A/N- Wow, guys. I'm pretty sure we're nearing on a year since I last updated. I honest to God didn't mean for my writer's block to last so long, but I just could not drag up any inspiration. Turns out, all I really needed to do was watch the movie again after the hiatus, because ideas then hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm still gonna be cutting time between this and my WWE fic, Speared Through The Heart (which you should totes check out if you haven't and you're a fan) but I hope to update more regularly. So, huge, huge, HUGE thanks for your continued support, and especially to Cloudcity'sBookworm, Guest 1, Guest 2, Guest 3, Audrey, Raging Raven, DoneWith, Guest 4, Guest 5, Guest 6, Guest 7, Guest 8, Mo, Guest 9, Guest 10, xxTheChocoholic14xx, Emmy07, Guest 11, 13Death'sAngel13, Guest12, Guest 13, HopeAndHeartache, Guest 14, DoodleBisch, meangirl8, rinpup14 and Guest 15 for all your reviews during my time away! Now, on with the chapter at last!

Chapter Seven- Korbyn's Revenge

'Swag' was one of those words that made my tongue kind of feel like a cactus had taken a shit on it if, for whatever Godforsaken reason, I used it aloud. It was used by those who were either uneducated, desperately trying to come across as cool, or were Justin Bieber. Ironically, three of the things I despised most in the world.

And yet, as I climbed out of my car Wednesday morning, still way too smug about what I'd done the afternoon before, the only word I could use to describe myself was swag. Dressed to kill in tartan jeans, studded boots and a black cropped top that had skeleton hands cupping my boobs, my hips swayed side to side as I sashayed my way into college; I was ready to own Pete in a way I never had before. I had the actual part of our project tightly rolled together in my bag, hidden from sight.

When I walked into the Architecture lab, Pete was already sitting at our desk, drumming his fingers against the plastic table top anxiously. I smirked again. Good. Let him suffer thinking we were gonna fail spectacularly.

"Mornin' Carter," I said cheerfully, taking my seat next to him and stashing my bag under my chair.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Radner?!" he spat, his face a hilarious picture of furious shock at my apparent indifference.

"Not much. Lack of sleep, mainly," I replied nonchalantly, taking a nail file out of my pencil case and starting to neaten up my thumbnail. I then looked up at him through wide, innocent doe eyes. "Why? Should there be?"

"You're the one who fucking destroyed our project, you tell me!"

I feigned innocuousness. "Pete, relax. I'm sure everything's gonna work out nicely."

"You're damn right it will," he growled, and I couldn't stop my mouth from twitching into a fleeting smile for a split second before I composed myself, because this was just too good. "I'm looking forward to you having to explain to Bright why we suddenly don't have a project to hand in."

"Oh, believe me, so am I," I said perkily, kicking my legs up and resting them on the desk.

"Legs off the table, Korbyn, how many times do I need to tell you?" Hm, speak of the balding devil and he shall appear with his ringbinders. I did as the professor asked, and I saw Pete smirk, though his eyes still looked worried. He was clearly relishing the idea of me getting my ass verbally handed to me by Bright, but was freaking out about us failing. Oh-ho, this was gonna be so good.

Bright took his usual position at the front of the room, wiping the whiteboard clear of any stray marker stains. "Well, everyone, the time has come for you to present your waste disposal projects. I know this doesn't count towards your final grade but the mark you receive will still be recorded so I sincerely hope you've worked as hard as I expected you to. I'll quickly take Attendance and we'll go from there."

Everyone was in class, sans Teddy, of course. I really wondered why Bright ever bothered calling his name now; he hadn't actually turned up for class since before the project got set. For an hour, I sat through three other projects. Lena and Britney had a standard PowerPoint with pictures and videos and got a B. Michael and Tommy had actually rigged up a kids' dollhouse to have a flushing toilet and pipes that had running water and everything to demonstrate their idea (I suspected Tommy had done 90% of the work, given that Mike was almost as dumb as Teddy) and got an A. Andrew and Carson had also gone the PowerPoint route, which was another B.

I had my head leaning on my arms, practically fighting to keep awake, I was so bored. I was in the process of stifling a huge yawn when Bright announced, "Pete, Korbyn, you're up." Both of us rose to our feet, and again Pete was wearing that expression of fear/grim excitement. "Do you have your project?"

