Garcia sighed as she spun around in her office chair for the 100th time. She had finished all her necessary paperwork and was now updating her computers, a truly boring task. The team who would normally entertain her in times like this where currently in a meeting with Strauss. Why the section chief needed to see them all at once was unknown to Garcia. She had already hacked the systems and scheduled a meeting for Strauss on any of her days off for the next month, as payback for taking away her friends. So needless to say when Garcia's office phone rang she immediately answered it hoping one of her fellow teammates had somehow escaped the wrath of Strauss. Much to her surprise it was Jessica on the line.

"Garcia" said Penelope answering the phone.

"Hi it's Jessica, Agent Hotchner's sister in law" said the young girl.

"Hey Jessica what can I do for you" asked Garcia, remembering the girl from Haley's funeral.

"Well Aaron told me that if I ever needed to reach him and he wasn't answering his phone to call this number and you would get ahold of him for me" she answered.

"Well he's in a meeting with Strauss right now is there a message I can give him when he's finished" asked Garcia trying her best to be helpful.

Garcia could faintly here swearing on the other end of the phone.

"Is everything ok" she asked.

"Not really" answered Jessica. "Jack was suppose to spend the night with one of friends but the mother called me, apparently her son has chicken pox and Jack can't come. I'm working late tonight and I need Aaron to pick Jack up from school, my boss won't let me leave" she explained.

"What time does school let out" asked Garcia.

"In 45 minutes" answered Jessica.

"I can pick him up for you he can just come back here with me, my paperworks done and I have nothing else to do" offered Garcia.

"Do you mind" said Jessica with relief evident in her voice.

"Not at all I love spending time with mini Hotch" Garcia answered.

"Ok I'll call the school to let them know your picking him up" she answered.

"Ok tell them I'm on my way" informed Garcia.

"Will do, and Penelope thanks" said Jessica.

"No problem" she answered.

"Ok bye" responded Jessica.

After hanging up Garcia quickly grabbed her purse and informed and agent at the front desk that she was taking her lunch break. It took 20 minutes to get to the school and after flashing her badge (I'm not sure if Garcia has a badge but in this story she does) and showing a second id her and Jack where in the car and on there way back to Quantico. One of the older teachers had and extra booster seat that belonged to her granddaughter in the trunk of her car and kindly offered it to Garcia, with promise that she would send it back with Jack on Monday. Jack wasn't thrilled that the car seat was pink and refused to sit in it so Garcia decided to bribe him with cookies, prompting Jack to ride in the seat.

"So how was school Jack man" asked Garcia.

"It was fine" he answered quietly. I didn't take a profiler to know that he was upset.

"Is everything ok buddy you seem a little sad" asked Garcia.

"Why didn't my mommy pick me up" asked the young boy.

Garcia was shocked of all the ways for this conversation to go she didn't expect this to be one of them. Haley had passed over 2 years ago.

"Well your mommies with the angles remember" she told him.

"Not that mommy my other mommy" answered Jack like it was the most obvious thing is the world.

Garcia was stunned Hotch had a girlfriend and he didn't tell the team. Sure they all knew he was a private person but still it seemed like that piece of information would come up in at least one conversation. Garcia wanted to know who this mystery girl was, the only problem was wether or not she was willing to question a 6 year old to get it...of course she was!

"So Jack why don't you tell me about your mommy" prompted Garcia.

"Well she's super nice and makes really good pancakes" said Jack with a smile on his face.

"Really, is that why you like her so much" asked Garcia. It was obvious that Jack really liked this woman whoever she was.

"No she makes daddy smile and she's going to have my little brother or sister" answered Jack casually in a way that only a child could, especially after saying something as huge as that.

It took everything Garcia had not to slam on the breaks, not only did Boss man have a girlfriend but she was pregnant too! This was all to much to comprehend.

"Aunt Pen are you ok" asked Jack concerned that his aunt looked as though she would self implode at any moment.

"Ya sweetie I'm fine" answered Garcia.

When they arrived at Quantico they took the elevator up to the bullpen. Garcia was still trying to figure out who Hotch couple possibly be dating. Maybe I can hack into his phone and find his call record or better yet a picture of the mystery woman I'm sure Morgan will help me she thought to herself. However when they reached the floor Jack who up until now had been holding her hand immediately took off running in the direction of the team who had just finished their meeting. Garcia had fully expected him to run to Hotch but much to her surprise he screamed mommy before jumping into the arms of one Emily Prentiss.