But you went away

How dare you?

I miss you

They say I'll be okay

But I'm not going to ever get over you

Living alone here in this place

I think of you, and I'm not afraid

Your favorite records make me feel better

Cause you sing along

With every song

I know you didn't mean to give them to me

But you went away

How dare you?

I miss you

They say I'll be okay

But I'm not going to ever get over you

It really sinks in you know when I see it in stone

Cause you went away, how dare you?

I miss you

They say I'll be okay

But I'm not going to ever get over you

Over You ~Miranda Lambert

Months had gone by since Felicity last heard from Dean Winchester. At first she thought that he forgotten about her, but her dad had put a stop to that when he told her that Dean hadn't found a loophole in his crossroad deal. At first she didn't really know how to react, being hellhound chow wasn't how Dean was supposed to go. After finding out the news Felicity went out to find Sam, when she found him he was in a dark corner of a dimly lit bar nursing a bottle of whiskey. Walking out of the bar Felicity hit the road and didn't really stop. She picked up cases as she went cross country, doing anything to get her mind off of the green eyed hunter.

Dean's death was a hard pill for everyone to swallow. Sam, had taken the Impala and had gone on a 'kill anything that goes bump in the night' mission. Then from what Felicity had heard and briefly saw with her own eyes, he had developed a severe drinking problem. Bobby, wasn't being a saint with the alcohol either. He went through a bottle of whiskey every two days, but being able to go to sleep or get out of bed without it.

Then there was Felicity, she wasn't drinking more than usual or blocking out her reality with killing demons and monsters. To everyone she looked like she had handled Dean's death this ease, but behind close doors was a whole another story. She couldn't get him out of her mind. She could hear his voice when she tried to sleep and his green eyes haunted her dreams. She had even tried to fill the sadness with other men. Whatever she did couldn't make her forget him. The reason why Dean was haunting her confused her, she had seen him in months, she had only kissed him once, hell she didn't even know him for a whole week. Yet whenever she closed her eyes he was there.

Felicity let out a grunt as she dropped the limp body onto the pile of headless vampires. Looking at her blood covered hands Felicity wiped them on her pant legs then walked back into the empty barn. There had been a nest of six male vamps living in here not more than a half an hour ago before Felicity rolled though. The nest had been killing off girls from the local bars, Felicity saw her chance and took it.

Grabbing the last body, she dragged it outside and to the pile. With all the bodies and head in one spot Felicity walked over to her Mustang and grabbed a can of gasoline and a matchbox. She twisted the top of the can as she walked back to the pile and doused the bodies with gas then lit a match, throwing it on top. In seconds the vampires went up in flames, lighting up the darkness around it.

Putting the cap back on the gasoline can Felicity stood there watching the flames. Standing there she started to let her mind drift off into her thoughts, most of them were about Dean. The short time that she spent with the Winchester brothers she had gotten too attached, even more so on the older brother. Why did she have to like the one who was dumb enough to sell his soul.

Felicity shook her head and walked back over to her car, putting everything out back into their respective spots. When everything was packed up Felicity peered over at the fire a few feet away from her. She thought about if she should just leave now or wait till there was nothing left but a pile of ashes. Looking around the landscape around the abandoned barn, she couldn't see a light for miles and there were no houses around. Making her choice, Felicity reached up and closed the trunk then walked around to the driver's side door. She opened the door and got inside, sitting down on the black leather seat. The back of her arms hit the cold surface of the seat, making goosebumps raise up her arms. Letting out a little shiver before putting her hand in the back pocket of her worn out blue jeans, grabbing her keys then put them in the ignition. Felicity didn't turn the keys, she moved her hands to the steering wheel and closed her eyes. She let out a sigh as she sat in the silent dark night.

Just as she was about to turn the keys the sound of loud horn went off from the pocket from her grey zip up hoodie on the passenger seat. Groaning, Felicity reached over, taking the fabric in her hands, searched for the pocket, then pulled out her phone, answering it.


She said automatically as she pinched the bridge of her nose with her left hand. Nothing was said for a few seconds between her and the person on the other end of the phone call. When nothing was being said Felicity groaned let go of her nose.

"Look, I don't have time for this. What do you-"


When a voice came through on her phone Felicity almost dropped it and her face turned white. The voice was one that she never imagine that she would hear again. It belonged to none other than Dean Winchester. Felicity's mouth dried up and her stomach seemed to flip. She was about to answer but then reality hit her, Dean was dead. He was ripped to shreds by a hellhound. She had visited his grave more than once, she knew that he was buried six feet under and he wasn't going to walk around on this earth again, at least not as a human.

"I don't know who you are or what you want-"

"Felicity, it's really me. I promise."

"Dean Winchester is dead. You better pray that I never find you, because I swear I will rip your throat out."