"Yeah Korbyn, do we have our project?" Pete derisively asked me.

"Of course, sir," I addressed Bright. I picked up my bag, placed it on the desk, opened it and pulled out the rolled up A1-sized poster that was the finished half of the project. I tucked it under my arm and flounced past a frozen Pete and through the few desks to the front of the room, where I tacked the poster up on the whiteboard.

"What the fuck?!" Pete yelped before he could stop himself. Oh my God, the look on his face was absolutely priceless as he came to realise just how little of the project I'd actually destroyed.

"Everything okay, Pete?" I questioned sweetly.

"Yes, are you alright, Pete?" asked Bright. "You seem a little putout."

Pete's face was an incredible shade of mottled red, but he managed to calm down and his skin soon became the normal Abercrombie model-tan it usually was. He shook his head. "Er, yeah. Yeah, sir, I'm fine."

"Well then, perhaps you would actually like to join Korbie by the board and help present?"

"Yes sir." Pete shuffled his way to me, sending a very subtle death-glare my way that only I could see.

"Aw, did the poor ickle piss-baby fink he was gonna get a bad gwade?" I whispered to him in a baby voice.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Radner?!" he hissed back.

"So, as you can see," I began, turning to the class and pointing at the paper, totally ignoring his question. "Pete and I decided it would be best to use pipes made from a PEX-based -"

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield.

Oh fuck. I was totally interrupted by my phone bursting into The Shield's entrance theme in my pocket, vibrating up a storm. What the actual hell? "Shit, I am so sorry about this!" I pulled out the phone, all set to reject the call, when I saw who it was.

Mac. He never called me when he knew I was in class. He knew I had my presentation today. There was no way he would have called unless...unless it was serious.

Still, this panic didn't stop me sounding very uncomfortable as I awkwardly answered the phone in front of the entire class. "Mac? Bro, I'm in class right-"

"Korb, you need to leave! Now, right fucking now, and meet us at the emergency room!" Mac cut across me, his tone frantic.

"Hospital?!" I exclaimed, my panic setting in completely. "What's happened!?"

"Stella, she – on the lawn – we were cleaning – she found it – she just put it in her mouth – we didn't know what it was!"

I turned my back to the class, well aware of everyone staring and listening. "Mac, you need to slow down! What has Stel eaten? A slug, a spider?"

"A condom!" he yelled hysterically. "Those fuckers next door left all their trash on the front lawn again! She just fucking shoved it in her mouth!"

I nearly dropped my phone. God knows what fucking diseases those asshats had! If that condom had been used…and Stella put it in her mouth…I'd kill them. "I'll be there as soon as I can," I said darkly, hanging up the phone and putting it back in my pocket.

"Korbyn, is there a problem?" Bright asked. "Are you okay?"

I ignored him. Instead, I turned to Pete – who looked very nervous, given that Mac had been so loud he'd probably heard every word – with murderous fury etched on my face. "You sick, sick SONS OF BITCHES!" My voice built in volume until I screamed the final word, and before I could think about what I was doing, my palm connected with Pete's cheek in a violent slap that echoed around the room. He reeled backwards, clutching at his face, but I didn't stop to survey the damage; I just went back to my desk, grabbed my bag and sprinted from the room. I didn't even look back as Bright called my name.

I didn't stop running until I'd reached the student lot and my Fiat. I tossed my bag in the backseat, whacked it into drive and headed out of the lot so ferociously that my tires screeched in protest. My heart pounded in my chest the entire drive, and I found myself speeding, going at least 45 in a 30 zone. And I ran a stop sign. So, no doubt I'd have a ticket turn up in the mail in the next few days, but right now, I couldn't have given less of a shit if I'd tried. My niece was in the ER, I didn't care about anything else.

Though apparently, I'd been a little...ambitious with my speed so I actually ended up arriving at the ER before my brother and sister-in-law. After checking with the receptionist that no one under the name Radner had been admitted, I awkwardly sat in one of the hard plastic chairs, waiting. I tapped my nails on my checkered knee, trying not to pay attention to the screaming children, whiny old people, broken bones and germs surrounding me.

I was about to get up and re-check with the receptionist that Stella definitely hadn't been admitted yet when I heard the commotion coming from the corridor outside of the waiting room. Thundering, running footsteps. Banging doors. And...oh God. The sound of Mac and Kelly yelling. Yup, sure enough, about thirty seconds later the ER doors burst open and in they ran, Mac clutching Stella to his chest, proceeding to yell incoherent demands at the terrified-looking receptionist. I jumped to my feet and joined them...just as the receptionist threatened to call security if they didn't calm down.

