Okay, so this is just one long author's note, not an update, sorry everyone! But you see I'm actually posting this to tell you people, I need you people in order to update! Like I said in the review I posted for chapter 1, I have 2 ideas for how the next chapter should go, but I don't know which to pick, so I put a poll up on my profile, for how the next chapter should go, and guess what? NO ONE HAS VOTED! So, I need you guys to vote so I can write the next chapter, I know you guys wanna see more, right? So help me out here, and vote!

Also, I said in the review I had line breaks in the chapter but now they're not there anymore, does anyone know how I can make them appear? I used Microsoft word, if that helps.

But that also brings me to another thing, you see I would like to edit the chapter a bit too, but how do I remove the chapter for editing, and repost it, without losing any of my reviews, or follows, or favorites?

So yeah if anyone could help me out that'd be great, but also remember to vote, vote ,vote!