"I'll be back soon, Felicity."

Bobby said as he walked out the front door of the house with his car keys in his hand. From inside the living room Felicity called good bye to her dad, then the front door shut, leaving Felicity alone in the house. She was sitting on the floor of the living room, with stacks of old books around her. Some were opened, some were stacked on top of each other. A very large leather bound book was in her lap and her head was looking down, reading the Latin words that were printed on the pages.

Felicity had been looking for hours trying to find out more on God like witch that she had come across when she was New Mexico. He was killing people left and right in a small town not to far from the border. The towns people were dying from their biggest fears, a woman died from spiders in her basement, another died from being mauled by a dog, and even one died from being struck by lightning seven times. After she went and interviewed their family and friends and found out that they were dying from their worst fears. She hadn't being able to kill this which, he had escaped before she even got the chance. So here she was, sitting at home, trying her hardest to find out how to kill the son of a bitch.

Letting out a groan, Felicity hung her head then shut the book that was in her lap. She put it on a stack next her then stood up, stretching out her arms and legs. Carefully, she walked around the book and into the kitchen. Felicity headed straight for the fridge and pulled out a can of beer. Cracking it open she took the first drink and a smile came to her face. She didn't care that it was ten in the morning, hell, it was always five o'clock somewhere, right? Walking back into the living room, Felicity looked down at the piles upon piles of books in the room. Not all of them were from her research, most were from her dad and his research. Felicity sighed and walked over to the pile of books that she had looked at and had found nothing. Placing her beer on the floor, Felicity picked up the pile and walked over the book sleeves and started putting them away.

As she placed the book back on the shelf Felicity heard the sound of a engine from a car pull up towards the house. Hearing the all too familiar sound Felicity thought that was the fastest store run that her dad had ever done in his life. Putting away the last book, Felicity walked back over to the spot on the floor that she had sat down her beer. With it back in her hand she grabbed an unopened book from a pile and walked over to the desk that was in the room. Sitting down in the chair Felicity put her feet up on the table top, opened up the book, and took another drink from her ice cold beer. Flipping through the old worn out pages of the book, the sound of the front door opened. Without looking up Felicity spoke out loud.

"Wow, that was the fastest store run I've ever seen you do."

She didn't look up until she heard that there wasn't just one pair of foot steps, but two.

"Dad, who's-"

Looking up her blue eyes saw two men who looked around her age standing right outside of the living room. Both of their eyes on her and both had gun drawn and pointed at her.

"Who the hell are you?"

She asked, as if random people in her house was a casually thing. At first the two men didn't say anything and they continued to look at her.

"The same question could be dictated at you."

The short one said to her. Felicity shut her book, brought her feet down, and stood up, placing her hands on the desktop.

"Wait, let me guess. You're the famous Winchesters."

They both looked at her and the taller one went to grab something behind his back, his action made Felicity roll her eyes.

"I'm not a demon or a shifter. I'm a living breathing human."

"Well, who are you than?"

"Felicity Singer."

Upon hearing her last name both of the brothers lowered their guns and looked at her with total confusion written all over their faces.

"Singer? Like-"

"Bobby Singer. He's my dad. I'm guessing that he's never brought me up to you boys, huh?"


The shorter one, who Felicity was guessing was Dean, put his gun away and looked at the taller one, Sam. He looked at his brother and put his gun away as well. Felicity smiled and took another drink of her beer.

"If you don't believe me, call him."

She said sitting back down and opened up the book she was looking at before they had come in. As she opened it, her eyes looked up to see that the two of them had turned away from her and were holding a phone in their hands. Another smile came to her face and she looked back down at the book.

"Bobby, where are you?... Well, we're at your house... Yeah, we met her... Why didn't you tell us?... Fine."

The conversation was short and then Felicity felt the pair of eyes on her again. Looking back up she saw that they were indeed looking at her again.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."

"How come we've never met or heard of you before?"

