Porcelain and Warm Honey


So! Here's the epilogue - I'm sorry if it took long, I just got my computer back yesterday. I hope you'll like it. I'll leave you to reading now and ramble afterwards - enjoy!

Sorry for mistakes!

Disclaimer: not mine

Chapter 40

Two months later:

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?"

Kurt threw back his head in exasperation, groaning dramatically at his boyfriend. "Blaine," he said, making a scene of talking in a calm, controlled voice. "I will be fine at the very uninteresting, very normal session, which we've done what is it, ten times before now?"

Blaine sent him a grimace, sighing in defeat. They were in the car in the hospitals parking lot, Kurt about to go to his radiotherapy session. When he saw Blaine puppy-eyes he had to smile, though.

"Look, B," he said softer this time, "you just need to stop worrying. James said everything's going perfectly, and I'm barely limping anymore, that's awesome, right? You know last time he said that this might be one of the last times I have to go there in a very long time. Who knows, maybe soon it'll only be check-ups every half year or something." Blaine bit his lip, a small smile breaking through on his annoyingly beautiful face. "I'm getting healthy, B. James said it was only a matter of time before he got to say the word cancer free."

Blaine's smile got a bit wider at that, and he almost looked giddy. "I still can't believe it," he said very quietly. "Cancer free? That's just… wow."

"I know," Kurt said, his voice even giddier. "Now I want you to go home like we've planned, make dinner with Carole since it's her early night, and wait for James, Lucy and myself to join you all for Friday Night Dinner. Okay?" he punctuated the 'okay', making him sound like a parent telling their kid a detailed description on how to find their way to school.

"Fine," Blaine just said, rolling his eyes.

"Good," Kurt nodded and leaned in to kiss him briefly. "See you in a bit. And thanks for the ride."

"Sure," the boy answered and Kurt smiled before exiting the car.

Blaine and Carole stood side by side, Blaine chopping the vegetables and Carole taking care of the meat.

"So," Carole said in her usual motherly tone, making Blaine look at her. "It's been so long since we talked. How are you?" She nudged him fondly with her elbow, and he cracked a wide smile.

"Actually Carole, I'm great," he answered truthfully, thinking back to the last few months. "It's been difficult at times, you know, when Kurt was still having a hard time with his leg, and the radiotherapy and everything, but… I honestly think everything's working out. Dalton's been amazing at helping and, well, I'm just so happy." Carole eyed him fondly, looking like a proud mother. It made something in Blaine surge with happiness. "You know he said today that Dad's told him he may soon be cancer free. I mean, I know that after the surgery went well it was the goal and everything, but it's just so amazing to actually hear it, you know? I can't believe we got so lucky."

"Well," Carole said very slowly as she cut into the meat. "Some may say it wasn't all luck." Blaine looked at her in confusion, slightly intrigued. "I've been a nurse for a very long time, hon," she continued with her soft voice, "and I've seen a lot of cancer cases. And I've noticed that the ones that seem most optimistic about living, well, they're most likely to survive. It depends on the case, sure, but… I guess what I'm trying to say is that- you played a role, Blaine. So did I, and Burt and James and all those other people, who came to visit and show their support. We all made him stubborn to survive, and he did. I believe that that does a difference. In some cases it isn't enough, but sometimes…" she eyed him fondly. "Anyway, it's just my silly beliefs. Kurt would laugh."

"He wouldn't," Blaine argued and smiled appreciatively. "I said the same thing to him once, the time I gave him the bracelet he's wearing," Carole nodded in recognition. "I believe the same thing that you do, that if he had enough to live for, his stubbornness would get him healthy again. At that point it was merely a way for me to try and change the unchangeable, control the uncontrollable, but… I don't know, after a while I started to believe it. And I think, maybe he does, too."

Carole opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the door opening in the hall. Blaine felt an involuntary wide smile spread on his face, and Carole just sent him a fond smile. He smiled sheepishly back and hurried to the hall where voices were heard.

"Hi Blaine!" Lucy greeted him, as James placed an arm around her, leading her into the house, greeting Blaine as well on their way. He waved their way before going to his boyfriend.

"Hi love," he said and wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist, who rolled his eyes.

"Hello dear boyfriend, whom I saw not more than a few hours ago," he said, but smiled when Blaine kissed his cheek carelessly, and followed him into the house.

"So how did it go?" Blaine asked when all of them were seated in the living room after being ushered out of the kitchen by Carole when they asked if they could help.

"Brilliantly," James said and Kurt beamed. "The result from last time's scan was more promising than ever."

Blaine was sure his heart did some kind of victorious step dance in his chest, and he looked at Kurt. He looked absolutely blissful. "I'm so glad," he said, eyes glued to his boyfriend, who simply leaned into his side when Blaine slid his arm around him.

"His leg is looking even better, too," Lucy noted.

"Yeah, I hardly limp anymore," Kurt nodded. "I hope I'll be able to rejoin The Warblers soon."

"Of course you will," Blaine said. "Or I will personally make sure Wes and David have no choice. I happen to have some interesting dirt on them, perfect for blackmailing."

Kurt rolled his eyes, and Lucy and James laughed. Once again the sound of the door opening interrupted their conversation, and Burt and Finn showed up in the hall shortly after.

"Hey, how did it go?" Burt asked immediately when he stepped into the room.

"Very well, Burt," James said with a smile. "The radiotherapy is working the way it should, and well, I can honestly say, it is looking better than I expected it would at this point."

Burt smiled widely, satisfied with the answer and ruffled Kurt's hair (ignoring Kurt's yelp and threats when he ruined his hair) and went into the kitchen to greet his wife.

Finn joined them at the table, telling them about the day at the shop and soon enough Carole and Burt emerged with dinner.

As always, the conversation flowed freely. Kurt and Blaine told them about the first month back in school, and how senior year at Dalton was even more challenging than what was usual for the school. Burt and Finn talked about the tire shop, and Lucy, James and Carole about the hospital.

After Kurt's surgery and the recovery that followed, Friday Night Dinner had become something near a ritual. Of course it wasn't always Kurt and Blaine's schoolwork allowed it, and sometimes James or Lucy had to work, but they made sure to try and be there every Friday.

In the months, Blaine had gotten better at being away from Kurt as well, and most nights he followed his Dad home, which Blaine knew brought his boyfriend some peace at mind; he hadn't exactly been very good at leaving Kurt, long after the surgery, and Blaine knew that Kurt worried about him a lot back then. Now, though, he let his boyfriend stay home and be with his friends for the weekend easily. Since he and Kurt were together all the time at Dalton, he knew that it was healthy, no matter how much he inevitably missed his boyfriend in those two days.

