Ok so here it is! I just want to thank everyone who left a lovely review and all of those who favorite or followed this story. You all really made me want to write another chapter so I hope you enjoy it!

Lucy was walking down Strawberry Street with Plue, surprisingly not walking along the edge of the canal. It was sunset and she was carrying bags in each of her hands. Two months had passed since the last sleepover and finally the girls had managed to plan another one. With all the new couples it had been hard to find a time to get all the girls together, not to mention the fact that Lucy in particular had been having an exceptionally hard time convincing a certain dragon slayer. Every time she tried to bring up girls night, Natsu would just pout and give Lucy the puppy dog eyes that she couldn't resist. However this time he had happily agreed to not tag along, only after Lucy said her could sleep in her bed for the next week.

"That Natsu is so difficult Plue. It's like he can't be without me, even for a minute. Not that I really mind, but I can't bring him to girls night. He just doesn't get that. Oh well at least he didn't give me a hard time this time." Lucy said to the small dog spirit.

"Puuu Pu!" The small spirit cried enthusiastically while he shook. This time girl's night was held at Lucy's apartment. Lucy was just heading back from picking up snacks and such for all the girls. The girls had already devised a plan to make sure that the same thing didn't happen as last time, but little did they know….

A Couple Hours Prior…

"Darn that Lucy! Now what are we supposed to do all night?" Natsu said to himself more than his blue companion. Happy and Natsu were at their house and Natsu was laying in his hammock sulking. Happy suddenly flew over to him and hovered above his head.

"Natsu why don't you go to the boy's night thing? Aren't all the guys having a boy's night since their girlfriends are all out together?" That only seemed to make Natsu sulk more.

"I don't want to hang out with all them. Especially not that damn stripper and metal head. Nothing is fun without Lucy there." Natsu then pulled his pillow out from under his head and placed it over his face frustrated.

"Then why don't you just spy on them again?" Natsu pokes the top of his face over the pillow to look at Happy.

"I've already thought about that, but they are at Lucy's house this time. It's on the second floor so there isn't an easy way to sit outside her house without her noticing. Not to mention it's a lot smaller, so they would probably see me from the window. Actually Lucy will expect it." Natsu finished with a sigh and he started to emit a gloomy aura.

"Well I heard that Freed is going to be at this boy's night thing. Maybe could think of something." Natsu froze for a second and bolted out of bed.

"Why didn't I think of that sooner!? Let's go Happy!" He said while already running out the door. The cat quickly followed behind chuckling devilishly.

"Aye sir" Was all the cat said as they headed off toward Gray's house. Once they arrived, Natsu didn't even bother knocking on the door and rushed in. All the boys turned to look at the new arrival, not surprised in the least.

"Oi flame head, what took you so long?!" Gray said sounding irritated. Natsu marched right up to him and was about to retort, until Happy spoke from behind him.

"Sorry Gray. It took so long because he kept sulking about Lushiiiii." Natsu snapped his head back to his blue best friend, eyes wide. It was obvious that Natsu hadn't expected that his best friend would trick him into coming to Gray's. Suddenly Laxus stood up.

"Ok now that Natsu is here let's start with the plan." Natsu turned his head to the side.

"What plan?" All the guys shook their head.

"If you had been here when this started you would know Salamander. We are going to sneak into the girl's get together. And you are going to help us. We all want to know what our girlfriends are doing." Gajeel said with a smirk. Natsu perked up with that comment and pumps his fists into the air.

"Alright! What do I have to do?" Natsu says to the group and then Freed steps up.

"You need to get us into Lucy's house and find a place for us to hide." Natsu's face turned gloomy once again after hearing Freed's words.

"Um you know her apartment isn't that big right? There is no way I can find a hiding spot for all of us without them noticing." Freed's mouth turned into a small, confident grin.

"I already have that part covered. Just lead us the way to Lucy's and I'll do the rest." With that all the men parted Gray's house and headed down the street to Lucy's. Once there, Natsu jumped up to the window and easily unlocked it. He went inside and made a motion for the others to head around to the door. Luckily Lucy had already left to go shopping. Soon all the men shuffled in and somehow fit their large bodies into the small apartment. Natsu closed the window and locked it and then turned to head towards the door. As Natsu went to close the door a hooded figure stepped in.

