"Not with you, boy," Tiger Lily spat, thrusting her knees upwards into Olin's crotch. The boy yelped, falling to the ground. Tiger sprang away, leaping over his crumpled body and grabbed her bow and arrow. She mounted the arrow and stood over Olin, ready to shoot.

"You picked the wrong day to trifle with me, boy," she said. Olin, still in pain, looked up and found himself face to face with imminent death.

"I'm – I'm sorry," he sputtered, "I was only playing. I just-"

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

The question startled Tiger and Olin. As Tiger turned to face the source of the voice, Olin scrambled backwards, putting some space between the two of them.

And there he stood, leaning against a boulder, arms crossed, looking almost bored. Pan.

"What?" Tiger responded.

"Pan, she's crazy, she-" Olin began to make his case, but Pan cut him off.

"The elixir – the dreamshade poison you coated that arrow with when you shot the boar," Pan replied, walking over to the small clay jar. He picked it up gingerly, holding it between two fingers. "Seems like you've cracked it," he said, carefully examining the jar.

Pan looked over at Olin, who was still on the ground, his eyes darting between Tiger and Pan. Pan smiled.

"Let's see how well it works then," he said. In an instant, he was standing next to Tiger, and when she turned to face him, they were so close that their noses almost touched.

"Dip the arrow in and shoot him," Pan said quietly, his eyes glowering with intensity.

Moments ago, Tiger had had every intention of putting her arrow through Olin's heart, but now uncertainty began to creep up.

"I –" Tiger began, then stopped and shook her head. "You saw the boar. You know it works."

"I don't care about a boar," Pan replied, his voice rising. "I want to see how well it works on a human." He cast a furtive glance over at Olin and then sneered, "And who better to experiment on than a would-be rapist."

Olin's eyes widened and fear rushed through his body like a thundering stampede. "Pan," He pleaded, his voice trembling, "I promise, I wasn't going to do anything! I – I just wanted to scare her, I swear!"

Pan locked eyes with Olin and then marched over, crouching down next to the terrified boy.

"What did I tell you when she first came," he whispered, his eyes turning a stormy green.

By this point, the fear had comprised Olin's vocal chords and all the boy could do was shake.

"I told you that none of your were to touch her," Pan said. Then, he leaned in and said in a whisper so soft that Tiger couldn't hear, yet so ferocious that tears began to well in Olin's eyes, "I told you she belonged to me."

Pan stood up, leaving the boy to sob and whimper on the ground. He turned back to Tiger and waived his hand.

"Go on then," he ordered. "Shoot. Aim for the leg or a kneecap. I want to see how long it takes."

But Pan's blood thirst had weakened her resolve. She turned to him, still uncertain.

"We'll give him the water after? Before the poison can fully do him in?" she asked.

Pan stepped in and put his hand on the back of her head. "Of course," he replied, his eyes now full of compassion. "He just needs to be taught a lesson." He looked over at Olin, shaking his head and turned back to Tiger. "He needs to keep his hands off things that don't belong to him. And you don't belong to him."

Tiger nodded and smiled when she looked back into Pan's eyes. He was so unusual, this boy. So mysterious, do duplicitous. And yet, he seemed to understand.

"You're right," Tiger affirmed. "I don't belong to anyone."

Pan offered the jar of dreamshade poison. Tiger dipped her arrow in, then turned, faced Olin, still cowering on the ground, and, with Pan at her side, shot Olin right above the kneecap. The boy screamed in agony, clutching his leg.

Over his cries, Pan leaned in, putting an arm around Tiger's waist, and whispered into her ear, "Isn't it a rush?"

Tiger faced Pan and put his arms around his neck, pulling him in. Her bow fell to the ground and she kissed him. Pan dropped the jar of dreamshade to the ground and enveloped her body into his arms. As their lips pressed against one another and their tongues entwined, Tiger ran her one hand down Pan's torso, until she found his cock standing at full attention. She began to rub it gently, and Pan stopped kissing her. He placed one hand on the back of her head and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked softly.

Tiger Lily nodded.

Pan smiled and stroked her face. He pushed her back, until she was pressed against the boulder. She wrapped one leg around him and continued to rub his cock, while kissing him down the neck.

But before Pan dove back in, he glanced over at Olin, who was lying only feet away, his blood turning black with dreamshade poison. Pan smirked at the Lost, dying Boy.

Tiger belonged to him.

He turned back to Tiger, tearing off her shirt and throwing it to the ground.