AN: Hello~ I'm back! This is my brand new NanoFate story. I got this idea from a conversation with my friend and she urged me to write so, here it is.

I want to put a warning in the beginning that this story is M-rated and it has Futa inside. Yes, it is Futa for a reason. So if you're sensitive to the idea or plainly allergic to it, turn around and walk out. Don't go any further from this point on! You have been warned.

So that's it. To those who are fine with the concept, enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to review, thank you!

You, me and Vivio

by Sam Trieu

The sound of a popular J-pop song broke through the quiet bedroom, waking the only occupant of the room, who had curled up into a ball under the covers. A hand shot out under the pile of blankets to reach for the ringing cellphone and shut the alarm off. An auburn head poked out of the comforter, yawning softly. The girl rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes as she looked at her phone's screen to see a new message had arrived. "Good morning, Nanoha." She read out loud and hurriedly typed something back. Good morning, Fate-chan. Nanoha hugged the pink phone to her chest and giggled to herself. A message from her beloved blonde would be enough to brighten the dreaded mornings. Not that she hated mornings, she just didn't want to get out of bed so early, especially in a chilly morning. The weather was still cold and dry though it was already in mid March.

Nanoha threw back the covers and leapt out of bed. She stretched and made her way to the bathroom. A new day had begun and she wanted to be all ready for the events ahead. The almost-sixteen-year-old girl quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth before putting on her school uniform which is white dress shirt, brown knitted skirt and blazer. She hummed cheerfully as she stood before the mirror, tying the red ribbon around her collar before fixing her side ponytail. Finally, she applied a little bit of pink strawberry-flavor lipgloss to her lips to prevent dryness and because Fate loved the taste. She blushed lightly as she remembered the times when her blondie would sneakily steal a kiss then grinned like an idiot.

"Nanoha, are you up yet? Breakfast is ready." Nanoha's mother, Momoko Takamachi called out to her daughter from downstairs.

"A moment, please." She said, twining her body one last time to check if everything was in order before opening her bedroom door and flew down the stairs.

Nanoha walked in the kitchen to see her mother and the rest of her family had already sat at the dinning table, eating their breakfast. "Morning, guys!" She sat down next to her sister, Miyuki, and leaned over to reach for the pot of maple syrup in the middle of the table.

"Eat up or you'll be late for school." Momoko chided. "Will Fate-chan be over to pick you up? I've made her lunch." She asked.

"Yes, she'll be here in minutes. Thanks, mom. You're the best!" The auburn-hair girl grinned while her mouth was full of pancakes. She raised her thumb up at her mother.

"Yeah, yeah. And don't talk while you're eating."

"Yes, ma'am!"

They stopped talking as the bell to the door rang.

"Ah, it must be Fate-chan." Nanoha said as she hurriedly swallowed the last piece of her pancakes. She stood up and ran to the door. "I'll get the door."

"She's always full of energy whenever Fate-chan's around." Momoko commented, shaking her head good-naturedly. "What a hopeless child."

"It's Fate-chan we're talking about, mom." Miyuki laughed. She knew her sister all too well. Whenever she's with Fate, Nanoha would act like a squirrel. She would talk non-stop and would cling to the blonde 24/7. "Once they're together, there's nothing can separate them. Literally."

"I think I should have a talk with them." Shiro folded his newspaper and put it aside as his ears had perked up when it concerned his precious little daughter. "They've been too close lately."

"Dear, they're dating. It's a basic thing people do when they're in love." Momoko giggled as she placed a hand on her husband's shoulder to calm him down.

"That's why I need to remind them that love can distract people. They can't think straight!" He began to raise his voice. "What if they surpass the boundary and make the biggest mistake? I don't want to see my daughter get pregna-Ow!" The dark-hair man yelped as his thigh was pinched mercilessly by the hand of his beautiful wife.

"Dear, please stop talking." Momoko smiled sweetly at her grimaced husband, hand still twisting his thigh.

"Mom, Dad got a point there." Kyouya cut in. He ignored the steely look his mother was shooting at him. "It's never too late to be careful."

