Welcome to my new story! Ahh! This is so exciting, my first ever Divergent Fanfic! Let me explain a bit first okay, Caleb and Tris are twins in this story because I thought it would make a bit more sense. Four and Tris will go through many ups and downs, but I think it is a great story! Please read it, and tell me what you think about it okay? Thanks loves xoxo

Tris POV:

I tug my jacket closer to my body, and let out a shiver. I breathe out and it crystallizes in the cold air around me. I couldn't wait to get on the plane and make my way over to the east. It was Wintertime in Chicago, it was so cold everyone needed layers upon layers just to prevent frostbite. I stepped into the airport and let out a sigh of relief, I shook my hair free of the few snowflakes that were falling outside. My thick auburn hair fell just below my shoulder blades. I shoved my beanie back on my head and gripped the handle of my suitcase, making my way to the check in counter.

Once I have everything lined up I wait in the lounge before I am called to get on my plane. Caleb, my twin brother, is already in South Carolina where I am headed. A few months ago our parents died in a car crash, and it took a while for me to digest this fact. Caleb had a different idea of grieving, he went to South Carolina two days after they died. He needed to get away from it all and start fresh. I stayed home. I threw myself into my schooling and I was alone in our house for a few months. I graduated from culinary school a few weeks ago, and thats when Christina and Caleb came. Eventually I gave in and agreed to go to Caleb as well as the others. The only reason I agreed to go to Caleb was because I would have Susan and Christina there. Susan is Caleb's girlfriend who I have met only once when Caleb brought her with to the graduation. Chrissy on the other hand, is my best friend. She called me everyday for the past few months and has now begun pestering me about getting out. Out of that house and into the sunshine of South Carolina.

I sighed as the buzzer and voice over the intercom told me to board my flight. I walked up to my flight I was slowly walking, in no hurry to get to my first class seat that Caleb insisted upon buying. "Only the best for my baby sis." I believe were the words that came out of his mouth as I began to refuse it. I smiled a bit at the memory, and I looked around for my seat. My eyes scanned the room and I quickly took inventory of the place. It was a nice place I thought to myself, and I smiled. I slowly walked down the aisle and looked for my seat. When I found it I sighed a breath of relief and looked up at the carry on compartment above the seats. I huffed, it was too high. I was very short, 5'3 to be exact. I stretched my arms up to shove in my bag but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it in all the way.

Suddenly someone pressed against my back and helped me place the bag in the compartment. I was momentarily stunned at the closeness of this stranger. I hadn't had been this close to another person in a long time. I inhaled and turned around only to be met with a black t-shirt. I felt my breath hitch and I stumbled back a bit. "Sorry." I mumbled. The person grabbed my wrist as I nearly toppled backwards. He, I soon realized, pulled me back up and grabbed my waist. I looked up at his face only to be met with dark deep eyes. They were blue, but grey at the same time. I was locked in a trance. "Hey, careful there." he said concernedly, but smiling. He let go of me once I was steady on my feet and I tucked my hair behind my ears, only to have it fall out of it once I tucked it. "Um, thank you." I said quietly.

I quickly looked down and away from his face only to look down at my own outfit. I was wearing brown boots, denim skinny jeans, a concert shirt from a while ago and my black leather jacket. I rolled my eyes at myself. There was no way he was going to take any notice in me. I quickly took notice of his outfit. Black and white sneakers, lowrise jeans, and his tight black t-shirt. Once I took notice of the shirt I noticed his physique. His shirt was indeed tight because of how fit he was. I smiled and sat down in my seat. I begged to the lord above me that he wasn't sitting next to me.

Luck was not in my favor today.

