"Wha—" Kili started but was cut off by the door to the tent opening, revealing Thorin and Tauriel. Kili's mouth almost dropped to the floor when he saw her. "Taur-Tauriel? How…?"

"Mithrandir. Do you not like it?" Tauriel asked looking down at her shrunken body.

"No, I love it. I mean, I would have been fine if you were still tall, but now I don't feel so short!" Kili said laughing as he ran over to Tauriel and hugged her, picking her up and spinning her around.

"How did the meeting with Balin go?" Fili asked before Bilbo could, seeing as his mouth was still stuffed with food.

"Well. When they arrive in the Blue Mountains, Dis will lead the caravan back with as many people as want to come home. It will take them about a year to arrive back, but we should have Erebor mostly rebuilt and the forges running again." Thorin replied.

"Ma is leading the caravan?" Kili asked excitedly, knowing that would mean his ma would be one of the first back.

"You know your Ma, she would have taken over Erebor herself if she didn't have Erid Luin to control." Thorin replied, excited that his sister would be back home as well.

"Better watch out, Uncle, she might try anyway!" Fili said laughing.

Weeks later, after working on rebuilding the most important parts of Erebor, it was the day that they would finally move inside the mountain to prepare for the coldest part of winter. Bilbo had gotten used to the tents, but the ground was getting very cold and he desperately needed to sleep in a real bed again. He had still been sharing a tent with Fili, Kili, Tauriel, and most of the time Thorin.

"Are you ready?" Bilbo asked Thorin, who was looking up at the mountain happily.

"I've been ready, Master Baggins." Thorin said before starting to walk forward, Fili, Kili and Tauriel following close behind. As they walked into the mountain, there were still dwarves working on the entrance. The five of them walked up to the top most level (quite a walk) and Thorin stopped in front of a row of doors.

"The first door is mine, the second, Fili, third, Kili and Tauriel, "Their eyes looked up to him in shock that he would allow them to room together," and the fourth, Master Baggins. These are the royal chambers, and Dis will have the fifth when she arrives." Thorin said, pointing to each respective room.

"You-you're letting us have… one room?" Kili asked quickly and quietly.

"I don't see the point in splitting the two of you, seeing as you have been sleeping side by side for weeks and I am sure if I did, one room would never be used. Just don't make me regret it." Thorin said logically, though he still seemed hesitant. They did need as many free rooms as possible for the others that were settling in. Kili's eyes lit up and Tauriel blushed.

"Thank you, Uncle." Kili said before taking Tauriel's hand and leading her to their doorway. Fili had already disappeared into his room, leaving Bilbo and Thorin out in the corridor.

"I'm quite surprised you allowed that." Bilbo commented after Kili and Tauriel disappeared in their room.

"He approached me days ago asking if he could ask her hand." Thorin replied quietly.

"And?" Bilbo asked curiously.

"It—it has never been done before, but she is his One, I couldn't deny him if I wanted to, even if it means having half-elves as heirs to the throne." Thorin responded. Bilbo smiled up at him.

"You are really a great uncle, Thorin, and a great King." Bilbo told him. Thorin gave no reply, just a hidden smile.

In Kili's room, Tauriel was exploring excitedly while Kili just sat back and watched her, smiling. When Tauriel came back into the room, Kili was leaning against a doorframe, motioning for her to come to him.

"What are you thinking, my love?" Tauriel asked as she was pulled into Kili's embrace.

"Marry me, my ghivashel?" Kili asked as his lips brushed hers. She immediately pulled away, looking him in the eyes.

"Of course, my silly dwarf. You have never been one for traditional, have you?" Tauriel replied, laughing.

"Obviously not, though I don't believe there are any traditions to go by, seeing as we are the first of our kind." Kili replied, laughing as well.

"When are we to be married then?" Tauriel asked after kissing Kili again.

"It is good luck for dwarves to marry on the winter solstice..." Kili responded, though not sure if she would want to marry so soon.

"Then we shall be married in two weeks." She replied, kissing Kili again, but before Kili could reply, a hidden door was opened from the other room.

"Kee?" They heard, and Tauriel started laughing, pulling away from him.

"Way to ruin a moment, Fee. How did you get in, anyways?" Kili asked, rubbing his fingers through his hair as his brother appeared from the study.

"Hidden door from my study to yours. Seems Uncle remembered how we are. Now, what moment did I ruin?" Fili asked laughing.

"Fee, meet your soon to be sister-in-law!" Kili replied happily, Fili leaning in to hug his brother.

"About time, Kee. Bloody well been wanting to since you laid eyes on her! When will it happen?" Fili asked excitedly.

"The winter solstice." Kili replied. Fili's eyes went wide, but with even more excitement.

"Two weeks! My baby brother is going to be married in two weeks! By Mahal!" Fili shouted.

Tauriel had been standing back watching the exchange between the brothers. She had noticed just how inseparable they were over the past months. They had slept side by side, always needing to be around one another, and she couldn't help but wonder how being separated would be for them. They had been far closer than any elf siblings she ever encountered.