"Woah, no, okay, everybody chill!" I quickly interjected, muscling my way between Mac and Kelly and the reception desk. "No need for security," I said to the receptionist before turning to Mac and Kelly and adding, "No yelling either."

"But-!" Mac started to protest, but I put my hand over his mouth.

I looked back at the receptionist. "My niece found a condom on our front lawn and put it in her mouth," I calmly explained, much calmer than I felt. "We don't know if it was used, so please, can you test her? Please."

The receptionist now looked beyond hassled, but she told us to sit down and that a doctor would be out shortly. Sure enough, about ten minutes later a dark-haired male doctor came through and called for Stella and Kelly. Even though we probably weren't supposed to, Mac and I followed them through. We weren't prepared to sit in ignorance while they ran the tests on Stella.

It felt like we were in that examination room forever. It wasn't even like the testing itself took all that long. They swabbed the baby's mouth, took a small amount of blood and somehow got her to piss into a cup. Standard stuff. It was the waiting around for the results to come back that was borderline unbearable. We were all so worried, unsure if we were about to be told that Stella had managed to contract some sick STI from those motherfuckers.

But eventually, the doctor returned with his clipboard in hand. He flipped back a few sheets of paper, read something, then looked at us and gravely said, "Your baby...has HIV."

My stomach dropped out of my ass as I tried to take in what had just been said, reaching out and pulling Stella off Mac's lap and into my arms. Mac sat in horrified silence as Kelly let out a pained cry and clapped her hands over her mouth. Stella...no...she couldn't...she was just a baby...

"-is how bad this could have gone," the doctor continued. "The condom was unused."

A small pause to process this new information. Then...

"WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT TO A COUPLE OF PARENTS?!" screamed Kelly, lunging at the doctor. In that second I decided that it would probably be best to let Mac deal with his hysterical wife. I muttered something in his ear about taking Stella home in my car and proceeded to quickly vacate the building before the whole family got arrested because Kelly assaulted a doctor.

Later that evening, Mac and Kelly decided to take some time out and went to do the grocery shopping, so they left Stella with me. I didn't have any problem with it; the poor little girl needed to relax, she'd had a way too manic day by any seven-month-old's standards. So, after changing the two of us into our PJs, I sat on the floor next to Stella as she happily played around on her baby mat.

It was nearing on 7PM when my cell rang from its spot on the coffee table. I hoisted Stel up onto my hip and grabbed the phone, checking the ID.

"Hey A," I answered, sitting down on the couch and laying Stella next to me, handing her a stuffed dog as I did so.

"Damn, Korb, you sound chill as fuck," AJ remarked.

"That's because I am. Okay, no, truth be told, I only calmed down about two hours ago," I said. "But I'm babysitting the little lady so I can't afford to be pissed off." I paused to blow a raspberry on her belly, causing her to giggle.

"So mature," she mocked. "You know, I'm surprised you picked up. I've been thinking about calling you all day, but I didn't wanna get in the way of anything serious."

"AJ, you know I'd have made time for you, no matter what was happening. Well, unless someone was actually dying but you get the picture. Don't suppose you'd be willing to fill me in on what happened after my great escape?"

Immediately, AJ began to laugh. "Oh man, Korb, I wish you could have seen it. Pete had this fucking huge handprint on his face when he turned around. And let me tell ya, that shit wasn't just red, it was scarlet. Looks like you've got one hell of a swing on you, Radner."

I giggled. "Why thank you, Miss Riley."

"Any time. Yeah, so, he turns around, everyone sees this great fuck-off handprint and just starts laughing. Bright shut everyone up eventually – he literally looked so done – and told Pete to get on with the presentation, and that he'd 'deal with Korbyn later.'"

"That doesn't sound too good," I gulped.

"Nah, you know how soft Bright is. If only he had the balls he thought he did. You'll get a tap on the wrist and that'll be it. Now, stop fucking interrupting me, woman! Jesus!"

"Sorry. Continue."

