Hey Haylijah fans!

This could basically also be some kind of OS. After watching the newest TO epsiode I have been so shocked that I just needed to write this.

So, even if you may havent been reading the first two chapters - dont worry. More or less thats not necessary even though it would be nice.

This is for all of the heartbroken Haylijah fans out there! Dont give up one those two - they will get back together. I am sure of that.

About this whole story: I think that this is going to be the last chapter even though I actually wanted to write more. But due to the lack of interest here I think its better to concentrate on my other stories.

Still it would be nice to get some feedback for the new chapter!

Please again apologize my appearing mistakes - English isnt my first language.



2. Chapter: The day after the wedding

Elijah had rested for a few hours at Gia's apartment. It was a nice place to live but still he had felt somehow uncomfortable to be at Gia's place. Luckily she had told him after a few hours that she could bring him now back to the compound. Elijah had heard her calling somebody but he didn't know who and actually he didn't care after all – even though she had asked him immediately afterwards if they should go now. He was of course thankful for her help but at the same time he would be happy as soon as he was back home – furthermore he didn't like the feeling to be mothered by anybody. Especially not by anyone who wasn't a member of his family. Elijah never wanted anyone to see the mess he had become lately…

As soon as they entered the compound his sister Rebekah made her way towards Elijah. Elijah knew that the look in her eyes didn't mean something good. She was angry.

"What have you been thinking? You really scared me, Elijah!", she wanted to know while crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"As I told you already: I don't want to be mothered by anyone. I am old enough to do whatever I want and whenever I want, don't you think?", he answered calmly but with a warning tone in his voice.

"Damn, Elijah! If Gia wouldn't have called me… You didn't even answer your bloody phone! You…", Rebekah started but suddenly Hayley walked in which made Rebekah interrupt herself.

"What? What else have I done so badly wrong?", Elijah wanted to know provokingly but as he noticed the change of her facial expression he turned around – only to stare into Hayley's eyes.

"What the hell are you doing her? Don't you think that this is…", Rebekah started angrily while staring at Hayley – but Gia stopped her.

"Rebekah, what's about going to the café at the corner?", she suddenly asked and tried to pull her away.

"Café? Bloody hell, Gia! What's…", Rebekah tried to argue but Gia again immediately silenced her.

"Just follow me", Gia told her with a special kind of voice and finally Elijah's sister gave in – so Elijah and Hayley were suddenly alone.

Neither Elijah nor Hayley did move. They were just staring at each other – everyone flooded with their now for a long time locked feelings. But still Elijah couldn't forget the things which she had told him a few hours before the weeding. He had already nearly forgot all those things due to the fact that his heart had been broke once more during the wedding – but now – as he saw her again a day later it all came back to his mind. Elijah hadn't cried for centuries until yesterday… It had nearly killed him to listen to the words which she had forced him to listen to. He had always tried to stay calm and controlled but this just had been too much. Yes, he never said the three magical words – neither did she – but that did never mean that he didn't feel for her in that way. And it was obvious that she knew that as well but somehow she started to ignore that as good as possible since the day they had crossed that special line.

Elijah knew that Hayley was actually right – he did feel guilty because he had never told her that he loves her but there had never been the chance to. At first there had been Klaus who would have never accepted their relationship and as soon as that problem was sort of solved the next came up – Hayley's turning into a hybrid. He always wanted to grant her some sort of freedom and distance so that she could find peace herself after her turning. Elijah always thought it would be better to stay away from her during that time but it was obvious now that he had been mistaken. Actually he was only searching for an excuse for his foolishness…

"Elijah", she whispered as soon as the silence between them became too awkward.

"What do you want from me, Hayley? Don't you think all of this was torture enough for me? Especially after all the things you told me. Go back and be happy with your Jackson", he said – his voice harsher than planned but still he meant what he was saying. The original wanted to go away as she suddenly held him back with placing her hand at his shoulder.

"Elijah, we need to talk", she only said but of course he could hear her voice cracking.

"Talk? Don't you think these times are over, Hayley? You perfectly well showed me what you are thinking about me lately", Elijah told her gloomily and didn't turn around.

