Disclaimer: I don't own Austin&Ally, all rights go to the Creators.

this is it, guys, this is the final chapter for this story... :'( i know, i'm kinda sad but at the same time, i'm kinda glad that i've already finished this.

anyway, i'd save all the sappiness for the end note because i don't want to keep y'all waiting. so yeah. Ratings are still the same: Strong T for the usual cuss and stuff. also, i've never done a chapter in Ally's perspective, it was always been Austin's, so for this last one, i'll show a bit more of Ally's side so the ending would make sense but there will still be parts in Austin's perspective.


~ I will love you unconditionally ~

/ 'Unconditionally' - Katy Perry /

part VII: The High was worth the Pain

Her knees shake and legs wobble as she makes her way to his locker; hands are clammy and arms heavy despite the feather-light weight of the leather jacket upon her arms. She could even feel the small piece of paper burn a hole through her ripped high waisted jean shorts as she walks. It even feels like there's a rock in her pocket, really. That heavy feeling mirroring in her chest; her chest that is pounding- thundering and threatening to break free from her rib cage as if it can stop her from doing what she is about to do.

She knows he isn't at school right now, she saw him sneak out right after lunch period.

Why was she doing this again?

'Why are you doing this?' she contemplates. 'You know this isn't right...'

But she shakes her head, it's not the time to make any second guesses. She's not gonna talk herself out of this because she's gonna do this- she's not gonna chicken out about it.

'It has to be done.' she tells herself.

'Really, it does?'

"Yes, it does." she says as she reaches his locker.

'I care... If there's anyone you can talk to about personal stuff like this, it's me: your boyfriend. I'm always gonna be here for you, always here to listen.' his words echo in her head as she fumbles on the lock of his locker.

When she successfully picks at the lock and the door opens, her heart almost stops.

Already there plastered on his locker door are Polaroids of her and Austin; of that time they ditched class just two weeks after they started dating because Phil's Fun Town had a mid-week discount on all of their rides; of her wearing his Letterman jacket during their semi-finals game a month ago; of her giving him a hug from the back because they lost that game(it's a good thing they are twice to beat- "You were distracting me," she vaguely remembers him turning around to face her and then says "You look so cute and small wearing my jacket." then he kisses the tip of her nose- that has a picture as well); of him singing Fall Out Boy's "I'm like a lawyer...(Me&You)" [1] to her at their performing arts class the day he convinced her to take the same electives class.

There is even a note taped there as well, she recognizes it as the little message she sent him one time at Advance English, about how him quoting a Nicholas Sparks' book was really attractive - that was also the reason they missed History that day.

Those are just among the dozen others pasted on his locker. She didn't even know they had that many pictures together with just two to three months of dating. She briefly wonders who took the pictures... but it's the least of her concerns.

She scans his locker, it isn't that neat, well actually there isn't really much inside it. Just a few notebooks, his English textbook, a few crumpled papers. She searches for a clean spot in his locker, unfortunately, it is on the top shelf.

If only Austin is there to help- 'No.' she stops herself from going there.

"You have to get this done, Ally." then she finally places his leather jacket on the top shelf, not without a slight grunt, though.

Then she brings out the note from her back pocket, it's a little wrinkled at the edges. Oh, how many times had she crumpled that paper, how many times she had erased the message. She couldn't even count.

'You don't have to do this,' there's a voice inside her head that rationalizes. 'You don't want to do this.'

'But I need to do this.' she replies in her head. 'He's getting too close to the truth. I don't want to hurt him- he's too good to be messed up by me.'

'But you're hurting him by doing this. Not only that but you're hurting yourself, too. You know you don't want this.'

'It's better this way.'

Yeah, maybe it is better this way. Maybe it's better for her to just make the excuse of how he looks way too much like Patrick that she couldn't take seeing him everyday than saying that he is actually nothing like Patrick. Maybe it's better that she just blame it on the fact that last week, she overheard her exes talking about Austin wanting to know about her life in L.A., even though he fully knows that she doesn't like talking about, that their relationship is having a trust issue that's why she's breaking up with him.

Yeah, that sounds so much better than actually admitting that she is afraid of how he makes her feel, of how she knows that he's got her on the palm of his hands and that anytime he could just drop her and she'd be broken all over again. It's better to hurt him now because he's getting too close to cracking her than admitting to herself that she's fallen in love with the Blonde because truth be told she doesn't really know what love is. At first she thought she does but obviously her parents' divorce had clearly proven her wrong and then Patrick did, too- she barely loves herself or her family, what more of the guy that she only knew for a few months.

With a last grieving sigh, Ally tosses the paper on top of the jacket that's sitting on his top shelf. And then she slams the door shut, along with it, she locks her heart inside an old Pandora's box, keeping away anyone- Austin- who wants to steal it. Little did she know that it had never there in the first place, it has always been with him. That old Pandora's box had not been her heart's home for three months now- it is in the palm of his hands, keeping it safe and warm and close to him.

But let's not get on to that.

The bell for last period echoes around the empty hallway- empty like her hollowed chest because somehow, even though she has securely locked her heart away, she doesn't feel like it's there; she feels cold inside and sad and lonely.

She shakes her head one last time, there's no point going to Calculus if he's not there or if they aren't together anymore. So, she runs out of the school building before anyone could notice.

What. The. Hell? What. The. Shit? What. The. Fuck?

His head is pounding and there is a ringing in his ears that's drowning anything else around him. He couldn't think straight.

'It's over, I'm sorry. It's over. I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry. It's over. I'm breaking up with you. It's over, I'm sorry.'

This words just keep on repeating in his head. Like a broken record. He fucking hates it- he hates how it sounds like it's a catchy tune replaying in his head, how she can just casually do this to him like it's no big deal, how easy it is for her to just leave that note in his locker like it wouldn't hurt either of them.

She's running away again. From everything. From him, from herself. From her life in L.A.- and he hates it. He despises it with every fiber of his body. He just couldn't get why she would do this, he's been good to her albeit having a little falling out a month ago but they are passed that- he said sorry about it, she said she forgives him- what else could be her reason for doing this?

He doesn't know how long he's been standing there but he is brought out of his thought when he hears Dez say something.

"Hey, man I think you dropped this," the Redhead says, reaching down to pick up the stupid, fucking note on the floor.

When he doesn't take it, Dez evens out the wrinkled edges and reads it. "Oh, hey it's from Ally. 'I'm breaking up with you. It's over, I'm-'"

Austin snatches the paper from him and stuffs it in his back pocket. Then he pushes past Dez, slightly shoving him. He'd say sorry to him some other time. But right now, he's got way worse problems to deal with.

"Hey, Austin wait, I didn't get to finish reading Ally's letter!" his best friend calls to him. "What did it say?"

He rolls his eyes at that. Sometimes Dez could just be the most oblivious person there is in the whole world. He runs through the hallway, ignoring everything and everyone around him. His head started to pound again and that eerie pitched sound in his ears is back. He could just feel the little piece of paper in his pocket, not minding anyone's business, like it isn't responsible for his heart breaking right at the moment.

Stupid fucking paper.