He smiled and placed his bag in the compartment and sat next to me, he had the window seat. I pulled out my phone and texted Christina that we would be taking off shortly. I let out a sigh of relief and pulled my black beanie off my head, shaking my hair out again. "Four." the stranger said. I turned to him, only to be met with a smile. In the light of the plane I took in his face. He had scruff on his face, as if he hadn't shaved in a few days. His brown hair was trimmed, but it was long enough for you to tell the color. He had high cheekbones, and his eyebrows were raised in question. Suddenly I remembered that he spoke to me. What was it again? "What?" I asked him stupidly. "My name, it's Four." he said. I smiled, what an interesting name. "Tris." I said smiling back at him. He held out his hand and I took it. When we shook hands I could feel the electricity flowing in his veins.

It woke me up.

"South Carolina huh? What you doing out there?" he asked me smiling. I was surprised he was talking to me. "My brother, and my friends." I said smiling. "Going there for the summer?" he asked me, looking genuinely interested. "Nah, I finished my schooling and they've been pestering me to move in with them." I said smiling at the memory of Christina happily squealing over the phone when I agreed to move in with her. "I see." he said smiling. "What about you? Going for the summer?" I asked him. "No, I've lived in South Carolina all my life. I was only in Chicago for a business trip." he said smiling back at me. I was going to ask him something else, but at that moment the flight attendant walked up to the front and gave us her speech.

When she was done she warned us since it was a night flight we would be turning the lights out for people to sleep. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time, it was two in the morning. Not exactly a night flight. I sighed as they shut the lights out, and quiet music played in the background. We were scheduled to land at 6 this morning, hopefully these four hours will go by very quickly. I shut my eyes and suddenly I felt Four lean over to me. "Some night flight huh?" he asked me. I laughed out loud, and quickly covered my mouth not wanting to be too loud. "I know right? It's morning not night?" I whispered back. He stifled a laugh. "So, Tris, would you mind telling me a bit about yourself?" he asked me, his dark eyes shining. I smiled and felt my face burn, thank god the lights were off.

I began to tell him all about culinary school and how I was hopefully going to find some places to work this summer. He told me he also loved to cook, but could only do it when motivated. He listed off some places that could be potential places for me depending on where I wanted to work. I decided not to give away too much about myself, I learned not to trust strangers. I asked him about himself and he told me about how he worked in construction, mainly architectural design. Some days, however, he got to actually work a bit. He also helped his buddy train people in self defense one or two classes a week. I smiled at this, this means he couldn't possibly want to hurt me right? He taught people how to avoid being attacked. Then again, this could be very advantageous to him. This means he could know how to hurt me. I shook my head at the ridiculousness of the idea. I smiled.

"What?" Four asked me. "Nothing. I just haven't actually just talked to someone in a long time." I said smiling at him. "Me neither." he said smiling back at me. His smile warmed my heart and I felt a pit in my stomach. He was absolutely gorgeous, but so out of my league. "No way." I breathed out realizing how close our heads had gotten when we were talking to eachother. "Way." he said. His smile slowly sobering. He was looking all over my face, he must have realized how close we were. I cleared my throat and pulled away. "I'm going to catch a few winks of sleep okay?" I said turning over in my seat. "Yeah me too." he said also flipping over. I exhaled shakily and licked my dry lips. I was not going to get involved with this.

I dreamed uncomfortably for a while until the lights turned back on. "Everyone, we will be landing in ten minutes." our captain said over the loudspeaker. I groaned and flopped back in my seat. "Someone put a snooze button on him." Four groaned. I laughed and sat up, tucking my hair behind my ears. I flipped out my compact and observed my face. I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of doing this, but I was a bit self conscious. I wasn't wearing any make-up and I had just woken up. I gave up and snapped the compact shut, shoving it back in my over-the-shoulder purse. I slipped my black beanie over my thick mess of hair and sat up. I stretched and I could practically hear the straps groan on my bra. I quickly sat back down, not wanting to risk something traumatic happen.

