Chapter: 1

Hello everyone! I am terribly sorry that this took so long to get started but I had the hardest time trying to figure out where to start from. Anyways I think that I've finally got it and so here we are. I hope that you all enjoy!

Oh yeah, I don't own any part of the Avengers or anything related to it...duh.

She couldn't tell if it was night or early morning when she was suddenly yanked out of her bed. Two men that she recognized as some of the regular guards were holding her arms tightly as they led her out of the room and down many long hallways. They stopped at a door she had yet to go through and the young girl took the small moment to try and get away from them. She kicked one in the shin and punched the other in the gut. The problem was that as she turned to leave the first man she had hit had already recovered and she was caught again. This time the man reached down and picked her up off the ground. He had his arms wrapped around her with her own arms pinned against her body. His partner made himself useful by getting the door open. Inside the room there was another door. It was built into the wall and was a heavy metal door with a lot of locks on the outside. The men led her over to the door as she struggled her hardest to get free. In the end it did her no good.

"Not fast enough Natalia," she heard before she was practically thrown into the room and the door slammed shut behind her completely blocking out any light.

In the silence of the SHEILD base, Natasha Romanoff laid asleep in her room. She had looked peaceful as she slept. After a while her breath hitched and she shifted around on the bed before settling down again, her body more tense then it had been before.

Everything was dark. She could hold her hand up, only inches away from her face, and not be able to tell it was there. The dark didn't bother her much, she had gotten rid of that fear long ago but it was also pen drop silent. That was a problem it was both disorienting and unsettling. She strained her ears to be able to hear anything but there was not a sound to be heard. She wondered briefly how they had managed that before dismissing the thought. It was also cold in the small room and it left her shivering being in nothing but the thin pajamas that she had been provided with.

A shiver went through her body despite there only being the slightest of chills in the room. She curled up a bit and moved so that she was more under the covers.

There was suddenly sound and she reached out in front of her until she felt the wall. The young girl leaned into the cool surface and pressed her ear to it in hopes of figuring out what was going on outside the room she had been trapped in. Outside she could hear a scraping noise and what sounded like small whimpers and hushed words.

She shifted on the bed again. Her brows knitted together in concentration and her breathing slowed down but got deeper as well.

The scraping continued until it stopped suddenly and there was a brief pause where all she could hear was the soft whimpering until there was a new sound. She listened closely until she recognized it as the sound of something rolling across the floor, there was a slight squeak as the wheels turned. Then there was someone speaking in Russian but Natalia couldn't quite make out what they were saying though she could tell it was a man's voice.

Natasha's breathing picked up. She shifted to her other side and a deep frown appeared on her face. She was shivering ever so slightly though she had begun to sweat.

The man started yelling. It didn't matter though because there was definitely someone else in the room as well. A girl and she was screaming. Her high pitched shrieks covered whatever the man was angrily shouting and it made the young Natalia jump back from the wall she was still leaning against and back up until her back hit the wall behind her. There was a brief pause where the girl was crying and frantically trying to get words out, she was begging and it made Natalia's heart do flips.

Her heart began to pound in her chest and her body was now twitching. She jerked around in the sheets, unknowingly throwing the blanket off her upper body, and shifted so that she was laying on her back. Her breathing turned into deep and rapid breaths.

Whoever was on the other side screamed again. It was a truly terrified and blood curdling scream that it sent shivers through Natalia's body. The screams continued. A high pitched wail full of pain and sorrow. Natalia dropped to her knees on the cold floor. Her hands went up to her ears but it did little to block the sound out. The girl on the other side screamed and screamed and screamed. She just wanted it to stop.

Her body tossed and turned around the bed and it was like she couldn't catch her breath. A small whimpering sound escaped her lips and the frown on her face only grew deeper as she tried to escape the horror inside her head.

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. It became a mantra for the little girl trapped inside of the room and being forced to listen as the other one screamed out in pure terror. Natalia's heart beat faster and faster. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! She yelled inside her head as the screaming continued and only grew louder and more intense. She didn't realize when she had actually started yelling out loud.

"Stop!" She screamed as she continued to toss around on the small bed. "Stop it!" Tears began to wet her cheeks but she went on oblivious to the fact. She continued to yell out with no one around to hear.

It wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop and Natalia was screaming. The man was yelling still. And the screaming, the screaming wouldn't stop and it hurt. It physically hurt to hear the screaming but it just wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop and she just wanted it all to end. She held her hands tightly over her ears and was rocking back and forth as she yelled out loud for it to just stop. Then it did. It just stopped and Natalia was shocked at first. She looked up where she thought the door was and listened intently for any other noise.

She stopped yelling. She stopped moving completely but her body remained tense and her breathing still came in rapid, sharp, breaths.

There was the sound of locks moving and light flooded into the room. Before she could move a hand grabbed her and she was yanked out. She then saw why there had been an abrupt stop. It felt as if her heart had stopped and the breath had been stolen from her. Her eyes went wide at the sight before a scream left her own mouth.

She screamed until she needed breath and with a gasp she finally was thrown out of the nightmare and into the present. She was a bit disoriented and her body moved on its own accord as she violently kicked the blankets away from her legs and pressed herself up into the corner of the bed. The wall felt cold against her now heated skin and she tried to take deep breaths to get her breathing under control. Her heart was racing as she looked around the room and finally took in her surroundings. She was in her room at the SHIELD base. She was safe and it was just a nightmare. She finally calmed herself down and wiped the tears away.

It was something that Ivan had created and she was the first to try out. He would lock them into a room that was completely dark and the outside was completely silent. Leaving them in there for a while by themselves would get both their fear and curiosity going. He would pick another girl that had failed to do something or another up to his standards and he would tell one of the men at his disposal to torture them in the worst ways they could think of. The child locked inside the other room wouldn't be able to actually see what was going on so their imaginations would go wild. After a while of listening the child trapped inside the dark room, after hearing nothing but screaming, would want it to stop and after begging and pleading for it to stop it would. The torturer would kill the screaming girl and would then take the child out of the room to see the result. Then the guilt would set in because they had in fact wished for the screaming to stop.

Natasha thought of this as she crawled over to the edge of the bed and lowered her feet to the ground. She lowered her head into her hands and tried to shake the memory away. Her body felt sweaty and shaky. She wondered, not for the first time, if she would ever find peace in her life.