So, that evening, he said goodbye to his boyfriend with a long, lingering kiss, and followed his Dad home, while Lucy drove in her own car to her house (sometimes Blaine wondered when they would just move in together).

"So, son, everything good?" James asked when they sat in his car.

Blaine smiled at how good his dad had become at talking so naturally about everything – there was a time when he couldn't even imagine that being possible again. "Everything's great. I mean, school's tough, especially on Kurt since he's got so much else going on, but we'll get through it."

James nodded. "So what about next year? Any colleges you've got your eyes on?"

"Well," Blaine pursed his lips, "I actually thought about NYU. I really want to make music, you know?" He didn't know why he felt so nervous about his father's reaction, but for some reason he felt an immense relief when he saw his dad's soft smile.

"That sounds amazing, Blaine," James said, looking… proud? "I'd be happy to help you as much as possible." Blaine nearly felt a lump in his throat and he couldn't do anything but nod and smile gratefully. He really had the best dad in the world. "So what about the other half?"

Blaine snorted at James' by now usual nickname for Kurt. "He's set on Parsons," Blaine said and thought back to the conversation Kurt and Blaine had had about colleges and New York. "Do you- do you think we'll be able to go, Dad? Live in New York?"

"Well, I can't see why you couldn't?" James said.

"You know what I mean," Blaine retorted, giving him a look.

"Look, Blaine," James said, his voice soft again. "Of course you can go. This is almost over. Kurt is practically cancer free."

Blaine inhaled and nodded. Sometimes he really couldn't believe his luck.

Six months later:

"A little to the left," Kurt groaned in between breaths, already bathed in sweat.

Blaine, too sweaty, let out a strained groan and obliged.

"My left, B!" Kurt exclaimed. Blaine sent him a strained look, before giving up and placing the sofa on the ground. The door looked ridiculously small beside the thing. He placed his hands on his hips.

"This is impossible," he stated exasperated. "The doorway is tiny!"

"Why are we the ones doing this again?" Kurt asked, wiping his forehead.

They heard a teasing scoff and turned to see Lucy with a potted plant. "Cancer free and still thinking you get cancer perks? Not how the world works, my dear son-in-law-to-be," she said pointedly. Carole, who stood beside her, chortled before going to find Burt.

Kurt grimaced and she winked back, elegantly jumping on top of the sofa, which was placed in front of the main door, to get into the house.

Blaine smiled at their interaction, though, and his stomach fluttered when Lucy said the words cancer free, like it never failed to do these past weeks. Well, three weeks to be exact, ever since the day they had gotten the news.

"Are you going to get that dopey smile on your face every time someone mentions 'cancer' and 'free' in the same sentence?" Kurt asked, rolling his eyes, though he looked amused.

"Yep," Blaine nodded and picked up the sofa again. "Now shall we?"

Kurt let out a frustrated whimper but lifted the heavy sofa nonetheless. After five minutes of bold combat against the sofa and doorway, they did manage to get the sofa into the house, both even sweatier than before; the sun had slowly started to show after the long winter, and it had turned out to be some beautiful days in the late March. Normally Blaine would have been happy with that, but the sun did them no good that – and the previous – day, while lifting heavy furniture from Lucy's house to James'.

"So, how are we supposed to make room for all of this new furniture?" Blaine asked Lucy when Kurt and himself had battled the sofa into the living area, Lucy, Carole and Burt watching them amused.

"Look around you, it isn't like the room is full of furniture," Lucy pointed out. "James barely has anything. Good for him I have awesome taste."

Kurt chuckled at her cockiness, though he had to agree. And luckily Lucy's furniture mixed up very well with James', the same stylish and modern, though with a cozy touch to it.

James came home a few hours later, and by that time all five – eventually six when Finn later joined – of them had managed to do wonders with Lucy's things. Kurt and Blaine's job was to rearrange all the furniture after Lucy's orders – when Finn had arrived, he took over for Kurt, who then proceeded to join Lucy in bossing around and giving interior design advice. Carole had been set – meaning had volunteered – to take care of the kitchen, finding room for Lucy's stuff while sorting through some of James' as well. Burt had taken the books and movie duty, finding room for all of Lucy's endless books and few movies.

All in all, the house was almost ready if you looked past the many moving boxes, still scattered around the floor.

"This is going great!" James said excitedly when he stepped inside, instantly going to Lucy and kissing her cheek.

"Dad, I've changed my mind, you can't move in with Lucy, she's evil," Blaine breathed, as James clapped his shoulder as hello.

Lucy sent him a too sweet smile, looking overly innocent, and the room laughed. "They've all been very effective," Lucy said, winking at Blaine.

"Sure we have," Blaine said. "You used the entire time bossing us around along with Kurt. Where did we find them Dad, and can't we send them back?"

"Ah, Blainey, like you could live without us," Lucy cooed as Kurt chuckled and kissed his damp cheek teasingly. Blaine just rolled his eyes and caught Kurt with his arm. The boy yelped and complained about Blaine's sweatiness. Blaine just smiled wider while hugging him closer. "Oh, but whose fault is that, love?" he mumbled against Kurt's salty neck, and the boy laughed, still pretending to escape.

Around them people had started to chatter lighthearted, not even noticing their interaction, too used to it by now. James had brought pizza and they all sat down in a circle on the floor eating contently.

"So, have any of you heard back from your colleges?" Lucy asked, and the three boys shook their head.

"Nope, it seems that none of us gets early admissions," Kurt said.

"There's still lots of time, though," Blaine said reasonably. "I mean some of our friends haven't even applied yet."

Lucy nodded. "I'm sure you'll all get in, though," she said fondly. "With all your talent, they'd be stupid not to." She looked around the three of them, and Kurt fidgeted with his bracelet nervously – much like he always did when they started discussing college.

Kurt had applied to Parson in the start of the year, already completely set on it. He had back-up schools as well and he had applied to New York School Of Design and LIM, but his heart was set on Parsons.

Blaine had, too, a few back-up schools, but hadn't changed his mind about NYU. He had applied for Julliard, too, and the thought of that wasn't bad either, though he doubted he'd even get in.

Finn had applied for The Actors Studio, which had come as a surprise to both Kurt and Blaine. Not only was it in New York, which seemed so not Finn, but Blaine had also never seen Finn as the acting type. It all made more sense when they discovered Rachel had been a part of it.

"Are you all ready for New York, then?" Burt asked, his voice slightly bittersweet. "Got plans or anything?"

"Well," Kurt started. "If we get into any of the schools, which we probably will, we've thought about finding a apartment for the four of us."

Blaine nodded and continued for him. "Yeah, none of our schools are too far from each other, so we figure it will work."

"I was thinking we'd sell the condo, and buy another, smaller place," James said. "You can live there if you want? And you wouldn't have to worry about rent."