I whipped out my phone to see it was 5:55. Right on schedule, just as Chrissy likes it. I rolled my eyes but felt a grin spread out across my face as I thought of her. I was so excited to move in with her. "Excited?" Four asked with a deep voice and a sleepy smile. His shirt and hair were rumpled with sleep and his voice dripped with sexiness. I nodded my head and swallowed. "What about you?" I asked, my voice cracking. I licked my lips. He nodded his head "Miss my friends." he said. I felt a pang of jealousy. He obviously had a girlfriend, I felt so stupid to think that someone like him wouldn't have one. I sighed and peered over him as we landed. I felt a bit disappointed that I would never see him again. Oh well, it was probably for the best anyway. It wouldn't be too healthy to have him around me for much longer. I needed to focus on getting to Caleb and Chrissy. Moving in. Getting a job. Meeting her friends. Fitting in. Living without him.

I slumped a bit as the Captain said we were now free to grab our bags. I stood up but Four stood up and gestured me to the side. I smiled as he handed me my bag. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina here I come I thought as he handed me my bag. "Thank you, for everything." I say. "Of course Tris. Who knows, maybe we'll run into each other sometime yeah?" he said giving me a pointed look. I nodded and gave a forced smile. He gave me a half smile and walked off the plane. I took in a deep breath and walked out to the baggage claim where I found my suitcase. I waited in the pick up lane for a bit. That's when I saw them.

Caleb, Susan, and Christina. They were looking for me and I ran to them. Christina saw me first and ran to me. I jumped into her arms. I dropped the suitcase that Caleb quickly came and picked up. I cried as she spun me around. "Trissy!" she exclaimed. "Christina!" I said. She was crying too. She took my suitcase "Let's get out of here!" She said taking my suitcase from Caleb who replaced me in his arms instead. We may have been twins but he was so much bigger than me. He spun me around too, and then threw me over his shoulder, grasping onto Susan's hand and he ran us out following Christina. I laughed and cried tears of joy.

I looked up and back, only to be met with the eyes of Four in the distance. He was too far away for me to make out his body, but his eyes were trained on me. I waved goodbye to him and he did the same. I was soon placed in the back of the car with Christina who was talking a mile a minute about everything. She was explaining to me about how the beach house had six rooms, and six bathrooms. I whipped my head around to her "What?" I asked her. No way could these three afford to keep that. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention… There are two other couples in the house, and two other singles." She said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes. "Who are these people?" I asked them exhaustedly. "You'll find out soon enough, they're all super nice. Besides, they're all out of the house until tonight. You'll have all day to get used to the place." Caleb said.

I slumped in my seat, I didn't really get along with other people all that well. "Wait a minute, then where the heck am I gonna sleep?" I asked. "With me, duh." Christina said looking at me as if I was stupid. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Oh and just to warn you, one of our friends has a dog." Caleb said. I smiled, I really liked dogs. "Good." I said smiling.

Conversation flowed around the car for around an hour until we pulled up to a huge house. "Woah." I said. "Yeah, well I mean with what, nine, soon to be ten, people working and all splitting the rent? Easy to keep a place like this. Besides, it leaves us with plenty of money left over for decorating the place and keeping it modern." Christina says. "Or spending it on mindless trinkets." Caleb says looking at Susan and Christina with a pointed look. "Hey, we had to shop for her!" Susan defends. "For who?" I ask, suddenly concerned. "Well you, duh." Christina says rolling her eyes. She fluffs her dark short hair, and smiles at me with straight white teeth that stand out against her bronze skin.

Susan whips around in her seat, her red hair shining in the sunrise. "I hope you don't mind." she said smiling. "Well knowing Chris, it will not be me at all." I said smiling and teasing my best friend. "Hey now!" Christina says playfully swatting me. I giggle, "No trust me, Mar-" Susan began to say "Shh! Don't tell her the names! I want to introduce her to everyone tonight!" Christina said. I rolled my eyes, as did Susan. "Anyway, some of us girls went shopping with her and we didn't let her get anything too crazy." she said giving me a reassuring smile.

