District 13

Katniss stood before the large monitor, heart pounding within her chest. Haymitch, Plutarch, and Coin stood together, watching as Beetee twirled his chair around, only to lower his glasses and sigh.

"This is a private signal, sent only to this district. It was meant for only us to see."

"From Snow?"

"The source code said it was filmed about three hours earlier. I believe it was meant for you to watch."

Katniss lifted her eyes to the giant screen before the clip began to play. Before her very eyes, tied together in what appeared to be a wooded area was Peeta, Johanna, and Annie. They were all tied to a giant tree, bound tightly and sitting on the ground. Katniss felt her heart leap within her chest.


Katniss turned and saw Finnick standing at the doors, his eyes filled with terror as he watched the screen. Katniss turned back to the video as two masked peace keepers walked over to the three of them holding a steel bucket.

"Look at them..."

Katniss whispered. They looked as if they had been starved. The video showed how they had shaven Johanna's head, and beaten them beyond belief. The news footage of Peeta wasn't as bad as this. Feeling her stomach toss, Katniss stood back as she watched the bucket get turned upside down onto the three of them. Right away hot steaming blood was splashed right on top of them. It caked down the girl's hair, rolled down their faces, and pooled around while soaking their clothing. The guard quickly stepped back as the three of them, tied up together coughed and gagged on the blood they had just gotten drenched with. Finnick joined Katniss by her side as the two stared up at the screen.

"I think you two better not watch..." Plutarch began. But it was too late, three giant wild wolfs were released off screen, running towards the three of them. Katniss' eyes widened as she heard the screams and watched as the dogs began to violently rip them apart. The room began to spin, as Katniss released a blood curdling scream.


She shrieked before Finnick took hold of her, spun her around and held onto her head so she wouldn't turn and watch the screen. Pressing his hands against her head, he laid her head against his chest. Katniss struggled, hearing the gurgling screams on screen. She began hysterical, trying to whip her head away to see.


Finnick held onto Katniss as she struggled, firmly holding onto her, trying his hardest to hold back his own tears. When it was over and done with, Snow's voice filled Katniss' ears.

"Now my little Mockingjay, you're move."

With a faint chuckle, the screens went black and static filled the air. Silence washed over the room before Katnisis choked out a horsed cry and buried her face against Finnick's chest, weeping as a child would.

One month later.

"We see a sign of hope, of strength..."

"She'll never go for it. It's insane..."

"Do you see the two of them? Both on edge, both going crazy. They watched them get torn apart..."

"It will work I promise."

Several weeks later a numbed out Katinss and Finnick sat side by side as Coin stared at them.

"The rebellion isn't going well. Since the deaths of the tributs, we've sensed a weakness within the districts. What we need at this time is a symbol of hope. Something to cause Snow to be afraid."

Katinss lifted her eyes, drugged out and barely able to understand the works being spoken to her.

"What we need is a child. District four, and district twelve, together as a sign of hope. Pure and utter hope. Everything we have tried so far has failed. If we can prove that you two produced a child, after the devastating murders of your loved ones President Snow , we'll have..."

"Another fake love story?" Haymitch asked cocking his head to the side.

"Better than that. We'll have a natural born fighter, hating Snow before he or she is even conceived."

Katniss raised her head, staring at Coin and Haymitch in utter disbelief.

"A baby? How is a baby going to solve things? How is making Finnick into a stud and me into a bitch going to bring our loved ones back?!"


Suddenly the side doors opened, guards waiting. Right away Katniss knew things hadn't changed, they simply stayed the same. Coin glared at Katniss.

"You have two weeks. If you're not pregnant we'll do artificial insemincation and kill Finnick ourselves."

Hatmitch nervously glanced at Coin before she nodded to the guards. Within seconds storm arms held Katniss as she kicked and screamed. Instantly she was knocked out and the world fell into darkness.

What seemed like seconds later Katniss' eyelids fluttered open. After a moment she slowly sat up, her vision blurring as she held her head. It ached. Glancing around she saw they were inside a bedroom, one of which she had never been in before. There were plastic dressers, and a bathroom just off to the right. Katniss saw the lights were dim, almost flickering. There were steel walls, and she sat on a giant king sized bed. Looking, she saw Finnick sitting on the cement floor across from her.

"Finnick?" "They said we have two weeks, they won't let us out...unless..."

He stared down at his hands. Sitting there, Katniss couldn't believe it. This was worse than anything Snow could have thought of.

This was hell.