"As long as you'll let us pay for heat and internet and that other stuff, James," Kurt said. "I won't let you do anything more for us, it's simply too much." James sent him a look, but Blaine came to Kurt's defense quickly.

"The condo could be a good idea, but I do agree with Kurt," he said. "We need to learn how to take care of ourselves too, you know. And not worrying about rent could be really good while we're studying, but when Kurt and I eventually find a place alone together, we have to be able to use our money responsibly." At that James and Burt sent them both proud looks.

Finn kept quiet through the conversation about New York, as Kurt and Blaine gushed on about it. Blaine noticed, though, and he knew Kurt did, too. He really hoped Finn was sure enough about it.

The conversation quickly moved on to school. Kurt and Blaine worried about Dalton and exams, while Finn updated them on the New Directions. And when Lucy asked Kurt if he missed McKinley, the boy simply shook his head.

"I love the guys at Dalton too much now. They're like my third family," Kurt said and leaned into Blaine's touch. "Well, fourth," he said and eyed James and Lucy, who simply winked back.

"Besides," he added with a smirk, "I like the idea of crushing you guys at nationals too much."

At that Finn narrowed his eyes and went him a teasing glare, while Blaine and the adults laughed wholeheartedly.

Three months later:

So, maybe it stung a little that the New Directions ended up winning nationals. But honestly, when the host – much less annoying this year, thank you very much – had called them as second and their friends from McKinley as first, and he saw the joy on all his prior team's faces, he knew it was so deserved that he didn't even feel too bad about it. And when Blaine's arms encircled his waist, his fond gaze directed at the New Directions as well, he remembered that he was luckier than any of the people on that auditorium anyway.

He yelped in surprise when he felt two petite arms around him, and Rachel's shampoo filled his nostrils. "Congrats Rach!" Kurt exclaimed and hugged her tight, letting go of his boyfriend in the act. "You deserve this so much!"

"She came, Kurt!" Rachel yelled through the noise around them. Her eyes were watering. "Carmen came and saw me perform! I have a shot at getting in to NYADA! And we WON!"

Kurt laughed at her hysterical happiness and hugged her tight again, simply because Rachel Berry could be one of the most adorable things – who knew he was ever going to admit that. "I'm so glad, Rach, this is amazing! We're going to New York!"

"We are!" Rachel said, almost sounding shocked at the words. Then she turned to hug Blaine just as tight, the boy laughing fondly. That girl really did have an effect on one. "You guys were amazing, though!" she said when she pulled away from Blaine. "I would have been honored to be in second place if you were the one in first."

"Don't be silly, Rach," Blaine said, rolling his eyes.

"Like you would ever be happy with second place," Kurt snorted and she glared at him teasingly. Then she swirled around with a joyous whine and practically jumped into Finn's arms.

"Gosh, she's something," Blaine said and shook her head in amazement like he so often did when Rachel was being exceptionally… Rachel-like.

"Are you sure you won't regret living with her?" Kurt asked dubiously as they watched her jump up and down in excitement.

"Nah I'm good," Blaine shrugged, smiling. "I'm quite used to it by now, I guess. Besides it would just be rude to not offer our awesome company to live with. There's enough room in the apartment, anyway."

Kurt laughed and nodded, kissing Blaine's cheek before going to hug Mercedes and Sam in a huge bear hug, congratulating them over and over again. In the corner of his eye, he saw his boyfriend watch him with one of the fondest smiles he had ever seen.

The drive back to Dalton from Chicago wasn't that bad. Most of the boys had become quite close with the New Directions and were happy for them, and second place really wasn't bad.

"I still just can't believe it'll be over in like a few weeks," Nick said in a bittersweet voice. "I mean the fours of us are going to New York, which of course will be epic, but Wesley how the hell am I supposed to live without you? Fucking Harvard just couldn't keep their hands off, huh?"

"And Yale, David?" Jeff cut in behind his boyfriend. "I mean come on, why don't you come join us in the real city guys, where the cool stuff happen! The city that never sleeps!" He made a show of sounding dramatic and alluring, but it failed pretty bad, making all six of them laugh.

"I think I prefer Yale and normal people for a change," David decided. "And it's so awesome that Quinn is coming, too." His tone had gotten a bit softer and all five of the other boys cooed. The boy just rolled his eyes, though, and waved their comments away.

Both Wes and David had gotten their letters, and so had Nick. Jeff, Blaine and Kurt were yet to hear back from their top priority schools though, and Kurt was pretty sure he had never been more nervous about something. Even though he had gotten in to New York School of Design, and Blaine had gotten in to some of his back-up schools as well, it wasn't quite it. He really wanted Parsons.

"Hey," a low voice was heard beside him. He turned to look into Blaine's calming honey-orbs. He suddenly realized that he'd been staring out of the window for some times now, while the other boys had moved on to other topics. "You'll get into Parsons, love. You're amazing. And NYSD already accepted, so that's just proof that you really are talented."

Kurt smiled softly at him and nodded silently, though not entirely convinced. He let Blaine arms slide around him and he closed his eyes contently at the familiar scent when he placed his head on his shoulder. "You'll get into all of your schools as well," he said quietly after some time.

He felt Blaine shrug against him. "I'm not so sure about Juilliard, but I surely hope NYU will."

Kurt turned his head slightly to send his boyfriend a look. "Have you seen your resume, B?" he asked sternly. "Your grade point average is A, you're in the Warbler council and prefect. Your music is just amazing, and your voice… don't even let me start on your voice." Blaine looked bashful and dropped his head to his chest like he always did when someone complimented him; he was absolutely endearing.

"Thank you, very sweet, very biased boyfriend," he mumbled and kissed his head. "But let's just wait until we get the letters, 'kay?"

Kurt huffed but nodded nonetheless.

Two days later when Blaine and Kurt arrived at the Anderson household, two envelopes were waiting for Blaine. James smile was excited, but he agreed to let Blaine wait until Kurt's letters arrived as well.

"As long as you call me the second you find out, okay?" James had said, Lucy right behind him with an equally exhilarated smile and nod.

And when Kurt and Blaine drove to Lima for Friday Night Dinner – James and Lucy both sadly had night shifts – Blaine brought the two envelopes. Just in case, he had said.

The drive was silent, and Kurt could practically feel his boyfriend's nerves from the passenger seat. "Hey?" he said making Blaine turn to him. "Nervous?"

Blaine smiled weakly. "That obvious?" he asked and bit his lip, his hands clutching the two envelopes.

"Look, B, I'm not gonna let you wait until I get mine if you're this nervous, okay?" Kurt said with a pointed look.