Caleb parked the car in the four car garage. "Wow." I said looking at the big empty garage. "Yeah, it's usually filled with three other cars, and we usually have two or three more parked outside. It's a nightmare in the morning, but hey, every house has it's downfall." Caleb said smiling as we unbuckled. I was still swallowing the fact that six other people would be living in this house, and I had no idea who they were. However, if Caleb and Christina trusted them, so could I.

I walked around to grab my bags and suitcases. Caleb and Susan helped me as Christina practically dragged me through the garage door. "Here we are!" she said throwing the door open. I am met with a warm setting, a beautiful and spacious living area. It had tile right away when you walked in, and I noticed the front door was close to the garage door. It had a basket of shoes and a closet door that was left open. I hung my black leather jacket in the closet and toed my brown boots off. I placed them on the shelf by other pairs of shoes and walked onto the carpeted space of the living area. I felt the plush feeling on my feet and I looked around.

I took inventory of the three plush couches and a wide overstuffed chair with a footrest. I noticed the way books, blankets, and pillows filled the space. All of different personalities and colors. I turned towards the huge 64' tv with a nicely displayed set of movies and cd's in a glass cabinet on both sides of it. With plants on top of the cabinets. I admired the beautiful glass coffee table and the various game controls on it. Back against the wall with two doors on either side of it, was a piano. I grinned, this was going to be my new home.

I turned around at the sound of Susan shutting the door and Caleb throwing his keys on a counter top. "What do you think?" Caleb asked me with a big smile on his face. I must have had the right expression on my face because Susan and Christina were grinning too. "I love it!" I said smiling. "Come on, I'll show you the rest." Caleb said. "We'll bring your stuff up to yours and Christina's room." Susan said shoving Christina along up the beautiful winding staircase. "How many levels is this place?" I asked Caleb as I peered up the seemingly never-ending staircase. "Four, if you don't count the rooftop." he said. I smiled, "Thanks bro. This is a great thing to come home too." I said as he pulled me to his side. "Well you needed to get out of that place, and the others wanted you to come too." he said smiling down at me as he wrapped an arm around my waist, me doing the same.

He pulled me into another room and showed me the dining room which had exactly ten chairs. Enough for me to fill up the place. "Everyone here has a specific spot, and Christina told me that I am not to tell you your spot yet." he said rolling her eyes. I laughed, he loved her as much as I did. "Come on, I have something exciting to show you." he said grinning. He led me into the next room which had the biggest kitchen I had ever seen in a home. It had a professional oven, a double wide fridge, and all the little trinkets. It had a pizza maker, an ice cream maker, an up to date microwave and a lot more judging by all the cabinets. I walked forward and ran my hand along the huge island that would be perfect. I opened a random drawer and saw all the silverware. I looked up at him and grinned. "This is incredible!" I exclaimed opening the oven door. "Yeah well, the builders said it would make a good investment. Besides, another one of our friends likes to cook. Not as much as you do however." he said grinning back at me. "Caleb! This is incredible!" I said remembering all the awful cooked food I had using mom and dads old small kitchen. It was very basic, and it wasn't meant for me. This however was right up my alley.

I took notice of the colors in the room. The counters and cabinets were a warm honey, a bit darker than the light wooden floors. It was painted blue and had huge windows everywhere you looked. Thats when I realized I could see the beach. The beautiful beach right out my kitchen. "Caleb is that-" I began. "Yep. That, sissy dear, is the ocean." he said grinning from ear to ear. I ran over to what I thought was a window, but turned out to be a sliding door. that led to a little porch. I walked out onto the warm wood. I took in the sunrise, and the warm air that I could feel on my face. I closed my eyes and took in the sounds of the oceans. "Wow." I said opening my eyes. "Isn't it incredible?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded. He took my hand and took me back inside. "Theres a bathroom on this floor and one on the next one I'm taking you to." he said with a devilish grin.

