Danke- Thank you

Bitte- Your Welcome/Please

Deutschland - Germany

(^し^) Become one with me, da~

I don't own Hetalia~

The Hit List Chapter 1

Twelve year old Feliciano had no idea how he and his thirteen year old brother, Lovino, got into this situation. Was it because they sometimes skip out on their morning lessons? Perhaps it was just another form of karma. But whatever it was, it's a living nightmare. What did they do to get this treatment? Nothing… The memory of that unfaithful horrendous night was like a hazy dream. Remembering only the most memorable and frightening parts of that dream. For instance, the tear gas that made their eyes and throat burn, the screams of household servants that were loyal and supportive for their grandfather's uprising, and the violent gun shots that echoed throughout the estate eventually hitting their grandfather in the chest. Lovino tried calling for help with Feliciano's assistance, but nobody alive was present to save them. Placing their hands on Grandpa Roma's chest, they tried to stop the bleeding, but the warm oozing liquid continued to soak his shirt. Soldiers began to flood the room once the a cry of victory was made.

But what exactly did they do wrong? So here they are, sitting in a black van with smears of rusty blood on their clothing, hands and feet cuffed like a criminal, with the feeling that everything won't be alright. The younger twin woke up to find his unconscious brother leaning on him. Seeing that he was okay, he smiled. At least Lovino was alright. Inhaling to take a sigh of relief, a familiar scent soiled his nose. He looked at the remainder of the van to figure out where it was coming from, hoping to find the source. His eyes trailed the pile of bodies that were neatly stacked and roped up in disfigured positions to the blank open eyed stare of Grandpa Roma.

"AHH!" a jolt of fear hit his body. He expeditiously attempted to yank out of the iron chains, "W-why?! You killed my Grandpa! What have we ever done to you!?" This shook all of the foreign soldiers causing some of them to drop their pen or book on the floor. Picking up their utensils, they watched the young boy in annoyance as he kicked and screamed in his language. A soldier came up to him, kneeled down and tied rope over his mouth. Feliciano's face got flustered and he got tired due to all the energy he has used up that day. Once the young Italian was worn out, the soldiers continued doing their jobs like nothing happened.

Feliciano felt sick to the stomach. Why did they want them to live and for everyone else to die? He and his brother are all they have left, but he felt so weak; wanting the selfish desire of parental protection. Hot tears ran down his face while he cried silently to himself, wishing for Lovino to wake up so that he could tell him, "It's alright Feli".

Something suddenly tapped Feliciano on the leg making him jump up with surprise. Glancing to lap he saw that it was a bloody hand from the pile beside. Suddenly the hand gripped the young boy's palm ever so lightly. Snapping his eyes open, Feliciano eyes made its way to the owner's arm- Grandpa Roma. His grip was shaky, as if he was using all the strength that he had saved for this moment.

"Hmp!" Feliciano's quiet voice quivered in the rope with a tad bit of excitement. Grandpa's blank stare forcefully turned into a sad but hopeful smile. "Feli… quiet- we don't want them to hear" he hitched out with a whisper. "Life will be harder for you and your brother, but you mustn't give up on our dream. If only Lovino was awake to hear this..." he stopped for a moment to take a struggling deep breath. Feliciano gripped his hand tightly and gave him looks of perturbation, but listened to every word, knowing that this was Grandpa's last conversation with him. The elder continued even though his chest ached with godforsaken pain after making sure no was listening, "I've feared that something like this would happen, that's why I have hidden your heritage in a secret place that only I know of. You are to use it to rebuild the Ambassadors' Headquarters and gain power to overthrow the Dictatorship countries that did this to us…" His eyes began to droop into his eternal sleep after he dropped hazel rings in Feliciano's hand. "These are the keys." Feliciano looked down in his hands and he looked at the rings with confusion.

"… your heritage is locate-", he stopped once more, only longer than the previous stops.

Feliciano fought his way out of the rope, and shook Roma's arm panicking "What is it, Grandpa! Please finish!" Roma when back to his stare that he had before, but this time it wasn't a fraud.