"Everyone has secrets. Bobby didn't want you boys to know me. Now, if you don't mind, I have a demiGod to kill and I need to find out how."

She said then looked back down at the book in her hands. Across the room Sam and Dean couldn't stop looking at Felicity. How could have Bobby kept her a secret for all of these years? Dean let out a sigh then turned around to walk back outside. Sam quickly looked away from Felicity then followed after his brother. When the two of them were outside Dean was the first to say something.

"What the hell is this crap? Bobby has a kid that we don't know about?"

"Dean, he probably has a reason. We'll just have to wait until he gets back."

Dean let out a huff and walked down the front porch steps to the Impala. His baby was on the back of a flatbed truck that they had gotten in Missouri. They had been hunting a werewolf in a small town there and the monster had jumped on top of the car, leaving a huge dent and all the glass broken in the windows. Dean got into the cab of the truck and when the car started, he drove deeper into Bobby's property. Sam stood on the last step of the stairs and watched his brother drive away. Part of him wanted to follow, but the other part wanted to stay and go back inside and ask Felicity more questions. Turning right back around, Sam walked but up the stairs and into the house. Walking past the living room he saw that Felicity was still the way they had left her in, feet up on the table, reading a book with a beer in her hand.

He as he walked down the hallway he looked at the one single picture frame that was on the wall. Stopping he looked to see that it was of Bobby and what looked like Felicity when she was about 10 years old. He wondered after all the years he had been in this house how come he had never noticed this single picture hanging on this wall. They were standing in the living room, Bobby had a stoic look on his face as normal, but Felicity's face had a mile wide smile on her's. Sam couldn't help but wonder if this was taken right before her and Bobby's first hunt together.

Sam walking into the kitchen to see that it was some what clean in the room. Dishes weren't piled up in the sink, the garbage was taken out, and the floor looked clean. He, again he wondered why he never noticed things like this. Sam walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room seeing Felicity was still looking at the book.

"What do you want?"

Sam jumped hearing Felicity talk. He looked at her from across the room and saw that she was looking up from her book at him.

"I'm Sam."

He said as he walked over towards her, sitting down in the chair across from her. Felicity placed the book on the table and took a drink of her beer.

"I'm sorry about Dean. That's just how he is."

"It's fine. I understand why he seemed so pissed."

"What makes you think he was pissed?"

"Please, I heard him outside."

"Right... Have you always lived here?"


"Then how come we've never seen you before?"

"Well, I remember when I was growing up whenever you boys were in town, dad would ship me off to my friend Patrice or Coral's house."

Sam just nodded and looked at the book that was resting on the table. Felicity followed his eyes and smiled a little.

"I ran into this demiGod witch guy in New Mexico. He killed about 15 people with their worst fears. He got out of town before I was able to get him. I've been looking into it and trying to find a way to kill the bastard. I'm guessing when all else fails, cut off the head right? Have you run into anything like this?"

"No, we haven't. Did you ask Bob- I mean your dad?"

"Yeah. He told me to hit the books."

Sam nodded and was about to say something when the sound of a car engine same to his ears. The car outside slammed on it's breaks and then he heard the door slam. After a few seconds the sound of heavy footsteps came up the front steps and then the front door finally opened.

"Felicity, where -"

Bobby walked into the living room and saw Felicity sitting with Sam.


Bobby said putting his hand on his face for a second then he turned to Sam.

"Where's your brother?"

"Out working on-"

"Go get him."

Bobby ordered and Sam got out of the chair and hurried out of the house to go find Dean. With Sam gone Felicity looked over at her dad and tried to read him.


Bobby just put up his hand and Felicity closed her mouth and waited for the brothers to come back into the house. After about a minute or so the door opened and closed and Sam and Dean Winchester walked into the room. Dean was about to open his mouth, but Bobby beat him to it.

"What the hell young lady! You know that you're not-"

"Dad, I am 25 years old. I'm not a little girl anymore!"