He took me downstairs where he told me was the entertainment area. He wasn't kidding when he said entertainment. There were darts on the wall, and various arcade games in the basement. There was a small bar where I guessed they mixed some homemade drinks. I got really excited when I reached the bar, mixology was one of my favorite classes in college. "Come on now, we'll have time for that later." he said pulling me along. I was met with another few couches and tv, and two little rooms that were closed off. "What's in those rooms?" I asked him. "Oh that's Chrissy's scrapbook room, and that is our home gym." he said pulling me away from them.

We walked back up the stairs and made our way up to the floor above the main floor. "On the next two floors there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms on each. You don't really have to worry about this floor that much since our other friends live on this level." he said walking up the rest of the winding staircase. I curiously peeked down the hallway to find more sunshine, warmth, and happiness.

We made our way up the rest of the stairs and he walked down the hallway. "This, is one of our other friends bedrooms." he said gesturing to one of the first doors on the right side. "This, is one of the bathrooms on this floor he said gesturing to the first door on the left. "This is yours and Christina's room." he said gesturing to the next door on the left as well. "The next one on the left is another bathroom and the last one on the right is mine and Susans." he said smiling. "Well I guess we're done?" I asked him. "Not exactly." he said grinning. He took my hand and walked me back over to the staircase which had ended, I thought.

He pushed a button and a ladder fell from the ceiling. The ceiling opened. I looked up the hole with curiosity, but before I knew it Caleb was dragging me up the ladder. When I popped my house up I noticed it had a pool on the roof with several tanning chairs. "Woah." I said. "Yeah, isn't it great?" he said. I smiled and nodded my head. There was a sound system set-up and a mini bar. "This is insane." I said. He nodded. "Best part is, everyone only pays 20% of what they make that month for rent. That way it's even for everyone. What's leftover we usually save for decorations or food. However everyone is usually pretty chill about buying something we need." he said giving me the serious talk. I nodded my head. "Okay, I think I'm going to like it here." I said, suddenly realizing how much I was sweating in my jeans.

"Did Chrissy get me some shorts?" I ask him. He laughs "Lets go find out yeah?" he asks me. I nod my head and he crawls down the ladder, then helped me get down. He drops me off at my room and takes Susan out. Christina and I's room is huge. "Come on!" she said pulling me in. It was a grey-blue, and it had windows facing the ocean. It was beautiful. The bed must have been a king, at least a queen. It had white blankets with grey pillows and blue sheets. The room had a big desk, a very big dresser, a chair, and other little things in it. The hardwood was warm on my feet and the white shag rug was soft. I looked up at her and grinned and looked around the room which was beautifully decorated with different silver paintings. On her nightstand there was a lamp, an alarm clock and a picture frame of her and I. I picked it up and smiled at it.

"I can't believe you still have this." I said rolling my eyes, but smiling. "Please, you know I have kept every picture since like second grade." she said giving my shoulder a playful shove with her shoulder. "More like first." I said teasing her back. She rolled her eyes "Come on, come see the closet!" she said dragging me to her walk in closet. It was like walking into another room. "Holy shit Chrissy." I said walking down the long space. "Thanks, here this is your section but feel free to wear anything you want. I mean, I'll probably end up snagging some of your stuff anyway." she said snorting and teasing me. I rolled my eyes. "You wear anything of mine that you want to Chrissy." I said. "Okay Tris. Pick something out to wear and then you can hop in the shower, I think Caleb is making some breakfast anyway." she said.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was already close to nine. "Christina?" I asked her also realizing the date. "Why aren't you three at work today?" it was Friday, so they should have been at work. "Please, you don't think we wouldn't have gotten today off? We want to be here for you Tris." she said sobering. I suddenly remembered why I was here. To start anew. I nodded my head and Christina ducked out of the closet muttering something to me about getting some bathroom stuff. I ran my hand along the line of clothing. I murmured to myself about how ridiculous this was.

I grabbed the first thing I saw, first mistake. It was a floral crop top that obviously was meant to push your breasts up. I was holding it in the air as Christina walked in and she started going off about how she knew I would love it.