"Gia called me, Elijah. She told me that… there's something wrong with you", Hayley replied without saying anything about the things he had just told her before.

"I knew it… And I thought she would like to help me", Elijah growled.

"But she is helping you! I thought that there's another reason why she is spending more time with you lately but…", Hayley started to explain but Elijah suddenly started laughing – but it was a faked laugh after all.

"Seriously? You were jealous? That's quite funny after all because actually I should be the one to be jealous and actually you told me that you are happy with him so why being jealous of Gia?"

Hayley didn't say anything. Elijah waited a while but he couldn't resist the impulse to finally turn around to look at her – her hand wasn't resting at his shoulder any longer.

"Don't you see the truth? Did you really believe the things which I told you before my wedding? I only said that to… convince myself from that. Or at least I tried to convince myself by telling me that. My heart was already broken but as I noticed your single tear… Elijah, I can't even put it into words how I felt at that moment", Hayley suddenly admitted.

Elijah heard her speaking but he wasn't sure if he could believe her or not. It was so strange – why was she actually here? Even if that what she was telling him right now was true… It didn't change anything. She was now married with Jackson.

"I have been such a bitch you know? I still can't believe that I have told you that I could be happy with Jackson… and that I made you cry. I always wanted you to open more up to me but I never wanted to see you cry because I knew that would be the most horrible thing to watch – and I have been right."

"Why are you telling me that now, Hayley? It doesn't matter anymore…", he said quietly as they both suddenly looked down to their shoes.

"That's one reason why I am here. Firstly because Gia told me that you are a mess lately – which I haven't even noticed. I am such an idiot… and secondly because Jackson and I found out that… the ritual doesn't work."

Due to that words Elijah hastily raised his head. Was she kidding him? Elijah would have never believed that she could be such a sadist. She should know that something like that wasn't funny at all. Why was she doing that to him? What the hell did he do to deserve that? After all they still loved each other, didn't they?

"Elijah, it's the truth. Please, believe me. We just wanted to wait one more day but nothing happened. The marriage wasn't necessary after all… Just…"

"No, don't, Hayley. Please don't do that… Don't lie to me. Don't you see? I just can't bear that anymore. It's too much. I lost you, my mother is playing awkward games with my mind and I even can't control my emotions anymore. Leave. Now, Hayley, I mean it. I would like to be alone…", Elijah interrupted her and again turned around as soon as he noticed that he just couldn't fight against his upcoming tears anymore. He didn't want her to see him crying again.

"Damn it, Elijah! Look at me!", Hayley suddenly shouted, grabbed his shoulders and turned him energetically around so that she could again look into his face – the tears which were rolling down his cheeks were again shocking her. It was still something completely new to see Elijah giving in to his deepest emotions and even though she hated it to see him crying again she knew what that meant.

"Say it, Elijah", she added but now again with a much calmer voice while she was cupping his face and removed his tears with her thumbs.

The original still tried to avoid looking straight into her eyes but due to that request he dared to look into them – and a few seconds later he was lost in her beautiful eyes.

"You know what I mean. Say it, Elijah. Please", Hayley nearly begged him – her emotions overwhelming her.

"I love you, Hayley Marshall. Since the day I met you for the first time", Elijah finally said after a few more seconds.

Actually it was really unbelievable how long it had been taken for them to put their feelings in those three words – but now he had the chance to say them. This time Hayley didn't stop him. No, she really wanted to hear those words.

"I love you too, Elijah Mikaelson. You can't even imagine how deeply I do", she now said happily while wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Is it really the truth, Hayley? I mean that the ritual doesn't work?", Elijah wanted to know after some time of just enjoying her proximity which he had thought he wouldn't ever feel again.

"It is. It really is, Elijah. Oh god, I am so happy. I don't know if I could have survived that distance between us", Hayley immediately answered and pulled away from him a bit only to cup his face again.

"Let's just continue talking later, okay? Please, kiss me now, Elijah", she now asked him impatiently which obviously surprised him due to his pretty strange facial expression now.

Hayley couldn't stop herself from giggling a bit.