"Oh, for God'sake you two, they're only sixteen! Well…almost, but they're practically still kids!" The auburn woman waved her hand in exasperation. Seriously, she wondered what had gotten into the men of this family. They were acting ridiculously unresonable. "There's one thing I'm worry about is their studies but they seem to do fine in school. Their grades are still on top."

"They make up for each other, I'll tell ya." Miyuki smiled as she took a bite into her mouth. "Fate-chan is good at languages so she teaches Nanoha, and in return, Nanoha help her with Math."

"They're look so cute together, don't you think?" Momoko said dreamily.

"Think what?" Nanoha asked as she and Fate walked in the kitchen. They had shared a brief intimate greeting at the front door and now were ready for school.

"Oh, it's nothing honey." The older version of Nanoha waved her hand dismissively and stood up. She walked around the kitchen island to the countertop on where she'd put the girl's lunch. "Here you go, your lunch." She handed the two their respective boxes. Fate was the yellow one and her daughter was pink. "And I expect you two to eat up everything inside. Got it?" One delicate brown eyebrow rose up, waiting.

"Yes, Ma'am." The two high-school girls answered simultaneously.

"Good. Now go on or you'll be late for school."

"Thank you for the lunch box, Momoko-san. You really shouldn't ha-"

"Oh, hush you!" The mother of three raised her index finger up to silence the blonde. "Go now!" She ordered affectionately.

The Takamachi family watched the two girls holding hands as the shorter one led her girlfriend to the door. They heard the door opened then closed, indicating they had already left the house.

"Now, about tonight…" Momoko contemplated. "Miyuki, Kyouya, you'll handle the shopping. I trust you had the list?" She continued when the two young adults nodded. "Good. I and your father will do the rest." She paused and looked out the kitchen window towards their neighbor's house. "I hope the Harlaown is doing fine with the decoration."

"They'll be fine, honey." Shiro stood up and walked to the fridge. He opened it and began to take out cartons of milk and bags of flour. "They're always good at it. That's why we entrusted them with the task."


"Yes, Nanoha?"

The auburn-hair girl threw her girlfriend a sulking look. They were walking home together, hand in hand, and she suddenly stopped. Their long, still shadows cast on the sidewalk as the setting sun was dying the sky above them red.

"What is it, Nanoha?" Fate asked again at the uncharacteristic silence of her girlfriend.

"You know what." Nanoha refused to look into beautiful red orbs because every time she did, it was as if Fate was stripping her bare with those magnetic pools, as if she could see through her very own.

Fate blinked. And after a while, she laughed softly, the kind of laughter Nanoha loved very much. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She closed the distance between them by pulling the sapphire-eye girl to her. "Come on. Let's go home quick so we could grab something to eat. I'm starving!" She leaned in and gave a quick peck on the shorter girl's lips. "Hmm…strawberry lip gloss, my favorite." She winked playfully at her girlfriend and giggled as said girl blushed furiously.

"Dummy." Nanoha mumbled as she followed her girlfriend.

Yes, she was sulking and damn that blondie. Her girlfriend knew but she pretend to be indifferent. Today was her birthday and no one, family, friends, girlfriend, had said anything to her since morning. They went about their business like they did everyday. They even ignored her or was she imagining thing. It would be lying if she said she wasn't feeling lonely. Birthdays were never in her priority list and she would be perfectly fine if there was a party or not. However, she wanted to make sure that they at least remember. After all, it was a special day, the day Nanoha came to the world.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Fate asked. She noticed that they were closed to her house.

"I don't talk with you." The auburn girl snatched her hand out of Fate's grasp and walked pass her.

"Eh? Why? What did I do?" The blonde hurriedly followed her girlfriend. "Come on, princess. Why are you angry?" She jumped in front of the fuming girl, grinning.

"You know why I'm angry." Nanoha realized that they were about 100 meters away from her house's lawn and Fate was between her and the fence, blocking her path to her home.

"I don't know. Why?" The blonde feigned innocence and kept grinning like an idiot.

