING. I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE PREGNANT UNTIL I REACHED THE HOSPITAL. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? I WANT YOU! I CHOSE YOU! WHY ISNT THAT ENOUGH?!" He suddenly stopped and sucked in a deep breath, inwardly cursing himself. Yelling wasn't going to do anything but upset Olivia and that was the LAST thing he wanted. Once he regained his composure he continued, focusing on making his voice calmer.

"I would do it again in an instant, Olivia. You and the baby...there's nothing more important than that. Nothing."

He could feel Olivia's eyes on him but he refused to look at her. Mainly out of fear. He had no business yelling at her like that. She was just trying to help but there was no use in beating a dead horse. His was no longer President and the last thing he wanted to do was dwell on it.

"You're never going to forgive me, are you? Are you going to always throw this in my face when we argue? I. Didn't. Know. What. Else. To. Do. I never in a million years expected to get pregnant! I would've waited for you-"

"Oh really, because THAT'S why you resigned?"

"Would you have preferred I STAYED in the White House and flaunted my unwed stomach around..."

"I would have PREFERRED I not read your resignation in a LETTER. I would have PREFERRED I learned about the baby because you WANTED to tell me and not because you were FORCED to tell me."

Fitz continued undressing, leaving only his boxers on. He could feel his blood pressure rise and panic rose for the second time in his chest. This tension wasn't good for anyone and he felt as if his presence was making things worse.

"I'm sorry." He finally blurted, eventually getting the courage to look at Olivia. She remained eerily calm and it honestly startled him.


Olivia watched the man she loved return. He sat on the edge of the bed again and touched her stomach for the second time that night. There was still so much to discuss. She never dreamed he would resign. In fact, she had completely planned on raising the baby with her parents until his term was over. She didn't want this for him because she was afraid he would forever resent her for it.

Now, she was afraid he would resent her for not being truthful from the beginning.

Either way, she felt like the loser and once the reality of that set in, it made her feel even worse. She could feel the phenergan wearing off and quickly reached over Fitz's arm for her medication. Fitz opened the bottle of water for her and she appreciated the gesture. She watched him look down and close his eyes, guilt washing over his face.

"I'm fine, Fitz. Please don't worry."

"I wouldn't survive if something happened to you, Livvie. Or the baby. I wouldn't survive it." She could tell he forced himself to make eye contact with her when he spoke the last few words.

Their impact was sudden and Olivia instantly felt herself straddling him, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. She could smell his Ralph Lauren cologne coming through his pours and she closed her eyes and inhaled. He smelled exactly the way she remembered.

"It's been weeks, Fitz. Please." She didn't bother hiding the need in her voice. Every part of her ached for him and now that she was pregnant her emotions felt magnified. His manhood quickly made an entrance and she wasted little time grinding hard into it, pulling her nightgown up so her panties felt the direct contact.

Olivia could feel his hesitation and had to think quickly. She refused to allow him to be this overprotective with her. She was pregnant not dying. It was their first day together in weeks and she wasn't nauseous for once. An idea suddenly popped into her head and she stood, completely taking Fitz off guard.

She walked to the bathroom and opened a drawer, picking up the shiny purple object. Once she returned, she found Fitz still seated where she left him...his erection trying to break free through the silk material. A large dark streak could be seen forming and the sight was such a turn on. His fluid was seeping through and seeing the affect she had on him made her insides burn.

"I need to orgasm, Fitz. And it's either gonna come from YOU or THIS." She held up the vibrator and watched Fitz's face transform before her. His eyes narrowed and a slightly amused look spread across his face. She could feel her heart beating through her chest, adrenaline taking over.

Fitz stood and immediately went to her, taking the wand from her hand. He tossed it on the bed behind him and lifted Olivia, who quickly spoke into his ear.

"Please..." She whispered.

"Are you sure it's safe?" She watched him search her eyes, a mixture of desire and concern spread across his face. His penis was rock hard and instantly rubbed against it hoping to feel some friction against her throbbing clit.

"I promise." She said aloud, kissing the side of his cheek.

Fitz laid her down on the bed and slowly undressed her. Her breasts instantly ached the moment her bra came off and she couldn't help but whimper in pain. The sound startled him and he immediately backed off, fear consuming his face.