"Was machst du?!" one blonde soldier shouted. His heavy footsteps couldn't match the beating of Feliciano's heart, so without thinking, he leaned down and put both rings in his mouth under his tongue. When he confronted the Italian boy he continued to yell at him, but of course Feliciano didn't know what he was saying. All the boy could do was stare and pray that he doesn't hit him. Weight was suddenly lifted off of his shoulder and a slight yaw was heard behind him.

"Lovino!" His only family… was okay.

Lovino looked around and began to gag slightly at the sight of dozens of corpses in one setting, including Grandpa. But unlike Feliciano, Lovino doesn't like showing weakness.

"Who the hell are you?" Lovino snapped at the blonde soldier that clearly had no idea of what they were saying, yet they continued to bicker and fight. It would seem that Lovino was winning until, the blonde pulled out his handgun from his holster pointing the barrel at his heart.

The older twin was awestruck. He sat there wide eyed like a kitten without his mother. Both brothers looked at the man in fear earning the armed soldier satisfaction. He placed the gun back into the holster, and he pulled down his uniformed jacket walking away.

Lovino stared at the back of the man and started to shake. Never in his life had he felt so useless! Feliciano grabbed his brother's hand to alleviate the building stress that he had to endure. But he knew he had to tell him everything, even if it kills both of them they had to fulfill Grandpa Roma's dying wish.

Like mentioned before, a living nightmare. All of those bad people that your parents warn you were after the young Vargas brothers. They finally reached their final destination: The Empire of the Greater German People. When the van entered the city, the natives cheered and waved their red, yellow, and black flags in the air. They could hear cheering outside the moving van as well as the inside. Pats and handshakes were exchanged when the van went to a complete stop. Only the brothers made it to these lands, for the soldiers had to bury the most of the bodies. Soldiers on the outside opened the back of the vehicle and gave a humane nod to the soldiers and a pat on the back.

Untying Feliciano and Lovino's ankles, they threw them out of the truck to the earthy surface of the mushy warm mud below. A roar of laughter filled the evening sky when the soldiers forced them to stand again. Mud and dirt covered their faces and matted their amber hair into a sickening coal black. Pushing them to keep going down the streets of Germany to the dictator courts, the citizens threw little pebbles of rocks at them.

"Fratello! It hurts!" Feliciano whimpered, guarding his head and the back of his neck as they were pelted by more stones.

"Just keep going!" Lovino shouted over the loud roars of supposed threats.

Feliciano's legs began to grow weaker and the more he walked the more he began to limp, but he knew he had to keep walking. It feel it like he was about to die. He and his brother haven't been fed enough for his liking, so he had little strength… Why can't they see? We didn't do anything to anyone to hurt anyone! Then he started slowing down. He was emotionally and physically exhausted; he had never had to deal with so much before, and it was very nerve wracking. He passed out and fell on the ground with a 'flop'.

The city's people continued to throw rocks and stones at him when he fell to the ground, leaving him with even more bruises forming on his frail body. German soldiers continued to yell at them in the background of all the chaos, but all Lovino could hear was his heart pounding furiously. He quickly ran by his brother's side and tried to help him, but was stopped by the dangling chains.

"Get up Feliciano! You have to get up!" For the first time in years he shed tears for his younger brothers. Squatting down to encourage Feliciano to keep going, one of the soldiers roughly pulled him away from his brother and started to repeatedly kick Feliciano in his stomach- shouting and bickering to his poor brother. The citizens of the town are horrid. Never in their lives have they come across such heartless people. In the corner of Feliciano's eye he saw the people of the town trying to get to them- to hurt them, but the only reason that they hadn't done so was because the soldiers and government held them down. The soldiers that were supposed to escort the the brothers slowly started to abandon Feliciano. Thoughts flooded throughout Lovino's head. They were so cruel to leave Feli! Just watching his brother get treated like that, it felt like Hell itself.

Gathering the last bit of strength he dragged his feet to his sibling, and once again squatted down but facing away from him.