Blaine let out a deep breath and turned to him. "Nah, I think I'll be okay. Dad said they arrived like a few days ago, though, and that he didn't want to make me a nerve wreck in school, so maybe Burt has done the same for you? Maybe your letters have arrived already?"

Kurt bit his lip and didn't answer, gazing out on the road in front of him.

It turned out that Blaine had been right. When Kurt stepped into the living room to greet his Dad, one envelope was waiting for him on the table.

"Parsons?" he asked tentatively, and Burt smiled with wide eyes and nodded. He looked quite nervous as well.

"Arrived this morning, bud," he said. "You' gotten yours, Blaine?"

"Right here," the boy answered breathlessly, holding up the two letters.

"Better open them then, huh?" Burt asked and stood from the chair. "I'll go get Carole, she'll want to be here as well."

Kurt turned to Blaine with wide terrified eyes, and this time it was Blaine's turn to sooth him.

"Hey," he said and pulled Kurt closer, only sounding slightly amused. "It'll be okay no matter what. Right?"

"Right," Kurt nodded and let Blaine's arm wrap around his waist soothingly.

"Hi boys!" Carole's voice said, as she clapped her hands together. Both instantly went to greet her, but she was quick to hush them away and open their letters ("I've been so curious the entire day, now open!").

"This is it, I guess," Kurt exhaled and took his letter from the table. "You ought to go first, you have two." Blaine let go from Kurt and nodded, opening his first letter from NYU. Blaine's hands shook slightly as he quickly skimmed the text, but soon his entire face broke into an enormous smile.

"I-I got in," he said sounding so incredulous and happy that Kurt didn't know whether he should roll his eyes and say, 'I told you so' or just let his excitement show. He chose the latter; while Burt clapped his hands together in exhilaration and Carole whined and told him over and over again how she had known he would get in, he pulled him onto a bone-crushing hug, laughing along with him.

"I really did tell you so," he decided to say teasingly when he pulled away and Blaine rolled his eyes, kissing the side of his mouth quickly.

"Just open yours," he said, sounding nervous again, though his shoulders seemed more relaxed. Kurt had almost forgotten his own letter in excitement for Blaine, and he tensed slightly. He took a deep breath, checking that it indeed was from Parsons before tearing his envelope open, skimming the text on the paper.

Dear Mr. Hummel,

It's a pleasure to inform you that we at Parsons would be delighted to see you in next year's semester…

Was all he read before squealing and jumping into Blaine's arms, possibly crying a little bit.

"I got in!" he exclaimed. "I got in!"

Burt let out a victorious yell this time and he pulled his son out of Blaine's embrace to hug him so tightly it almost hurt. Carole let out something near the squeal Kurt had and hugged him as well. Next to her Blaine laughed, looking absolutely blissful.

Not to Kurt's surprise, yet very much to his boyfriend's, Blaine to into Julliard as well. Burt and Carole were almost jumping with excitement and happiness for them, and when Blaine called James and Lucy, Kurt could hear the victory yells from the phone. Needless to say that evening was joyful. Finn and Rachel came over just when dinner was served, and both of them seemed excited on Kurt and Blaine's behalf, though the worry in their eyes was clear; neither of them had gotten their letter yet.

"So," Burt said when they all were seated at the table. "Graduation's only a week away now. I need plans on how you wanna celebrate."

"Well," Blaine said, "Dad and Lucy thought about BBQ in our backyard the Friday evening after the graduation at Dalton, where you're all of course encouraged to show."

"And B and I will be at McKinley for your graduation on Thursday of course," Kurt added looking at Rachel and Finn.

"Yay!" Rachel exclaimed with her high-pitched voice. "And we'll be at Dalton to see you, too. Right Finn?"

Finn, who had just taken an enormous bite, looked bewildered at her before nodding with his mouth full. Kurt rolled his eyes, silently wondering how he had ever found the boy remotely attractive.

"I still can't believe I got into all of the schools," Blaine said later that evening, sounding truly disbelieving. "I mean Julliard!"

Kurt turned on the bed, where he lay in Blaine's arms. "B, I told you to look at your resume, you really are a brilliant student."

"Thanks, love," Blaine said and kissed his soundly on the head. "I just can't believe it. You got into Parsons. I got into NYU and Julliard. I mean, what the hell am I even going to choose?"

"We'll figure it out," Kurt shrugged and pulled himself slightly upwards, so he could look into his boyfriend's eyes. "Hey? We're moving to New York."

"We are moving to New York," Blaine repeated, sounding utterly excited, smiling so widely that he looked downright silly. Kurt laughed at his expression and let his gaze fall on the bracelet around his wrist along with the band on his finger. He smiled and let his mind flood with memories once again, this time thinking of all of the new ones they would make in the near future.

Thursday morning Kurt and Blaine skipped all their classes after noon, in order to make it to the graduation at McKinley. They met up with Burt and Carole before, and walked to the school together, appreciating the warm sun in the late June weather.

As always when Kurt entered the school, he was hit by a wave of nostalgia, memories flooding into his mind instantly – good and (mainly) bad ones. He followed his boyfriend and parents in silence, though, not letting his emotions show. When he felt Blaine squeeze his hand he looked up though and he should have known he wouldn't fool him. He smiled reassuringly back when Blaine's eyed him as if to ask if he was okay, and held onto his hand a little bit tighter.

If anyone but Blaine asked if he really had cried the entire way through his friends' graduation, he would have denied it. But when his boyfriend handed him Kleenexes, he knew he would fool exactly no one if he tried. He did stop when Karofsky's name was called, though, and instead his entire body tensed. Beside him Blaine placed a firm arm around him, and when Kurt looked at him, he saw his set jaw and narrowed eyes; Kurt had naturally told Blaine all about the boy who turned Kurt's high school days into a living hell. Blaine caught Kurt looking, and his eyes softened, sending him a look that Kurt read instantly: he'll never hurt you again. I promise.

And at that Kurt felt absolutely safe. If only he'd known that one simple look could do that back then.

After all the diplomas had been delivered to the students, and the event was over, it was something near chaos. Everyone tried to find their kid or their parents, almost running around in the auditorium. Kurt and Blaine were no exception, as they scanned the room for any of the New Directions. The first Kurt saw were Tina and Mike, and he grabbed Blaine's hand and led him through the mass of people.

"Tina! Mike! Congratulations!" Kurt exclaimed when they were within earshot. The two of them turned to see the approaching, both smiling widely with flushed cheeks.

"Hi Kurt, Hi Blaine! Thanks!" Tina laughed and reciprocated the hug that Kurt gave her. Beside them Mike and Blaine fist bumped, Blaine congratulating them as well.

"It's so cool that you're coming, guys!" Mike said and hugged Kurt with one arm.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Blaine said hugging Tina.

"Thanks guys," Mike said and placed an arm on Tina's back.

