Hey guys. Author speaking here today.

I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates. Not even kidding me, it kills me that this thing have been left alone for so long. However, there is an explanation.

As I have stated a time or two now in my other AVP story, my computer crapped out on me. While I was able to save a few stories on a flash drive, Serpentine was on that hard drive. And until I either get a new computer or find a way to fix my old one, its stuck on there. To make matters worse, I was working on a rewrite, touching up details and the like for Serpentine.

Trust me when I say I cried quite a bit when I lost access to all that. But I can take hope I didn't lose my book too... And cry because I can't work on anything else, including my comic and other works *cries*

With that being said, Serpentine is stuck on an indefinite hiatus until a solution comes around. And even then, I don't plan on updating Serpentine until I'm caught up with the rewrite to at least the number of chapters and possibly more. Soooooooooo don't expect anything until next year by the latest. I'll be resisting the urge to throw my old laptop off the side of a cliff in the meantime and working on some original projects (sadly, that's got more priority).

Once again, so sorry, thank you for understanding my current situation, and I hope to get back to working on Serpentine as soon as I can.

Peace out!