Tight black skinny jeans, cute loose dressed blue shirt, brown leather jacket and her signature converse shoes, was the reflection Andy got in her mirror back in her room. The girls had tried hard to put some heels on her but she refused. Even all their sexy arguments didn't worked. Tired of it, she threatened her friends to stay home instead of going with them. The girls choose their battle, better the bar than a pair of shoes. Andy was surprised that to won pretty quickly this argument but pushed away the thought. She would have been really happy staying home. Knowing them, the probability of being hangover first time at parade was way higher than being on time. And she hated being late.

Since Sam had gone undercover she had been late a lot for parade. He wasn't even here to distract her but she found a way to be late somehow. But she would rather have him distracting her so that would have meant that he was safe. Here, with her. So, before she crawled in the spiral of depression the girls and her made a pact: one girl's night per week minimum. Most of the time it result in drinking their lives away and trying to make Officer Andy McNally forget for a little time Detective Sam Swarek. Deep down they all knew it wasn't going to happen but they still tried to cheer her up. Sam made it pretty clear that while he was gone Tracy and Gail had to take care of her.

Andy couldn't lie it was getting harder to forget that he wasn't here with her. The lack of sleep was slowly getting at her; people could see it from the bag under her eyes, and her pale skin. She wasn't quite happy as normal and her friend were able to see it. Was he alive? Would he come home soon? Each night the same nightmare came, and each night she woke up in cold sweet wondering if Sam was still alive. Everyday that goes but her heart was breaking a little more. She just hoped he would come home soon in one piece.

A voice cracked from the other room breaking her thoughts. " Come on, are you coming or what?"

"Coming" she rolled her eyes, Gail wasn't the patient kind for sure, but Andy was happy to have her as a friend now. They had made peace two years ago and their friendship just grown for the better. The blonde was now happy with Holly and their daughter Sophia. Everybody was shocked when Gail announced Sophia's adoption but Andy knew better, she knew that under her big ice queen facade, Gail was all soft and she wasn't worried about her. Gail was a heck of a daddy, as she called herself. Stepping in the living room of her home, Andy heard some whistle and turned on herself.

"Want to bring some boy home tonight Andy? You have some fine ass girl!" said Tracy as she clapped Andy's butt, who wasn't really impressed by her friend's behavior. They all known that only one man would ever pass the threshold of this house and as much as they knew, it wouldn't happen tonight. Tracy linked her arms with her and leaded them to the door, Gail following.

The three girls hopped in Chloe's car who was ready for a night without the baby. Lost in her thoughts, clearly thinking about Sam again as Gail had pointed out earlier in the ride, Andy didn't acknowledge the fact that they had reached their destination. Looking back and forth between the Black Penny neon's sign and the girls, she quirked an eyebrow. It wasn't a new bar like they had say, she new this place too well and promised herself that the next time she would go will be at Sam's return.

" You're fucking kidding me right? No way in hell that I'm going! " she said pointing at her friends.

" Haww come on Andy! It will be so much fun, and beside it's been ages since you hang out with us at the Penny. People are starting to talk, and…" started to say Chloe.

"Don't care" said Andy as she crossed her arms around her chest.

"AND we really miss you here, everybody is here. Come on, it will be fun!" cheered Chloe losing her smile pretty fast as the death glare Andy was sending her.

"He won't be" Andy sighed.

"He won't, but he wouldn't want to see you like this", Tracy pointed the obvious. Sam wouldn't like to see Andy like this but it still didn't feel right to go at the Penny without him anymore.

The Black Penny neon sign was taunting her as she sighed and came out of the car. Tracy squeezed her arm a little, knowing it was difficult but Andy had to face the reality someday and now was the time.

They were here to have fun and that was exactly what she was about to do. She has to admit that she missed hanging out with her friends at the Penny, even if she was working with them most of the time. Like the four musketeers they entered the bar ready for the night.

The place was very crowded for a Monday night. When they entered the Penny, the first thing Andy heard was cheering. People were happy to see her. "Nice to great us with your presence McNally" came from Oliver who hugged her at the same time. She gave him a small smile, she didn't have to say it, Oliver knew more than anyone else that the Penny wasn't the same without Sam. He squeezed her hand and led her to their table where Chris, Dov and Nick already were. Things got easier with Nick after he found Juliet and now at Andy's surprise he was good friend with Sam. It seemed that everything was falling into places until Sam got undercover again. She took place next to him and eyed the drink in front of her. Nick smiled and said that it was okay if she wanted to drink it.