"Feli, get on." Feliciano's arms made it way to his shoulders and gripped its way around his neck. Shakily, but surely, Lovino got up and started walking to everyone's surprise. The crowd booed and shouted unholy things at the preteens. They were clearly not happy that they hadn't broken the two boys' spirits.

Today is the day that Lovino understood the true meaning of hatred, and suffering. He would avenge Grandpa Roma. He would bring the Vargas name honor again. He would never forgive the people who did this to them.

Pebbles and stones continued to hit their heads and backs like an unending rain. But this didn't stop Lovino. "Let them enjoy their victory," he whispered. "One day, we will be the ones throwing those bloodied stones! These people- no, these monsters- they will suffer." Lovino carried the weight of his brothers until his passed out of exhaustion, letting the blanket of darkness overcome him.

"Lovino- wake up!" Feliciano shook his brother from his sleeping state. This place was clearly not the brutal town or the smelly van. It looked more like a dungeon, but it's a lot cleaner compared to the stuff they see on T.V. Their bodies felt a tad bit better from the lack of ropes and chains during their ride. Lovino's eye groggily started to open as he asked in an inaudible tone, "Where are we?" He tried getting up but it was practically impossible for him to do so, due to the enormous amount energy he had to use in order to make it close enough to their destination.

"Ve~ fratello! Lay down! You're hurt!" Feliciano tried to reach out to help him, but was rejected by Lovino with a slap on the hand. "Not as much as you!" he looked away after stating that. His younger brothers set his hands down and placed them on his lap, looking at the other side of the cell. A sharp ache fell upon his stomach causing him to slightly furrow his brows in pain. Feliciano faced his body away from his brothers so that he wouldn't notice, but that plan was ruined when he let out a ragged, uncontrollable cough.

"FELICIANO!" Lovino made his way towards his brother's to aid him in any way. Gagging Feliciano spitted out two rings: the rings that Grandpa Roma gave them. "I had to swallowed the rings when we got out the van...", he looked up and softly smiled at his brother, " If I hadn't, they would've taken it away probably..." Feliciano managed to say in-between his coughs. The more he coughed, the harder it became for him to breathe. Gradually his stomach began to hurt. "You really are something pulling that move! Don't do that it isn't safe". But he had to mentally thank Feliciano. If they lost those rings they would've been screwed. "Really fratello I-" he pulled away his hand to find blood covering his palm.

"You call that okay!?" Lovino made a desperate attempt to get up and lay his brother against the cold stone wall. After doing so, he cursed under his breath and lifted up Feliciano's shirt up to look at the damage done to his brother. Red and light pink gashes covered Feliciano's stomach Lovino's eyes widened as he held back tears.

He couldn't protect Feliciano. His own younger brother... the only one that stood by him when everyone despised him. He dropped his head down and lightly hugged his brother, making sure that he wouldn't hurt him. "Sorry… I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'm sorry..." he began to weep.

"Uh? Fratello, I'm okay! See, see! I'm ok-" tears rolled down Feliciano's cheeks as he started to think realistically. No one will save them. Grandpa was more than likely lying to them to make them hopeful of living. But just like what Grandpa said, life will be harder for them. No more watching T.V. until midnight. No more eating pasta and sleeping in. No more happiness. No matter how much pain he is in right now, he's even more upset for disappointing Grandpa and Lovino all those times. He promise that he won't forget to clean up his room! What did he do to receive this treatment? He doesn't know…


Lovino quickly lift his head from Feliciano's chest to look at the guards that was standing there, unfazed by their bruises and bloodshot, watery eyes. Behind the German soldiers, there stood a figure that clearly showed staus. The soldiers yelled out a weird chant of celebration, "Hagel Roderich Edelstein". The figure stepped into the moonlight to reveal him wearing a similar uniform like the soldiers, but with medals covering his right breast pocket. His shoes were nicely polished as if he had never set foot into the outside world. He smiled and started speaking in broken Italian, hands folded behind his back. "Because of your family's tyrant behavior, you are forced to carry the shame of carrying the Vargas name." He stopped to look at the brothers before smiling more. "But we will spare you if you work for us. I am told that your Grandfather kept treasure deep in the Mediterranean. If you would like our protection and your life you would tell us everything you know."