When he's out of the school, Austin quickly searches for Ally, looking from left to right for any sight of the Brunette- he has to talk to her because he is not about to just let go of this matter that easily, there is no way they are breaking up. Especially not this way. He's not going down without a fight; if she doesn't have a good enough explanation for breaking up with him then he will not let her break up with him, he's going to talk her out of breaking up with him.

He decides to call her, but there's no answer. Not that he was expecting her to answer anyway, but it's worth the shot, right?

"Where are you Ally?" he murmurs to himself as he gets to his car and hastily drives out of the school parking lot. He calls Ally's phone one more time. Still no answer.

'Where could she be?'

'Why don't you ask someone else aside from yourself. You sound like an idiot talking to yourself.' the voice in his head chimes.

Austin grunts 'Not in the mood for one of your cheap shots, you little shit.'

'I'm being serious, dumb-ass. Don't be an idiot, you know she won't answer you calls- she broke up with you through a fucking piece of paper, damn it! So call someone you think might know where she is.'

For once the voice in his head gives him great advice and this time he's gonna follow it. (Actually, he's just too stubborn to admit it but that voice in his head has been doing good guiding him this past few months).

He pulls over at the side of the road, bringing out his phone and quickly scrolling through hi contact lists to see who's number he's got that might know where Ally is. Who'd have thought he knows this many people, his contact list seems endless as he scrolls.

A few names come to his mind as he scrolls. Who could he call? Dallas? Nah, there's no way she'd tell him where she is. What about Kira? Well, they're friends but they're not that close. Brooke? Yeah right, like he'd call her nor would Ally. Okay, then Trish, maybe? She's her best friend, right? Only problem is that he doesn't have the Latina's number...

How ironic, he has almost all the numbers of the girls at school(some he barely even knows- just that he sees them wave at him when he passes then in the halls), but he doesn't even have his girlfriend's best friend's number. He better delete those other numbers then... but maybe not today, he's got other problems to take care of- and he's running out of time and options. Just then as if there's a light bulb animatedly spurting from his head, he suddenly knows who to call.

And so he does.

"Come on, pick up. Pick it up, Chelsea." he grumbles as he drives back to the road again, her phone only- still- ringing. "Jesus, pick up the fucking-"

"What is it now, Moon?" Chelsea's voice scowls at him, cutting him off. "This better be important."

"It is." Austin says "It's Ally."

"Ally again? I thought we're already done with that. Just leave-"

"No, it's not that. She's gone." he tells her, almost close to her house again.

"What? What do you mean 'gone'? What did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything!" he counters, parking his car in front of the Dawsons' house again. "Just come outside; I'm here again."

He gets out of the car as he sees the door of Ally's house fly open. The Raven haired girl already making her way to him- and she didn't look very pleased. "What did you do? What do you mean 'she's gone'? Jesus, I only told you to get her home. Damn it, Austin, you had one job!" she growls at him, almost charging at him immediately.

"I didn't do anything, okay!" Austin insists "She was the one who broke up with me!"

That puts a stop to Chelsea's charging and the dagger looks she's shooting at him- he's pretty sure if he hadn't mentioned that, she'd have strangled him. She blinks a few times and shakes her head. "What?"

"I said-"

"No, I heard it. I just- what?! She broke up with you?!"

The Blonde sullenly nods. She could see the hurt in his eyes. This doesn't make any sense...

"I don't know what happened..." he murmurs, more to himself than to her really. "She just- we were okay this morning, why would she just do that? I want to help her but she keeps pushing me away..."

"I, uh... I'm sorry Austin," Chelsea sends him a rueful look "I'm not sure why she broke up with- are you sure she broke up with you? Maybe she just, she was just-"

He cuts her short when he shoves the piece of paper down her hand. And he sees her eyes widen as she reads it with horror. "That enough proof for you." he grunts.

Handing the paper back to him, Chelsea shakes her head. He could see her confusion about the note. "She gave this to you?"

"Even better, she left it on my locker." he answers with another sigh.

Chelsea cringes "Little harsh..."

"You tell me..."

"Just that? She just left that in your locker? No other words spoken?"

"I didn't even get to see her. After I got back to school from here, she wasn't at school anymore and I just saw my jacket and that stupid letter left on my locker. No explanations or anything, just that."

"Did you try calling her or sending a text?"

He gives her a deadpan look. As if saying 'Are you serious? What do you think?'.

Chelsea shakes her head at that. "Right yeah, sorry dumb question." she says "Of course she wouldn't answer you. Most people who do that do not want to have a confrontation."

"Not helping, Chelsea!" he exclaim because, shit, he's running out of time! He doesn't need any other unnecessary hold-ups, what he needs is to see Ally again- he needs to work thing out between them. There's no way he's giving up on her- he'd rather lose an arm or a limb than let that happen, not in a million years would he ever let her go.

"Right yeah, sorry... anyway, she's not here; I don't- I have no idea where she might be. She could be anywhere, right now... but if she's running away from someone, I'm sure she's in some place where she knows no one can find her. I'm sure it has to be some kind of safe place, where only she could go..."

"Safe place..." he repeats, thinking of a place where might be right now. Then it hits him. "The cave!"

"The what?"

"Her safe place. I have to go. I think I might know where she is, I'll just text you if I find her." then he darts back to his car, not minding to give further explanation to the older girl, who look utterly befuddled at him. "Don't worry, I'll fix this. I'm not giving up on Ally that easily- she's not going to get rid of me just like that." he assures her with a dismissing wave.

That puts a faint smile on her face. "Go get her, Austin. Don't give up on my sister just yet."

He smiles as he gets inside his car. "Never. I'll bring her back, promise."

How did she even get here? Actually, scratch that, why is she here?

Of all the places she could've went why this place? Why this place that she calls a 'dump' and really hates? Well, if she's being honest, she doesn't really know why, but a part of her, somewhere at the back of her mind, she has think inkling that she's here because she knows Austin can find her at the cave if she goes there.

So, here she is now, slipping past the back door of Sonic Boom- it's a good thing, she knows her dad is at their house right now and only an employee is there to watch the store, so she easily sneaks her way up to the practice room. She sees the tape infested front door of the room, all sorts of warning plastered everywhere(from the 'do not cross' sign to the 'warning: hot beverage' sign and even, a 'danger: high voltage' sign; she thinks even saw a 'beware of dog' one).

Austin sure wasn't kidding when he said the door was flooded with unnecessary sign. She's thinking of Austin again...

Ally shakes her head. 'Stop thinking of Austin- you two are over, remember?' she reprimands herself 'You broke up with him; pretty sure he's already seen the paper, so you can't take it back now- plus after the way you broke up with him, there's a big chance he'll never take you back.'

With that, she takes a deep breath and enters her old music room, her practice room to be precise. A wave of nostalgia hits her as soon as she catches sight of the old room- it seems like nothing has changed, like nothing had been touched ever since she left. Everything just looks the same, the couch is still at one corner of the room(although, it looks a little dusty), her old piano sat at the far end, next to the fridge and that old retro game consul her dad bought from a garage sale(it doesn't work).