"Jellal?! Is that you?" the man covered Natsu's mouth before slipping off his hood.

"Sorry I'm late, but I had to wait until it was a bit darker and easy to move without being spotted. Now why have you called me here?" The man stood looked concerned and wondering if something bad had happened, since they had called for him on such short notice. Natsu closed the door behind him.

"Oh come on Jellal. We all know you have secretly been seeing Erza the past couple weeks. Ever since the dark guilds have been quiet. Although you seem to have kept yourself busy." Gray said to the blue haired man with a smirk. Jellal's face reddened and opened his mouth to speak but was at a loss for words. "I'm her comrade. Do you really think we wouldn't notice?" Jellal relaxed a bit at that, but Natsu had a dumbfounded expression on his face and turned to Jellal.

"You've been seeing Erza?! I had no idea!" The pinkette said surprised.

"That's because you have been too busy with bunny girl." Gajeel said straight-faced.

"Ok enough! We have to hurry before we are caught by the girls. I'm going to use a rune to decrease all of our sizes to about the size of my hand. Natsu is there anywhere out-of-sight that we could hide if we are all about that size?" Natsu looked around and his eyes rested on the dresser like storage cabinet that Lucy kept right near the door. It had line of drawers along the top and underneath was a white curtain with area for storage space behind.

"This should be big enough for all of us." Freed nodded and began to write runes with his finger. Within no time all of the men were small and only a couple inches tall. Happy was exceptionally small since he shrunk just as much as the others and wasn't larger than a finger.

"Wow! I didn't know you could do this Freed!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly while jumping up and down.

"Natsu! Come behind the curtains before Lucy comes back!" Laxus yelled at the eccentric teen. The boys all shuffled behind the curtain.

"I'm going to put up a rune barrier to block the sound so the girls can't hear us if we make too much noise. Oh Gajeel did you give Levy the drinks?" Freed continued writing the rune barrier to block the sound. Gajeel scratched his head.

"Yea I gave it to her. Isn't spiking their drinks with truth serum kind of pushing it though?" Gajeel said sounding slightly unsure.

"Don't you want to know that they are telling the truth? I mean I trust them, but Cana I definitely don't." Laxus said pointedly and all the boys shrugged. Cana and he had hooked up shortly after the sleepover a couple months ago. For the past two months they had become hook up buddies but weren't necessarily dating. The both of them weren't exactly good with the whole relationship thing, but jumping into the sheets was something that they both knew very well. He recently had been starting to have serious feelings for the brunette and had been considering taking their relationship to the next level, but didn't know how to approach the subject. Also the threat of rejection was a thought he didn't particularly care for and wanted to avoid at all costs. The sound of the door opening made all the boys freeze.

Lucy walked in with Plue and locked the door behind her. She walked into the kitchen and started taking out the groceries she had bought, which contained various snacks and a strawberry cake upon Erza's request. The boys were able to see what was happening through the small cracks in-between the panels of the curtain. After she had finished in the kitchen she headed for the closet to change into more comfortable clothes. Natsu stiffened realizing what she was about to do and began to panic. He had only managed to cover Gray's eyes before Lucy removed her shirt, revealing her pick lace bra.

"Oi flame head! Why are you covering my eyes?" Gray yelled at his friend, not realizing what Lucy was doing. Next to them, Freed got a nosebleed. Gajeel turned away uninterested. Jellal turned away also but with an embarrassed, flushed face.

"Nice rack." Laxus stated matter-of-factly, expression unchanging. Natsu boiled with rage.

"All of you stop making eyes at my woman!" Natsu screamed as the temperature of the tight space began to increase. In his rage Natsu hadn't noticed that he had removed his hand from Gray's face to start charging toward Laxus, who was next to Freed. Gray finally realized what was going on and when he turned to look at Lucy she began to take off her skirt. Her see-through lace pink panties matched her bra. Gray then got a nosebleed and went to cover his nose with his hand to attempt to stop the profuse bleeding. It only got worse when Natsu's fist collided with his face.

"Oi Salamander! Don't burst into flames or you're going to catch the curtain on fire!" Gajeel yelled, trying to calm the raging dragon slayer.