"We don-" Lovino was stopped by the leader. "No- Not to us, but our machinery." He turned around and began walking off before saying something in his native tongue. "Ja der Herr!" the soldiers saluted to their leader and opened the cell to roughly get the Vargas brothers out out. "Hey whatcha' doing you retard!" Lovino yelled out insults, but that was all he could do. He'd rather yell and curse them in a language that they don't know then to communicate in the one language that they can understand: violence.

All they would remember were the blinding lights, the confusing broken down Italian that the German soldiers used to ask them questions of their Grandpa's treasure, life at the Vargas estate, and personal questions, using a machine that was attached on their temples, fingers, and chest. Their experience was a blur but all they knew was that the "leader" said that they were telling the truth, so now they are in one of the servant dorms, changing into their German clothing. It's not that they were complaining, but the clothing that the maids provided looked very childish and feminine. Just like a maids outfit. When they got out snickers from the maids and guards filled the hall.

The brothers already knew that this was going to happen. It's not very common in Italy for men to wear women's clothing . Feliciano looked at his feet in shame. He wishes that everyone would stop laughing, staring, and glaring at them.

Lovino grabbed the young boy's hand and smiled, "Feliciano, head up, back straight, and look strong. This is what they want… remember about Grandpa's dying wish." He lifted their hands to show the hazel brown ring that Grandpa Roma gave them.

Feliciano smiled, "you're right, Lovi!" He followed the guard and looked forward ahead. If Lovino can be strong and think positively, than he will do the same! "Ve~!"

"What did you say?"

"Ve~! I don't know! It just slipped out of my mouth! I am just happy!"

Lovino smiled and walked side by side with his brother. For now on, he will be tougher to protect his brother. He is the only person in the world that loves him.

Sadly, they did not know of the trials they would come across to in their search for happiness.

"Lovino! Don't take him away!"

They were in the main hall surrounded by dozens of officials and dictators from different countries. The room was quite spacious, but not big enough for brothers to escape. It was a hopeful thought, but they already knew that they couldn't escape. The large double doors were heavily guarded, leaving them with no chance of escape. The "leader" of the German soldiers was actually the dictator of The Empire of the Greater German People. Lord Roderich Edelstein III promised them that they would be safe and that they were in the clear!

"You lied! You said that we will be safe and together!" Two guards forced Lovino to the ground when he made another attempt to run to Feliciano.

"You've mistaken. I said that you'll be under our protection and that you'll keep your lives if you cooperate with us." With a sigh of annoyance he rose his hand to sign them off.

"Take him away".

"Where are you taking him?" Feliciano tried to run to his brother but stopped when his stomach began to have that sharp pain again.

"Remember! Don't forget me!" Lovino was picked up by one of the servants. But before he was taking away, he gave Feliciano one more sad, determined smile. "Be confident! Don't let them step on you..."

"Ti amo, fratello!"

"Ti amo..."


The door closed and so did Feliciano's childhood. That night they led Feliciano to his servant quarters: a narrow room with one bed, and a big window that showed the bright city below. Off in the horizon he could see the vehicle that carried his brother. "Ve~" He touched the glass window and leaned against the frame and cried. "Fratello!"

Feliciano held his stomach and he closed his eyes. If he didn't think about food then he could forget that he is hungry. He held his stomach. "Ve~ I want...pasta."

"Maybe I could get some grape juice and some food from Grand-" Oh wait… He isn't home…

CLATER. SLAM! Snapping his head to the direction of the sound, he found a hot plate of sausages. But they were a little bigger than sausages. A grin spread across his face as he hopped off the bed, dress fluttering behind him, and ran straight to the plate. Grabbing a sausage, he opened the door to find a boy, talking to the guards that were watching his door; roughly his age. At the sound of the door creaking open, he turned his head to Feliciano. The Vargas's amber eyes meeting his sky blue eyes. The young man had blonde hair that reflected light. It was down, slightly hanging over his brows.

