Chapter 7

Ryuu: There finally caught up.

Fuyuko: Yay chapter 7.

Ryuu: No thanks to you. -,-

Fuyuko: you're never gona forget that aren't you.

Ryuu: Yep, oh by the way.

Fuyuko: Hmm?

Ryuu: How did you untie yourself?

Fuyuko: Years of training with ropes =3

Ryuu: Err…

Mizuki: RyuuFuyuScarlet does not own Ghost Hunt if they did Naru and Mai would be shipped so hard and Mai and Lin….and john….and monk…I don't see much of Yasu x Mai so those can be shipped as well. Mai x Masako would make for some interesting shipping…hell Mai getting Gang B

Ryuu: And back to the story

Mizuki: I was not finished! =/

Chapter 7

Last Time

I was in pain so much pain it was unbearable I tried to scream but my mouth was sealed with tape I tried to move but I was tied with rope to the floor. Looking around I was in a small dark room it was a wooden room with a single dim light in the middle I looked to my right only to find 2 body's of girls I could make out stab wounds and could tell their throats were cut I started to panic I could feel my heart trying to beat out of my chest and my tears running darn my face as I tried everything to break free or to free my mouth. I tried screaming but it only came out as muffled noise suddenly I heard a door open and shut as heavy footsteps came closer to me.

"Seems like your awake that's too bad and here I was going to be kind and kill you in your sleep too bad so sad" came a mocking voice.

He then stood in my line of sight as he looked down on me a large sickly grin made its way to his face as he pulls out a kitchen knife from behind his back. I tried to scream and break free of me the man than gave me a disgusted look and slammed his foot down straight onto my stomach and then slammed it down again. I started coughing hard which was hard thanks to the tape trying to curl myself into a ball trying to ease the pain and protect myself. He then knelt down and ripped the tape from my mouth. My sobs echoed around the room followed by another round of coughing.

I didn't want to die.

The man then forced me to lay flat on my back then proceeded to sit my more stomach.

I didn't want to die.

He then used the knife to trace around my throat and then down my chest as if picking a good place to stab.

"Please I don't want to die, please let me go I won't speak to anyone about this ever please just let me go I won't to go home" I cried and begged but to no avail.

He raised the knife over his head taking aim.

I didn't want to die.

The knife fell in motion and during that time everything seemed to slow down my eyes widen as it gets closer to my chest. Suddenly I am greeted with a searing pain from my side and I couldn't help but scream as he raises the knife dripping with blood over his head and slammed it back into my body repeatedly. My screams died down to gurgles as I began to cough out blood.

I didn't want to die.

He then took the knife and moved it to my throat with the last thinking I saw is his evil grin with some of my blood on his face he added pressure to my throat and with a single movement he slashed. My last thought was I didn't want to die.

This Time

Mai's POV

I woke up and realise I was laying down shooting straight up from where I lay only to head but some one.

"Owie" I cried out as I held my forehead.

"What do you mean owie what about my head" a different voice cried out looking around I spotted monk clutching his head.

'Why is Monk here' I thought to myself as I tried to sort out my head then I remembered what happened.

"Err I need to go" I started standing up to leave.

"No you are staying" came a voice from behind me straight away I could it was Naru.

I Turned around to find him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed glaring daggers at me 'probably angry at me for trying to run away' I thought to myself.

"You can't just keep me here" I whined still feeling weak and frightened after my unexpected dream.

"Oh yes I can" Naru said as he walked across the room towards a bag near the monitors were Lin was typing, opening the bag he had fair amount taking all the rope out of the bag he turned to face me.

"If I'm gona have to tie you to that chair" he indicated to a lone wooden chair in the corner of the room. "I will"

"You wouldn't dare" I yelled giving him my best glare.

Naru simply raised an eyebrow as he stared at me signing he began to walk up to me rope in hand.

"Stay back" I shouted and started to walk backwards only to be greeted by a wall.

Naru lips curled up wards into a Smirk as he got closer he then turned his head to nod at Lin who got up and walked to the wooden chair. He then turned back to me his smirk ever growing.

"Oh we going to have a lot to talk about, your dream included" Naru said.

"H-help me Monk" I cried out hoping Monk will help me out my last hope.

"Sorry kiddo I also want some answers" Monk said while he was also walking up to me with rope in his hand 'well at least he is helping out just not helping me' I thought to me self and my last hope waved at me as it passed by.

Sachiyo's POV

I was walking back to the SPR base with Saki wondering when Mai will wake up, from past expieances I know that Mai did ocasunly had dreams of spirits on cases however I did remember Mai telling me that her spirit guardian helped filter her dreams and convert them to a trance instead but judging what happened so far something must be up.

"Sachiyo hey Sachiyo are you listening?" Saki asked with a worried look on her face.

"Huh? Oh sorry Saki I was out of it what did you say" I Gave her a grin and scratched the back of my head.

"I'm worried about Mai and how you're spacing out, I take it your worried about her as well" Saki asked looking at me in my eyes.