The four of them chatted lightly about college – Mike was going to Joffrey Academy of Dance in Chicago, while Tina was going to Brown – before getting interrupted by Mrs. Chang, saying they had dinner reservations and had to go.

Like that they searched for all the New Directions, talking animatedly, promising to keep in contact when they were scattered around the USA to study.

"Rach!" Kurt exclaimed when he saw her, hugging her tight. "Congrats! And congratulations on getting into NYADA." He said the last in a lower voice, not wanting Finn to hear it; a few days prior Finn had gotten his letter, telling him he hadn't gotten into The Actor's Studio, leaving him with no plans for next year.

"Thanks, Kurt," she said, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. "But I'm not going this year. I'm waiting for him." She looked to Finn, who was talking to Blaine beside them. "We'll work on his audition and I can work in a year to get some money."

Kurt eyed her warily. After all the time he had known Rachel Berry, he had gotten to know her pretty well. And right now she was talking with her mature voice, the voice she put on for when she tried to rationalize something, not only for others but also for herself.

"Are you sure, honey?" Kurt asked with a soft voice. "You know B and I have plenty of space, you can both come, and Finn can figure everything out and-and you won't have to worry about rent…"

"Kurt I really appreciate what you're trying to do," she interrupted, her voice weak. "But I can't make him do that. He said he wanted to help out at the garage next year to earn some money while helping your dad, and… and I just can't take him with me like that without a plan for him. I mean, how will he feel watching us go to college and doing nothing himself?"

Kurt was in awe for a few seconds. Rachel Berry, thinking of other people? Being unselfish when her Broadway dreams were involved? That was probably one of the most unexpected things Kurt would ever experience, and at the same time, he felt proud and… well, sad, that she was so grown up so suddenly.

"Wow," Kurt uttered, not really knowing what to say. "Well, we'll miss you in the apartment. But I guess we'll have two new roommates next year then, right?"

Rachel nodded, her eyes blank, and she hugged him tightly. "Thank you Kurt," she said and kissed his cheek. "I love you, you know that right?"

"Ah, I love you, too, Rachel Berry," Kurt breathed, kissing the top of her head.

Blaine noticed how quiet Kurt was when they moved on, and when he asked, Kurt explained how Rachel and Finn wouldn't come with them.

"Really?" Blaine asked, and Kurt's heart melted a bit when he saw the genuine sadness in his eyes. "I had really been looking forward to rooming with them, though. You know, four friends in the big city?"

"Yeah," Kurt nodded. "But I guess it'll only be the two of us now."

"And I love the idea of that, I just…"

"I know," Kurt interrupted, nodding his understanding. "Me too. I was actually thinking about asking Nick and Jeff, but their campuses are just too far away for it to work." Both Nick and Jeff were going to schools in Brooklyn.

"Yeah," Blaine nodded. "I actually talked to them about it, you know just mentioning that it would have been cool to have them, but they said that it was much easier to get an apartment in Brooklyn."

Kurt nodded, squeezing his hand. "You know if someone had told me three years ago that on the day before my graduation, I was getting ready to move to New York with my boo, to attend my dream college, all the while mourning because Rachel Berry wouldn't be my roommate like planned, I would probably have slapped the person in the face and told them that they were clinically insane."

"And you wouldn't do that if the stranger told you something believable? I mean, it would be quite weird if some stranger suddenly came and predicted your future," Blaine said, feigning nonchalance.

"You're the lamest person alive," Kurt said, rolling his eyes at his bad joke. Blaine laughed and wrapped a tight arm around him, moving on to congratulate Santana and Quinn.

Their own graduation day started out pretty hectic, with trying on their graduation gowns and hats, and gathering in the big meeting hall where the event was held.

Kurt felt jittery, for some reason quite nervous – or was it simply excitement? They had to take places quickly, standing in alphabetic order after your surnames. Because of that the six boys quickly got separated. Before leaving to stand in first row, Blaine kissed Kurt's side of the mouth.

"Last time I kissed you as a high school student," Blaine said with a wink, making Kurt roll his eyes.

"Just go find your place, silly," he answered and went to stand with the other H's.

When everyone was placed correctly, and the chaos had subdued, Kurt let his gaze scan the room, looking for his family. He spotted them quickly, all six of them sitting side by side, obviously looking for them, too. He caught his father's eyes quickly and waved shortly.

The formalities went by quickly, the headmaster, Mr. George, giving a speech, while the valedictorian – which happened to be Wes – held his own hilarious one.

Then the names were called, Mr. George shaking their hand. Blaine's name got called after a few students.

His boyfriend went up to the stage, and Kurt turned when a whistle was heard from the parents' seats. He smiled when he spotted James' proud face. Kurt himself clapped louder than many would deem necessary. Somehow Blaine managed to look good in the navy graduation gown – something not many mastered – Kurt noted.

Many names were called until Kurt was up, giving him a slight swirl in his stomach. He stood up, and went to the stage, getting his diploma and smiling at his parents, Finn, Rachel, and James and Lucy, while they all clapped and whistled. He smiled widely as he moved the tassel on his hat to the left. Then, still smiling a flushed smile, he went to stand with the other students gathered on the stage. He instantly went to Blaine, hugging him close.

Soon all his friends were at the stage, Wes, David, Nick and Jeff standing beside them. When Mr. George declared them all graduates, they all lifted the hat from their head simultaneously, and threw it in the air.

Kurt knew he shouldn't be as affected by a graduation as he was. He felt absolutely giddy as they exited the stage, Blaine's hand firm in his left hand, and his diploma in his right. He knew it made sense, though; he had spent a time in his life, where he had thought he wouldn't experience his graduation. And even after finding Blaine and getting better, he knew there were chances. He knew there still were. But he got to experience this; the jittery crowd, the stunning smile on his boyfriend's face, the proud look in his father's eyes when he hugged him and Blaine.

After many 'congratulations's and wishes of good luck in the future, the Hummel's, Anderson's, and The Morons from Dalton, as Kurt liked to call them (Wes, David, Nick and Jeff obviously) drove to the Anderson residence, where a grill-feast was held to celebrate the new graduates.

Kurt leaned back in his chair, sipping of the champagne James had bought – "It is a celebration after all," – and smiling to himself. His friends and family talked animatedly, laughing and teasing while setting the long table. His Dad and Carole sat next to each other talking intently with Lucy. Finn, Rachel, David and Nick sat further away chatting lightly, while Jeff and Wes were off somewhere being morons, Kurt figured. By the grill stood James and Blaine, side by side, seemingly in conversation. Kurt himself sat in one of the chairs – way too expensive and comfortable to be called garden chairs – away from the others, one leg comfortably propped up beneath him, simply watching. The air was hot, once again a warm summer in late June, and despite it being late afternoon, the sun still shone brightly.

