A/N: I just saw Familiar of Zero the first episode and realized...it's perfect for use for a quick story for my au version of Oz the B-rabbit from the story "Paraselene Hearts." So prepare to see a full-powered B-rabbit, with snarkiness and craziness included.

What happens when she summons the B-rabbit? Chaos. It's sorta crack, for now, as I've only seen one episode of FoZ so Louise might not be portrayed right.

Edited as I'm putting the second part into the second chapter as it fits better.

Retrace I: Contractor, meet the B-rabbit

"Louise de la Valliere, it's your turn! Please summon your familiar!" The teacher called.

Gathering herself together, Louise composed herself and raised her wand. "Servant, I summon you to come to your master!"

There was a flash of light...and then...the students gasped, for standing in the middle of the field was a mere teenage boy, or so he looked like one. He had messy, jet-black hair and crimson eyes like blood. He wore a red-and-white coat with a white bow tie in the middle and white shoes.

Louise's eyes bugged out. This kid was her familiar?

Behind her, the crowd snickered and laughed.

"Louise the Zero did it again! Summoned a peasant!"

Then she noticed the chains snaking around the teenage boy as he looked up and down, before gazing at her lazily, as he rested his hand on his chin.

"Yo, did you summon me, girly? You're kinda cute, now that I get a better look at you."

Louise blinked. She didn't understand a word the kid was saying.

"There must be some mistake! I can't have a human as my familiar!" She cried.

Nonetheless, she had to form the contract, anyway.

"Familiar, come to me!" She ordered.

The boy blinked, before walking over to her casually and..and...kissing her straight on the lips.

"Sorry, I believe I make the contracts around here. Now, you contract with me, girly." He said.

Her face heating up, she raised her wand and delivered the spell.

The boy fell to the ground, clutching his hand as the branding spell appeared on his arm.

"You, come with me." She ordered the boy, but to her surprise, the teen was already up on his feet, following her obediently.

She smiled satisfactorily, maybe now she wouldn't be a loser anymore.