"Jeez did I turn up the thermostat? It's boiling in here." Lucy said while putting on her galaxy tank top and short shorts pajama set. With Lucy finally dressed, Natsu began to calm down, but he was far from relaxed. He was able to bring down his temperature, but was glaring darkly at the men surrounding him. It wasn't long before a knock came at the door.

"Lu-chan! I brought the drinks!" Levy said from the other side of the door enthusiastically.

"Geez that shrimp would be the first one here." Gajeel muttered, but sounding more interested since his bookworm had arrived. Lucy went to open the door and Lucy helped her carry her things in. The poor small girl looked bombarded with her overnight bag, large sleeping bag, and the box containing the drinks.

"I'm glad we assigned drinks to you this time, Lev. We know that you wouldn't do anything to them unlike Cana. I don't even know why we entrusted her with drinks last time. No wonder we ended up tipsy." Levy giggled at Lucy's comment, while all the men sweat-dropped from behind the curtain a few feet away.

"Actually Gajeel got them for me. I was so wrapped up in my book today that he went and got them for me so I wouldn't have to stop reading it. I was at the climax and was able to finish it right before I had to leave to come here." Levy said with a beaming smile.

"Aww that big guy is a teddy bear deep down. Who would have thought? He has been treating you like a princess since you guys started dating. I wish my idiot boyfriend did things like that to help me out. Instead he eats my food, sneaks into my bed uninvited, and breaks into my house. Any time he does try to help it ends up with his getting frustrated and burning something." Lucy finally finished her small rant and Levy patted her back reassuringly. The boys howled with laughter.

"Geez ask for brains, you just can't do anything right can you?" Gray said in-between laughs. Natsu only sulked. It's true that he wasn't very helpful with things that didn't involve destruction, but he didn't think his girlfriend thought that of him. Sure she got mad, but he tried doing things for her. Suddenly Erza strolled in, Mira following behind her.

"Erza! You didn't even knock." Erza gave her a look that read 'oh right.' Mira simply shook her head and closed the door after entering. They entered the kitchen and soon the girls came out, food and drinks in hand. Lucy had just finished setting plates and silver ware down at the small table in the middle of the room before a knock came from the door. Lucy went to open it and let Juvia in.

"Hello everyone." Juvia said while entering the apartment. Everyone replied with a hello.

"Mira, is Lisanna not coming today?" Mira shook her head no.

"Unfortunately she got held up on a mission that she went on with Bixlow, Evergreen, and Elfman. Apparently they got snowed in and they aren't running the train." She explained. She chuckled and added, "But I think that they wanted to do a double couple getaway." All the girls sweat-dropped. Leave it to Mira to come up with that scenario.

"And where is Cana?" Erza said sternly. All the girls looked at each other knowingly. The girl was always late for everything so this wasn't surprising. One by one, with the exception of Lucy, the girls went to change into their pajamas in the bathroom. Finally the drunk brunette arrived, also coming in without knocking.

"Finally Cana! What took you so long?" Mira said to the brunette disapprovingly. She simply just shrugged and sat on the floor, joining the other girls. The girls began to eat and drink while talking about anything from the new Sorcerer Weekly spread to jobs they had recently taken. One strawberry cake and a case of Fairy cola later, Levy asked a question that had been bugging her since she arrived.

"So what do you think the guys are doing right now?" The bluenette asked the rest of the group.

"My guess is they destroyed Gray's apartment after fighting over something stupid. Probably about who the strongest is." Lucy said matter-of-factly.

"Speaking of the guys, Lucy how did you get yours to leave you alone for the night? He follows you around like a lost puppy." Cana said quizzically.

"I told him that he could sleep in my bed for a week." Lucy seemed surprised at her own words. She had meant to make up something like making him dinner, but her mouth spoke for her. Afterward, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Natsu smirked.

"Juvia thinks that Lucy wanted that anyway. After all Juvia always tries to sleep with Gray-sama, but Gray-sama tells Juvia that he isn't ready for that yet." Juvia looked surprised also from the words she spoke.

"Hahahaha little Gray wants to 'take it slow' huh? Never would have pegged you for that kind of guy." Natsu said mockingly.

"Shit I told her to keep that a secret!" Gray said annoyed.

"Well we did give the girls truth serum. It's not like it's her fault Gray." Jellal said reassuringly.