She lets out an air of breath, there's something comforting about seeing the old room again. 'Austin would love this place.' God damn it! Why can't she just keep her mind off of Austin! Not everything should be connected to Austin. But it's true, though. The practice is a place she knows Austin would love, his passion for music is priceless, his love for it matches nothing else. She wants to be loved just like that, maybe even more than that(preferably by him as well).

But then something catches her eyes, something she knows that isn't supposed to be there.

She finds her old diary neatly placed on top of the piano, there are signs that it had recently been touched. Its leather bound cover and pages are raggedy, starch-like and fragile that she thinks if she puts enough pressure to it, it might crumble to ash. The letter 'A' at one side of the book barely stuck to it, its color not even Yellow anymore(well, actually, it is still Yellow but the color faded so much that you couldn't see that the original color is bright Yellow).

Should she read it again? See what's inside or what's left inside, anyway...

Her hand trembles as she reaches for it. She hadn't seen nor touched the book since the day that she left Miami, that was two years ago. What if she found nothing inside? Like the words had faded as well, like the color of her initial at the front? What if someone had read the book and ripped away the pages or scribbled out words? She doesn't even know how to react. All she knows is that when- if- she does read her book again, memories will come flooding back to her again. And she's not sure if she is ready for that just yet.

Either way, Ally picks up the book, feeling the strangely comforting feel of the cold leather cover of the book; it's so familiar yet at the same time new to her. She sits down on the rickety old piano bench, it creaks a little.

She takes the time to feel the book, so much so that she doesn't even realize that hey eyes are already closed. Even from just touching the book, Ally could feel the aura coming from it, all her feelings from before coming back to her piling up with the ones she's feeling at the moment.

Her heart beats faster, she could just feel the sadness creeping inside her. Still she opens the book at a random page. Ironically, the page she opens is the day when she first found out about her parents' divorce. She starts to read through it again but something isn't right... there's something else scribbled at the sides of the paper- and it isn't her hand writing.

'I'm sorry, honey, we tried, really we did- we tried to save our marriage but we didn't want you to see us everyday fight for our lives, at each other's throats for the rest of your life- we'd rather have you see us go our separate ways than for you to see us crumble down to our worst state.'

She reads through the sentence again and notices that it is her dad's hand writing- she could tell because they wrote the same letter 'A's.

Having read the note, Ally turns the page over to the next page and still there are scribbled at the sides, like it is a response to her diary entries.

'I know this sounds really selfish of us but it's better this way. We don't want you to suffer because of our failed marriage. I'm sorry, Ally- we both are. We love you, we always will, never forget that. Your mom and I might be separated but we will always be your parents and we will always love you.'

Her throat feels dry and there's anger filling up inside her. She knows it's anger because her jaw is locked and one of her eyebrows are twitching. What she doesn't know is, why she's angry. It might be because someone had read/touched and written on her book or it might be because of her father's stupid excuse about their failed marriage.

"You didn't try, not hard enough." she mutters as memories of her hearing her mom and dad's shouting in the middle of the night, fighting over something petty; of her mom disappearing every once in a while and then coming back even more distant to them than ever- the worst is that both of her parents knew that every time her mom disappeared, she was being unfaithful to her dad, but neither of them did or said anything.

She remembers that one time Penny came home in the middle of the night(drunk), after being gone for two weeks and Lester was drowning himself in some alcohol. They started going at each other, shouting and screaming so loud that it woke her up- at that time she was no more than eleven, turning twelve, so she didn't fully grasp why they were fighting but it scared her, she had never seen both her parents so mad and sad at the same time. She couldn't do anything; she just stood atop their stairs as she heard her parents' slur comments about each other.

She had wanted to check up on her father that night because she knew he'd been losing too much sleep waiting her mom to come home.

Then she heard them.

"So, what no man wanted you that's why you're back?"

"I wouldn't have been gone for days if I wasn't with someone."

"Oh, so you need money then? Well, tough luck cause I ain't giving you nothing, I worked my ass off for my money, go make you own money." her dad's voice brags.

"Please, I don't need you money," Penny snorted. You could practically hear the intoxication in her voice even without seeing her. "I can get my own; I don't care if you work your ass off or not."

"Oh, so now you're a gold-digger as well? Who's the idiot who decided to pay you for your slut work? And you said you're nothing like your sister..." [2]

"Hey! Don't you bring up my sister into this! And don't give me that shit because I'm not the only one here- I know you're going at it with Dr. Mason's wife [3] - newsflash, they're not yet divorced."

"Well, we're not divorced as well, so don't make this about me! I'm not the one who was gone for two weeks."

"Isn't it always about you? 'You're never there for me and Ally', 'I'm working my ass off for the three of us.', 'Why can't you at least try and find a decent job?', 'Go take care of Ally because I have to go to a stupid fucking convention.', 'You have to be this and that, Penny. I'm doing my part in this relationship, and so should you.' Jesus, when was is it not about you, Lester?!"

"Well, isn't it true? I'm here working my fucking as off to provide for you and Ally and myself while you couldn't find a decent enough job, you can't even take care of your own daughter! When will you start acting your age? Are you gonna wait for Ally to become aware that her own mother is a fucking slut?"

She wanted to go and stop them from fighting but she couldn't bring herself to go downstairs. Yeah, their shouts were so loud that she was able to hear them from upstairs.

"I'll get a job when you start acting like a man and stop blaming all of this on me! And don't you call me a slut because I'm not the one sleeping with someone else's wife."

By that time she had already tuned out her parents and she was sobbing at the corner of their hallway. She still haven't fully grasp what they were fighting about but Ally knew it was bad.

And right now, as she relives that memory she could feel a few tears leak out from her eyes. One tear falls on the page of her book and she is brought out of her trance.

Neither of them tried to save their marriage that's how she always sees it. What they did only made their marriage miserable whenever they tried to fix things because they didn't want to fix their marriage, so they just let things be not even thinking about how it will affect their daughter. That's why she's angry.

She turns to another random page of the book.

It's the one where she made herself promise not to fall in love:

'Love is so stupid. Why would you willingly want to give someone your "heart" if you know there's a possibility that they will break it? How can you say that you fully love and accept someone when you yourself can't even love certain things about yourself? How can you even say that a person completes you, a person couldn't even use the full capacity of their own brain, so how would you know that you are complete with just one person? That's so dumb and pathetic.

It's petty and useless. I'm NEVER gonna fall in love. I'd never love someone who would hurt me. How can you say it's love if you're hurting each other- it just doesn't make sense. Barely anyone knows what true love is, so how can you say that you are "in love" or whatever.'

That is only a part of what she had written. It sure is a long rant(it goes on from how she thinks it's stupid to love someone to how love doesn't exist) but she couldn't blame her younger self, it's true, well she thinks it is, all her assumptions about love. She still believes this stuff just not that strongly. After what has happened to her... she doesn't think she'll ever really think of the same things her old self does.

But she doesn't linger on those thought because again, there are notes or responses scribbled on the sides of her entry by her father:

'Please don't think that, Ally. I know things didn't work out between your mother and I but that doesn't mean that you should believe that love doesn't exist or that it is stupid. Yes, it is true there might never be a real, true meaning of love, but that is a part of its beauty, its thrill! Not knowing what might come your way next could, admittedly, be nerve-wracking and, obviously, scary but it's also exhilarating and exciting and over all just a joy, especially if you are with someone whom you enjoy company with- you'd want then to be there by your side for the rest of your journey.'

