Author's Note : Hey everybody ! This is my first Hetalia fanfiction ! Please! I beg your pardon if my English is terrible as I am not from a country where English is our main language !

Disclaimer : I do not own Hetalia characters inside this story. All Hetalia characters fully belong to some Japanese dude.

'I was sick… I felt that senses were leaving me. The sentence —- the dread sentence of death… - Edgar Allan Poe'

Matthew re-read the sentence calmly in his head which he basically just scribbled onto the surface of his table. Looking up, there stood Miss Teeger fuming on how her eighteenth ex-boyfriend disliked the way how her fried eggs are unsalted. And because of that she mercifully ended her relationship with the guy. Matthew and the rest didn't mind Miss T's rambles, because firstly, history wasn't their cup of tea. Secondly minutes were passing by like seconds when she starts to talk and due to the fact, the school bell rang.

Students gave their thanks to the teacher and made their way out of the classroom except for Matthew. He didn't like the hallway being all crowded and packed with people he'd never got used to. After a quarter of an hour sitting in his seat, assuring it was an 'ok' to begin putting his things away in his school bag, so he did.

"You know. You're the only one that seems to not be in a rush when school's over, Williams" the brunette mid-thirties lady said walking towards Matthew's desk. "And it feels like a compliment to me as a teacher knowing that some care for school" continuing.

Matthew's body jolted slightly by the sudden appearance of the teacher but thankfully wasn't caught by her gaze. "Oh… I'll take that as a compliment too Miss Teeger" words came out of his mouth like semi-whisper tone but was loud enough for the teacher to hear.

She nodded approvingly. "You should really reconsider on dating, Williams! It's a pain in the a- excuse me. Pain in the back, but it's really worth it. Of course, not this time. Not for me" her expression revealing disappointment mixed with anger but any trace of it vanished when she looked back at the blond male. "What's your favourite type of girl?"

This was the … I don't know-th time she asked me to go on a date! But Matthew wasn't interested on this whole romance thing. He just… Didn't like giving his feelings to someone and expects the person the give theirs back to him. Exchanging feelings to keep it short. Letting out a sigh and adjusting his slipping glasses, he began to speak "I'm not interested in going steady or any of this romantic stuff Miss Teeger. It's just…" He thought of a suitable word to finish his sentence but gave up by simply shrugging.

"Don't say no, Williams! That's what I used to say when I was just a little girl." giving a double pat on Matthew's right shoulder. "Or you'll end up like me. Hopeless with dates and romance!" Letting out a laugh and walked back towards her desk. "Well, I'll see you next week! TGIF. Isn't it? That's what kids nowadays say. Argh I'm getting old ! Bye!" grabbing her bag, waving goodbye towards the standing Matthew and walked out of the classroom leaving him alone in it

Matthew couldn't do anything but smile at the teacher's statement. His brain knocking itself reminding that the day was getting late, Matthew hurriedly packed his things and left the classroom empty of people and walk towards his locker. You could say walking towards your locker in an empty hallway would be eerie . Well it is, as the silent was too much of an uncomforted. But Matthew didn't mind silence. He had always thought that silence was lonely and needed someone to be with. He couldn't help but to feel pity towards it. Twisting the combination locks and he opened his locker with ease. Matthew put and grabbed back some of his school materials and walked out of the building.

The sky was covered with black clouds warning everyone including Matthew it's going to rain sooner or later. Thunders were heard almost every 5 minutes and Matthew facepalm-ed himself because he forgot to bring his umbrella with him. Walking back home isn't usually like this… He wouldn't be walking alone… He had a self-proclaiming hero older brother named Alfred F. Jones. But about a year and a half ago Alfred was offered to a University in England to continue his studies and he willingly accepted the offer. Leaving Matthew and his family back in Canada.

"Alfred… I wonder how you're doing…" Soliloquising and eyes never leaving the pavement.

"Yo Mattie~ Wanna go to Bayshore later on with me?" Alfred pushed his little brother by the back, surprising him. "I'm thinking of grabbing a few pair of jeans and shoes and and oh! And McDonalds that would be good too! Come on Matt! You coming?"

Matthew knew he didn't have much of a choice even if he refused the offer as Alfred always finds his way to make him come. Puffing, Matthew stopped and faced his older brother , the other did the same. "But Alfred! This is the fourth time this week and you know Papa will not be pleased by this"

"Oh come on Mattie. You can always do that puppy eyes with dad . I know he can't resist your cuteness and adorableness" Alfred simply said. Noticing the other is blushing from his compliment

Matthew crossed his arm, annoyed and trying his best to put on his angry face "But you've been going out so much lately. Have you even done your school work?" scolding his older brother

"Yes yes yes! I've done it now lets go back home and ask dad before the dark arrives" Alfred grabbed Matthew's hand and walk as fast as they could back home.

Matthew smiled back at the scene in his mind. Where his brother would always be there to annoy him as much as he could during his walk back home and pretty much anytime. But deep inside Matthew knows that he, Alfred is a good brother and will always love him. He still haven't got used to being lonely … He still haven't got used to know the fact that Alfred is not with him at the current moment. Lips forming a frown from the facts.

Matthew blinked in surprised when he felt his head wet and looked up the sky. A drop of rainwater feel on his cheek and another and another and this continued on.

"Why was I so stupid?!" Matthew furious with himself and started running towards his house.

Author's Note : I don't know how Canadian/American school system works. Someone please volunteer yourself so I won't be a laughing stock in the future ! :( Reviews are appreciated !