"I will. Anyway, the half of Pete's face that wasn't bright red went this kind of sickly white colour. Bright asked him what was wrong, and he mumbled something about you having the notes. Bright frowned at him and goes, 'Surely you don't need the notes? You and Korbie have been working together for the last month, after all,' but the way he said it made me so sure he knew that Carter barely helped you at all."

I went to say something about the fact Pete had helped me about three times outside of college, but had a feeling that AJ would verbally decapitate me if I interrupted again.

"Pete then went from white to green in the space of about zero point three seconds," she continued. "I swear to God, I thought he was about to puke. Still, he turned to the poster and started to just read from it. He was tripping over the words, stuttering, mumbling…Jesus, Korbs, it was a trainwreck. Somehow he got to the end, and while Bright didn't seem pissed, he wasn't exactly impressed either. Said something about missing some key points, but that you were looking at a D plus, or maybe a C minus optimistically. I take it the 'key points' were on the half you fucking shredded last night?" I'd been straight on the phone to AJ once I'd calmed down enough to tell her what had happened.

"You'd be correct," I said, letting out a long sigh of relief. I hadn't failed. Thank God. "I'm a little disappointed I missed that, you know. Any opportunity where I've made Pete squirm with discomfort is a win for me."

"So you wanna actually tell me what happened? I mean, you got that call from Mac, and within like three seconds you'd bitch-slapped Pete through the wall and bolted."

I sighed again, heavier this time. "Stella, she…found an open condom on our front lawn and put it in her mouth. We didn't know if it had been used or what - turns out it hadn't - so Mac and Kelly were freaking out which sort of set me off too. Should I have hit Pete? No, I can admit, probably not. But if something had happened to Stella…and it had been Delta Psi's fault…I just saw red, and I snapped."

"Holy shit, babe," AJ whistled lowly. "Don't even think that you shouldn't have hit that son of a bitch, because I know I would have. How dare they endanger Stella that way? I kind of understand their beef with you guys, but she's just a baby! Those disgusting little cun-"

A beep sounded on my line, cutting AJ off mid-cuss. "Hold up, baby girl, I have another call coming through. It could be Mac. Stay right there, I'll be back ASAP." I quickly switched the call over before she could object. "Hello?"

"Korbyn? It's Pete."

I hung up and switched back to AJ's line. "You still there, A?"

"Hell yeah. That was quick. Mac butt-dial you or something?"

"No. It was just some slimy cockroach who thought that because he has my number it was okay to call me."

"Oh gross, it was Pete? The fuck's up with that?"

"I don't know, I hung up before he got any real words out."

"Oh giiiirl, you told his ass what's up!"

"Damn right I did. I'm done with him fucking me around, AJ. I can't deal with it any-" beep beep. "Son of a bitch!"

"What now?"

"He's trying to call back! What the fuck is wrong with him, does he have a death wish?!"

"Right, don't bite my head off, but I think you should talk to him. Don't hear him out, fuck no, but at least let him attempt to explain. Then, when he fucks that up, you have a reason to go next door and knock three of his teeth out."

"You want me to give him a chance to explain himself?! Are you kidding?"

"Nope." She popped the 'p.' "Do it. I've gotta go, anyway. Mom wants me to help her bake a cake for Dad's birthday tomorrow while he's bowling with his friends."

"Fine. I'll talk to him. When the fuck did you become Mother Theresa?" I grumbled. Beep beep. Go. Away.

"About the same time I accidentally made Dana cry last night and actually felt bad about it," she said breezily.

"Hell, AJ, I never pegged you for the epiphany type. Okay, I'm going. Tell Robert I said happy birthday."

"You got it. I'll see ya in class on Wednesday. Byyyieeeee," she sang, and hung up.

I heaved yet another sigh, waiting for Pete's call to connect. It soon did. "Hi Korbie," Pete's sheepish voice came through.

"It's Korbyn. What do you want?" I said icily.

"Is…is Stella okay?"

"Why the fuck do you care, Pete? You're the fucking reason she might not be!"

"Exactly! Korbyn, you've gotta believe me, we never would have wanted Stella to get hurt! I know we're a bunch of assholes but, Jesus Christ, we're not that evil!"

"I don't give a fuck what you wouldn't have wanted!" I shouted, already losing my cool. "The point is, it happened! You quite obviously heard what Mac said, she nearly swallowed it, Pete! It was unused, lucky for you, but she could have fucking choked! Or what if she'd found out it could stretch, put it over her head and fucking suffocated!? Do you see where I'm going with this?! She. Is. A. Baby!" I looked down at Stella lying next to me on the couch. She'd fallen asleep, her little chest rising and falling instantly, chubby hands clutching the stuffed dog.

