I do not own Austin and Ally.

Imagine a world where you have to live your whole life behind a transparent glass wall. You are separated by boys and girls, but you are still able to see each other. You yearn to escape and live your own life but the only way out is to find your true love.

Ally's P.O.V

"I can't stand it anymore Trish!" "I've been trapped behind this stupid glass wall for eighteen years" "I want to escape into the real world and actually live like a normal human being" I scream while frantically waving my arms like a lunatic. I try to mentally control myself as I hear Trish say, "Calm down Ally. We are separated by a transparent wall! No guy is going to like you if he thinks you're insane!". I reply, "I know Trish. I know. I just can't help it! It's not right what they're forcing us to do! We never agreed to this!".

Austin's P.O.V

"Arrrggghhhh! Dez I'm gonna go crazy! No I already am crazy!" " I am eighteen years old and even though we're forced to live like this it doesn't mean that our bodies don't feel things!" "I need to find my "true love" and get out of here! I can't take it anymore…." I say with a frustrated sigh. I then hear my best buddy Dez since I've known since we were in diapers say, "I know buddy. I know. I feel the same, but you have to chill out! No girl is going to find you attractive if you flip out like a wild animal!". I know he's right, so to cool off we go to the "living room" where all the other guys are and play videogames.

Ally's P.O.V

I'm so lucky to have a friend like Trish and I don't know what I would do without her. We're really the only girls who actually want to leave, but I can't imagine why. I mean sure, we're 100% sheltered from the outside world, we'll never be exposed to the horrors of the world, and we just have to be like normal teenagers. But how are we supposed to do that when we don't know how they really are? See this all started about 18 years ago, when I was first born.

18 years ago….

" Oh Lester! Look at our beautiful baby girl" Penny Dawson says. " She's beautiful honey, I'm sure she'll grow up and have a bright future" Lester replies. As the happily married couple were discussing their first child's future plans, armed guards kicked the door down and barged into their home. The new parents-like many- hadn't heard about the government's secret operation. They planned to take all newborn infants away from their families and use them to create a whole new "type" of generation. While Penny screamed and had tears rolling down her face-Lester was trying to punch the guards and get Ally back. When the guards turned their guns on them and ordered them to completely forget their daughter they just sat there shocked and upset.


Mike and Mimi Moon were taking their baby son Austin to the park for a walk. As they stopped to sit and rest on a park bench-they didn't notice all the armed figures approaching them. With their guns raised and pointed directly at them all they thought about was trying to protect Austin. They wanted him to be safe and grow up and be able to achieve his dreams. They knew that if he was taken, there's no chance he would be returned to them. So while Mike tried to distract the guards, Mimi took Austin and ran to another place. But when she heard a gunshot and her husband's petrified scream she momentarily looked back, but didn't notice the small red dot centered on her forehead. With one quick shot Mimi was dead and the last thing she saw was Austin being pried out of her arms. As the years went by and all the newborn children from that generation grew up they noticed changes. They were not allowed as much freedom, they could only play with others of the same gender, and there was absolutely no interaction between the two. They grew up surrounded by girls or boys, but other than that they were raised in isolation. They knew nothing of the outside world, and very few were lucky enough to remember their parents. You had the same routine every day. You wake up at whatever time you want, do whatever you want, then go to bed and then you do the same thing the next day. The government observed normal teenagers so they knew how to treat the "special kids" so they wouldn't turn out the same way-they would be better.

~Present day…

"I'm sorry Trish, but I can't take it anymore. I'm going to find my true love and leave this godforsaken place." Ally told her friend. Trish replies, "Okay Ally. I know how you feel so I'm gonna help you search for your soul mate." Ally is touched that her friend would do that for her, so she makes a vow: "Trish, if you help me find my soul mate, I'll help you find yours and we'll take on the world together" "Deal?" Ally says. "Deal" Trish answers. To hopefully narrow it down, Trish asks Ally what she prefers in men. "So Ally, do you like tall guys? Short guys? What hair color? Eye color?" Trish asks.

Ally replies, "Ummm…. short-so maybe 5'5- 5'8. I'd say brown hair and blue eyes." "Ok so let's start searching!" Trish says excitedly. So Ally and Trish pull up two chairs and sit on one side of the transparent wall and look at their selection.

Austin's P.O.V

While playing videogames, Austin thinks about his life and what he wishes he could do. His mind wanders to his future and just as he's thinking about what career he was going to choose he hears Dez yell, "C'mon dude! Stop spacing out! You're losing!" Austin is quickly snapped out of his daze because he never loses. Never. A few minutes later even though he earns protests from Dez, Austin turns to look at his best and only friend and he asks him a question that will forever change their lives. "Dez, do you find our true loves?". Dez momentarily looks confused, but knowing his friends desires he agrees. Plus, he wouldn't mind getting out of here with the one he's meant to be with. While he's still unsure, Austin already knows exactly the kind of girl he wants. A tall, redhead who has green eyes and is athletic. So they pull up a couple of beanbag chairs to the glass and looks at what the world has to offer them. Little did they know-they had no choice in the matter-their true love was already chosen for them. By a little thing known as fate.

Reviews are appreciated! I hope y'all enjoy this story and please let me know what you liked or didn't like! ***A side note: Austin and Ally are like total opposites. So you'll have to wait for Auslly cause it's my story & I didn't want them to happen right away, but we'll get there!