"I can prove it to you."

Felicity grabbed onto the steering wheel with her left hand, gripping it so tight that her already bloody knuckles turned white. Her jaw was clenched as all kinds of emotions built up inside her. She thought about hanging up, but she had a small sliver of hope that the person who was on the other end of this phone call was Dean.

"You have a minute."

"If it wasn't me then how would I know that you have a crush on Justin Timberlake."

"Ninety percent of the women in the world have a crush on him. Is that all you got?"

Felicity asked trying to sound as menacing and cold as she could before the dam of emotions ruptured.

"Um, in high school you were a history nerd. You always thought about going to school to be a historian, but wanted to hunt so you never left for college. Come on, Felicity it's really me. Just believe me, please."

Felicity closed her eyes and her grip on the steering wheel only loosened a small bit as she let those words ring through her mind.

"Felicity… you have to believe me. Where are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

She spat. When her words left her lips she heard how shook up she sounded. She could feel tears stinging from her behind her eyes. Taking a breath she tried to hold them back even more, but it didn't work.

"Felicity, remember the night we got back from our first hunt together? I remember all of it, that I can with a sober brain. I know it's hard to believe, but it's really me."

Hearing Dean's words the tears started to fall and Felicity's grip on the steering wheel started to loosen the longer she stayed on the phone. She wanted to believe that this was really Dean, and he was alive and breathing, and that the last four months had been a dream for her. That none of this happened and she was going to wake up any moment back at home and she had a missed call from Dean saying that him and Sam were on their way to Sioux Falls. Then again, she had been hoping that was the case for the last four months.

"Where are you Felicity? We can meet in the middle. Please."

"Batesville, Arkansas."

She was able to get out as she felt the lump in her throat grow even larger and tears roll down her cheeks.

"I'm going to drive to drive to Bobby's. Just meet me there."

"I just finished as case… I need to-"

"Felicity, just meet me at Bobby's. You can make up your mind then."

Felicity went to say something but then the call dropped. Her eyes widened and the grip on her phone grew tighter.


She said said in a worried tone of voice, fearing that was the last words she'd hear Dean say to her. Instead of hearing his voice the only sound to come out of the reviser was a monotone beep.


This time it came out in a heartbroken cry. Nothing came from the other end. Felicity lost the grip on her phone as her hands started to shake. The flip phone dropped to the floor of the car with a thud and Felicity felt the tears stream down her face as silence filled her car again. Dean's words echoed through her mind as she sat there with her covering her face. She thought that she had come to grips with Dean's passing months ago, she knew that she was handling it better than Sam was. When she had found herself letting her mind drift to Dean she told herself that she had only known him for less than a week, she shouldn't be that heartbroken. If someone didn't know any better they would have thought she had lost her boyfriend, but Dean was never that, he was barely her friend. Then she would tell herself that Dean was just an example of how things play out in this line of work, you either die from being caught off guard or you make the deal that hunters try to stop in the first place. He was nothing more than a man who wanted his brother back.

After a few minutes of Felicity letting out silent cries, she grabbed the steering wheel again and turned the keys, bringing her car to life. She looked out the windshield and let out a long breath, trying to get a grip on herself. Flexing her grip on the top of the wooden steering wheel, Felicity thought about what her next should be as she listened to the engine.

"I'm not going home for him. I'm going home for dad. Because Dean is dead. You've seen his grave, Felicity. He's been dead for months. There's no way that he's alive. He was killed by a hellhound, there's no way he got away from it, because there is no to do that."

Felicity said out loud to herself as she sat there looking out the windshield. She took one last deep breath before shifting the car into drive, then she put her foot down on the gas and drove down the dirt road into the night, with the glow of the fire behind her.

Wiping the sleep from her eyes, Felicity drove down the final stretch of road before she came up to the right hand turn that would take her down the private road that lead to her house. She had been down this road so many times over the last twenty years of her life that she should do it with her eyes closed while she was drunk off her ass. Turning the steering wheel to the right, making the turn down the unpaved road.

Felicity yawned and closed her eyes for a brief second as she drove down the familiar road. She wanted to just put the car in park and take a nap right there. The drive from Batesville to Sioux Falls as a good eleven hours, she hadn't stopped to sleep since once in the whole drive home. The sun had finally made it past the treeline about twenty minutes ago and she was feeling effect of the long twenty four hours she had been awake. For the last few hours she had been daydreaming about when she finally got home went upstairs to her bedroom. She thought about the moment when she let her feet fall out from under her and she'd land on her mattress. Sleep would come to her in a matter of seconds and wouldn't wake up for a few hours as she finally turned her brain off.

