Heya you guys^^

Did you miss me? Huh? You didn't? F-Fine then! this is not about me anyway!

It's about my favourite couple in the whole wide world, GerIta! And as you may have guessed, yep, this story will be a GerIta version of the Mlp episode "A Canterlot Wedding", which by the way, I find to be the most beautiful Mlp episode so far^^

So sit back, relax and enjoy the story!

It was a beautiful day in France (the country, not the character).

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and on a large, green grassland, behind a big villa, the bad touch trio, plus Canada, who'd come to visit his former guardian and England, who was invited by Prussia were having a picnic.

Just now, they were laughing about a joke Prussia had made, something about England having imagined his magical friends in him and Prussias bedroom, watching them doing you-know-what and getting hella' mad at them in the process.

Then, all of a sudden, a man rushed into the garden. From his uniform, you could easily tell, he was a messenger. Seemingly totally exhausted, he stopped, right infront of the surprised countries and leaned on his knees for a second, panting heavily. Sfter having caught his breath, the man quickly straightened his back and pulled something out from his pocket.

"Message from Miss Hungary too you, Mr Prussia, Sir!" the man said in a matter-of-fact tone and handed a letter in an elegant looking envelope over to the ex-nation.

Prussia took the letter out of the mans hand and opened it with a swift move. The others leaned in on him, so they could see what was written in it too.

Prussia read out loud:

"My dear Gilbert,

I am certain you to, are excited for the upcoming merger or as I would prefer to call it, wedding, of our two most beloved countries."

Prussia looked up from the letter, surprised. "Vedding?" he asked out loud. He threw a glance around him at his friends. But all of them just shrugged and so, Prussia continued reading.

"I will be holding the ceremony and Mr Austria was kind enough to offer his villa as the location. However, as much as we and the soon-to-be wed couple try, we can not do the preparations all on our own. It is simply too much. So, I would like a few friends of yours to help us out on this wonderful occasion.

Canada, I would like you to organize the orchestra and the choir, who will be providing the music."

"Oh, it would be my pleasure." Canada smiled, as if Hungary had just personally asked him.

"Spain, if you don't mind, I can not think of anyone better to hold the reception."

"iQue Alegria*! I won't let you down!" Spain cheered.

"France, I want you to be in charge of the catering of the wedding."

"Onhonhonhon, of course, I shall make the most delightful produits fins*!" France said, looking more selfcentered then usual.

"She could've just asked me too. I bet my dishes taste ten times better then everything that frog makes." England muttered. The others lightly sweatdropped at that, but decided to just ignore the comment for their sake.

"England, I would like you to perform a huge, beautiful magic trick when the bride and groom say their 'I do's. I know you will not let me down. After all I know nobody eles with such great knowledge of magic."

England blushed at that and quickly looked away to cover it. "I guess I could think of something..." he mumbled.

"Oh my, I almost forgot! France, I know it is probably to much to ask, but can you also design the outfit of the bride and the bridesmaids?"

"Q-Quoi*? I...I not only 'ave the 'onor of cooking, I also get to dress the bride? And zhe bridesmaids?" France cut in. His face was just pure happiness. Letting out a dreamy, over-the-top sigh he fainted right onto Canadas lap with a smile on his face.

"And Gilbert, you can come too, I guess.


Elizabeta Héderváry, the country of Hungary"

Prussia snorted at the last part of the letter. "Vell, isn't it nice of her to invite me too? But I vonder..." Prussia turned the paper in his hands several times, before asking the messenger: "Excactly who is going to marry anyvay?"

The messenger reached into his bag once more and handed over another letter. Prussia rolled his eyes. "And you couldn't have given me zhis togezher vizh zhat ozher one because...?"

The messenger blushed a little and shrunk away. "B-Because I might have forgotten, Prussia, Sir."

Prussia merely dismissed the man with a wave of his hand and read the other letter out loud:

"Miss Hungary and Mister Austria courteously invite to the wedding of Repubblica Italiana* and..."

Prussia aprubtly started reading and fixated his eyes on the second name on the invitation. "What is it? Who else is going to be married?" England asked. When his boyfrined didn't answer, the brit simply leaned over the other males shoulder and read the rest of the invitation out loud to the others:

"...and Bundesrepublik Deutschland*."

Everybodies eyes were fixed on Prussia now, who was still just sitting there, saying nothing. Finally, after what felt like hours, Prussia spoke up: "Vell, vill you look at zhat. Looks like my little bruder* is going to marry."

Weeell, so much for the first chapter^^

R&R pretty please!

iQue Alegria! = Oh joy!

produits fins = fancy foods

Quoi? = What?

Repubblicana Italiana = the official name of Italy

Bundesrepublik Deutschland = the offical name of Germany