Fitz blinked several times before finally registering what caused Olivia to wince in pain. He saw how full her breasts were and knew they were overly sensitive. Olivia's hand grabbed his and immediately lifted it to her breasts. He gently kissed around her nipples, massaging the skin as delicate as possible. Her nipples were wider than he remembered and much darker. His penis wanted her cunt so bad he could barely contain himself. A mixture of thoughts ran through his mind.

How far could be push her? Was this really safe? He had personally been informed by her doctor of her last check up and medically speaking she had been taken off "pelvic rest". But the image of her in the hospital kept creeping into his head and took over, keeping him from doing what he desperately wanted to do...doing was came naturally to him.

Without thinking, he picked up the vibrator and slowly ran it up the side of her leg, licking her caramel skin around her nipple. He felt her small hands make their way towards his boxers when she aggressively pushed them down, taking his shaft in her hands. The contact was sublime and he mentally tried to keep himself from ejaculating.

Olivia used his pre-cum to increase the speed of her pumps. Fitz knew he had to act quickly before he completely lost himself in her rhythm. He took her breasts into his mouth and sucked, simultaneously licking her nipple. Her back instantly arched upward and he used his knee to part her legs wider. He took the tip of the vibrator and pressed it against her center, finding her sweet spot. Her grip tightened around his penis and he knew she was purposely increasing her speed. His head felt lightheaded and he had trouble concentrating, the urge to release now at the forefront of his mind. Olivia's pants were steady and she continued to beg for him to be inside her.

"Get on top of me, sweet baby...I don't want to hurt you."

Her hand instantly released him and she climbed on top of his body. He watched as she positioned herself on top of his cock, slowly sliding her walls down, swallowing him like a glove. Her head lulled backwards, her face in pure ecstasy. He slid one hand around her backside and gently pushed her farther down. Her hips began to thrust into him and he quickly positioned the tip of the vibrator up against her clit.

Fitz watched as Olivia's hands flew to her breast. She massaged herself in such a sexual way he couldn't take his eyes off of her. It was then he decided to push the button on the tip of the wand.

Instantly a vibration radiated throughout both their bodies sending them each into a dimension of their own. Olivia was a vision. He watched her orgasm more than once while repeatedly calling out his name. Everything about her floored him. Making love to her was like nothing he ever experienced and he felt addicted to her in every way possible.

Fitz couldn't contain himself any longer. His thrusts gradually deepened with her slickness and the second he was fully inside her he knew he was close, eventually spilling himself inside.

Her body soon began to grow limp and that was Fitz's cue. He tossed the vibrator on the floor and gently rose, his body now resting on his forearms. His forehead leaned against hers, their breathing erratic and needy. Olivia's arousal was thick and prominent. It had a heavy aroma and he knew the pregnancy was the cause.

He desperately wanted to taste her.

"Are you ok?" He asked, unable to hide his concern for her well being.

"I love you, Fitz. So much..." He watched her eyes fill with tears and knew her pregnancy emotions were now spilling through. It was endearing seeing her soft and he took the opportunity for what it was.

"I'm going to marry you, Olivia. And we're going to raise this baby together...and I will be by your side every step of the way." He looked her in the eyes as he spoke and watched her unravel into pieces underneath him.

He gently pulled out of her and kissed his way down her body, stopping at her stomach.

"We love you...and can't wait to meet you little one. Your mother is so beautiful. And strong. And I'm so in love with her." He talked directly to the life growing inside her, kissing her stomach softly between each word spoken. This child had been created in love and despite their present circumstances he wanted he or she to know things would work out and be alright. He could hear Olivia's sniffles above and felt the stinging form in his own eyes.

Their world suddenly seemed brighter and their future less daunting.

He continued making his way down to her core and parted her legs for him. He pleasured the woman he loved for the rest of the night until her body grew weak and her eyes heavy. It was exactly how he dreamed of ending his day.

Fitz's body jolted at the vibration on the night stand. The top of his cell phone flashed a bright green light indicating he had a new message. He checked the time and knew the message must have been recent. He decided to check it, hoping it was from his lawyer.