I let out a long sigh "Yea I am worried about Mai, I know that dreaming is her thing but the things she will see, as a friend it really does hurt me to see Mai suffer" I let out another long sigh.

"Well at least she is with her old friend's right" Saki pointed out trying to lighten the mood.

"Hue yea your right" I started to smirk "she really needed to get back with them I was beginning to think that she will be lonely for a long time, I mean sure she has us but Mai will always put up a wall with everyone else" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "righty lets go check on Mai!" I shouted while throwing my fist in the air.

After walking through the house to get a feel for it or what Mai says I should do we headed back to the SPR base only to be greeted but a strange sight. As I kicked open the door yelling if Mai was up my eyes landed on Mai tied to a chair looking at me with that Naru guy sitting on a different chair holding a black note book taking notes with monk next to him. My mouth slowly turned to a smirk as I walked closer.

"My, My Mai I had no idea you were into this kind of kinky stuff" I put on a shocked looked. "If you were into bondage you should have told us, you know Saki and I try that every Saturday night" I laughed out. Saki face was now bright red, Mai was shocked and her face was getting redder she tried to say something but was speechless the monk was also speechless and slightly shocked but there was no reaction to their boss Naru.

Mai's POV

"My, My Mai I had no idea you were into this kind of kinky stuff"

'I could not believe Sachiyo just said that' I thought to myself as I felt my face getting redder I tried to say something but my mind was suddenly filled with scenes of me tied in exotic ways with Sachiyo having her way with me and Saki rubbing some kind of lotion on my br, I quickly shook my head of those images.

"Don't just stand there help untie me!" I shouted

"No can do my dear little friend Mai, I'm afraid I have no intentions of untying you" Sachiyo purred.

"What why!" I shouted again getting a bit angry that she won't help me out

"Oh you know why~" Sachiyo sang "Both Saki and I planned that we will get you back together with your old friends all of them miss you ya know I mean look at your boss he is has mastered the emo hottie look if I was not bent as a curly wurly I would be soo on him"

'I could not believe her I mean sure I do miss them and was planning on visiting them soon but I wasn't even mentally ready for that yet' I mentally screamed.

Naru however looks impressed, then again Sachiyo was contuplenting his looks that narcissist.

Watching both Saki and Sachiyo getting them self seats Naru cleared his throat catching my attention.

"Mai, I want you to answer honestly I am not mad at you in anyway just please for us answer them" Naru pleaded.

I was taken aback Naru had no manners he would never say please or thanks you or anything like that while he was away in England he must of changed parting with gene must of changed him for the better he was now I would call at peace with himself.

I nodded.

"Mai, due to some information we believed you were attacked while trying to help a friend about 2 years ago is this correct?" Naru asked in his fully business tone.

"Y-yes" I stuttered knowing were this was going but the question was how he found out that I was attacked.

"Where you… Where you attacked by a demon?" Naru pause before asking again.

Images of the Demon attack filled my mind I flinched as I felt some of the pain I felt that day

I took in breath to try and calm myself but it was no use.

"y-yes" I felt my eyes stinging

I heard Monk take in a breath I looked up to him, he looked like he just wanted to run up to my and envelop me into one of his fatherly hugs to which I would very much welcome right about now.

"How did you escape?" the question I been dreading knowing Naru he would know if I was lying and no matter how hard I wanted to lie I just couldn't, my walls I built around me were crumbling. I felt my cheeks wet it did not take long for me to figured out they were tears. 'When was the last time I cried" I thought to myself as some of my memories surface.

Me alone in my dark apartment thinking to myself that I could not go back to my old friends what would they think of me converting my soul with a demon what will that make me, half demon? A freak? Someone who basically sold their soul to hell in order to live? Images of my friends calling me a demon, a monster all rush into my head I could not let them know I had to get away and figure all of this out but if I just stay here they will come looking for me I have to get away. I started packing my bags clothes some food, any cash on hand and a personal item a picture of my family my real family after heading to the exit I looked back one last time before I shut the door and fled.

"I...I made a deal…" I said keeping my head down. "With a… different demon that was there"

"You did what!" Lin shouted rising from his chair completely angry shocking almost everyone in the room. "I never thought you be stupid enough to even make a deal or better yet trust a demon!" Lin shouted again coursing me to flinch. Naru how ever looked at him indifferent

"What do you suppose we do then? I don't know about you but I find no use crying over spilt milk" Naru asked.

"I'll get started on a ritual to kill it or get rid of it at least" Lin said walking over to his desk.

"No! You can't" I screamed now panicking

Everyone attention was on me.

"Why can't we Mai" Naru said softening his eyes keeping them locked with mine.

"Be-Because we did something called a Soul convert" I started

Lin's eyes widened to this and walked back over to Naru keeping his eyes on me.

"Did you just say" Lin took a pause thinking if he heard me correctly "Soul Convert?"

I nodded

"What's a soul convert?" Monk suddenly asked looking even more worried and kept looking to me and back to Lin.

