I love reading fanfiction and I am a big fan of the Dramoine category. The idea for this story has been in my head for a while, I am glad I am finally getting it written. The characters in this story are not my own.

"You're a wizard, Joshua" Professor McGonagall told Hermione's son. While that was one of the most bizarre statements she had ever heard, it put her at ease. Now parts of Hermione's life were starting to make sense, while raising quite a few questions.

"So this school Hogwarts, you want my son to attend, why was I not enrolled?" Hermione inquired.

"Well, we can only enroll individuals who possess magic of course."

"But, Mum can do magic too. She has been teaching me how to control mine too." Joshua piped in.

"Is that true my dear?"

"Well yes," Hermione replied, "I had similar bursts of accidental magic as you described. As I got older I worked to be able to contain it, and eventually I learned to do a few things on command."

"Would you mind showing me?"

Hermione, noticing that the Professor had finished her first cup of tea, levitated the pot, cream and sugar to fix her new cup, finishing by levitating the fresh cup to the elderly witch.

"Well that is extraordinary, self-taught wandless non-verbal magic. I have never seen such a thing! Oh how I would have loved to have taught you. Are you sure you have never met a witch or wizard?"

"No," well maybe, Hermione added, glancing at her son. "But this brings us back to my original question, why was I not enrolled?"

With that McGonagall put down her tea, shifting in her seat in preparation of the discussion to come.

"The quick answer is Lord Voldemort."

"Oh this sounds exciting"

"Don't interrupt Joshua," his mother warned.

"You see," the McGonagall continued, "About the time you were born Hermione a dark evil wizard had come to power."

"Voldemort?" Joshua asked.

"Yes. Voldemort was corrupted by his desire for power. He was raised among muggles, which is our term for non-magical people, and unfortunately he had tragic childhood that led to his hatred of muggles. When he joined the wizarding world he associated with those we called purebloods. Now there were some in our world who believed that magic should only be taught to those who were pureblooded, or who could trace their magical lineage back for generations. Voldemort and these purebloods took over our world, began killing muggleborns, that's what we call people like you, who have non-magical parents. While he was in power it was not safe for muggleborns to be a part of our world."

"How long ago was Voldemort defeated?" Hermione asked

"Ten years."

"Ten years? Why am I just finding out about this now?"

"After Voldemort was killed we began tracking magical usage in the muggle world. Thankfully we had destroyed the enchantments that allow us to track magic usage and had hidden away the books on how the enchantments were made before Voldemort took over our ministry. Otherwise I am sure there would be no muggleborns at all. We were able to restore the enchantments about five years ago, and while we saw that magic had been used in your flat, we had wrongly attributed it all to you Joshua."

"Are there others like me," inquire Hermione, "who have learned to use magic on their own?"

"I'm afraid not Hermione. You see when a witch or wizard goes through adolescence their power begins to change, they become more powerful. You are lucky. We have noticed a lack of muggleborns your age Hermione. Uncontrolled magic is a dangerous thing. As we have been seeking out muggleborns since Voldemort's demise we have found, more often than not, tragic accidents had befallen them. Most we believe have died as a result of magical accidents, those who did survive were generally living in isolation, their magic uncontrolled and chaotic."

"But this war, will it be safe for my son to enter your world?"

"Come on mum, I can take care of myself."

"The war is over." McGonagall stated, "The followers of Voldemort have been arrested, and most importantly most of the children and young adults who lived through the war are determined to let go of their prejudices. Now I know you say you have learned to control your abilities, but I can't stress enough how lucky you are. Hogwarts is the best place for Joshua to be. It is a safe place for him to learn to control his power, and he will learn to do the most amazing things. Your magic, while an amazing feat, is still very rudimentary. Now Hermione, think back, is there honestly not a time when your magic got out of control?"

Hermione looked down at her hands, "I suppose you are right." She whispered thinking of her own tragedy, but quickly looked up and smiled, not wanting Joshua to question the hurt in her eyes. "So Joshua, what do you think? You want to go train to be a wizard?"

"Really, you are going to let me go? Wow, soon I will be able to do everything you can do, probably even more. Think about all the stuff I am going to learn about."

Hermione laughed at her son's glee. "You will have to teach me then."

"I don't know, you would probably pester me for additional homework or something. You're a bit of a nerd Mum." Joshua joked, ignoring the look his mother was giving him.

"Actually we should arrange for a tutor for you Hermione. You have every right to learn about all of this as Joshua, and I am sure you will excel with just a bit of guidance. Now if there are no more questions it is time for me to get going. I have arranged for a wizard named Harry Potter to meet with you on Saturday. He will take you to get the supplies needed for school."

"Alright, while I do have some questions I think I will save them for Harry then. Thank you for coming and… and… well I guess changing our lives."