"Felicity, don't-"

"Why didn't you tell us about her?"

Dean asked, wanting his question to be up for discussion. Bobby turned from his daughter to look at Dean.

"Why do you think I didn't want her to met you?"

"That's wh-"

"I didn't want this life for her. You know what? Here we are because of you idjits ."

Felicity felt like she had been punched in the stomach. What she was doing with her life wasn't what he wanted. He didn't approve. Blotting up from her chair, Felicity ran out of the room and hurried to the back door of the house, slamming it hard behind her. Bobby let out a sigh and placed his right fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"Bobby, can you at least tell us how she's your daughter?"

The older hunter gestured to the couch and the brothers went over and sat down, waiting for Bobby to tell something.

"There was a case in Montana. It was a wendigo that was eating up campers. As I was getting into the camp grounds I met up with a family. It was a husband and wife, with two boys and a little girl. I had the camp site right besides them and I used them as bait. Then it happened. In the middle of the night, I had fallen asleep and woke up by hearing a small shrieking scream, along with other screams. Rushing out of my tent I saw the little girl from the family was running towards me, with the wendigo behind her. I had gotten her in the tent and killed the wendigo. I went to go look at what had happened, but the little girl wouldn't let me leave. She was laying down and looked tired, despite what had just happened. Curling up next to her I waited till she was asleep before I went looking for the bodies. I let the little girl stay with me and when it was time to come back home, I brought her with me. After a few months I adopted her."

"Why'd you do it?"

Bobby looked over at Sam and didn't say anything.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Everybody got their damn reasons."

Bobby told them as he got off the couch and walked over out of the room. Sam and Dean both sat on the couch in silences.

"I call dibs."

Dean said not looking over at his younger brother.

"On what?"

Sam asked looking at Dean with a look of confusion on his face.


"I'm not calling dibs on her in front of-"

"You didn't. I did."

"Dean, you can't-"

"Come on Sammy, I only have, what about three months left?"

Dean said with a smirk as he stood up from the old worn out couch and left the room, heading back outside to the Impala.

Again Sam found himself alone in the Singer house. A place he had in some ways called home. As of the moment Sam felt that he didn't even know who Bobby was. He had hidden the fact that he had a daughter from them for years. What else was Bobby hiding from him and Dean?

Then a loud thud came from the kitchen, bring Sam back into reality.


Bobby said to himself in the other room, cruising whatever had fallen to the ground.

"Hey Bobby?"


"Would it be okay if me and Dean studied here?"

Sam asked getting off of his spot on the couch and walking towards the kitchen. Turning around the corner Sam saw Bobby standing in the kitchen with a beer in his hand.

"It's fine."

"Thanks Bobby."

"At some point I wanted to tell to you two. I guess didn't know how or when."

"It's alright, Bobby. This is just something… we would never see this coming."

"She's a great hunter you know. Maybe better than Dean."

"Better than Dean?"

Bobby chucked and nodded as he took a sip of his beer.

"Felicity is as tough as nails, she's as quick as a whip, and she doesn't take shit from anyone."

"Sounds like Dean."

Bobby nodded again and looked over at Sam, letting a small smile come to his face.

"That is one thing that scares me. Ever since I've know you two boys, Felicity has reminded me of Dean. Maybe that's why I ever told you two. Do you boys think you could help her with a case? She's been here for a week."

"We'll see what we can do."

Bobby nodded and Sam turned around and left the the kitchen. Exiting out the front door, Sam walked down the front steps and walked back into the auto shop of Bobby's property. He followed the sounds of Led Zeppelin and soon found Dean standing next to the Impala. Walking over to his older brother Sam cleared his throat before he spoke.

"We got a case."

Author's Note:

Yes, I have another Supernatural story, but I just can't help myself. I love this show so much.

This on is taking place a few months before Dean goes to Hell. I was think about having it during the whole Apocalypse, but decided against it.

Hope you like!

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