I don't own Naruto but I own this story :) Rated M for mature themes later on and a fuck ton of cursing and the use of blades and theme's that some people may find disturbing... swearing is fun :) Read at your own risk! This is SasuNaruSasu, don't like? Don't read... you have been warned :D

I'm not crazy


Minato said sitting up in bed and glancing at the half opened door. It crack in the door was inhabited by his youngest son, Naruto Uzumaki. "I... I can't sleep, dad" The teenager said and stepped slightly into his parents bedroom. Glancing at the clock next to the bed Minato read the red dotted numbers, the clock read 3:47am.

Sighing lightly Minato stood up and walked out the room and into the bathroom while being watched carefully by his son.

"Dad..?" Naruto said quietly as Minato opened the mirror and moved some bottles and packets around in the cabinet until he found what he was looking for. "Sleeping pills..?" The shorter blonde asked and looked up at his father who's eyes drifted from his awakening mother to his obviously troubled child, thinking of what to say.

"Yes..." was all he managed to get out before his redheaded wife walked around the room over to the two.

"Hey mom..." Naruto said quietly as she looked over Minato's shoulder.

"Just go back to bed Kushina... I can handle this" the elder said and she shook her head taking the pills out of Naruto's hand and put them back into the packet. "

No Minato... We were told not to overdose him" she scolded and Minato nodded.

"Overdosed?" Naruto said slightly confused.

"The doctor said if it continue's we seek professional help" she said once more and was interrupted by her loud mouthed sun kissed son.

"Professional help?!" Naruto blurted out once more and Kushina looked at her husband sadly.

"He's sixteen, Minato... He deserves to know" she said slowly and Minato nodded slightly.

"So be it... Naruto we have something to tell you" Naruto's father said looking him seriously in the eye.

"W-what is it dad?" he stuttered and Minato tapped the bed, telling him to sit down. Naruto did as he was told and looked up at his parents who joined him on the double bed. "What did you need to tell me, mom and dad?" Taking a deep breath Minato explained.

"Naruto do you remember when Kurama died?" Minato started and Naruto nodded, "well ever since that you've never been able to sleep properly at night, we tried everything, early nights, late nights, early mornings, late mornings, but whatever you would always fall sleep really late and wake up a couple hours later. This worried us as parents, so we looked into it more. We started on the internet, we searched what was happening and left it so people would answer. A lot of answers led down to depression but you were always happy no matter how much the death of your brother bothered you. We passed it off as grief and decided to wait a few weeks to see if it changed, it didn't. You still weren't sleeping and your grades were starting to pay for it-"

"so that's why you weren't mad when I got that bad report card!" Naruto interrupted and chuckled. Minato gave half a smile and continued.

"We went back to the internet and searched some more, this time the results led to insomnia. The symptoms described you perfectly, so we booked a doctors appointment and took you a few days later, that is what that was about and why the doctor was asking about your sleeping habits. He told us you had a slight case of insomnia due to the death of your brother so he gave us some strong sleeping pills that would soon sort out the problem. Not wanting you to know we mushed them up in your food when we fed you, the doctor said they would work just as well. They worked for a while but just recently we realized you were waking up a lot and not being able to fall back asleep, so we contacting the doctor again. The doctor said he had accidentally left out a critical bit of information when he talked to us, you didn't just have a small case of insomnia, you had a very rare case. It was not guaranteed that the sleeping pills would work. We were told that if they were to fail to not overdose because of how strong they were, but to seek professional help... Also known as, putting you into full time health care that would sooth your mind until you are sleeping again, we are sorry for not telling you" Minato finished with a breath. Both eyes were on Naruto, he was still, shocked for that matter.

"Y-You think I-I'm crazy... Don't you..." He said slowly, looking down at the floor.

"No no of course not!" Minato blurted,

"we just want what's best for you, Naruto" Kushina finished. Naruto looked up and locked eye contact with both parents, switching from one set of eyes to the other. Pain was clearly shown in his eyes that such information was being kept from him, but also anger, that his own parents were giving him away.

"You're... Wrong" he spat, suddenly shouting "I'M NOT CRAZY!"


6 months later


Sasuke Uchiha walked around his room, hands in his hair pulling at the black locks. Turning quickly to face the door as it opened slightly he became face to face with his older brother.

"Sasuke..." Sasuke's older brother started but was soon interrupted by the younger

"no Itachi... Nothing you can say will make me listen to you" Sasuke said and turned away to face his bed. On the small table next to his alarm clock a framed picture of the two brother's parents smiling sat upon the wood.