"Don't play dumb. Let me go home!"

"I'll race you there, princess." Fate turned around immediately and accelerated toward the house.

"Fate-chan, you cheat! Wait for me!" Nanoha yelled as she too, ran as fast as she could after the blonde.

"Catch me if you can." Fate laughed out loud. She slowed her speed to a stop and let the auburn beauty watch in awe as she coolly hopped herself over the white fence, landing perfectly onto the lawn. "I never liked doors." She leisurely walked to the house.

"Show off!" Nanoha snapped. She was panting as she opened the fence door. Unlike her girlfriend, there's no way she could do the hop like her. She didn't want to make a show in front of her blondie as she would certainly be landing on the lawn with her butt if she ever tried.

"Take your time, baby." Fate leaned her back against the front door, standing cross legs as she waited for her girlfriend to come.

"I'll have my revenge."

"Later." The tall blonde opened the door for Nanoha to step in first then followed the girl before shutting it closed.

"I'm home." The auburn-hair girl called out as she took off her shoes. To her surprise, no one answered. The house was quiet and there was no light despite the fact that it was in the late afternoon. "Mom?" Nanoha walked down the dimly lit hall. She peeked in the kitchen to see that there was no one. Usually, her mom would be cooking something delicious or just sitting at the table, enjoying her cup of tea right this moment. "Fate-chan, I wonder where is-!" She stopped dead as she turned around and her girlfriend was no where in sight. "Fate-chan?" The beauty began to worry. She swore she could have felt the blonde's presence behind her moments ago and now, she had disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, Nanoha heard a faint noise coming from the living room. The auburn girl took cautious steps forward, hand clutching at Raising Heart, the ruby orb around her neck, her lucky charm. "Please, please…" Three more steps and she would be facing the entrance. She could hear her heartbeat drumming in her ears.

She heard a loud bang the moment she stepped into the dark living room and the next thing she knew, strands of colorful ribbon together with tiny paper flowers were all over her face.

"Happy birthday!"

"Eh?" Nanoha was speechless for a good few seconds. She watched the crowd before her in astonishment, mouth agape. Standing there in the middle was Fate with a big cake in her hands, smiling ear to ear. Next to her were Hayate and her family, and their classmates, Arisa and Suzuka. Her family and Fate's were standing behind the teenagers, smiling all the while. Behind them, there was a huge pink banner with big red letters that said 'Happy 16th Birthday, Nanoha!' across the window. Here and there, there were pink and white balloons hovered over the ceiling with wishes written on them.

"Happy birthday, Nanoha." Fate said softly as she walked to her girlfriend. She was trying her best not to laugh at the auburn girl's dumbfounded face. "As you can see, we've planned a surprise birthday party for you." She whispered.

"I-I…" Nanoha stuttered.

"Come and blow the candle, honey." Her mother nudged gently. She knew her daughter all too well. The girl doesn't do well when it comes to surprises.

Nanoha finally regained her composure. She looked at her birthday cake and smiled radiantly. It was of round shape, a cute chibi face of hers occupied the surface, surrounded by sixteen small white candles. Pink and white frosting was on the sides, decorating the cake. It was truly a beautiful cake.

The auburn-hair girl leaned her head down until her face was hovering over the birthday cake. Nanoha bit her lip as she thought about what to wish for. She certainly didn't need anything more. She had everything she'd ever wanted: a happy family, good and reliable friends and above all, the special one, her Fate. Then slowly, she closed her eyes and made her wish. She reopened them as she took in a long breath and blew out all the candles. Everyone cheered with rapturous applause.

"Happy sweet sixteen, baby girl." Shiro came and engulfed his youngest with giant arms, making her gasp out loud.

"Dad! Don't call me that no more!" Nanoha laughed merrily. She circled her arms around his back and tightened her hold. "Thanks, Dad. And everyone. You have no idea how much this means to me." She looked at the crowd affectionately.

"Actually, we do." Hayate joked and she was pleased when the crowd broke into laughters.