He closed his eyes briefly, reopening them again when he felt soft fingertips against his wrist. Blaine's honey eyes looked down at him, his fingers toying with the bracelet Kurt still wore, along with the silver ring.

Kurt smiled op at him silently, moving his leg so that Blaine could sit on his lap.

"You still wear it?" he said very quietly, as he sat, fingers still caressing the skin near the bracelet.

"Of course I do," Kurt said obviously, just as quietly. "Just because I was declared cancer free doesn't mean I don't need it anymore. I will always need it."

Blaine smiled crookedly and leaned more comfortably into his embrace, when Kurt wrapped his arms around him. "I wish I had a pendant for this," he murmured contently.

Kurt chuckled lightly and rolled his eyes. "I think I'll survive, B," he said and Blaine just shrugged and rested his head against Kurt's.

"It's just… this will be over so soon," he said, sounding bittersweet. "I will miss it. Dalton, and Westerville and Lima, and you know, us like this, right now." Kurt pulled away to look him in the eye. "I mean, we'll be in New York, it's silly to think that we won't change – you know, become more independent and responsible. Our relationship will change. And not necessarily in a bad way, but… I will just miss it here."

Kurt nodded, catching what he meant. "Because it holds so many memories," he said quietly.

"Exactly," Blaine nodded.

"Well, we can always come back," Kurt said, drawing soothing patterns into his arm. "This is not goodbye forever, our parents would never allow that anyway." Blaine chuckled and nodded. "And we'll create new memories in New York, B, have new firsts over there. And before you know it, you will refer to New York as 'home' and Ohio as 'my parents' home'. "

Blaine smiled and nodded, kissing Kurt's temple affably. "I don't ever think my home will change, Kurt. You are my home. Where you are, my home is."

Kurt smiled a slow smile, shaking his head ever so slightly. He would call his boyfriend out on his cheesiness, but something in the golden eyes told him that Blaine wasn't being corny. He was being genuine.

"I like that thought," Kurt said with a low voice, forgetting entirely about the people around them. "I like it very much."

Four and a half years later


Kurt pulled his coat closer around him, shivering slightly at the cold snow falling rapidly around him. Before coming to New York, snow had been the most beautiful thing. Now… not so much. It fell on the pavement and turned grey the moment after, while people kicked it aside in their endless hurry, cursing under their breaths. Kurt remembered the first time he had done that, on his way to Vogue, running late. He still remembered that as the day he became a real New Yorker.

This day, though, he didn't curse under his breath. Instead he hummed some Christmas carol that a shop he had passed had played. He squinted through the heavy fall of snow and found the coffee shop he had been looking for, jogging towards it immediately. He smiled at the light-decorations outside of their 'annual Thursday coffee date shop', as Rach liked to call it. Really, it was just a Baresso, which was placed conveniently near both his and Rachel's apartment.

Rachel was already there, as expected, ordering coffee for four.

"Hey Rach," he greeted, and gave her a fleeting kiss on the cheek as he sat.

"Kurt, hi!" she said, sounding so excited to see him, even though it was only a few days since they last saw each other. The usual.

"Satan or Britt not here yet?" he asked and looked to the empty seats beside him where Santana and Brittany usually sat.

"No, they said something about being held up by the snow," she said, and rolled her eyes. "Sounds to me like they're just making out somewhere, and forgot the time."

Kurt shrugged. "Same old, same old."

"Yeah, except for one thing," a voice drawled behind him, and Santana sat down next to him the moment after. "And I'm not talking about my sex life this time." Kurt rolled his eyes. "Don't think my Mexican third eye haven't spotted that glow around you, Hummel. Where's the ring, I wanna see it."

Kurt glared at her, and Rachel squealed so loud that multiple of the people around them looked at them. "You're gonna propose?!" she exclaimed, and this time the customers around them actually smiled their way.

"Lower your voice, Rachel!" Kurt hissed, irrationally looking around as if Blaine happened to have ditched his meeting with producers to an off-Broadway show that he had been talking about for weeks now, and had come here to pry on their conversation instead. Brittany chuckled beside him and kissed his cheek as she sat down.

"I'm so happy for you, Kurt!" she said with her sweet smile - over the year it had gotten more and more mature.

"Thanks, Britt," Kurt said with a smile and then turned to Santana. "And I'm just not gonna ask how the hell you know, but I can tell you that I don't have the ring on me."

"So show us the pictures you took to show your Dad," she said and sipped of the coffee that Brittany had just gotten for them.

"How-" Kurt sputtered, but gave up before even finishing the sentence. Eight years with Santana and at some point you learned to stop questioning her. Instead he pulled out his phone and found the pictures, showing it to the girls. Brittany and Rachel squealed simultaneously, praising it immediately, while Santana inspected it close.

"Hm, me gusta, Hummel," she said, as if considering an expensive wine.

"This is just amazing!" Brittany said and clapped her hands together. "I mean, it's not like it's a surprise, but…"

Kurt bit his lip and smiled, nodding appreciatively at their comments. After her outburst Rachel had gone silent, though, and she suddenly looked hesitant. Kurt caught it instantly.

"Rach?" he asked.

"This is amazing, Kurt, but… I mean are you sure?" she sounded uncertain, as if she was scared he'd be upset by the question.

Kurt frowned in confusion. "Rach, honey, you know how I feel about Blaine, why would you ask that?" He didn't sound harsh or offended, merely curious and slightly worried.

"Well… I just, that time you broke up, I mean, Kurt I've never seen you so…"

Kurt almost flinched at the mention of it. It was almost two years ago now that Kurt and Blaine had broken things off. Kurt sometimes forgot the reason why, and thinking back to it made his got churn.
It was in the midst of the semester, and both Blaine and Kurt were stressed out after getting rejection after rejection in the music and fashion industry. There had just been a huge scare, when they had thought Kurt's cancer had returned, leaving especially Blaine on the edge constantly, even after being told that there was nothing to worry about at all. They too had just gotten their own apartment (Rachel had come to New York after graduation after all but had moved in with her new boyfriend a few years later) and money was suddenly an issue. In hindsight it wasn't a big surprise that the whole reason for those three horrible months apart, was money.

It did only last three months, though, and that wasn't the biggest astonishment for anyone either.

"Rachel, that breakup lasted three months," Kurt reasoned. "And if anything, it just makes me more certain; you saw how I truly didn't function without him. We were acting childish and foolish, and you've seen how much we've learned from it."

Rachel nodded and smiled weakly, though uncertainty was still evident in her eyes. "I guess I'm being silly. But I guess I'm just… you're so young, you know?"