A lot had happened since Oliver became a white shirt but his habit to come to the Penny didn't. He knew that Sam's absence was taking a toll on Fifteen division members and a lot more on Andy McNally. Hopefully, he would come back soon and everything will return to normal. When his friend told him he was going UC, he frankly wanted to kill him with his own hands. The guy was an idiot but when Sam explained the main reason behind it, he understood. Oliver would have do the same thing. Even after all his friends had been trough, he understood why he was taking this risk. Understood the fact that he wanted to put behind the bars the man who made his life's hell two years ago.

Oliver looked at Andy who was now in a deep conversation with Chris and remembered how the road had been hard for her since then. Marlo's sonogram that turns out to be Chloe's sonogram, the death of Tommy McNally but nothing could compare to the night of her attack.

He remembered the panic in Sam voice when he had called him from the hospital. The night was awful, and he wondered why on earth Sam and Andy couldn't catch a break. Andy had been practically beaten up to death by the only guy Nick and her didn't catch in Dakota. The guy was seeking revenge found Andy and make her pay. She did pay a lot more that everyone thought.

Gail and Andy were laughing now and he smiled at this image. The two girls had pretty much grown closer since the night Gail had found Andy all bloody in a dark alley. This friendship helped Andy in a way Sam couldn't even if he had tried so hard to do so.

Taking a sip, Oliver remembered how he found Sam crying outside Andy's room after her surgery. He reached his friend and didn't say anything. Sam didn't cry very often if never. Andy was going to be alright, so why was he crying? After a moment of silence, Sam fixed his eyes on a empty spot never looking at Oliver. "She lost the baby Oli…" was the only thing Sam had say the entire night. Oliver didn't need to say more. Nothing would ever have been enough, and right now he wasn't sure the day would come when it would be.

So seeing Andy in good shape, a real smile on her made him relieved, even if Sam had gone under. The rehabilitation of Andy took a really long time and it was a blessing that she was still here with them. Andy caught a glimpse of Oliver and saw the look he gave her. She knew he was thinking about the last couple of years. When her father died, he was there. He nearly took the paternal figure in her life and she was thankful for it. And when it was Sam's turn to leaver her, even if it was temporary, Oliver made sure to check on her every single day. Sam and her were blessed to have a friend like him.

She nudged her elbow in his side, getting a laugh of him. He knew he had zone out a little. He looked at her as his face turned serious. "He's an idiot". He didn't have to say it she knew he was talking about Sam.

"Yup, idiot he is. I didn't even have the time to tell him…what if…" sadness and panic washed over her as she thought about what could happen.

" Don't go there." Oliver gave her a stern look. "He will came back faster than you know",

Believing every word he said to Andy, Oliver chuckled to himself at the thought of it. Sam will have a pretty big surprise when he will get back. Andy put her head on Oliver's shoulder hoping what he said would be true soon enough.

The first time Sam told her about his undercover op she slapped him. For a moment she thought that she wasn't worth it, that he didn't love her enough. He didn't react and just stood here. He didn't bulged when she pushed him and took her wrists to stop her. Enveloping her in his strong arms never letting go. One week after, she comes to her senses and knew she couldn't do anything about it, but when he told her that he was leaving the next night, she lost it. He tried to calm her and instead she slapped him on the cheek again, but this time she saw the hurt in Sam's eyes. Sam left her alone in their room.

Reality kicked in about an hour later and she thought he had left without telling her goodbye. As she thought back, she knew it was childish because Sam wouldn't have left her without saying a word. Tracy was now kissing Steve Peck, and Andy's heart ached remembering the last time she had kissed Sam.

She had found him in the kitchen looking at his glass. " I'm..." Andy was about to say something when Sam cut her off.

" Don't say you're sorry, you're not." He stated as he looked at her for the first time since she got in the kitchen.

" No I'm not. How could you do this? " her voice was full of anger.

" Are we talking about the fact that I have to leave tonight or the fact that I'm doing the op?" he asked because there was a big difference between the two and he knew that Andy knew it too.

"Both" she shrugged.

" You have to choose McNally" she knew Sam was mad with the tone he used.

" Both are related. How could you?" she sighed she was tired of fighting. It wasn't the first fight they had since she knew he was going undercover.

"How? Do you remember how close you were from dying Andy this night? Do you remember how it took you months to recover from it? If you can't I damn can!" he practically scream the last part. When he got that call, he thought he had lost her again. He couldn't bare the thought of losing her, not then, not ever. " Gees Andy, it took barely five months before you could walk again…" he swallowed hard at the thought of it.

" I…Sam… I get it okay? It's just…" she didn't know how to explain the feeling she had. They were close but the distance between them frightened her.

" Andy" he sighed as he took her hand in his rubbing her skin with his thumb." I thought that you, of all the people, would understand why I took this op" he said as he runs his other hand in his hair.