"Alright everyone, let's eat." Precia put a finale to the welcome as she hushed people out of the room, heading toward the dinning room.

"Alright kids, I have a surprise for you." Hayate exclaimed as she pulled something out of the fridge.

They had moved to the Yagami's household to continue partying. Hayate's house was much bigger than Nanoha's and Fate's, plus there was a pool outside. Arisa's and Suzuka's were more than fine but the mischievous brunette insisted she host the party because 'I am the only one who knows how to have fun.' Fate quoted.

"Here you go." The short-hair girl put two set of six-packs of beer on the countertop. "This is how I call partying." She pulled back and laughed like a maniac, unintentionally worried her friends.

"Hayate, is that…?" Nanoha asked tentatively. She was afraid she knew what it meant.

"That's right, baby!" Hayate slapped her hand onto one of the pack, grinning widely.

"Are you nuts? We're not allowed to drink alcohol." Arisa said. Her eyes were wide as she looked at her friend incredulously.

"It's not alcohol. It's just…beer. Besides, we're not kids anymore. We're sixteen!" The brunette waved her hand up in frustration. "Stop acting like a bunch of high schoolers!"

"We're still in high school, Hayate." Suzuka's gentle reminder came in. Just as always, her composure was that of calm and maturity.

"Oh, come on guys, it's Nanoha's birthday. Do make some exceptions, will ya?"

"Hayate, I-I don't think the adults will be pleased if they know about this." Nanoha looked troubled. She was fighting within. She was half wanting to try, half afraid of the consequences. After all, she'd never disobeyed her parents' words. "Right, Fate-chan?" She looked to her girlfriend, seeking alliance.

"They don't need to know." Fate finally said. She avoided the brilliant sapphire gems, which were piercing her with astonishment.

"Okay, let's vote. Who agree to drink?" Hayate'd had enough. She immediately raised her hand up after her words. Suzuka was the second, causing Arisa to gape at her girlfriend. And Fate was the last to raise her hand. She was hesitant as first, but then the thought of trying a brand new thing and the fact that it was forbidden seemed too tempting to resist.

"Well, then it settled. Let's get wasted!" Hayate shouted as she swung her fist up in the air. She was delighted. To her, she had made a small step to the adulthood ahead.

"Are you alright, Nanoha?" Fate asked as her girlfriend suddenly leaned in and rested her head on her shoulders.

"I think Nanoha has reached her limit, Fate-chan." Suzuka giggled. She too, was holding a very intoxicating blonde, who was mumbling something incoherent.

They were sitting in Hayate's room. Cans of beer and bags of snack scattered around the room, making the once tidy bedroom a mess.

"Take her to the spare bedroom down the hall, Fate-chan. I don't think she can hold on much longer." Hayate said casually. She didn't look as if the alcohol had any affects on her though she had downed four cans of beer already. "What about you, Suzuka-chan? Do you want to move that airhead of yours, too? That doesn't look comfortable at all." She pointed at Arisa, who was laying her head on the purple-hair girl's lap, limbs spread awkwardly.

"No, we're fine." Suzuka smiled. She stroked the blonde's head lovingly, making said girl purr in bliss.

"Do you need any help, Fate-chan?" Hayate turned to asked Fate as she noticed the blonde tried to move her girlfriend up.

"I can do it, thanks." Fate said. She hooked an arm under Nanoha's knees and lifted her up bridal style. The chestnut-hair girl in her arms instantly snuggled closer to her chest, head resting on her strong shoulder.

"Okay. Goodnight you two~" Hayate purred before downing another big gulp of beer. "Don't move too much, 'kay? Signum and Shamal's room are next to yours." She quickly chanced a knowing glance at Suzuka, who immediately covered her mouth from spitting out liquid. They simultaneously bit their mouths to prevent laughters from bursting out as their blonde friend had turned into a giant tomato.

"O-okay." Fate stuttered before stumbling out of the room with an unconscious Nanoha in her arms.

"That was really sneaky, Hayate." Suzuka said after making sure the blonde and her girlfriend were out of ear range.

"Well, they can thank me later."