A weak smile same to Felicity face when she finally saw the house. She knew that she was going to be asleep in no time at all and she started to make a checklist of everything she had to do before she made it upstairs to her bed. Putting her foot on the breaks, the Mustang came to a stop and then she pulled the keys out of the ignition. As she opened her car door she noticed that a white Mercury Monterey was parked along with Roxann in front of the Singer's house. The thought of the vintage Mercury didn't stay with her for long as her brain reminded her that she was less than two hundred steps from her and sleep.

Felicity hurried up the front porch and opened the front without a second thought. Closing the door behind her, Felicity turned to the right to walk to the staircase, not bothering to look in the kitchen or library for Bobby.

"Hey, dad. I'm home."

She called out as she yawned again, for the first time being able to stretch out her arms as she did so. She stopped walking for a moment to take advantage for the room for her to move around in. As she stretched out her arms she heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open down on the other end of the hallway. Felicity turned around and opened her eyes, when she looked down the hallway her heart seemed to stop. Looking down the hall her blue eyes had locked on a man with broad shoulders, dressed in dark colours, and had a pair of green eyes looking right back at her. She just looked at him with her jaw on the floor and her stomach and heart in knots. Dean Winchester was standing in the hall of her house, alive and breathing.


Words weren't forming in her mind, everything around her had seem to slow down and sleep didn't seem that important to her anymore. If he was standing in the house that means he had past all of her dad's monster tests, this was really him.

"How… are you… you're alive…"

She stammered, not sure if she made sense or not. She felt like she was going to cry, scream, throw up, and pass out all at once. Her eyes never left Dean as he gave her a small hint of a smile when he heard her voice.

"It's good to see you too, princess."

Hearing him talk made Felicity want to cry, she thought that she wasn't going to hear it again. Now it sounded like music to her ears. She smiled then ran across the room and wrapped her arms around Dean. When she hit his chest all the feelings that she had beat down and built walls around broke in seconds. Dean wrapped his arms around Felicity and held on to her as tight as he could without hurting her.

"I thought… you were dead."

"I'm not sure why I'm back."

Dean said as he closed his eyes and put his face down into her hair. He heard a small cry come from Felicity as he held her, then he felt his shirt slowly start to get wet.


He said loosening his grip a bit and pulled her away from his chest, so that he could see her face. Her eyes were red and tears were rolling down her pale cheeks. Dean moved his right hand from her back and took her chin in his hands, making her look up at him.

"It's really me. I promise."

Felicity just looked up into his eyes, then on strike impulse she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. As fast as it happened she pulled away and opened her eyes, seeing him look at her and only her.

"What was that for?"

"I might have missed you, Winchester."

Felicity said, her voice was still shaky but she was getting her emotions under control. A small smile formed on her lips as she spoke, making Dean give her a light hearted laugh.

"I thought you said you weren't going to get attached?"

Felicity laughed and looked down, seeing the spot on Dean's shirt that she had cried into. Then she felt Dean's hand cup her face again, but it didn't feel the way that she remembered. It was soft, like he hadn't lifted his finger in his life, not rough and calloused like before. He made her look back up at him and then he leaned down and kissed her. The kiss itself wasn't the way that Annie had described to her. It was soft and meaningful, not rough and controlling.

After a minute Dean pulled away and Felicity slowly opened her eyes, fearing that if she did she would be back at the motel room in Batesville.

"Whoever said I was attached?"

Felicity told him making him chuckle, then the sound of the back door of the house opening made Felicity back away from Dean, making sure there was enough room between her and Dean. Seconds later Bobby rounded the corner and saw the younger hunters.

"I see you already saw the big news."

Bobby said crossing his arms over his chest, looking at Felicity and Dean. She nodded then put on a fake yawn, walking back down the hallway to the stairs.

"Hi dad, I'm going to get some shut eye."

She told him as she walked by him, stopping for a second so Bobby could wrap his arm around her and kiss the top of her head.

"Alright kiddo, it's good to have you back."

Felicity nodded then continued to the stairs, as she walked up stairs she looked over at Dean, who had a hint of smile on his face. When she wasn't visible to Bobby or Dean she waited for her dad to yell at Dean, but nothing came. Then when she got into her room, shut the door, and laid down on her mattress, still nothing came from downstairs. Felicity smiled to herself and grabbed a blanket, pulling it around herself. Closing her eyes she started to feel her body drift off into sleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update again. I don't know why I can't get these written on time.

Honestly I can't say the last week's episode, 'The Executioner's Song' wasn't an emotional roller coaster ride. Then I was just pissed that there's more breaks and the season won't be done till late May. Damn you Supernatural.

On the flip side the Seattle Supernatural Convention is 32 days away now! I can't wait for that! It's my first fan convention of anything. Any tips out there?

Anyways, favourite, follow, and review.

Ciao! XOXO

Next update targeted for: February 24th 2015