"I know that!" Gray said still sounding annoyed, but less than before. He had honestly forgotten about the truth serum.

"Awww that is so sweet. I didn't think Gray would be that kind of guy." Mira squeeled excitedly.

"But wouldn't it get cold in bed with him? He is an ice mage." Cana asked questioningly.

"Not really, but it does seem to get a little chilly when Gray-sama gets too excited." Juvia finished with a giggle.

"Then do you think it will be like an ice box when you guys actually have sex?" Levy asked shyly. All the girls gave her an interested look, then turned to Juvia.

"Hmph. Kid can't even control his magic when he's with his woman." Laxus mocked. Before Gray could retort though, Cana spoke.

"Well Laxus is the same way. He will shock me sometimes when things get really heated. A lot of people reach a magic peak with intense emotion." Cana said while playfully sticking out her tongue.

"Haha looks like I'm not the only one huh Laxus? Besides Juvia does it too so I'm not the only one. If she is ok with it then that's really all that matters." Gray mocked back. Laxus' face wore a scowl.

"She can't control her magic either? What do you mean by that?" Laxus asked curiously.

"Well she is a water woman…." Gray muttered turning slightly red. All the boys looked at him blankly for a second until the thought hit them. They all remained silent, jaws slightly agape.

"I know what you mean." Lucy said while shaking her head. The girls just looked at her, waiting for her to elaborate. "The other day he put a burn hole in my pink comforter." She said while lifting up the edge of the fluffy pink comforter to reveal a palm sized burn hole.

"Jeez being with a fire mage must be tough. I'm glad Gajeel doesn't use any kind of magic like that." Levy added relieved. She hadn't experienced any surprises, with the exception of his 'accessories.' Luckily she already knew about that before they got together.


After girls night they hadn't talked for nearly 3 days. Luckily on the night of Gajeel had been passed out and since Levy wasn't capable of carrying him home, Gray had been the one. Now whenever they say each other, their eyes would lock and their faces would turn red before they both would turn away in embarrassment. Until the fifth day when Levy was carrying an exceptionally large stack of books home from the library. The stack was so high in fact that she could only see where she was going if she poked her head around the side of the stack. Unfortunately for Levy, she didn't see the medium size pebble which was on the path from Fairy Tail to Fairy Hills and tripped. She shut her eyes tight, waiting for the impact with the ground, but it never came. A strong pair of arms caught her around her waist, her books weren't so lucky. She slowly opened her eyes and turned to see who had caught her, only to see Gajeel. She flushed and began to speak rushingly.

"Oh thank you! How silly of me. I've always been clumsy and shouldn't have tried to take that many books home. Wait... My books!" She yelled before rushing to pick up that scattered the dirt path. Without a word Gajeel began to help her retrieve the books. Once they were all collected, Levy turned to Gajeel to take the books he had collected. He simply huffed at her and began walking toward Fairy Hills.

"Gajeel?" She said confused.

"Didn't you just say that you were silly for trying to carry that many books? So that you don't fall again, I'm gonna take these." He said with a slight hint of pink staining his cheeks, before reaching down and taking the books that were in Levy's arms also. "And these too. You just focus on watching where you're walking, Shrimp." He added with a cocky smile.

"So you aren't mad at me?" She asked quietly while looking down and the ground. Gajeel turned to her with a confused face.

"Why would I be mad at you, Shrimp?"

"Well…um….because of all the things you heard." She replied timidly, while slowly looking up to meet his eyes, her face burning red. He just started laughing but then came over and kissed her before she could figure out what he was going to do. When he pulled back she was speechless and her mouth was open is surprise.

"You think too much." He said while bopping her on the head lightly with his free hand. He had shifted all the books to one stack and was easily holding them balanced in one hand. She clutched her head and shot him an angry look.

"So uh….Do you have that?" She asked shyly. Her face started to turn red again. His lips turned up into a smirk.

"Ya wanna see?" He asked playfully. She just gave him a playful smile back.

End Flashback

And that was how Levy and Gajeel got together and have been dating ever since.

"Oh, so you and Gajeel have done it already Levy?" Mira asked with her eyes bright. Levy blushed slightly.