Kurt took her hands across the table and looked at her fondly. "Look, Rach, I know that B's it for me like I know the sky is blue. And I could wait ten years to see if it remains blue before swearing on it, but… well, I'll take my chances. And I'll take my chances with B, too. And, honey, I love you for being worried, and I know it comes from a place of caring, but I'm sure. I think I've been sure for years now; 7 of them, to be more exact."

Rachel was on the brim of tears when he ended, and before he could register it, she had flung herself around him. "I love you, too, Kurt," she said. "And I really am happy for you, but I just get worried."

"Should we cut the crap or…?" Santana said, eyeing the two. "This has nothing to do with Lady Hummel and The Hobbit, right? I mean, this is obviously because that sleek boyfriend of yours hasn't proposed to you, and you're scared that he won't."

"Santana," Brittany said, scowling at her, as Santana shrugged and sipped of her coffee again.

"Just keeping it real, babe."

She directed her gaze at Rachel, who had gone silent. Kurt glared daggers at her. "He will, Rach," Kurt said and squeezed her hand.

"And if he won't you can do it yourself," Brittany suggested, and Rachel huffed and nodded.

"I generally don't understand men so I won't comment on that one," Santana shrugged. Brittany snickered.

Kurt rolled his eyes, and glared at her once before drinking of his coffee. Rachel and Brody had been together for three years now, but Kurt was still worried. He had never seen that glint of pure happiness in her eyes that she had when she was with Finn.

"So if you've been sure for so long why first now?" Brittany asked directed at Kurt, interested as always.

Kurt shrugged, relieved of the change of subject. "Well our lives are coming together finally. I've got the job at Vogue and Isabelle keeps hinting about a promotion that will give me huge possibilities. And B's at a meeting," he glanced at the clock above him and smiled, "right now actually, with some producers, where he will direct the music in an off-Broadway show. We're happy, and economically stable. I've had the ring for a while, though, and I'm thinking that I'll do it back in Lima when we leave for the holidays. Somewhere… special." He smiled at the thought, and the three girls cooed – even Santana. "I talked to James at the wedding last month and I swear he almost cried. And Lucy didn't even try to hide it."

"Well, I guess you just have to beat him to it then," Santana shrugged and Kurt narrowed his eyes.

"He won't. I get to do this one, he knows," he said and sipped of his coffee.

"My Mexican third eye never fails me, Hummel," Santana said casually. "I'll look forward to saying I told you so."

Kurt just glared at her and kept drinking his coffee, as if the words hadn't affected him at all.

He hummed as he let himself into their apartment. He smiled when he saw the text Blaine had sent him as an answer to Kurt's text inquiring about the meeting.

[5.06 PM]

It went amazingly! Tell you more about it later xoxo

He wrote out a short reply, telling his boyfriend that he would be making dinner and to hurry home.

He was still humming 30 minutes later, almost done with supper. He smiled to himself when he heard the door open and a familiar voice call out, "Love, I'm home!"

Yep, seven years with Blaine, and the moron still hadn't stopped calling him 'love' at any given chance. And it still never failed to make Kurt's stomach flutter.

"Hi you," Kurt said when Blaine entered their small kitchen. He instantly wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind, hooking his chin on his shoulder.

"Something smells amazing," Blaine said and Kurt chuckled; he said that every time Kurt cooked.

"It's not so fancy, but I can assure you it's delicious," Kurt nodded and turned around to kiss Blaine's cheek. "Now, I'm dying to hear about the meeting! Spill!"

Blaine smiled mischievously and let go of Kurt to get cutlery and plates. "Let us sit down and I'll tell you all about it."

Kurt sighed dramatically but obliged and helped him set the table, while the pasta dish simmered.

"So, tell me," Kurt said when they were seated.

Blaine eyed him fondly before responding. His eyes glistened excitedly, and Kurt felt strangely proud. "Well," he said. "I got the job for one. And they were all so nice, Kurt, it was just amazing. They heard the mp3 I sent them, and they loved it, so they wanna use some of it in the play!" His voice got more excited by the second, and Kurt smiled widely.

"That's amazing, B!" Kurt exclaimed with a beam and squeezed his hand across the table. "I'm so proud of you!"

Blaine just kept smiling widely, his eyes going slightly disbelieving like they always did when he accomplished something particularly great. He shook his head and rested his cheek against his fist, looking at Kurt dreamily. "I just can't believe it. Kurt we're growing up, getting jobs. The manager said this could be an amazing opportunity for me. And you're getting that promotion at Vogue, and don't try to tell me otherwise," he hurried to say when Kurt was about to protest. "You're amazing, love, don't even try to deny it. We both graduated at the top of our classes. I'm just so proud of us."

Kurt chuckled in exhilaration. "I know, me too, B."

The rest of dinner went by quickly with light conversation. Blaine told Kurt about Wes and David, and Kurt almost did a victory dance when Blaine told him that David and Quinn finally had figured things out and gotten together. Wes was moving in with his girlfriend as well, and was looking forward to visiting New York with her. And of course there were Nick and Jeff, who Kurt still waited impatiently on to get engaged ever since Nick had shown Kurt the ring. Kurt also filled Blaine in on the date with the girls – leaving out vital pieces obviously – and when they entered the subject of Rachel and Finn, Blaine had news.

"I talked to Finn today, actually," he said. "He asked about Rach and Brody of course, but he didn't sound as heartbroken while talking about it as he used to."

Kurt pursed his lips and nodded. "I'm a bit worried about her. I feel like she's settling, and I don't like that. She deserves the very best, and I'm afraid Finn is that for her. It just sucks so bad with the whole New York vs. Lima debacle."

Blaine sighed and nodded. "Me too. I feel so bad for both of them. Makes me feel so insanely lucky, you know?"

Kurt smiled sadly and laced their fingers together again. "Yeah, I know. Me too. I like Brody and all he's just…"

"Not it for her," Blaine suggested, and Kurt nodded.


After dinner Blaine surprised Kurt with cheesecake from their favorite baker. "This is why I love you!" Kurt had exclaimed and kissed him soundly on the lips.

Blaine had chuckled and given Kurt the biggest piece, earning him another kiss.

"So, dear boyfriend, what is the occasion?" Kurt asked when they had finished their cake, eyeing the candles that Blaine had put on the table, giving the living room a cozy glow. They now sat in their loveseat, Blaine on Kurt's lap, with gentle music playing in the background.

"I can't just buy my boyfriend cheesecake and light candles because I'm the awesomest boyfriend ever?" he asked teasingly, though Kurt detected something like nerves in his voice. It made him wary.

"Yes, but you only ever buy me cheesecake when you want something from me or you've done something you need to make up for. So which is it?" he nudged him teasingly, hiding his wariness.