I kept my mouth shut, second mistake. I was soon dragged into our room where she pulled a pair of hollister denim shorts out of a drawer in her dresser. She then proceeded to drag me into the closest bathroom where I found my toiletries bag and she left me in there. I sighed and began to strip down. I turned on the hot water after I placed my bottles in the shower and on the sink. As I showered I felt the stress of this morning wash away. It was a lot to take in, within the past ten hours. I shook it off and scrubbed away the image of Four. I sighed and shut off the water when I was done. I stepped out and walked slowly to my clothes.

I threw my panties on and my push up bra which I made the mistake of wearing with this shirt. It looks like my boobs are falling out of it. Too much cleavage. I noticed that it showed my tattoo. It was of some ravens taking flight, one for mom, dad, and Caleb. To signify that they were all close to my heart. I never really let it show, but it made me feel a bit sexy to have it showing. I shimmied on my shorts and I realized how tight they were. I had fairly well rounded hips and I knew Christina did this on purpose. I rolled my eyes and dried my hair with my towel. I shook it out and brushed through my gold locks. I put on a bit of makeup and brushed my hair, letting it air dry. I walked out with my clothes from earlier and I tossed them in the hamper.

I huffed and walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes. "There you are!" Christina said around a mouthful of fruit. "Hey." I said smiling grabbing a plate and filling it. "I knew you would look nice in that shirt." Christina said winking at me. I rolled my eyes and sat by her at the counter while Caleb gaped at me. "You are not wearing that!" he exclaimed. I laughed, I had forgotten how protective he was over me. "And why not?" I asked him, teasingly. "Because I said so!" he said fake swatting me with his spatula. "Sorry bud, she's not changing." Christina said, and he flicked some flour at her. "Caleb, I think Beatrice looks wonderful." Susan said scolding him, and smiling at me. "Please, you can call me Tris." I said smiling proudly at her. If anyone was going to be my sister-in-law, I wanted it to be her hopefully someday.

"Anyway, any idea what you wanna do today?" Caleb asked me in defeat. "Well I could start by unpacking, then I wanted to just explore a bit. Maybe bake something for everyone as a thanks for inviting me into their home." I said. "Idea!" Christina said opening one of the drawers in the kitchen. She pulled out a big cookbook, it looked to be homemade. "What is it?" I asked as she dropped it in front of me. I opened it as she explained it was a cookbook of everyone's favorite homemade recipes. "If we run out of ideas, or it's someone's birthdays we usually consult the book." Susan explained further. I flipped through it for a bit, drowning out everyone else.

"How about this one?" I said after a few minutes. I found a recipe that looked to be for chocolate cake, but the title just said 'Good Luck'. It wasn't that complicated of a recipe and I was intrigued. They all stopped talking for a bit and came to look at the recipe. "But that's-" Christina said gasping. "It's a great idea Tris. I'm sure our friend will appreciate that one." Caleb said cutting her off. "Oh yes, he hasn't had that in a long time." Susan said quietly. I looked at them in confusion. I shrugged and bookmarked the recipe. I finished eating and walked back upstairs.

I put away my few possessions and I pondered what my friends meant by he hadn't had it in a while. They sounded sad, and I really wanted to make this a good cake to make a good impression. I finished my boxes and plugged my phone and laptop in, then wandered back downstairs. I paid more attention to the living area on the same level as the kitchen this time. I saw it was a light brown with beachy theme decorations. It was very beautiful. I suddenly realized I wanted to go out onto the beach, so I walked back up to the room of Christina and I's. I put on a pair of flip flops and an anklet. I shook my hair out and walked out to the patio. Once I was out I realized how warm it was.

Suddenly I came to the realization that I had no clue where the dog was that Christina was talking about. I was very curious, but shrugged it off.