She turns it over to the next page. There's a continuation of her father's side note/comment.

'Your mom and I used to be like that. We were inseparable, we truly did love each other. But the thing is, sometimes, people will always have a falling out with each other and it isn't anyone's fault but their own, so please never ever think that it was your fault that we didn't work things out, if anything you were the reason we trued to fix things; because we didn't want you to grow up having divorced parents, we didn't want you to live from one place to another just to see the two of us.'

"That's a dumb excuse." she scoffs. How convenient it is for her dad to find the time to blame her for everything, even when she has nothing to do with it- it always ends up with her as the reason why something doesn't go as planned.

She specifically remembers that one time, when she was about fourteen, her parents were going on about each other and bantering again, screaming at the top of their lungs to one another. The worst part is that Ally knows both of them are sober this time.

"Would you just shut the hell up, Lester?! I don't need a fucking job!"

"Yes, you do! Jesus, how hard is it to apply for a decent fucking job? Ally needs both our support, she'll be going to college pretty soon and the income I get from Sonic Boom won't suffice for that. What can you not understand about that?"

"Then get another job! Or better yet, stop being a fucking cheap ass-hole keeping money to yourself. If you really do care about Ally then you would bother more about being a father to her than earning yourself some money!"

"Oh, yeah like you care about Ally..." her dad scoffed as Ally stood in their hallway, hidden from her parents who are once again bantering in their living room.

She couldn't quite move since she got home from school and found- well more like heard- her parents fighting about something(most likely money) again. She felt immobilized the moment she heard her name being uttered by them- it was like, she suddenly just wanted to disappear from the world, be eaten by a hole on the floor or something. Somehow, Ally would always be the end topic of their "little debates".

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"When was the last time you even took her to school? Or fetch her from school? Do you even know what grade she is in now? Jesus, Penny, you've been away from home longer than the time you've spent with Ally! You say that I'm not acting like the man of this house but at least I'm trying- at least I'm trying to be a father to my daughter and a husband to you."

"Oh, you're trying? Really? You're trying to be a husband to me?" Penny's voice cracked, anger and hurt seeping through every word.

"I tried! I tried to be one! But I guess this is what happens when you rush things... maybe we shouldn't have married right after college..." he answered, sounding tired and defeated. "I'm tired of trying. I tried to be a good husband to you years ago, when you were pregnant with Ally, but even then we couldn't get along. We were too young at that time, but I stayed because I thought that we'd make it through whatever happened- and we did. But it didn't last long because after you gave birth to Ally more complications came. And then things happened and we were never the same..."

"Maybe we did rush things back then, but... but if you're saying that Ally is a mistake, then I guess that's why things aren't working out between us, even now..."

"I never said Ally was a mistake. She may be the best thing that ever happened between you and I."

But that isn't how Ally had felt. She had felt like she is the burden of their family; she had felt like she is the epitome of her parents' fights- and it sucks feeling it. She still feels that way even up to now, actually.

That's when she starts to distance herself from them, the moment she starts becoming indifferent and cold to them because it feels to her that she isn't wanted in their house, that her parents never even planned on having her. That's how the meaning of love and family(and all good thing, really) became apathetic to her- that it will only leave you hurting, so it's utterly useless.

The memory still hurts, even to this day. Feeling unwanted and being a regret never did feel good.

Maybe that's how Patrick got to her, maybe that's how he had been able to manipulate and brainwash her into doing those horrible things she did before. She remembers how caring and sweet and affectionate he was to her. That feeling of being wanted is so unfamiliar yet fulfilling- and yes, maybe her father is right- exhilarating; it is so foreign to her that the moment Patrick paid extra attention to her, she had thought it is already love.

But boy, is she wrong. You know, maybe her younger self is right.

'Maybe it's best if I just grow old with myself. I wouldn't get fights with myself that way- I'll totally look like a psycho if I do that.'

That is what she had written before and she thinks it's not a bad idea. It isn't much different from how she grew up, and still is, anyway, so she thinks she'll be able to live with it.

'But what about Austin?' that annoying voice in her head whispers.

She feels something heavy hit her chest, like an anchor or a truck. But she ignores it because it only hurts more thinking about how Austin made- still makes- her feel all warm and fuzzy and it's completely different from how Patrick made her feel.

Also because her dad has an answer for her, too.

'Sometimes some people are not meant to be together, they are not meant to last forever. I guess that was the case for your mother and I, but that doesn't mean it would be the same to you.

A great writer once said "There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice." [4]

I'm guessing you know who that writer is, you've always been a smart kid- and you love literature(aside from music).'

"F. Scott Fitzgerald." she mutters, a slight smile grazing her lips. But she catches herself and the blank look in her face reappears. She continues reading.

'We'll always love you, Ally. Even if we are not a completely family anymore, Penny and I will always be your parents and we will never stop loving you.

I hope that's one thing you should learn from me and your mom, that even if we're not together anymore, that doesn't mean we've stopped loving, you can never not love anyone; you never stop loving someone, you just change how you love them- and for you mom and I, our love now is you.

This might not make sense to you, but one day, you'll find that one person, who you want to spend the rest of your life with and then you'll understand. And who ever that person might be will be blessed to have you, to spend the rest of their life with you. You are a strong independent, wise, beautiful young woman- just like your mother. And I know that you won't end up like and me and your mom.

I don't know how I know that but I just do. Maybe it's because you are not your mother or maybe that person you love is nothing like me, too. He wouldn't just give up on you, unlike what I did to your mom.'

Austin is the first person that comes to her mind as she reads her dad's notes. He's the only one Ally could think off. And again, she feels something heavy and hard and cold hit her chest because there's this possibility that she just might've let go of that person who would love her, who would show her how important love, who would make her understand all about it.

'But he hasn't given up yet.'

Well she hopes he still hasn't given up. And if the nineteen missed calls and thirty-two messages(and still counting) she's getting from him is any indication, he sure is not giving to give up on her anytime soon- she just hopes she has the courage to go back to him, or for him to find her, in time because right now she's too weak(physically and mentally) and fragile to go anywhere.

Austin quickly drives up to the Miami beach, with Adele's "Chasing Pavements" playing on the radio.

"I've made up my mind

Don't need to think it over

If I'm wrong, I am right

Don't need to look no further

This is ain't lust, I know this is love."

"Are you fucking serious right now?" he grumbles as he steps on the gas to get to the beach much faster. Who cares if exceeds the speed limit, he's in a hurry and he still isn't caught so he couldn't really give a shit about that(plus it's not like this is the first time he's done it).

"But if I tell the world,

I'll never say enough

Cause it was not said to you

And that's exactly what I need to do,

If I end up with you.

Should I give up

Or should I just keep chasing pavements

Even if it leads no where?

Or would it be a waste

Even if I knew my place

Should I leave it there?

Should I give up

Or should I just keep chasing pavements

Even if it leads no-" [5]

"Jesus, yes I get it, Adele!" he grunts, slamming the radio off. "Now shut up! I'm not giving up!"