"Korb, I'm sorry, I really am, please-"

"No, Pete. For once, I'm not letting you pull the wool over my eyes. You're not sorry. You never are." My voice cracked, along with part of my heart. Woah, wait wait wait. What was going on? Nooo, Korbie, nooo, you squashed every feeling you had for this boy back in fucking high school. "You weren't sorry when you left me at the start of college, you weren't sorry for tormenting me all these years, and you're not sorry now! I'm…I'm done with this, Pete. I can't keep playing these games anymore." You're hurting me more than you ever have before.

"What do you mean?"

My voice came out flat as I replied, "I thought we could fix us. I thought we had. I made a mistake when I called the cops, and I've apologised so many times for that. You're the one who decided it had to go sour between us again, not me. And even after all these weeks, even though I've been treating you the same way you treat me, I still thought something was salvageable. I was wrong. So this is it. On Friday, I'm moving back to my seat next to AJ and that's where I'm staying. I'll ignore you, you'll ignore me. That's how it's gonna work from now on."

"Korbie, don't be stupid. If- if you want us to try working things out, we can. I mean it, I really am sorry."

"I don't want," I lied, trying not to let the emotion creep into my voice. "And no you're not. So stop saying you are. It wouldn't be enough, anyway. Not anymore."

"Korbie Cat-"

"Goodbye, Pete," I whispered, quickly pressing End Call and shutting off my phone so he didn't call back. It didn't take long for tears to well up and spill over. Trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake the baby, I dissolved into silent sobs, covering my face with my hands. I didn't count on my legs giving way so I ended up sliding off the couch. I collapsed in a heap on the floor, crying my eyes out over losing my former best friend for the final time.

Oh God, I so did not want to be here. Thursdays were my off days, for fuck sake. I was supposed to be away from the university. But no, here I was, sitting in between Mac and Kelly in Dean Gladstone's office, across the desk from the Dean herself. Mac and Kelly were trying to report Delta Psi's, um, antics to Gladstone, and they'd decided three witnesses was better than two, so had dragged me along too.

What's worse, they wanted us all to look 'presentable' so I was sitting here in a black skater dress that looked like I'd jacked it from Wednesday Addams' closet, lace tights and black strap courts. My hair was in a half-bun and I had a black velvet choker around my neck. I didn't do formal very often, so it was the same dress I'd worn to my Grandma's funeral. Delightful memories when I was in a foul enough mood as it was.

"They are dangerous to the neighborhood!" Mac was insisting, emphatically slapping his hand on the desk.

"There is a clear focus going on here!" added Kelly.

"I heard they burned down their last house!" Mac continued.

"And they were reprimanded for that," said Gladstone. "We have a very strict 'three strike' policy at this school. Korbyn should know that, she earned Zeta Tau Phi their first one in her freshman year."

"What?!" shouted both Mac and Kelly, looking at me.

"Um...I may or may not have accidentally pushed the gardener into the pool because I thought he was a burglar...and he couldn't swim...and paramedics needed to be called..." I mumbled. "Oh, let it go, I was eighteen, for Christ's sake!"

"So, Delta Psi has one strike. If they get two more, then they're out," Gladstone explained.

"A strike?!" Mac repeated incredulously.

"Well listen, the way I do my job is, you know, I'm always thinking about the headlines," said Gladstone. "'Freshman Almost Drowns Gardener' - bad headline. 'Duke Lacrosse Team Rapes Stripper' - worse headline. 'Fraternity Keeps Couple Awake?' That's not really even a headline, I don't even think it would make the local police blotter."

"Dean, please, you don't understand-" I started to say, desperation in my voice, but Mac cut across me.

"Get ready to read the headline of the century! Extra, extra," he spat, slamming the condom Stella had nearly swallowed, which was encased in a plastic bag. "'Baby Swallows Condom!'"

"That's disgusting!" the Dean exclaimed in horror.

"Exactly!" said Kelly, and she and Mac simultaneously announced, "It's the frat's condom!"

"They left it on our front lawn after they decided to trash the yard!" I elaborated.

