Loki drew in a shocked breath at the sight of Harry Potter.

"You could be my son."

The seeming teen cocked his head and shrugged. "Perhaps. I know my father, godfather, and pseudo uncle were avid worshippers of you. When I learned that tidbit of information, I was certain that it was you who stepped in and saved me when I was young."

The god looked like he'd been slapped across the face with a live piranha.

"But now I realize that it must have been Mum. Something Mum did. Because now I know that Loki is selfish and petty and cruel. He would never save a follower's son out of the goodness of his heart. Because he perceives himself a monster, and all it takes to be a monster is the belief that you are one."

Loki stared at Harry Potter, shocked beyond words.

Harry Potter, seeing that his father's former favorite of the Norse gods was silenced (so much for the Silvertongue), sneered a sneer that Snape would be jealous of, turned on his heel, and disappeared without a sound.

The Avengers and half of SHIELD, watching from the bridge, were almost as shocked as Loki.

Percy: Just something that popped into my head. As I was taking a test. It was horrible. If any of you want to expound upon this, please, feel free. Just let me know so I can come read it!

P.S. I don't own Harry Potter or Marvel.