He gets to the beach right after that little outburst, and he parks his car nearest to the east side of the beach.

And then he's out of the car and is racing through the beach, passing by(and sometimes bumping into) careless beach goers, eventually he gets to the side of the cave.

'She has to be there.' he silently pray because he is so fucked if she isn't there. Where else would he look for her if she isn't there?

He takes a deep breath before hoisting himself up to one of the boulders.

"Please be there."

Then he quickly hops across the rocky path, the first time he went there still vivid in his mind. How elegant Ally is as she maneuvers her way to the cave while he struggles to keep up with her, doing his best to avoid, at all cost, slipping or tripping from the jagged rocks. It seems that happened so long ago because he barely even pays attention to the pathway as he makes his way to the cave.

He rounds the corner, seeing the entrance of the cave makes his heart pound(and it isn't just from all the running he did to get there).

When he gets to the entrance, Austin sees nothing but darkness inside the cave, so he brings out his phone to see what's- who's- inside. To his dismay, he finds no one inside the cave. And a pit forms in his stomach- she's not there.

He wants to cry, really he does, and for a split second he swears a tear might've slipped from his eyes, but he ignores it because he knows crying won't do him any good. He couldn't give up now, so he won't cry. He still needs to find Ally, and he won't stop at anything, there's nothing that could get in his way for finding her. That's why he decides to search the cave.

Albeit it being small, Austin still searches the cave multiple times, peeking through every gap for any sign of Ally- he even looks at the roof the cave, to see if she might've been hanging there, kind of like a bat, but he knows it's a long shot.

The sun is starting to set, along with it is the sinking of his heart and his hopes of ever reconciling with her.

Out of desperation, Austin decides to call Ally again. "Come on, Ally, please answer your phone."

She doesn't.

He seriously considers throwing his phone to the sea after, like the tenth time, he had called her but he gets a call from Chelsea before he can do so.

"Hey, Chelsea, I'm still looking for her." he says.

Her eyes are glued to her book, she couldn't stop reading her dad's notes/comments on her entries. It seems that Lester has commented on almost all of her entries, explaining something(like his side of the story), addressing her concerns.

Finally, she gets to the last part of her entries- the day she decided to run away.

'Hey, honey, you've been gone for two weeks... And as much as I know that you wouldn't appreciate me writing in your book because I know how much you don't like it when people touch or read your book, this is the only way I can communicate my feelings and concerns for you- this is the only thing left of you.

First of all, I know it's too late to take anything back now, since you're already gone, but if I had known early about how you feel for me and your mom then maybe I would've done something to comfort you. But it isn't your fault that I didn't know- it is mine because I didn't pay much attention to you, I was being selfish. And I'm sorry for that; I'm sorry for not being a father to you all these years. I hope you can still find it in you to forgive me.

I get it if can't forgive because I was horrible to you. and I have no other excuse for it but that I was completely bitter against your mother and I took my anger off on you because you were a constant reminder of her to me- but I am wrong, you are not your mother and I shouldn't have treated you that way. If I could go back in time and stop myself from doing that, I would. But I can't.'

"Yeah, that's the point you can't." she retorts as if her dad could actually hear her. "You've wasted years ignoring me and treating me like shit."

'I'm really sorry, Ally. I know this doesn't make much of a difference because you're not even here to read this but I just want you to know that I regret ever letting go of you mom, I regret not fighting for our love, and that I regret and resent myself for not being a father to you, for not being there when you needed me the most- I was selfish and ignorant and I am sorry.

I know you are in L.A. with your mom's sister and I know she will take good care of you but please take care of yourself. And as much as I want to go there now and bring you back here, I can't because I don't think I'm strong enough to face you or your mom's sister... I'd probably get the real shit from your aunt when she sees me.'

"I wouldn't mind seeing that," she jokes as she remember those times that they'd have a family dinner and invite her mom's sister; it would be a total chaos, her dad would do something and her aunt would always counter it or say that he was doing it wrong and they'd have banter with each other until her mom would reprimand them. It's fun for Ally to watch them act like kids because it made her feel that nothing would ever change even when you are an adult.

Oh, how wrong she is about that... and she had to learn that the hard way...

She continues reading the last note her dad wrote to her in her diary. She couldn't even count how many times Lester had said he was sorry to her but still it didn't make her feel better- if he could write it in her diary, why couldn't he say it to her in personal? Is that too hard to do? Does swallowing his pride too hard for him?

Ally feels anger bubble up inside her again. Maybe reading those notes did lift a few burdens inside her but it isn't enough, she still feels heavy yet hollow and cold inside. Is that really all her dad had to say?

She gets her answer when she turns to the next page. To her surprise, she finds more notes from her dad in the next pages, dating from the time after she left up until to last two weeks or so ago.

'I asked Chelsea to call you and check up on you today, but you didn't answer. I asked her if she could call you again tomorrow but she didn't want to because she thinks you wouldn't want to be bother but I insisted that she call you everyday because I want to know what happens to you there. I'm really hoping you'd pick up your phone tomorrow. I want to hear your voice again, Ally.'

She remembers that day. It had come to a shock for her when she saw Chelsea's number calling her, she didn't know what to do- will she answer the call or just ignore it? She ignored it of course.

After that day, she received more call from Chelsea and about a week later, she'd given up ignoring it and finally answered her calls.

The ecstatic voice of her step-sister still echoes in her mind, how delighted she had been when Ally finally answered her call, the tone of genuine and concern so evident that she almost broke down that day. But she didn't, she held her ground and kept a steady and nonchalant voice talking to Chelsea.

"Hey, Ally, it's Chelsea. Dad- uh, I mean, I just wanted to check up on you... how's everything there?"

She was silent for a very long time.

"Everything's good." she had finally answered.

"Oh, that's good..." you could practically feel the tension between them but still Chelsea had insisted talking to her. "Anything new?"


Then it was silent(and very, very awkward). After about a minute, Ally decided to speak up.

"Is that all you called for?"

"Oh... uh, yes. I mean, no. I just-" it was the first time Ally ever heard Chelsea stammer; she was quite surprised but it did nothing to lighten her mood. How would she even respond to that answer?

So, she didn't. And it was silent again.

A few times she heard a sigh from the other line, but Chelsea never backed her answer- it almost seemed to her that she was actually talking to another person, but she couldn't decipher who it was.

"If that's all you called for then, I think I'm just going to hang up. Bye." She knew it was really tacky to do that, but it was too awkward and tense for her so she ended the call before either of them could say anything else.

The next day she called again. It was just like the first phone call- awkward and tense. As well as the next few weeks that Chelsea had called.

It's weird, really. It seems like just a few weeks ago, Chelsea is convincing her to talk just about anything and now she's willingly telling her everything. And as much as Ally hates to admit it, she considers Chelsea as her real sister.

She shakes her head. Chelsea's not here now, so she's going to have to settle with her own thoughts(and her diary) at the moment.

On to the next(random) page.

'Two months. It's been two months since you left for L.A., and still I can't get myself to talk to you whenever Chelsea calls you. A few times I tried, I don't know if you noticed it on the other line but I would always be there when she calls you.