Arisa chose this moment to snort loudly.

Alone in the spare bedroom, Fate walked to the bed and gently laid the girl in her arms down. She pulled back to look at Nanoha's sleeping face and her face softened. No matter in what state, her girlfriend was beautiful. The girl was sleeping peacefully. Long eyelashes fluttered in the dimly lit room. Pale cheeks dusted with faint red as a proof of alcohol. Burgundy orbs turned dark as they trailed down slightly opened, lustrous pink lips to the raising and falling bosom as the auburn beauty breathed steadily.

Fate found herself staring intently at Nanoha's breasts. Her girlfriend was wearing a white cotton dress whose neck was cut a little too low. She swallowed hard when her red eyes caught the creamy white skin under the girl's collar, where her two mounts rested shyly under the thin fabric. They looked soft to the touch and Fate was cursing herself for daring to imagine how they would bounce at her subtle touch. She suddenly remembered Hayate's joke about mochi and women breasts. They were soft and sweet and would bounce if you squeezed them hard enough.

She was feeling hot, extremely hot and she blamed it all to the alcohol. It was the beer that made her react this way. She wanted to kiss, to touch Nanoha, to hear the sweet moans and her name being called repeatedly from those cute pink lips. In her entire life, she'd never wanted something this much.

Fate finally gave in to her desire. She leaned her head in and placed her lips over soft ones. She nipped at the flesh ever so lightly, afraid of waking the beauty. To her delight, Nanoha's lips parted. She moaned softly and the blonde couldn't hold back anymore. She dove her tongue in, kissing the auburn beauty's lips hungrily. Fate was too caught up in her dreamland that she didn't notice a pair of sapphire orbs staring at hers. She gasped as arms suddenly circle around her neck. The blonde quickly pulled away to be held back in strong yet gentle lock.


"Shh…Just kiss me,…please?" Nanoha spoke in the blonde's ears softly. She slowly pulled her down and opened her mouth, waiting.

Fate let her girlfriend wait no more as she pressed her body to Nanoha's and kissed her passionately. They deepened the kiss as their tongues battled for dominance. Their hands roamed each other's body, leaving wakes as fingers dragged and clawed at flesh.

Nanoha moaned when she felt something poked at her stomach. She stopped everything altogether and looked down. The birthday girl fell into a giggle fit as she saw what was presented before her. Fate was spotting a large bulge at her crotch and it seemed that she didn't notice. The blonde followed her girlfriend's gaze and immediately blushed. She bolted up right into a sitting position and covered her crotch with her hands.

"S-sorry…I-I…Uh…" The blonde stammered. Her face was colored in crimson and tears began to swell up in her eyes as she was being utterly embarrassed. She jumped slightly when soft hands reached out and touched her face. She looked up to see deep, deep blue staring at her intensely. "Nanoha…?"

"Why are you apologizing?" Nanoha asked softly.

"I-I was…It's…I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me."

"How can I hate you? I love you, Fate-chan." The auburn beauty lifted her girlfriend's teary face up. She leaned in and kissed away the hot tears, blowing slightly, making the other girl yelp in surprise. "I love you and accept everything about you. I thought you knew that." She kissed the blonde's nose then moved to peck her lips playfully.

Fate still refused to look into ocean-blue eyes. She was trying her very best to pin the hot bulge down and Nanoha wasn't helping at all. The brunette was continuously raining kisses all over her face and neck. She was afraid she wouldn't hold back anymore and would hurt the girl.

"Nanoha, please stop." Fate pleaded. "I-I won't be able to resist…"

"Then don't." Nanoha slowly moved down and kissed her girlfriend's collarbones. She nipped and sucked gently at the skin, leaving a red mark on the pale complexion. "I want you." She whispered pleadingly in the blonde's ears as her hands slowly slid down her front and finally rested on her quivering hands. She gently guided Fate's sweaty hands away, ignoring the protesting whimper. "Show me."