I walked down the beach for quite a bit, but decided that I shouldn't head out too far. I was heading back, and when I hit the staircase I saw Caleb and Christina impatiently waiting for me. "Uh, hey." I said opening the sliding door. "There you are!" Caleb exclaimed. "What the hell Tris?!" Christina asked me. "What?" I asked. "First day here and you're already off? No note, didn't even take your phone?" Chris said gesturing to my phone which was blown up with messages from both of them. "Sorry, I needed a walk. This day has been very emotional and all." I snapped at them. They both softened in the face. Caleb pulled me into him "Sorry Bea." he said, using the nickname he's had for me since we were little. He wanted something that was all his, and no one else could use. "I'm sorry too." I said hugging him tightly. "Come on hun, I can help you bake yeah?" Christina said pulling me to the pantry. I nodded my head and smiled. Caleb shook his head and walked out of the room.

When I saw the time, I understood why they were all worried. It was already three in the afternoon. "Oh geez, sorry Chrissy. If I had known how long I was gone…" I trailed off. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's bake this stupid cake." she said rolling her eyes. I smiled and we continued to bake the cake, and when it was all put away in the oven I decided I would make dinner too. I pulled out the ingredients for homemade pizza and Christina asked if it would be okay to make some ice cream to go with the cake. "By all means Chris, it's your house." I said. "Nu uh. This is OUR house." she said shaking a sharp knife at me. I laughed "Okay, okay, just put that thing away from me." I teased. She gave me another pointed look and put the knife in the sink.

"Are you sure they're going to be okay with me basically coming in here and taking over your whole kitchen?" I asked her. "Of course, I told them that you were a cook." she said rolling her eyes at me. "What else did you say?" I ask her, suddenly curious. "Well, I told them you did cocaine and were a stripper on weekends." she said joking with me. I shoved her playfully and we laughed. I let it go, hopefully they only heard good things about me.

As Caleb was grilling the steak, and I was putting the ice cream in the freezer to set, Christina ran up to me. "Go freshen up! They'll be here at any minute!" she screeched. I looked at the clock on the oven, it was already 5:30. "Time flies when you're baking." I said throwing my apron off and onto it's hook by the pantry door. I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. I quickly fixed my face and hair, letting it fall down against my back. It had a bit of a beachy wave to it from having the salt water sprayed on it today. I spritzed some perfume on and I heard some people downstairs. They were talking and laughing. Suddenly I felt self conscious, what if they didn't like me? I shoved that thought down my throat. Who cares? I'm sure they're fantastic people! I swiped on some lip gloss and slowly made my way downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs they all stopped and stared at me. There were four new pairs of eyes staring back at me.

"Hello." I said quietly, and they all grinned at me. They pulled me into bear hugs and told me their names. "I'm Will." said the first boy to hug me, he was tall and lean, but had some muscle on him. He had dark brown curly hair, and the eyes to match it. He had a welcoming smile that was contagious. The next to hug me was a petite girl who was named Marlene. She was followed by a big broad man who went by the name Uriah. He scooped me up and made me laugh. "Uriah!" Marlene shrieked. "Don't break her on her first day!" she scolded him. Uriah placed me down, I figured they were together by the way he went over to apologize to her. "Nah, she's Calebs twin. She's strong." said a girl named Shauna, who was very tall and very beautiful. As she hugged me, I felt protected. She made me smile again. They all seemed very nice, people I would be friends with.

"I hear you made dinner!" Uriah exclaims rubbing his hands together. "Yes, and dessert. I hope you don't mind that I raided your pantry…" I said trailing off. It was silent for a beat, then everyone started laughing. I smiled and looked at them questioningly. "Oh hun, anyone who cooks for us is very welcome here." said Marlene. I grinned and giggled. Caleb handed me a beer with a smug grin on his face that said 'I told you so'. I gave him a 'Haha very funny' look as I took it from him. I laughed and talked. "Wait aren't there supposed to be two more?" I asked after ten minutes of talking with them. "Oh yes, theres-" Shauna started, but was shushed by everyone else. She put her hands up in a fake surrender. "Don't ruin Christina's perfect plan." Will said nudging her teasingly. She laughed and shoved his shoulder. I saw it in her eyes, she was into him. He must be one of the singles then, that means Shauna must be the other single. I felt my heart sink a bit at this realization of this.