The name on the screen instantly got his attention. He sat up slowly, making certain he didn't disturb Olivia. The bright light made his eyes squint and he reached for his reading glasses on the table. The email read:

I think it's time we sit down together. I have some news regarding the accident you need to be aware of. My place, Thursday at 7:00.

Sargent Rowan Pope
Chicago Police Department

Fitz rolled his eyes at his signature and turned his phone off. Why must he sign his name 'Sargent Rowan Pope'. He knew exactly what his fucking title was. Hell, he purposely wore his uniform every time he saw Fitz. A throbbing formed at his temples and he rubbed his forehead, worry now taking over. Part of Rowan's message left him feeling uneasy. What news did he have regarding the accident?

A lump developed in the pit of his stomach and he knew there was no way he could sleep now. Slowly, he climbed out of bed and threw on his boxers and headed for the living room.

Olivia's home was incredibly large for just one person, but perfect. She stayed there only when visiting her parents which wasn't often. He looked around and felt comfortable remembering the first time he came over...back when he was just a governor.

The memory of them spending a weekend there flooded his mind. They had agreed to have one 'last rendezvous' before he was sworn in, each promising to only work together at the White House and nothing more. Their arrangement had lasted only a few weeks until the night he was sworn in...his first order of business was christening his desk, of course.

He smiled and made his way over to the wet bar, preparing himself a night cap, hoping it would take some of his edge off. Olivia's smell was still all over him and he wouldn't have it any other way. In the corner of his eye he caught site of the albums stacked to the side of old record player. He walked over, drink in hand, and thumbed through the impressive collection of artists. He allowed his mind to drift until a particular title stopped him:

Long as I Can See the Light

He set his glass down and took the record from the sleeve, gently placing it onto the player.
The familiar lyrics filled the air and he closed his eyes, thinking of the last time he heard the song.


Olivia awoke and felt the empty bed besides her. She rubbed her eyes a few times before searching the clock on the nightstand for the time. It was a little after 1:00 in the morning and she wondered where Fitz was. Slowly she reached for her robe and got out of bed, stretching slightly in the process. That's when she heard the sounds coming from the other room.

Fitz was standing in front of her record player, his head bent down as if he was deep in thought. The muscles in his back stretched out and she admired the veins traveling down the back of his arms. Her body gravitated to him, as it usually did, and she gently touched his soft skin she had now craved to be one with.

He jerked at her reaction, obviously startled from the contact. He turned and instantly wrapped her up into his arms, both their bodies instinctively swaying to the beat echoing through the air. His hands roamed her freely, stopping at her stomach once again.

"As long as I, can see the light..." He sang into her ear, his words matching that of the singer crooning behind them. She loved when he sang to her. It made him sound young and carefree and incredibly sexy.

"Are you ready to support me now that I'm out of a job?" He lifted his face to hers and smiled a crooked smile...the smile that she'd come accustomed to only being given to her.

"Oh, we both know those Navy boys are itching to get you back. Besides, I have a thing for pilots...didn't you know that? I hear they have great moves in bed."

"You wait until this baby is born...I'm going to do nasty, nasty things to you..." He kissed the side of her neck as their bodies continued to move to the song playing all around them.

"You're my light, sweet baby." He spoke again into the side of her face.

Olivia wasn't certain what prevented him from sleeping and she didn't want to ask. All she wanted was to stay in the arms of a man she was desperately in love with. A man who gave up so much to be with her and their unborn baby. She didn't know what their future held or what it had in store for them.

And for once in her life the unknown didn't frighten her.

A/N: I wrote this a few days ago and had been on the fence on whether or not I wanted to post it. I will never see myself as a true fanfic author but after some encouragement, I decided to give it a try and see where it leads.
I've often wondered what it would be like if Fitz did indeed give it all up for Olivia...especially if she got pregnant early in his presidency. Would their love be able to survive such an impact? I also wanted to explore the possibility of Olivia coming from a solid background, with parents who loved her. The possibilities are truly endless with these two characters and it will be a challenge for me to write Fitz being something other than a president. If you are familiar with my other stories, you know how deeply invested I am to his presidency. But for some reason I needed a change and suddenly I was up in the middle of the night writing this story lol!
Thank you for indulging my thoughts and reading! If you follow me on twitter I will post some pics that accompany the story :) Xo