Fate brought her hands up to cover her face as her girlfriend slowly unzipped her pants. She heard the distinct sound of the zipper and the rustle of clothes and finally, a small gasp. The blonde removed her hand and opened her eyes to see her member stood hard and proud like a soldier in attention and she blushed violently.

"It's cute." Nanoha said. She reached out tentatively, small fingers trembling as she intended to touch the throbbing thing.

"Nanoha, don't. Ah-" Fate moaned loudly as warm fingers were on her. She whimpered softly when those fingers began to stroke her tip. "N-nanoha…"

"It's warm and hard." She looked up to see her girlfriend was gasping and groaning continuously. "You're so cute, Fate-chan." She whispered, using her two hands to massage the shaft. "Please touch me, too."

Fate leaned in and captured the girl's lips with force. She kissed her hard, pulling at her lower lip by her teeth. Her hands shot out and grabbed at the auburn-hair girl's breasts, fondling the mounts. Wanting to feel her girlfriend's soft flesh, the blonde pulled Nanoha's dress down, revealing a set of white lace bra. She clawed at the fabric and snatched it away, setting the brunette's breasts free. The red-eye girl wasted no time in filling her hands with soft, creamy mounts. The sweet moans her girlfriend was emitting only fueled her raging desire. Fate pushed Nanoha down onto the mattress as she climbed on top of the girl.

"Nanoha, I…I want…" Fate panted. She looked at the beauty before her desperately, asking silently for permission.

"It's okay, Fate-chan. Love me…" Nanoha smiled. She stroked the blonde's face tenderly, pulling her down to her. "Be gentle with me, 'key?"

Fate nodded. She reached out with her trembling fingers to pull Nanoha's panties down. She took in a sharp breath as her crimson eyes turned a darker shade of red as they took in the dark triangle of hair at the base of the other girl's stomach. Fate put her hands on either side of her girlfriend's knees and slowly spread them apart, revealing her dripping center. "Nanoha, you're so beautiful." She murmured.

"D-don't stare too much, Fate-chan. It's embarrassing."

"C-can I, Nanoha?" Fate asked as she had rid them both of their clothing. She now positioned herself between Nanoha's long legs.


And she felt Fate's tip entered her. She whimpered out loud and tears from the corner of her eyes fell as a sharp pain shook through her body. Her insides were being stretched to their limit and suddenly, she felt nothing but the burning sensation between her thighs. She noted that her blonde lover hadn't moved for a while however it still hurt really bad. The auburn girl squeezed her eyes shut. Her nails dug deep into Fate's back.

"I'm sorry, Nanoha. I'm sorry…" Fate whispered urgently and repeatedly in her lover's ears. She bit her lip hard and could taste the saltiness of blood as she watched her girlfriend struggle with pain. She fought back the tears that threatened to fall and instead, chose to be strong for both of them. "It'll be alright. I'm here, princess. You've got me." She tightened her hold on the brunette, rubbing circles on her thighs in hope of reducing the pain.

"I'm okay now." Nanoha finally spoke after a while but she was still very short of breath. "You can move."


Fate began to slowly work her hips in and out. She tried her best to be as gentle as possible, sliding ever so subtly. She occasionally chanced glances between Nanoha's face and the place where they're connected. She wanted to make sure her girlfriend feel comfortable and it seemed she was doing fine since Nanoha was moaning and gasping ceaselessly.

Their love-making pace turned from slow strokes to fast and then furious. Sounds of sloppy kisses in between with moans and gasps could be heard in the small, darkened bedroom. Nanoha was the first to succumb to her desire. She shook violently in Fate's arms and held on to the blonde as she rode herself through waves of pleasure. She felt Fate throb painfully inside her short after and then something warm suddenly spread through her entire body.

Fate collapsed onto her lover, panting and heaving violently. She held the girl beneath her close, whispering repeatedly the three words of love as she eventually surrendered herself to a deep slumber.

"I love you too, Fate-chan." Nanoha whispered. She closed her eyes and let the fatigue get to her. She reached for Fate's hand and intertwined their fingers before letting go of her consciousness.

Chapter 2 coming up, promising lots of dramas. See ya soon!