"Who are you?" he looked down at his plate and then back to him. "Why?"

Of course unaware of what the Italian was saying to him, he started to walk off embarrassed. "Ah!" trying to find the right words for thank you in German.


There was a moment of silence. The guards and the boy looked at Feliciano with a odd look.

The blonde looked at him with confusion, but started to hold in a chuckle. Maybe he knew what he meant. But why was he laughing? Did say the wrong thing? He guessed he'd never know. After being forced into the room again he felt his stomach grumble again.

"Food!" he reached down and grabbed one to put in his mouth.

"This is terrible..." he sighed in discontent, "ve~"

Behind the door stood the shy blonde listening for any response of 'her' liking his favorite meal; wurst. "Questo è terribile..." Even though he didn't know what 'she' said, it sound like 'she' liked it! The German boy smiled and walked off with his guard and maid.

"Frau Zelma, do you think she liked it?"

"I am sure she loved it Master Ludwig! " the young lady smiled at him and they continued to walk, exiting out of the servant quarters. "But why exactly are you stepping out of your way to give her that?"

"She has been through a-"

"But still, Master Ludwig. You have a kind heart but you shouldn't mess with her… she isn't of German bloo-"

"Don't finish that statement! Why can't people see that we are equal beings! I am not judging her for what bloodline she came from!" he sighed and stopped walking looking forward with a daze. "She walked with pride and was happy even though the whole staff was being disgraceful to her. She is what we need for a greater Germany!" he smiled recalling that memory of the brothers, walking hand in hand in the hall pasting all the people who laughed, cursed, and glared at them.

Miss. Zelma wrinkled her nose, stopping the two before they reached the top of the scarlet steps that lead to a good amount of conversational people. Putting her hands on her hips, she frowned. "Why were you in the servant quarters?"

"I was looking for you, remember?" he said shyly. That's true, how could she forget that the young boy went out looking for her to help find his practice gun for school.

"But Master Ludwig those were the-" she had to stop herself. Lord Roderich Edelstein III told all of the staff that the children that live in the estate, who were not of age, should not know of the political happenings. Not even of Vargas's grandchildren. They must focus on more important things, like mathematics and combat.

"They were what?" Ludwig asked, arms crossed.

She let out a sigh and continued to walk with the german boy, "nothing dear! It's just I think she will cause you trouble later on." Zelma smoothed out her curly, shoulder length, light brown hair that hung shamelessly over her onyx eyes. She slid her hair back into her bandanna cap and curtseyed to the passing officials.

With a bashful grin, Ludwig began talking once more, "good! Now what language was she speaking again? Was it Italian?"

"Yes, Master Ludwig."

"Fantastic! I shall learn it! I believe bruder Gilbert was learning it for his next mission in Italy! Perhaps I should ask him..." Ludwig thought out loud. Gilbert might be busy since he was recently assigned to a hit list.

"Yes, Master Ludwig..."

This would be the perfect way for him to interact with a foreigner! Ludwig has never met one up until now, so it'll be enthralling for him to learn more about the Italian. The ultimate chance for him to learn a different culture was literally at his door step. Grabbing the little courage he had, he asked, "may we set up a date that we can visit her? I think she should try learning our language! It would be beneficial know German to work with the other maids, so if we can..." he looked down to his feet and started to twiddle his fingers.

"Yes Master Lu- what! No! You must focus on your schooling and rankings!" she went on and on. Anything that would protect him. He shouldn't get attach to her; it'll make things harder for the both of them. If only he knew what fate has in store for the both of them...

I hope everyone enjoyed this! I will have to thank my editor!

Frau Wolf!

She is so great! She helped me with the background information~

~My friend did something weird... My friend didn't know that my account was still open, and when she reviewed, my buddy reviewed as Animefreak557 not themselves~ My buddy... (= A =lll)...really? So weird..

~Animefreak~( = 3 =)