"You should see your face right now. It's really priceless", she admitted and she could see how his look softened and that the tension between them was now changing in a completely other direction.

"Hayley Marshall is begging me to kiss her?", he now said and surprisingly joined that game.

"You are very smart!", Hayley replied grinning.

"As you wish, my lovely Hayley."

As Elijah's lips finally collided with hers it felt like Hayley was lost in the universe. She couldn't think straight anymore and everything she could concentrate on was the taste of his lips and the slight titillation of his breath at her skin. They hadn't been separated for a very long time after all but only the thought of never being able to kiss him again had nearly killed her – those feelings were very easy to sense during that passionate kiss. No, she would have definitely not survived the distance between them – not even for one more day. Even though the ritual would have had some good effects she was still happy that it didn't work after all.

Elijah was now deepening the kiss and suddenly she noticed how he put her up into his strong arms and started to carry her to his room – while he never stopped kissing her.

Yes, that would definitely be only one of the countless passionately nights which they are going to share together in future – and she had to confess that she had really missed that passionate Elijah. Luckily she is never going to feel that distance between them again because now that was the past and the future had just began.

At first Elijah had no idea where he was until he was again able to think straight. Quiet irritated he sat up and stared into the pitch-black night. Elijah listened closely but he couldn't hear anything – not even the slightest noise. Due to that everything seemed to be so unreal, bizarre and in some way dead. Thoughtfully he finally stood up and immediately started to shiver as a cold breeze suddenly caught him and tousled his normally so perfect hair.

Now the original was looking at his own body only to notice that his jacket was missing and that his white shirt wasn't buttoned up completely. His sleeves were tucked up but somehow they seemed to be torn. His tie was also not at his place.

Frowning he was now looking around more closely as he suddenly recognized the place. That veranda, the bench over there and the little neat garden. The green evergreens at the front door which his sister Rebekah had placed there due to her anticipation of Christmas so that she could infect everyone with her happiness.

He was back at the safe house. The place where he and Hayley had spent their first night together and where he had felt some kind of happiness – at least for a few hours.

As he was thinking about Hayley Elijah suddenly felt alive and free but that feeling immediately changed immensely shortly afterwards but he couldn't put it into words why. His facial expression was now hard as stone and his eyes reflected such a coldness which was comparable with non-existing mercy.

Elijah clenched his fists as he now started to tremble. He could also feel a very strange feeling in his stomach which was nearly overwhelming him. At first he tried his best to fight against that feeling but that impulse overwhelmed him so much that he just didn't see any reason why to fight against it any longer.

"Elijah?", a to him very well know voice asked him.

Hayley. Only her pure presence made his anger even more grow – which was infecting his whole body now even though his subconsciousness still knew that he wasn't himself right now and that the true Elijah would never feel that way towards Hayley but the vampire just wasn't able to push that feeling back.

Two soft hands were now placed at his shoulders and caressed him which brought Elijah back to earth. This slight touch released a special emotion in his body but he couldn't allow that emotion to overwhelm him – at least that was it was this strange voice in his mind was whispering and Elijah believed that voice.

"What's wrong? You look as though you'd seen a ghost", he heard her saying as she stepped right in front of him.

Without the possibility to still stop himself Elijah grabbed her wrists rudely so that she couldn't touch him anymore – now he had completely lost control over his actions and it still felt right somehow. Of course the original noticed that Hayley was now staring at him quiet surprised about his harsh rejection – due to her facial expression he could say that she had no clue what was going on.

"Don't touch me", he growled angrily while his eyes turned to the ones of a vampire and before he really knew what he was doing right now he was pressing the woman in front of him with all his strength against the house front.

"Elijah… stop! You are… hurting me!", Hayley breathed stertorously while she was trying to escape his energetic clasp.

Pure fear was written in her face which she wasn't able to hide anymore but there was also something different which Elijah could see… Confusion. Confusion about his behavior because she had never experienced him acting that way. But still nothing changed – she had no chance against him. Due to her fighting he only even tightened the grip around her slim throat.

It was unbelievable hard for Elijah to resist the excited beating of her weak heart – it was like music in his ears so he finally gave in to his hunger for her sweat blood. Hayley yelled horrifiedly as his fangs came to surface and his veins were now showing below his eyes.