"Well," Blaine seemed fidgety all of sudden, not really helping Kurt's growing worry. "I guess if I have to choose it'd be the first of the options." He bit his lip and inhaled.

"B, what's wrong?" Kurt asked plainly, now seriously worried. "Did they say something at the meeting? Oh god, you're not moving to London or something, right?"

"What?" Blaine said, letting out a short laugh. "No! No, it's- it's not that at all, my love."

"Then what is it?" Kurt asked, now just confused by his boyfriend's obvious nervousness.

Blaine startled him by standing up abruptly, turning to him with a tense smile. "I eh, was actually going to wait until we left for Lima tomorrow but well, I guess I'm doing this now then." He took Kurt's hands in his, and Kurt, still completely confused, straightened his back, and moved to sit on the edge of the seat so that he had better vision to Blaine's honey eyes.

Blaine's hands were clammy, something very rare. "Kurt," he started shakily, and approximately at that moment did Kurt realize what he was about to do.

"NO!" he exclaimed and shot up from his seat. "No, no, no, no, you're not doing this, no, stop it!" he said, eyes frantically wide. Damn Santana and that freaky sixth sense of hers.

Blaine's entire face scrunched up in confusion and hurt, and Kurt instantly felt guilty. "No, not like that just-" he groaned and hid his face in his hands. "Okay, come with me," he then said and pulled Blaine into their bedroom, placing him on heir bed.

"You are not doing this," he explained, and squeezed his hands, with a stern voice. "Because I am. And I thought we had agreed that I was going to do this, so frankly I'm quite put out with you right now." Blaine laughed incredulously, eyes blank and relieved. "Ugh, Blaine I hate you for this, I hadn't even planned out exactly what to say!" Blaine kept chuckling shakily, shaking his head fondly at Kurt's rambling and frantic voice. He sighed deeply and braced himself. "Right," he started. "So, I was too going to wait 'till Lima and I was going to take you to our place, and be all overly romantic, because it's always you who gets to be the romantic one, but… Okay, I'm rambling, sorry. " Blaine's laughing grew stronger again and Kurt scowled at him before continuing. "Anyway," he said. Blaine squeezed his hands tightly, and for some reason it worked. He relaxed visibly and a small smile took over his lips. "Blaine," the dark-haired boy smiled fondly. "You are the love of my life. I think I've known that for a while now. Or, well, seven years, I think, ever since that time when you entered my hospital room all flustered and cute in that stupid Warblers uniform."

Blaine pressed his lips together to stop from laughing again. "You loved that uniform," he mumbled, earning a pointed look from Kurt.

"Shush, idiot, you're ruining my moment," he laughed. "Anyway, I know that you always say that you saved me literally and I saved you figuratively, but I don't think that's true. You didn't just save me from my disease, B; you saved me in every possible way. And considering I haven't prepared anything yet, I would say I'm doing pretty good, so I'm just gonna finish while I'm on a roll here." Blaine was cry-laughing now, a wide, beaming smile on his lips. "You were my first love, my first everything. And I want you so badly to be the last as well." He hurriedly found the box he kept in the farthest corner of his bottom shelf. "So, Blaine Anderson, my best friend in this entire crazy world, my love, my Eric," he got down on one knee and felt his own throat tighten, as tears started to gather in his own eyes as well. "Will you marry me?"

Blaine, still chuckling and crying at the same time, flung himself at him, hugging him tightly while nodding feverishly. "Yes," he said against Kurt's neck. "God, yes."

Kurt had joined him in cry-laughing and held him close before Blaine pulled away to look at the ring. "It's stunning, Kurt," he said, and Kurt beamed as he slid it onto Blaine's left ring finger. "And it fits."

"Well, I may have stolen that one ring you own to show the jeweler," Kurt said coyly, and Blaine laughed, meeting Kurt halfway in an earnest, languid kiss. When they broke apart Kurt rested his forehead against Blaine's, lacing their hands together, feeling the metal against his skin. When he opened his eyes, Blaine was watching his with such fondness that he almost blushed.

"So, can I give you my ring now?" he asked, while peppering kisses everywhere on Kurt's face.

"Now you may, yes," Kurt nodded and Blaine chuckled as he retreated a black box from his blazer. "It had to be prettier than your promise ring, obviously, so it took me a long time to find it," he said, as Kurt inspected the silver band closer with an incredulous smile.

"It's beautiful, B," he said and let Blaine replace the ring on his finger with the new shinier one.

"We're engaged," Blaine breathed a moment after, his eyes shining with happiness. "I get to call you my fiancé."

"That you do," Kurt said with a nod. "You are encouraged to, in fact."

Blaine laughed and pulled him close again, hands tracing his jawline softly. "I love you so much, fiancé."

"I love you more, fiancé," Kurt answered with a wink and kissed him again, simply because he could.

"And you have to let me tell your dad," Blaine breathed when they broke apart, making Kurt chuckle. "I told him I'd do it over the holidays, so he will probably be a bit pissed that he wasn't here to see it, but somehow I think he'll forgive us."

"Of course you asked for permission," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. "And no way Anderson, I'm telling Dad."

"I actually prefer Hummel-Anderson. And not if I tell him first!" Blaine sang, and Kurt just laughed, feeling absolutely blissful, as he kissed his fiancé over and over again.

They both knew that Blaine's words were in vain, anyway. Because when Kurt Hummel set his mind to something, nothing, not even cancer, could stop him.

And maybe, just maybe, did two faces look down at them with proud, wide smiles on their faces. Maybe the dark-haired of them, with the honey-colored eyes, shed a tear. Perhaps the one with sparkling green eyes bit her lip, while crying along with her.

Maybe that's ludicrous.

But maybe it's not.


So. That was that. Gosh, I can't believe it! Honestly when I started posting this fic I had no idea how it would go, or if anyone would even read it. And I'm just so incredibly grateful that so many has - and that you were able to look past my mistakes when my english wasn't perfect. So again, for the thousandth time, thank you!

Oh, and just a note: if you're wondering why Tina graduated early, it's because I'm one of the people who think that the writers all but butchered her character and thought I'd make my own version. And Blaine graduated with Kurt because, well, contrary to other's (the writer's) opinion, I thought they needed to be together, so...

Now, part of me doesn't want this fic to end just yet, and I'm thinking of maybe writing some drabbles, but I'm not quite sure yet. But if there's something you really want to see, I'll see what I can do with the limited time I have. This also brings me to the next thing...

I may have started a new fic, and so far I'm actually really happy about it. What I want to know is if you would be interested? I'll be going to a new school next year, and I'll have very limited time to write, so you would probably have to be patient, but I would also really like to share it with you - so whatta you say? :)

Have a great day/evening wherever you are!

Love A