" I know Sam, I know why you're doing it…but this guy is dangerous…and" she paused a minute collecting herself together. "I don't want him to take you away like he did with our baby!" she admitted with tears falling down on her cheeks. He took her face in his hands and kissed her wanting to take away the pain.

Sam hated the fact that this bastard took their baby away and that she had to go trough hell, Andy could see it in his eyes. She wished that nothing of this had happen that Sam could stop blaming himself. That they would be a family know if she didn't lost the baby. And before he could say something else she asked him to promise her something. She asked him to come back home and he has made the promise. Saying that he would always come back, but four months since he had left and she was starting to lose hope. Better. As a cop she knew better, undercover operation could take weeks, months or even years but here she hoped it wouldn't take years, she needed him right now, not in two years.

She needed some fresh air, as she got up Nick asked her if she was okay. " I'm fine, I just need to take some air. Need a drink when I return?" she asked. "If you're paying I'm all in. OW!" Juliet had smacked him on the chest and Andy rolled her eyes. They were perfect together and knew that they would make great parents as her eyes dropped on Juliet's big belly. Parents. Something she may never experience with Sam.

Outside, she let herself breath and observing people. It was like her life was on pause until Sam's return. Smiling at herself, she laughed a little. Far away were the years when she told Tracy that she didn't need a man in her life to be happy. That was until Sam Swarek stole her heart and never gave it back. Not that she was complaining, because Sam Swarek was the best thing she could have ever dream.

Fifteen minutes later, she came back inside and ordered four bottle of beer, one for Nick, one for Oliver, One for Gail, and one for Steve. Chloe was driving and Tracy couldn't drink since she was pregnant and her she didn't need another drink, not like she drank a lot in the last months. Something to do with Sam again. Everything in her life has something to do with Sam somehow. She smiled at the thought. Before she could make it back to the table, she bumped into someone and the four bottles had gone to waste on the floor. "Shit" she mumbled to herself when a firm grip on her wrist and waist steady her before she could fall and hurt herself on the shattered glass. "It's not pretty to curse for a lady", a voice said.

She stopped dead in her tracks as her head go up and her eyes reach his. His eyes were dark and his dimples in full motion. "Sam" she let out in a breath she didn't know she was holding, closing her eyes and opening them again just to be sure it wasn't a dream. "I'm right here McNally" he assured her with a smile and a squeeze on her arm.

Their friends were starring at them, like everyone was in the Penny. The show was about to get more interesting. Everybody at fifteen knew that Sam had come back home and had been tell to shut the fuck up if they wanted to be alive next morning. Sam wanted to surprise her, but little did he know that he was the one who was about to be surprise.

Andy started to feeling dizzy as relief washed over herself and closed her eyes again trying to collect herself together. She wasn't about to faint in front of Sam. He felt her tangle a little and got worried, his smile fading a little. She was pale, he knew she didn't slept well without him anymore but he knew it had to be something else. "You okay?" he asked her trying to gage her reaction.

She didn't trust her voice and pull her body close to him. She missed him so much and knew that tears were running down her face but she didn't care. Sam was here and it was all that matters. As he put her body closer to him Andy felt Sam tensed. Biting her bottom lip she wondered how he would react to her new curves. Four months what a lot of time and she didn't have a chance to tell him at all before he left. Sam eyes where questioning her. And then it hit him. His smile grown bigger and his cheeks were about to crack.

"You're…" he wasn't able to word it yet. Sam needed her confirmation. Since her attack they didn't talked about getting pregnant again. The pressure would have been too much. Biting her bottom lip she simply nodded unsure of what to do next.

Sam took a step back as she frowned. What was he thinking? Was he angry that everyone knew but him? Did he really want to have a child after all that happened between them? But then he surprised her bended a knee and putted both hands on her stomach. As he kissed her belly she laughed. Their friends were relieved. It had been a while since they heard Andy McNally laugh that way and yeah they were sort of scared about Sam's reaction, but knew that in the end both of them would be okay.

He was euphoric. She could see it. Sam stood up again and kissed her with passion. "Gees get a room you two!" yelled Gail as the others clapped their hands and whistle.

Andy snapped back in the reality blushed and hided her face in Sam's embrace as he caressed her back. " So, it's in your habits to hide your pregnancy from your husband?" he said smiling at her. "Only when he goes undercover", she answered a twinkle in her eyes while she granted him with a beautiful smile. Sam laughed and kissed her forehead. If undercover means more babies with Andy, he will do it again in a fraction of seconds. But deep down he knew that he wouldn't go undercover again and it was fine with him. They were everything that they could dream of.