And today, I heard that you're dating somebody... I hope he's a good person, Ally. I really do. I don't want you to get hurt anymore than you are now. That's pretty grand coming from me since I haven't been good to you as well, but I'm still your father and I still want the best for you. So, I hope this person, whoever he is, will always be good to you and that he will always show you how much he loves you.'

"He did. For about a month..."

'But if he fails you, then it's okay. Love is a very strange thing, dear. And maybe he isn't the one for you. Maybe there's another one waiting for you somewhere else; maybe he's just a lesson for you, so that you will understand what love is, how it is. Just like how, maybe your mom is just a lesson for me too.

And when you find that right person, you'll know he's the one. He'll make you feel like nothing ever before and you'll be afraid but excited and uncertain but still adventurous. Loving someone isn't easy but it sure is worth it, no matter the pain you go through or the joy you experience. One day you'll find that person, Ally and I know he will be better at showing you how much you are loved more than I or any other person ever did.'

The beat of her heart hammers through her chest again. Only one image is vivid in her mind as she reads her dad's entry.

And he has a messy mop of Blonde hair that flops in the most perfect manner and kind Hazel Brown eyes that seems like it holds the universe and all its secrets and pearly white teeth that when he smiles, she feels like she will melt and makes her wanna swoon(and god, as much as that sounded so fucking cliche and too girly for her, it is true) and then of course, his touch that is just so energizing to her and just over all refreshing to her. How he makes her feel is just entirely different from anything she's ever felt before.

'And he sure knows how to show his love for me.' she thinks and internally sighs because she let that person go.

She turns into another page.

'It's been a year now since you left. And you just got released from Juvie after spending two months there. It's so hard for me not to just go there, Ally but your aunt doesn't want me to come. She said that it will just worsen your mood, your condition, but believe me I really, really want to go there but I know your aunt is right. Seeing me probably won't help your situation right now; I know you still hate me for all the stuff that I did(or didn't do). But please, stop doing this to yourself.

That boy isn't worth it. No matter how much he made you feel, if this is where he leads you then he doesn't really care for you.'

She knows that now. Had it been a year or two ago, her old self probably would've been outraged at her father, but now? Well, now she knows he father is right. Now she actually doesn't feel that angry at him. Maybe it's because of what she has read, because now she understands him.

There are only a few pages left on her book. So she continues reading:

'Two years. That's how long I haven't seen you. How long is your hair now? How tall are you? I really miss you.

I heard about your second arrest, too. That boy had some nerves doing this to you. I'm glad you told the police about him. The trial will be in a week and your aunt wanted me to come but I just might kill that boy if I ever see him, so I'm just going to send Chelsea.

Please come with her when she goes back here. I really want to see you again. I miss you so much. Please come home. I think it's time for you to leave L.A. behind. I know that your life in Miami isn't any better than when you were in L.A. but at least, here you've got your family.'

Only one entry left to read. She wonders what this last one contains. Well, only one way to find out...

'You've been back for about a month now. And as much as I want to say that things are better between you and me- it isn't. And I know this time it's all my fault. I'm still a coward, Ally. I still can't face you without seeing your mother.

But something a few days ago. You started dating Austin. I know him, and I think he's a pretty good guy. He's musically talented that's one. That boy, well I can say he sure is better than the last one. And I think Austin would be good for you- he just might be the one, Ally. I hope he is; he seems to be bringing out the best in you and that's all that I really want for you. And after seeing how happy you are with Austin, I can say that you are nothing like your mother. You are not her that's why I really want to stop treating you like her.

There's also something about Austin. I've only seen him once with you but even I can tell he loves you, he really does, Ally. He's got this look in his eyes that even I didn't have when I first saw your mother. But I know for sure that it's love that he has for you. And from the looks of it, he won't ever get tired of showing you that. But if he ever hurts you like how that other guy did, I promise I'll be there for you this time.'

Well, that wouldn't happen now would it because she's the one who hurt him.

"Way to blow your chances, Ally." she scolds herself because her dad is right(again). Austin just might be the one for her, but she fucked up again. And she doesn't know if Austin's love is so great that he's willing to take her back.

She's so frustrated about that thought that the only thing she could do is play the piano(which is quite odd really). Her hands easily move on the keys. She hasn't played a piano for years now(the last time is like five years ago...), but still it seems like not a day has gone by that she hadn't plated it. The sound emitting from the instrument calms her down. She plays a melody of her own, going through the keys with such gentleness it's like she barely touches it. A bunch of lyrics pop into her mind.

"There is not a single word

In the whole world

That could describe the hurt

The dullest knife is sawing back and forth

And ripping through the softest skin

There ever was

How were you to know?

Oh, how were you to know?" [6]

"Oh, no this isn't Chelsea." the person answers; Austin is sure it is a man talking.

"Then who is this?"

"It's Lester..."


"Dawson. Ally's dad."

"O-oh... um, Mr. Dawson, uh hi..." he says as he makes his way back to the beach, careful not to miss a single step. "H-how may I help you?"

"Actually, no. It's how I can help you." the older man responds.

He stops at the last boulder and then jumps down to the sand. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Look, I know, I've not been the best father to Ally, but I..." Lester's voice falters "I still care for her, maybe not as much as you do but she's still my daughter so when Chelsea told me she's gone, I went looking for her right away-"

"You couldn't have done that two years ago..." he murmurs not so subtly. He hears a sigh from the other line.

"You have a point. If I had cared for Ally before, if I had stopped her from leaving then things would be so much better for her. But that's why I'm doing what I'm doing now- and that is looking for Ally- because I want to make it up to her. I want to be a father to her again; I want to make up for the past years that I haven't been with her. All those years that she was hurt and I wasn't there to protect her and tell her that everything will be alright..." there's a pause then "And now, I found her, but I still can't be there for her because I know I'm not the one she needs right now."

The Blonde almost trip by his own feet(his heart certainly did trip over itself) because holy Jesus, Lester found Ally! He knows where Ally is!

He wants to scream and shout and jump in joy. He stumbles over his words, mumbling and babbling about so many questions that it's barely understandable.

"What-? Yes! That's great. Okay, wow. Yeah, this is good; it great! Okay, I'll- wait, should I come there? I'm not sure if she wants to see me too, but I want to but-"

"Calm down, boy." Lester interrupts him, chuckling a little. "Pretty sure, you're the one she wants to see as of the moment."

"Are you sure? What if she-"

"Yes, Austin. I'm sure. Now, go over here before anything else gets out of hand." the older man commands and it makes Austin scramble to his feet and literally sprint to his car.

"But where's here, Mr. Dawson?"

"Oh, right yeah... I have yet to tell you where I am," he laughs.

He gets to his car and he fishes for his keys in his pockets "Well, where are you?"

"Oh, uh Sonic Boom."

"Okay, I'll be there in a few." then he hangs up. And as he gets inside his car, he realizes something. He doesn't need his car to get to Sonic. He's already at the beach which is right next to the Miami Mall where Sonic Boom is. So, he gets out of his car again and heads for the mall, well runs to the mall, really.