"Yes, we did a while ago actually. We had a lot of sexual tension and it all kind of came out once we got together." Levy's mouth dropped. 'Did that really just come out of my mouth?! What the hell!' She thought to herself. All the girls stared at the normally conservative, timid girl. Slowly their faces wore evil grins.

"So secretly our sweet, little Levy is a dirty girl." Cana teased the poor bluenette. Levy turned to her and retorted.

"Oh yea Cana, well tell us about you and Laxus. It isn't like you to be with a guy for so long, so what's the deal. Do you like him?" She said confidently. Laxus' eyebrow twitched, which didn't go unnoticed to Freed, who was right next to him.

"Ok I admit it! I like the guy! It isn't like it's going to go anywhere though! How could he like me?! We all know he isn't that type of guy!" Cana said through gritted teeth. She would have normally been surprised by her honesty, but her thoughts were more focused on the things that she hadn't anted to admit until now. She loved Laxus and for her, it was the worst person to fall in love with.

Laxus felt his heart sink. He never knew that was how Cana felt. He thought that he had showed her that he cared, but it might not have been enough. Well that was going to change. He promised himself that he would tell her his feelings and on top of that show it to her.

"Cana I'm sure that isn't true. I've never seen him act this way with any girl but you, so don't say that until you know for sure." Mira reassured. Erza nodded.

"I've known him a long time and he definitely never paid so much attention to a girl. You should know that too since you have known him just as long." Erza said with confidence. Cana gave her a smile and nodded.

"Well no use dwelling on it right now. This is supposed to be a night for fun. So Erza, how's Jellal doing?" She said giving a sneaky smile. Erza tried to play it off, but it wasn't convincing. She still isn't a good actor.

"He's good. I see him about three times a week when I sneak him into my room." Erza covered her mouth with a look of horror. All the girls were dumbfounded.

"Juvia thought she heard things coming from your room the other night." Juvia said while turning her head to the side. Jellal and Erza's face matched her hair in color.

"So the strict Erza has been breaking the rules by sneaking her secret boyfriend into her room which is supposed to be girls only. I didn't see that coming…" Lucy said still slightly shocked. All the girls nodded.

"Oh so I can finally expect to see the little Erza and Jellal babies that I've been hoping for!" Mira screamed in delight.

"Mira! You're one to talk since I saw you kissing Freed last week in the supply closet at Fairy Tail." Erza shouted back in defense. Mira looked surprised.

"Well I guess the cat is out of the bag. Hehe Freed and I have been dating for about 4 months now." Mira said happily, without a hint of embarrassment.

"Wait then that means you were dating him when we last had girls night?! But you made it seem like you just had a crush." Erza said surprised by her honest confession.

"Well we decided to keep it a secret for a little bit, but lately we haven't been very secretive. It's too hard for us to hold back our emotions now. The only one who knew was Lisanna who caught us when she came home last month early from a mission. Needless to say she didn't let me live it down since it was a very…unfavorable way to find out about us." Mira said while scratching her head with her hand. Freed sighed. He didn't really care if people knew about him and Mira, but they didn't have to know that much information. It wasn't exactly a good memory for him. Lisanna had only recently been able to talk normally with him again.

"So what you all are telling me is that Juvia and I are the only ones who are virgins here?!" Lucy said surprised. She had known about Cana, but that was it. She would never have guessed that all of her closest friends had already slept with someone and she had no idea.

"Juvia thinks so, but Gray-sama and Juvia almost did the other day." Juvia said with her eyes sparkling.

"But didn't you say that you guys weren't ready?" Levy asked.

"Yes and we have been. It's been rather difficult though. Juvia can be a bit forward sometimes." Juvia said while biting her lip.

"Sometimes." Cana said under her breath with a snort.

"So why haven't you and Natsu gotten hot and heavy yet?" Cana asked the blonde. Lucy fidgeted in her seat on the bed.

"I want to actually, but then I get nervous. What if things change between us after? I'm scared that things won't be the same. I have so much fun the way we are and I don't want it to be ruined." Lucy said honestly, without any help from the truth serum.

Natsu just stared at Lucy. 'How could she think anything would be different? I love her more than anything. Sure I can be an idiot sometimes, but I definitely wouldn't about something like that. Well I'll show her that nothing is going to change.' He thought to himself.

