Hey guys~

I'm back, but sadly not with a chapter for this story this time. I'm not gonna beat around the point here, so before you leave with your head hung low and your shoulders slumping, please hear me out.

As you might have noticed by now I have a handful of stories that haven't been uploaded for quite some while, and I apologize sincerely if you've been waiting for that story to be updated. It's not the case that I completely neglected it, I've stared at my computer countless of hours, pondering how I should get these stories done the way I like it, and the way you'd like to read it as well.

The conclusion is that I don't know how. I simply lost my motivation writing this, and I am again, deeply sorry. With a lot going on in real life right now, and another handful of stories that I do feel the motivation for, it's simple to say that I don't think I'd ever get back to this. And keeping you all waiting for something that won't come is highly unfair.

It's sad to say that with this message, the following stories are officially discontinued.

-Experiencing New Rhythms

-Myrtenaster's Loss


But for where there is rain, there's also sun. As beforementioned, I still have a couple of stories that will continue, work starting today, between hours of school, musical studies and whatever else my life provides on a daily routine. These stories are; Inseparable Souls, The Rose Thief - Redux and a new upcoming Fanfic, featuring one of my brand-new Yuri manga addictions. I think that's definitely something to look forward to!

I understand the negative emotions you must feel towards this message, or the disappointment for the lack of chapter to read. However, hopefully you'll understand the reason for this sudden action, even though you might have expected it with the incredibly long update time, so feel free to share your mind or questions if you feel the need to.

Sorry for disappointing you guys, but I hope I see you all in the stories that will be continued.

Yours sincerely,
