Disclaimer: I do not own spirited away

Haku watched Chihiro's small frame run down the hill to join her parents. as she disappeared, he couldn't help but feel regretful. It was the right thing to do, she didn't belong here, but Haku found himself wishing Chihiro had stayed. He had told her to not look back for a simple,selfish reason. He didn't want to be tempted to tell her to stay. Haku felt a tear roll down his cheek, another one followed and yet another. He allowed himself to be vulnerable for a few moments before sealing his emotions away. Turning to face the bathhouse, he changed into his dragon form and set out to destroy his contract.

As he landed, he took the liberty of going around the room a few times before he reverted back to his human form. The room was in ruins. Paintings on the wall had been ripped and the furniture was knocked this way and that. Yubaba's precious jewels were scattered on the floor and a few of her coins were in danger of exiting through the window. Yubaba herself was hovering three feet in the air with a look of astonishment and rage. Haku grinned, it was nice to enrage the old witch.

Yubaba scowled."Who do you think you are, you arrogant dragon! You can't just come in here and obliterate my office!" She began bustling around and with small waves of her hand the broken objects repaired themselves.

Haku smiled."I'm here to terminate my-"

"-contract." Yubaba finished. "and the answer is no. I can't just allow my best apprentice to waltz away!"

Haku grinned." I remember my name."

Yubaba turned to face him. "You what!How is this possible?! Sen!"

Yubaba sighed and a contract flew up."State your name."

"Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi"

As soon as Haku said his name, the contract burned itself. Stolen memories poured into his head and he felt as if his life was once again complete. Except for a small girl that had gone home. Yubaba noticed Haku's somber expression."Oh calm down, you lovesick dragon. Sen will be back. She'd better be! She was the best worker I ever had! I need her to make money!"

Haku smiled. "Well, I'm leaving."

Yubaba nodded." Your brother Kano is watching your river. He's kept it alive." Haku turned around with a surprised look. He hadn't expected Yubaba to inform him about his river.

Yubaba scowled." Stop being so surprised. Sen changed us all! And maybe I like the new me!"

Haku bowed and closed the door behind him. His last thought before changing into his dragon form was 'You don't know how much you did, Chihiro'

Yubaba's Pov.

After Haku left I poked my head outside. "Zeniba!" I hissed. "Get your behind over here." My sister floated over and grinned. I shook my head. "Well?"

She pulled out her seal and said. "Chihiro will be back in 10 years. The seal showed me." I looked at the seal hungrily. I still wanted it but i knew better now...'Sen and her stupid personality' I thought. "What day?" I questioned. Zenniba glanced at the seal and replied promptly. "10 years from today."

I smiled." Perfect."

Zenniba grinned. "You know dear sister, we really should become matchmakers more often. It's quite fun."

I smiled. I'd seen Haku crying by himself when Chihiro had left and seriously, that dragon didn't know what was good for him. "Yup, and Haku won't even know what hit him. Besides, even Kamaji knows those two have feelings for each other, but noooo they're too stubborn to see it themselves."

Zeniba piped up."Actually, Sen might realize it in due time, probably before she comes here next time. Haku's the dense one."

Suddenly, the door to my office flung open. Lin stepped in and with a mischievous glint in her eyes announced. "I heard everything! I want to help!"

Zenniba and I exchanged a glance and then I nodded to Lin, Lin could be able to play a critical role in our plans.

Hi so this is my first fanfic and I would love to have some feedback so I know how to improve. Don't worry about holding back! : D