Dean sat in the cheap motel, on the end of the bed with its tacky green covers, cleaning his pistol. He was polishing the beautiful pearl handgrip, when without warning, there was a clap of thunder. Dean hit the ground rolling, bringing the shiny pistol to bear as a hole opened in the dingy ceiling. A screaming woman fell out, landing on the bed and bouncing onto the floor from the force of impact. The woman bashed her head into the carpet-covered floor upon landing, knocking her unconscious.

Dean crouched in the corner, against the paisley wallpaper, as the door crashed in and his younger brother, Sam, burst in through the broken door. He skidded to a surprised stop as he saw the woman lying on the floor, her red hair spread across her face like a fall of fire.

"Dean, what did you do?" Sam demanded of his brother.

"Nothing , Dude she fell out of the friggin' ceiling!"

"How could she fall out of the ceiling, Dean?" Sam said, giving his brother 'the look' as he put his pistol away.

Dean slowly stood up still cautiously pointing his pistol at the woman. He said, " I don't know man, but we've seen weirder crap. Exploding angels, shape shifters, demons. See if she's alive."

Sam bent down and checked the woman's pulse, brushing the hair from her face as he did so. "She's alive." Sam scooped her up, noticing the ripped grey t-shirt, through which her pale skin could be seen.

"Put her on your bed, and get the holy water." Dean said pointing at the other single bed in the room with his gun. Sam gently laid the woman down and grabbed a silver flask from the green army duffel at the foot of the bed. He sat next to her and opened the flask, then splashed a little on her face and neck. She twitched a little as the droplets landed on her bare skin, but didn't smoke as a demon would.

'Ok, so she's not a demon. Get the silver then."

Sam pulled a small silver knife from the bag and a larger; bone handled one with symbols carved into the blade. He took the woman's hand and turned her arm up so the underside showed. He made a small, quick cut with the silver one and another beside it with the larger one. Both men looked surprised when nothing happened from either one.

"Ok ,so, maybe she's human." Dean reluctantly said, putting his pistol into the back of his belt.

"Human women don't just fall from the ceiling, Dean."

"Maybe I can help with this woman." A new voice said as there was a fluttering sound and Cas stood beside Dean, who jumped at the sudden appearance.

"Cas, what did we tell you about just popping in like that!"

Cas gave Dean a clueless look and walked the few steps over to the bed. He slowly took in the woman's battered army boots, well-worn jeans and jacket. Cas reached his right hand out and gently laid two fingers on the woman's forehead. Her eyes flashed open, revealing a deep blue, as she came up clawing the air and launched herself off the end of the bed.

She spun around, panting, fists drawn up; to face the three startled men.

"Who are you! What do you want with me!" She spat at them, then slowly let her fists drop as she noticed her surroundings. Dean walked toward her, pointing. "Hey, you fell outta my ceiling onto my bed! Who the hell are YOU?" As he neared her, she punched him in the nose. Hard.

"AHHHH, I'm blind!" Dean cried as his hands flew to his nose and he fell back onto the bed. Sam looked at his brother, torn between concern and the desire to laugh at him. He slowly walked toward the defensive woman, his hands out in a soothing gesture.

"I'm Sam, and that's my brother Dean." He said as he pointed at the groaning figure on the bed. Dean raised one hand in an angry little half wave, the other still holding his nose.

"Who's he then?" She said, pointing at the man in the tan trench coat.

"I am Castiel, an Angel of the Lord" he said with grave seriousness.

The woman's blue eyes flashed as she said," yeah right, angels aren't real."

Cas looked hurt at this statement, as Sam reached for the woman's elbow to turn her toward the little table under the window. She flinched away, so Sam gestured for her to sit at the table instead.

"What's your name?" Sam asked as she sat down. She watched as Dean went to the white mini fridge and grabbed a cold beer. He held it against the side of his nose and groaned, while Cas set the broken door back on its hinges as best he could. Cas moved over to stand between the woman and Dean.

" Feona, my name is Feona. I'm sorry about your nose. It was a reflex." Feona said apologetically. Dean looked at her with one eye, around the beer bottle.

"Not the first time a woman's punched me, probably not the last either." Dean shrugged, then opened the bottle and took a long drink.

"Are you Human?" Cas bluntly asked.

"Of course I'm human, what else would I be? Hey why are there cuts on my arm?" Feona asked confused.

"You must have got them just before you fell ." Sam smoothly lied.

"Dean, I believe this woman is from a parallel universe." Cas stated.

"Parallel universe? What do you mean parallel universe?" Feona asked.

"You see, in this world, we're hunters. We hunt monsters, demons, and every evil thing you can dream of. Cas really is an angel."

"Monsters, like werewolves and things like that?" Feona asked as Sam patiently explained.

"Yes, among other things."

"That's... Actually kind of cool." Feona said with a small smile.

"Well that's not the reaction I was expecting." Dean said and shrugged. "We can play twenty questions later. We've gotta leave before somebody comes to find out what all that screaming was about." Dean chugged the last of his beer, while Sam stuffed their few belongings, including an overabundance of plaid shirts, into a pair of duffel bags. Cas continued to stand in the middle of the room and watch her out of the corner of his eye. Sam went to the broken door, and set it back against the wall. He looked out the doorway, first left, then right before exiting with the bags. A few seconds later the sound of a car trunk opening and then closing was heard.

He reappeared a few minutes later, poking his head into the room, his longish brown hair moving in a breeze. " All clear lets go."

" Cas, you stay in the back with her." Dean told the Angel.

As Feona exited the room, flanked on both sides by Dean and Cas, She gasped and stopped. Sitting before her was the most beautiful car she had ever seen in her twenty-four years.

"What, what is it?" Dean asked as he looked around for a threat.

"She's, she's beautiful. You must really love this car." She said as she turned toward him. Dean blushed a little, with a shy grin.

"Well, she's my Baby.' he said as he patted the hood fondly.

Once they were all inside the car, Feona felt something snag at her left sleeve. She looked down to see a little green army man jammed into the door's ashtray.

"Why is there an army man in the ashtray?" Feona asked puzzled. Dean looked at her in the rear-view mirror and said quietly, "it's a long story." Sam flinched and turned his head to look out the passenger window. Cas wisely kept silent. It wasn't his story to tell. Actually he didn't remember much after Lucifer snapped his fingers and blew his head off, but that was neither here nor there.