But that's not the point. The point is, he got to the mall not less than three minutes later.

He bursts through the door, looking from left to right for any signs of the Brunette. Only to be greeted by her dad.

"Hello, Austin." he greets.

"Mr. Dawson," he nods in acknowledgment "Where is she?"

The older man points upstairs to the door with the countless barricade tapes on it. He assumes it is the practice room that Ally had been talking about. He swallows. "You sure she's there?"

Lester nods. "Listen," just then faint sounds of a piano echoes through the whole store. It's an unfamiliar tune but he could sense the passion of the person playing the piano. His ears ring and his heart pounds, this is the first time he's ever heard Ally play the piano- and, by god, she's is amazing at it!

"Go," Ally's dad urges at him to upstairs. "Talk to her. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to."

Austin feels like the air from his lungs is sucked out of him because suddenly, he feels a little light-headed and dizzy. But he shakes off his nerves and wills himself to walk up the stairs.

'Do I knock or just go in?' he silently debates but he hasn't got time for a full on discussion with himself so he chooses the latter right away, heeding the countless warning and 'do not enter' signs plastered on the door, he's never been one to follow rules anyway. Besides, how could he talk to Ally if he couldn't even see her?

He takes one last deep breath and carefully opens the door.

She senses the door opening and she knows(how, she doesn't know), she just knows who it is. But just because she knows who it is, doesn't mean she's going to acknowledge his presence. No, she just keeps her eyes trained on the piano keys, although she isn't even playing it anymore.

He sees her sitting on the piano bench and, for a second, his heart stops beating because she just looks so defeated and tired that it scares him. He closes the door but stays where is and stuff his(trembling and sweaty) hands in his jean pockets, trying to look as cool and casual as he can, like he doesn't just want to go over to her and hug her and kiss every inch of her and tell her that everything's okay, that he'll never ever leave her or hurt her.

"Hey, Austin." she quietly says before he could even utter a word or do anything else.

"How do you do that? How do you know it's me without even looking?"

"I don't know how, but I just do... I know when you are there. You presence just alerts my senses, I guess... I just- it's just you, you know. You're the only person that I can sense whenever around..."

She says that because it's true(and because she nothing else to say... okay no that's a lie, she has so many things to say to him but she's afraid that she'll break down right then if she says anything more).

Still what she said makes him smile. And gives him the courage to sit next to her on the bench, thankfully she doesn't move away from him or anything. Although, she doesn't say or do anything as well, which in his opinion isn't any better- and he has to make it better. For her. For both of them and everybody else.

Where does he start?

"I got your letter..." he says in a soft tone. But inside he's so fucking mad at himself because, really, that's where he chooses to start?!

'Fuck.' Ally internally sighs.

"If you're mad at me, I completely understand that-"

"I'm not mad at you..." the Blonde shrugs "Well, maybe when I first read it I was but now...?" he just shakes his head.


"There's no 'but's' or 'if's' or 'how's' or whatever, Ally. I'm not mad at you because I know you didn't mean it. And because I still love you no matter what."

Her heart skips a beat because, holy mother of god, he just said that he loves her. Still loves her- no matter what!

Now what? Actually now she's a little fucked because... well, fuck.

"Look, Ally, I don't care about your past anymore." he starts again "And I'm sorry too, if I was being nosy about it- but can you really blame me for being curious? I mean, here I was minding my own business, flirting with girls- and heck I even got a date with Cassidy- then you suddenly come back from wherever with this smokin' hot bod' and-" he stops when she gives him a look "Actually, you know what, if I'm being honest it's not that that I got attracted to- well, not just that. It's your kind Brown eyes that pulled me in, and your soft silky hair that somehow always smells like English Tea with Vanilla and Honey- I don't even drink tea, much less an English one, but I just know it's that smell. It's your smell- I love it."

He continues "Not only that but there's also you lips, your always Red kissable lips. God, you know when I first saw you, all I could think about was what and how it would feel like to kiss your lips. And when I finally did, it was everything I've ever imagine and more. Your lips that taste much like raspberries and caramel with a hint of mint but at the same time, it's not that at all- it's so much sweeter than that. Then there's your laugh and smile that's so much warmer than the sun and much brighter than any star out there. And then there's how smart and witty you are; how fucking fierce and incisive- I mean, god, you talked back to Mrs. Daniels and even I couldn't have thought of doing that... you were just over all different from anybody I've ever met, Ally. And still I love that- I love your weirdness and your little quirks. I'm not just in love with you physical appearance, I'm in love with your whole character, your attitude- everything! And nothing about your past will ever change my mind, what happened to you before is a part of who you are and I love every single particle, speck and atom of you. I love your very essence, Ally Dawson!" [7]

"I know this doesn't make much sense or anything but that's just how it is. That's how love is, I guess... and it's absolutely terrifying feeling like this because this is the first time that I know I'm truly, deeply in love but it's thrilling even if I don't know how this will end because I know this'll be worth it- you are worth it. That's why I'll always be here for you, no matter what- whatever the fuck happened in your past, between you and your dad or Chelsea or your mom or even... Patrick. I don't care about that, all I care about is you and how you feel and how to make you feel better."

Austin takes her hand in his- oh, how warm her hand is against his, he missed holding her hand even if it's barely been a day since the last held hands- but she's looking down at her lap. She feels her eyes fill up with tears just as her heart swells as well. She couldn't breath or think about anything but Austin and what he told her.

Ally squeezes his hand and sniffles, holding back his tears. It's her turn now.

So, she takes a breath before starting... "First of all, you don't have to be sorry about anything. You wouldn't have been nosy if I'd just told you right away about it. And I don't care if you think that you shouldn't be mad at me because I know what I did to you was horrible and fucking stupid and I'm sorry for being selfish and thinking that doing would fix anything, I honestly thought that I was doing both of us a favor when I wrote it- I just thought that you wouldn't want me anymore once you find out about my past- it's so fucking dumb and you have every right to get at mad me and not want to take me back."

He starts to protest about it but she stops him, finally looking up at him "But," her voice cracks "I'm glad you're not mad at me. I know this will sound selfish but I'm still hoping you'd take me back-"

"I will. I am."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Austin Moon." she leans her head to his shoulder and hugs his torso, finally letting her tears fall down. "In all honesty, when I first saw you, I thought you were just another pretty face, just another boy that I could toy with because you were the perfect definition, in my criteria, for a boyfriend. And you even look somewhat similar to Patrick: same shade of eyes and that loud and proud posture, the cocky way of walking and smirk that is just so endearing. So, I thought, you know, flirting with you would fill in the gap that... Patrick left."

She takes another breath; he could tell she's struggling to keep herself from breaking down, so he cradles her closer to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "But I was wrong, so fucking wrong. You are nothing like him. Not even a single thing about him could ever be compared to you. He was cunning and sly. you... you are charming and ingenious; he was humorless and dark and cold, you are witty and warm and cheerful; you are compassionate and sympathetic and humane, especially to me and... well, he wasn't. He was edgy and always tense, probably because of all the fucking pot he smokes, while you were... comforting to be around with. He fueled my anger and ignited my hatred but you showed me light, happiness and love. I don't even think he knew what love was- I certainly didn't because nobody has ever shown me what is, what it felt like to be love, until I met you of course. You showed me what it truly meant to love... and god, even though that sounds so much like it came from a song, it's fucking true."