"I have a headline for this," Gladstone said haughtily. "'Fraternity Practices Safe Sex.' That's a good headline, I could get a raise off that headline."

"I got a headline for you," Mac shot back. "'Mean Dean Doesn't Realise...That Frat Is Bad For...Everyone..." He'd ran out of steam almost as soon as he'd started his sentence, clearly.

"It's really not," she replied, sounding bored now. "It's very poorly worded; I don't think that would ever make it to print. I don't know where you went to school."

"I went here, okay? That's why I'm dumb!" Mac retorted.

"You know what? I just though of another headline," she said coolly. "'Negligent Parents Allow Baby To Swallow Condom.'"

Kelly looked completely dumbfounded at her lack of caring."What you say?"

"It's not a good headline."

Kelly had had enough. "Here's a headline; how about 'Go Fuck Yourself!'"

"Kelly!" I gasped. Oh my God, my status at this university was well and truly fucked up the ass. Suffice to say, it wasn't long until my family and I were ushered from the Dean's office, me almost being slapped with a second strike for Zeta Tau when I wasn't even in the damn sorority anymore.

"We need to do something about this ourselves," I muttered, sitting cross-legged on Mac and Kelly's bed.

"This is our home!" ranted Kelly. "This is our little cub on our lawn with a condom in her mouth!" She let out a low growl. "Oh my God, I am a mama bear!"

"Yes you are!" agreed Mac.

"You tell 'em, Kel!" I said, nodding.

"You know what? I'm gonna act all docile, and then-" she suddenly lunged forward with a roar, hands positioned like claws.

Mac copied her. "My claws are out! I'm gonna fucking get them! Korbs, you're in, right?"

"Hell yeah, I'm in," I said determinedly. "I am done with this shit!"

"Fuck these fucking guys!" he yelled. "They don't know who they are fucking with! They think, oh, I'm just a regular dad, and then you know what happens?! BOOM, BOOM!" He made a gun motion with his hand. "Teddy's dead! Pete's dead! Scoonie's dead! Fuck you!"

"Mac, I think you need to calm down!" I said hastily, just as Kelly also tried interfering.

"I'll fucking kill them!" he shouted.

"No, no," Kelly said firmly.

"I'm buying a fucking gun!" he declared.

"No you're not!" Kelly affirmed.

"I'm not buying a gun!" Mac suddenly emotionally sobered up. "You're right, it's a bad idea."

"Yeah, a real fucking bad idea," I muttered.

"What about one of those small prostitute guns?" he suggested, so I kicked him in the shin as Kelly repeated, "No. We're not getting a gun."

"Fuck," Mac sighed.

"What can we do?! And that fucking Dean!" Kelly raged. "What woman is named Dean?!"

"What? That isn't her name, Kelly, are you serious?!" I said.

"That's her job," added Mac.


"Her job, Kel," I said, rubbing my temples. "'Dean' is what her job is called."

"Really?!" Kelly said, surprised.

"What did you think?" asked Mac.

"I thought that was her name!" Kelly answered.

"What do they call it in Australia?"


"No...no, she's the chancellor," Mac explained.

"Oh my God, I was so rude to her," Kelly said guiltily.

"Yeah, but, hey, I didn't get expelled so I say that's a win," I said lightly.

"I don't know what to do now," Mac said, defeated.

"What do we know?" said Kelly.

"What didn't we have in college?" Mac questioned.

"Well, I for one, have got next to no money," I offered, raising my hand.

"I didn't have any money either," agreed Kelly.

"Neither did I," said Mac.

"So they're broke. They don't have any money," confirmed Kelly.

"I've got it!" Mac said. "We fuck with their house. They can't afford to fix it. They have to move. Fuck them! We are gonna fucking fuck them!"

"So...wait." Kelly frowned. "What can we do to their house that will make it unlivable?"

"I...have got no idea," admitted Mac. "Korb?"

I stood up and looked out of the window, my arms crossed. I scanned the side of the building, my eyes locking on the small window that let light into the basement. Next to it was one of the main water pipes. An evil smirk spread across my lips. "Oh, I know exactly what we can do."

A/N- Again, serious apologies for the 'no updates for a year' thing but I'm hoping this marks the end of my writer's block. So please, review! Let me know how you liked my comeback chapter, I love reading your thoughts! Thank you so much, guys, I love you all and thank you for still being here! Xx Gee xX