"Sasuke I couldn't tell you! You were too young to understand!" Itachi spoke gently, trying not to push his brother off the edge,

"yet you would rather me find out from a stupid text from your stupid friend?!" Sasuke snapped and Itachi stepped back. Just recently Itachi's phone had buzzed and Sasuke had skipped into the kitchen to get it for his brother, the flashing message on the screen was too much for the young Uchiha to resist so he read it. 'hey tachi just wondering if you want me to baby sit sasuke while you visit your parents graves again on the anniversary of their death, p.s when you going to tell Sasuke?' After finding out Sasuke had dropped the phone and ran screaming to Itachi acusing him of keeping vital information from him. At this point Itachi had no choice but to explain to his brother that their parents had left for a road trip when he was six and died on the way back, Itachi was the first to know and was given the ability to take Sasuke into his own hands but not to tell Sasuke, so Itachi made up a lie that their parents were living in another country to care for a sick realive and would be back in a few years. It had been ten years since he was told and he believed it until that day. It wasn't the most unbelievable lie but it was what Sasuke had grown up being told, so he believed it.

"Sasuke you don't understand" Itachi said trying to reason with him but Sasuke shot him down again.

"No Itachi, I don't care... You lied, and now I hate you" he spat and turned around glaring into Itachi's eyes. Sighing in defeat Itachi looked at his brother

"I'm going to the shop... I'll be back later... Will you be okay on your own?" Sasuke nodded but looked away as a smirk overtook his face.

"Alright... Goodbye" Itachi said and left.

Almost as soon as Itachi closed the door Sasuke's face lightened up, he had had the most amazing and foolproof idea ever.

"Just two cuts and it will all be over, no Itachi, no lying Itachi... I'll finally see my parents again" Sasuke said to himself as he walked out into the bathroom. The teen had never thought about suicide before but he had seen so many movies where the person cut their wrist or hung themselves so how hard could it be?

"Just two cuts and a few minutes..." Sasuke said again as he started to run the bath. Standing still and looking around the bathroom his eyes fell upon his brothers razor and they lit up happily. Grabbing the blue razor he started to take it apart ever so gently as to not cut his finger and cause more mess than he needed to naturally. Once the blades had been extracted from their plastic casing the youngest Uchiha stepped into the hot bath without even taking his clothes off, Sasuke didn't know why he did that it just felt right. Pulling his sleeve up the raven came face to face with his porcelain wrists, his arms were perfectly smooth without a single scratch.

"What a waste of a good body" Sasuke said out loud as he grabbed the blade. Shaking slightly he placed the blade on his wrist, closing his eyes he inhaled, as he exhaled he pressed down and brought the blade across. Much to the teens surprise it didn't hurt, in fact it felt more like all his pent up emotions slowly seeped out through the cut, like he finally felt at peace with himself. Doing the same with the other wrist he dropped the blade over the bath and lay down, soaking his wrists into the now bloody water. The raven started to feel weak as the blood flowed out of him, his head felt dizzy and when he opened his eyes his vision was spinning so he closed them again. Smiling lightly to himself at the thought of his brother coming home to a bloody mess in the bathroom with a stone cold brother with no heart beat. He would finally see his parents again.

Itachi walked into the living room searching for his keys, he had been downstairs for the past few minutes searching for them so he could go to the shop. Knowing that he didn't leave them in his room or his brothers room he had only one room left to be searched. The bathroom. Sighing to self he dropped his stuff on the sofa and walked upstairs. Funny, it was more quiet than he thought, he at least expected to hear his brothers soft sniffling but instead, nothing but silence. This was when Itachi felt something was wrong. Speeding up the pace he looked over at the bathroom door, unlocked, that meant Sasuke wasn't in there. Walking into Sasuke's room he was greeted by nothing but silence.

"Sasuke..?" Itachi said but nothing but the quiet answered. Walking into his room nobody was there, and their parents long abandoned room was empty. The feeling in the pit of Itachi's stomach only grew.

"Sasuke where are you?!" Itachi asked the empty hallway, he couldn't deal with living without his younger brother, Itachi loved Sasuke more than life itself. That was when the penny dropped. Running at full speed towards the bathroom Itachi burst in through the door and his heart missed a beat. Sasuke was passed out in bloody water, a bloody razor blade was laying on the floor next to the bath and the water was crimson.

"SASUKE WHAT THE FUCK?!" Itachi bellowed and grabbed his brothers arm and pulled it out the water, it had a deep cut that was still bleeding. "FUCK!" Itachi cursed loudly and pulled the limp body out the water, slipping last minute and dropped him so he hit his head of the bath and woke up slightly. Opening his eyes lightly the younger Uchiha could see thousands of legs and an echoing voice sounding like his brothers.

"Is this the... End...?" Sasuke whispered and the voice screamed at him.

"NO YOU CRAZY BASTARD! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" Itachi pulled him out the water and lay him on the floor, grabbing his phone out his pocket he called for an ambulance and wrapped his brothers wrists up in the process.

"Crazy...?" sasuke whispered weakly, "I'm not... crazy" and for the younger everything went black as he faintly heard his brother shouting his name as if his life depended on it.

Done! This was just a thing to introduce the characters back story, I will get into the story next chapter and add some yummy SasuNaru goodness! Please follow review and favorite please! That would be very helpful! And one other thing, should I continue?