He chuckles at that, kissing the top of her head.

"I've learned a few things about love lately... one of those was that some love don't last a lifetime, that they were only lessons for one person. Austin... I don't want you to just be a lesson for me, I don't want us to end up like my parents or Patrick and I- I don't want us to be an example of a destructive, unsuccessful 'doomed-from-the-start' kind of love. I want us to be that once in a lifetime journey, I want to have you with me for the rest of my journey in life- we started this journey together, I want us to be together until the end of our time. I've also learned that some people's love are made up of spur-of-the-actions and rushed, bad decisions, like my parents. I don't want that, what I want something certain and that I know will last. And I want that with you."

And then she buries her head on the crook of his head while he holds her tighter. And then slowly, as if experimentally, she whispers "I love you."

That's when his heart starts to erratically beat, he's been waiting to hear those words for the most part of their relationship and now that he did hear it, he couldn't be more happier. What he feels for her is nothing like he's ever felt before. And right now, with her so close to him, with her warmth radiating to his body, he knows he loves her, he loves the feeling of her being close to him- and not just physically.

He lifts her head up by the chin, and looks at her directly in the eyes so that she will know that he means what he will says.

"Ally, I can't promise you anything- I can't promise you any of that. But I want this- us- to last a lifetime, and I will do anything and everything to make that happen. To make every moment with you as unforgettable as it is, but I know it wouldn't be that easy- love isn't easy- but I'm willing to go through all those hardship, so long as I know that you'll be with me. I love you, Ally. And nothing will ever change my mind, not something that happened in the past, not something that will happen in the future will ever make me question my love for you. I wouldn't say that my love for you is perfect but it's damn well near that! And god, please make me stop talking, I'm sounding like poet with all these proclamations." he adds with a laugh.

She giggles and then her lips are on his- and it's perfect again; it's blissful.

It isn't a long kiss, just one that last about a few seconds but it's enough for both of them to feel their love for one another. It's one that speaks more than any word or action ever. One innocent lip-lock that secures them a lifetime of love and happiness(and maybe a little bit of bickers and fighting here and there because, you know, all love has their ups and down- but they know, they'll make it through- together).

Austin rests his forehead to hers, looking at her in the eyes and smiling. Then he dips his head down and their lips are at it again. This time in a more intimate and passionate kiss.

Once they separate for air, and Ally's hands untangle from his hair, he grins at her and pulls her up from the piano bench.

"Now, come on, we still have to thank your dad and-"

"My dad?" Ally frowns at him, not that she has anything against talking to her dad. No, it's not that she's actually okay with talking to him now.

"Y-yeah... he, uh... he's the one who called me and told me that you are here." he carefully says as if he's afraid that she'll be mad at him for talking to her dad.

"Okay," is all she replies which prompts him to give her a questioning look: eyes narrowed and one brow arched in skepticism.

Ally shrugs, "What? I want to make amends with my dad and talking to him is a part of its progress, so you know..."

He smiles at that, he's definitely seeing the change in Ally after what had transpired this day. She's definitely heading the right way, he could tell that she's ready to leave all those bad memories behind and create new good ones with him and the rest of her family and friends.

"That's great." Austin nods, dragging her out of the practice room "After we talk to you dad, let's head back to my house. My mom has been bugging me about meeting you ever since our first date."

"What?" her eyes widen and he could see the sheer panic in her eyes because, fuck the what?

Austin gives her hand one reassuring squeeze "Don't worry, I know she'll love you."

And with that the Blonde exits the room with the Brunette, leaving behind all those memories from past because... well, they're in the past and that's where they belong- these memories are nothing but history.

Of course along with closing one door behind them, is an opening of a new one ahead of them- and this time, it looks like it's a promising and bright future(with maybe a few obstacles here and there- but it's nothing Ally and Austin couldn't handle).

Pretty sure this one's really gonna be forever.

A/N: okay, okay, I know the ending's a little anti-climactic but i still stand by it and won't change my mind into altering this(even though, i know some of you won't really approve of this ending)- I think its simplicity will suffice for the whole bizarre antics and crazy happenings that has occurred in the previous episodes, i think it perfectly balances it. i think this also- conveniently- ties up all loose ends between Ally's relationship with her family as well as Austin.

but that doesn't mean that i'm not considering to put up a sequel for this one- or you know, maybe a little one shot where it shows Ally meeting Austin's parents... but uh, i don't think this'll happen anytime soon. although, if you do would like me to make like a sequel-epilogue-ish one shot then tell me on the reviews.

[1] "I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)" is by Fall Out Boy; i don't own it, no copyright infringement intended. yeah, it's a handful title but that's one of the things I love about FOB. Their unnecessarily long and not all the time connected song title- aside from their amazing music of course.

[2] in case you forgot this story is an AU, and Ally's prostitute aunt that she lived with in L.A. is Penny's sister.

[3] this is Chelsea's mom, it's a flashback so at that time, Chelsea's mom isn't yet divorced to Chelsea's dad and neither are Ally's parents divorced yet either.

[4] as Ally had mentioned the quote is from F. Scott Fitzgerald, you know that author of "The Great Gatsby". but the quote is not from Gatsby though, if i remember correctly it's from, like, one of his short poems or something... not really sure but if any of you know then please let me know in the reviews.

[5] "Chasing Pavements" is by Adele. honestly, this is my favorite Adele song. it's the first ever Adele song that i heard back in like 2009 or something.

[6] this one is Paramore's "Hate To See Your Heartbreak". one of my favorite songs in their self-titled album but honestly, i love all their songs. hahahahahaha

[7] okay so this is one's a little confusing and i'm pretty sure none of you would care but in Aristotle's Cosmology Essence is "something that is", it is the substance that make one thing or person an "is" which makes them exists, it is the "whatness" of their being that makes them who they are. so, you know Austin's kind of like saying that he loves Ally's existence- for short, he just loves her whole being. it's really hard to explain, even I don't fully understand and I study these kinds of things...

there's really nothing much left but for me to THANK YOU for supporting me and this story. i really enjoyed writing this story and i hope you enjoyed reading it just as much. i'm very much grateful to each and everyone of you and your kind words that keep me motivated in writing my stores. i've probably said this like every time, but i really appreciate everyone of you.

and you know what, even though, i wasn't planning this(because i had ran out of cheesy tagline), but for old time's sake- or at least in the span of this story- i'm going to ask for you to write "Ally and Austin's New Beginning" at the end of your review.

and i know this shouldn't really matter to me that much, but in my last update for the previous chapter i didn't get enough reviews, and i have to say i'm a little disappointed, i was really looking forward to your guys reviews. so yeah, i'd just like to say that every review is appreciated and will be replied to(unless you are anon or a guest reader). i'm really hoping this story will get at least 90-100 reviews cause i think that'd be amazing. hahahahaha :)

i'd just really like to say this one last time but THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! also, i didn't proof-read so there might be some mistakes. sorry about that.

Happy Easter to everyone as well. =)