One last time the original was staring into the confused eyes of Hayley. He really liked that special sight of his victim which made the beast inside of him come to the surface as well. Without any more hesitation he stammered his fangs into her cervical artery. His victim could only scream desperately again.

As soon as her hot blood was moistening his lips Elijah felt like being in some kind of undertow from which he couldn't escape anymore now. Elijah's hunger even grew and he drank as fast as possible – due to that the anyway weak resistance against him stopped only a few moments later. The red liquid was already flowing down his own throat and his shirt which had used to have the innocent white color was now blotted with Hayley's blood. Suddenly Hayley collapsed under his still very tight grip and his need for her tempting blood. Elijah had already nearly killed her but still he wasn't ready yet to let her go…

"Elijah! Elijah, wake up!", Hayley shouted and was shaking wildly at his shoulders.

Drenched in sweat he finally woke up – he immediately looked confusedly around until he recognized the place where he was. He was lying in his bed together with Hayley. Suddenly everything came back to his mind.

"You have been screaming and you were also flailing around. Sometimes even your fangs came to the surface. Finally I could wake you up! What the hell was that?", she asked him worriedly while stroking his chest to calm him further down.

"Did I hurt you?", he immediately asked and already felt the growing fear that he really had harmed her but then she quickly shook her head.

As Elijah took some deep breaths and his wildly beating heart was slowing down again he finally dared to look at her – but the only thing he could think about while looking at her was the horrible red door. The door which Esther had reminded him of. The area of his mind where everything was hidden which didn't fit to his normally so noble appearance. Not even in his dreams he had the possibility to forget that painful thoughts…

"It was a nightmare", Elijah mumbled unburdened now and as soon as he realized that he sank back into his pillow.

Somewhen his mother would completely engulf him into the abyss even though he wasn't her prisoner anymore and he had been freed for a while now. At least physically.

For a short time she was looking irritated at him but then she cupped his face so that he was forced to look straight into Hayley's beautiful eyes. That kind of panic which she had been able to see in his dark eyes for a short time was something she had never seen before in them. His mother obviously did more to him than imagined because Hayley was pretty sure that this was the reason for his horrible nightmare.

Elijah understood her question which she was asking him without using any word. Hayley was asking him soundlessly and he got it.

"It's okay", she tried to encourage him and kissed him at his forehead – as he had kissed her many times before. "Tell me the truth."

"Hayley, I… nearly killed you in my dream. Like a predator hunting down his prey. We have been back at the safe house and everything seemed to be so real but at the same time also faked", he explained until he stopped talking and moved away from her. "I couldn't stop myself it was like an invisible force", Elijah continued after a few moments. He just couldn't handle it to look any longer into her eyes.

"Elijah, please don't blame yourself. It was like you just told me only a dream and in reality you would never hurt me – I know that", she whispered into his ear as she hugged him affectionately but Elijah didn't answer – his whole body only tensed even more due to that gesture.

"Hey, look at me", Hayley told the vampire as she removed her arms from his neck. "You weren't yourself in that nightmare. That's caused by the stupid chimeras which Esther put into your head", Hayley explained to him and finally – after a few more passed seconds – he nodded. Not completely convinced but at least it was something.

"I am always there for you, Elijah. It doesn't matter what is coming next – I will stay at your side. I promise you that. This bullshit created by your psycho-mother is going to stop soon – I am sure of that", she ensured him and kissed him passionately at his sweat lips whereupon he pulled her at his strong chest and sighed.

"I know, Hayley. Hopefully this is going to be over soon. I just can't bear it much longer", Elijah replied after a short silence while his fingers were caressing her back.

Luckily it had only been a nightmare. Elijah would never be able to bear her death but he of course still knew that he would also never be able to hurt her for real. In no way. Hopefully that had been his last that horrible dream of that kind but he doubted it.

But right now he just didn't want to think about it any longer. At that moment Elijah only wanted to enjoy the proximity to Hayley – the love of his life. Hopefully nothing would ever force them to go separate ways again and hopefully his mental torture would really soon be over.