"Salamander are you not pleasing your woman?" Gajeel said teasingly with a smirk. Natsu then punched him square in the face, which sent him flying into Laxus. Laxus stood up with electricity starting to spike around him and an evil frown on his. It wasn't long before the boys, with the exception of Jellal and Freed, were brawling in Lucy's dresser. Unfortunately for the boys, Natsu decided to do a Fir Dragon Roar and instead of contacting with Gray, who had swiftly moved out of the way, the curtain behind him took the full impact. In a matter of seconds, the sheet was a wall of flames, but was soon extinguished by a wave of water. The soaked boys looked out to see Juvia with her hand extended toward the curtain (which she had just put out). Erza, Lucy, and Cana had an angry aura growing around them.

"Oh my hat a surprise." Mira said not fazed in the least. Juvia's eyes rested on Gray and their eyes locked. After a couple of seconds Juvia screamed breaking the silence.

"Juvia can have a mini Gray-sama!" Juvia screamed before picking Gray up and hugging him tightly to her chest. Before anyone could stop her, she bolted out the door still clutching Gray and ran all the way to Fairy Hills giddy with excitement.

"Guess the jig is up." Freed said with a sigh and began to write a rune in the air with his finger. Soon all the males began growing in size. Natsu looked at the fuming blonde and smiled brightly. Before Lucy had the chance to yell at the dragon slayer, he ran over to her and threw her over his shoulder.

"Natsu Dragneel! What the hell are you doing?!" Lucy screamed while hitting his backs with her fists. He then turned to the rest of the people in the room before raising his free hand in a wave.

"See you later!" He said happily and jumped out the window. Everyone stood in silence the faint sound of Lucy's protests fading in the distance.

"Soooo I guess that's it for girl's night huh?" Levy said. The others slowly nodded.

"Well in that case. I think Salamander had the right idea." Laxus said flatly. Everyone turned to him with confusion. He walked over to Cana and picked her up bridal style then walked out through the front door. Cana made no voice of protest, but her face turned red with embarrassment.

"Shall we take our leave Darling?" Mira asked Freed sweetly. He simply nodded and offered his arm. They exited the house also.

"Say Shrimp you want to stay the night tonight?" Gajeel asked the bluenette.

"Yea I think this has been enough excitement for one night." Levy said tiredly.

"Oh it isn't over yet." Gajeel replied with a smirk before he too picked up Levy and dashed out the door. Erza sighed. Jellal came up behind her and hugged her around her waist. He put his lips to her ear.

"So Miss Scarlet are you up for some rule breaking tonight?" Jellal whispered seductively. She giggled and took his hand. She quickly pulled him out of the house and locked it for Lucy. There was silence for a minute.

"Finally. I thought they would never leave." Said a small voice from under Lucy's bed. A small, blue ball of fur emerged.

The Next Morning

The faint sound of a click entered the quiet room and the door to Lucy's house opened.

"I'm sorry about the burns Luce. I'll ask Wendy to heal them when we get to the guild." Natsu said to the blonde beside him. Lucy turned to him with a smile before kissing him deeply.

"Well we could always make a few more before asking Wendy." Lucy said seductively, which sent a shiver down Natsu's spine. Natsu growled and lifted Lucy up so that her legs were straddling his waist and he was supporting her bottom with his hands. He carried her over to the bed and set her down while kissing her. That instant Lucy jumped back from Natsu and screamed.

"What?! What's wrong Luce?!" Natsu asked worriedly. Lucy jumped up while clutching her rear. The two glanced on the bed to see it littered with fish bones and some skeletons that still had a fish head.

"HAPPY! I just bought all that fish! That was supposed to last the whole week! Wait until I get my hands on the damn cat! This is fucking disgusting!" Lucy yelled while storming off to the bathroom to take a shower to clean off the fresh fish guts on the back of her thighs. A giggle came from the curtain at the bottom of the bookcase before the blue cat emerged. Natsu simply winked at him as her was leaving through the window.

"Well I better help her clean off that mess." Natsu said before entering the bathroom.

I had some trouble writing this at first. It took a couple days for me to figure out how to really make this flow with the characters I involved, so I hope it isn't too all over the place. I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave a review. Love you all!