"Well, they'll be here in a few minutes, they got held up getting Buster." said Uriah looking at his phone. "Buster?" I asked questioningly. "Our dog, you're gonna love him." said Marlene with a wicked look in her eyes. I shrugged and walked out to the grill. I grabbed the steaks off the grill and placed them on a platter and walked back into the kitchen. As I placed the steaks on the island and was reaching into the oven for the homemade sweet potato fries I put in the oven before making the ice cream, I heard the door open. Suddenly I heard everyone yell "Ayy!" as two people walked into the house, why did my heart beat increase?

I heard the pitter patter of dog paws. Big dog paws. I shuddered and continued the process of putting the fries from the pan into a bowl. I then reached around to cook the corn quickly. I heard the phrase "Where is she?" from a deep male voice, suddenly the voices got louder as they approached the swinging door that partially closed off the kitchen. They all piled into the kitchen, and I turned around to greet the two new-comers, but I was met with a bark and a prod to the thigh with a cold nose. Buster, was a Great Dane, a huge one. I ducked down below the island and scratched his ears and rubbed him all over. "Hey buddy. You like that?"I asked him. He licked my face and I giggled and wiped the slobber off my face. Everyone in the room laughed.

"Hey Quartz! Come see Caleb's sister! Buster has a thing for her!" said an unidentified voice. "For the last time Zeke, that's not how you say my name in Spanish." said a voice that I recalled clear as a bell. I stopped rubbing the dog and he whined. "Well where is your sister? Beatrice was her name?" he said. I slowly stood up and I was met with the same dark shining eyes as on the plane. Everyone stood still and watched us interact. "Uh Tris, this is my friend-" Caleb began. "Four?" I interrupted. "Tris? Your name is Beatrice?" he asked me. I swallowed and nodded my head. "You two know each other?" Christina asked us. "He sat by me on my plane." I said. "Wow. I had no idea, you we're Calebs twin." he said smiling and moving closer to me. I looked down "Yeah well, he told me never to really put anything personal out there." I said gesturing to my brother.

Everyone was obviously surprised and a bit confused. "Um, I'll just finish making dinner then." I mumbled. Everyone slowly dispersed into their own parts of the house. Will and Christina to set the table; Uriah and Marlene to pick out a movie for after dinner; and Shauna and Zeke were out on the patio. Leaving Four alone with me in the kitchen. Lord help me. "I really don't need any help." I said as he began to finish up the corn. The corner of his mouth tugged upwards "You've had a long day. The last thing you should be doing is cooking for us." he said. I sighed and nodded my head. I sat on a barstool by the counter and he talked to me about his day as I drank a beer. As he was pouring the corn into a bowl he asked me about my day and I told him all about the craziness of Christina and her closet, gesturing to my outfit. "I think you look perfectly fine." he said, holding my gaze for a sliver too long. I felt my face burn, even though it wasn't really a compliment. It was a friendly gesture.

I grabbed the platter of steaks and brought them out to the table. "Oh, by the way, your spot is right here darling." Christina said gesturing right next to her. I smiled at her, she was the best. There were four chairs on the long way on both sides, and a chair at both heads. Will was at the head of one, Christina to his right. I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed the potatoes. I quickly ducked out of the kitchen, realizing how ridiculous I looked. This was insane. I set the potatoes down on the table and huffed. I closed my eyes and wondered how this was going to work with him here. He distracted me to the point of no return. Just brushing up against him caused electricity to shoot through my veins. I thought about the way his lips would feel on mine, and quickly shoved that thought down my throat. I couldn't be thinking of that. This was, afterall, my first day here.

Lord help me.