"A soul convert between a Demon and a human soul is like moulding the two together they both will house the same body and will let the demon use their body whenever they won't since the human soul is now mixed with the demon soul when that human die's there soul will ether gets consumed but the demon soul or gets sent down to the underworld or hell in some people's views" Lin explained

"Do you hear that Mai if we don't do this that's what will wait for you do you want that" Naru harshly asked.

I did not say anything I couldn't I just let me sobs eco in the room as my tears hit the floor the fear of rejection coming to a reality.

"Why can't we get rid of the demon then" Naru lowered his voice losing its harshness like he was speaking to a child.

"If you separate us I will…will" I couldn't say it

"You will what?" Lin asked

"I'll die!" I shouted as my floodgates open I couldn't stop myself. "I died when I was attacked by that demon it killed me and I was afraid soo very afraid every moment of the attack. Mizuki offered me a chance to life again I did not want to die not yet not there any were but there" I couldn't speak anymore the memory's were too strong.

Naru closed his notebook and made his way to me he leaned in close and stared at me, he then untied the robe.

"I'm sorry if I was there you wouldn't have had to experience any of that" Naru whispered before he walked away. As soon as he walked away I was enveloped in a warm fatherly hug which could only belong to Monk and I welcomed it.

"Are you satisfied with the answers she gave you?" Lin asked.

"yes although there are still some holes I however can fill in the blanks, after the events of the attack Mai did not want to risk rejection from her friends or from her SPR family so she did the only thing she could think of at the time that was to move away if they don't know about the demon she made a deal with then they can't reject her can they if she stayed then they would still get worried for her and come up to check up on her. If any of you still wondered how Masiko Dreamt of the attack it was really simple I figured out that after my departure for England Mai and Masiko became close to something like sisters so when Mai life was currently in danger from the attack her animal instincts attempted to send help thus Mai probably without knowing or meaning to sent Masiko the dream of the attack from start to…finish…does that satisfy all of you?" Naru looked over the door just in time as the rest of SPR fell In with Yasu at the bottom followed by Masiko on top and john being dragged to the floor with them. As soon as they fell in I felt a different hug, a warm motherly hug from Ayako my tears just won't stop as I welcome both hugs as my mind began to fade and my eyes shut.

I woke up in darkness with white orbs for light looking around I found Mizuki looking worried for some reason.

"Mizuki?" I asked "are you ok?"

"Yes Mai I am fine sorry I could not stop that death dream"

"Its fine I'm use to them dreams anyway" I tried to cheer her up "so is this spirit powerful then?"

"No, the only reason it slipped through was because I was stopping a different spirit from getting to you" Mizuki explained as she looked back as if keeping an eye on something.

"Oh well what did that spirit want?" I asked

"Only to speak to you he said he was a friend he was very persistent no matter how many times I drive him off he keeps coming back" Mizuki explained.

"Hmm is he still here?" I asked

"Yes I am making sure he does not get in right now and I did tell him to wait" Mizuki explained "if you're planning on meeting this spirit I will come with you"

I nodded and headed past Mizuki after a while I felt that we have left the safe zone I started to look around for this spirit.

"Hello Mai" Came a voice

What was waiting for me when I turned around to face were the voice came from was a teenager dressed in black with blue eyes with black hair and a soft smile.

"Gene" I spoke aloud as his smile got bigger.

End of chapter 7

Ryuu: And that's a wrap.

Mizuki: it took a bit of time wona explain what happened?

Ryuu: Problems on my side computer broke and life issues got in the way all almost sorted now.

Mai: Yay your back but were Fuyuko?

Ryuu: Oh she went on a trip she we did not do our end of chapter chat but gave the go ahead to finish up on the details and post the chapter.

Mizuki: I see.

Ryuu: Hue this chapter was annoying I hate recopying from notes I really losses my motivates me anyway what to do after a something like chapter 6 I decided to go with the funny approach for it bit of tension then laugh it up got the idea of the chair from our chapter beginning chat.

Mizuki: Not to worry I think you did good now back to what I was saying =3. I would soo love to see Mai getting Ganged Ba...

Ryuu: And we are out of time come join us again on the next chapter chat line and remember RyuuFuyuScarlet does not own Ghost Hunt

Mizuki: Damn you!


Wow we really made Mai into a bit of a cry baby we are sorry for that.

Yes Naru now treats others with a bit more respect (it's a miracle)

Yes to me they do seem a bit OOC but that's just me …they most likely are

I did not have our original plan I can't help but think it was better oh well

I had the choice of adding the moment with gene or saving it for the next chapter i chose to save it more chapters that way huehuehue

If my layout is a bit diffrent from my other chapters i am sorry i'm trying new things

I am Bent as a curly wurly I thought it was good, it sounded good but my mind went blank maybe someone can Pm something better?

Many readers pm or comment saying oh please make Mai all over Naru or Naru all over Mai or please don't make this all about MaixNaru or such let me spell something out for you all …my story, ending already planned, not changing, read to find out, don't like don't read do like it read on

Other stories coming soon