Clint's POV

I own nothing!

I had gotten a mission in Japan, there was a new faction that was attacking shrines and nobody could catch up to them. Nobody even saw then in action, it was like they appeared at a shrine, destroys it and kills everyone in it, then disappears into the night. I have been looking at the map of shrines and they seem to be going in one direction, it is almost like they are looking for something. If my calculations were correct the next shrine they are going to hit is the Higurashi shrine in Tokyo. I made my way over there as quickly as I could. I made it there a couple hours before sundown. I made my way over to a large tree on the premises and made my way towards the top. I looked at the information I had on this shrine. It was a nice normal couple that had a four year old daughter and a newborn baby boy. There was also an old grandfather, on the mother's side living on the shrine.

Suddenly I felt something coming towards me fast, but I couldn't see what was coming. That is very odd, I can usually see almost everything. Where is the attacker(s)? As I was looking around when I heard a scream from the inside of the house. How did they get past me? I jumped down from the tree and ran towards the house. When I got in the house I was surprised at the sight in front of me. I saw the four year old holding the baby boy and they seemed to be under a pink dome. The parents and the old man were already dead, killed by the thing standing in front of the children. I don't know what it was, truthfully it looked like a monster or a demon.

I heard the thing yell out in victory "I found it! I finally found it. After all those other useless shrines I finally found it. The Shikon jewel." He was approaching the children trying to get at them, but the barrier was stopping him. "Give it to me girl. Give me the Shikon jewel and I promise to make your death a fast one."

The little girl screamed out "NO! Stay away from me!" the barrier grew in size and I realized that the girl was creating the barrier, how was she doing it? She hugged her brother even closer to her, the baby wailing in fright. I noticed that the little girl seemed strangely calm in a situation like this.

I decided that I have had enough of this creature. I pulled an arrow out of my quiver and nocked it to my bow. I pulled back and without even really aiming I shot the arrow ant the creature's head. To my utter surprise the arrow just bounced off of his head like it was armor. The creature turned his sights on me and gave me an evil smile "Oh I seemed to have missed one. Time to die human." Did the thing just call me human? What in the world is this thing? The arrow I noticed had landed by the little girl. It seemed to happen in slow motion. The little girl grabbed my arrow and a toy bow that had happened to be by her. She then shot the arrow at the monster. It was a terrible shot, but she was only four. The arrow seemed to glow pink and the little girl shouted "Go away!" the arrow hit the monster in the chest and it didn't bounce off of him. It seemed to go right through him. How did the arrow have the speed and strength to do that? That toy bow wouldn't be able to send an arrow a couple of feet, not to mention through a monsters body. The strangest thing happened next, the monster started to turn to dust right in front of me.

"Curse you Miko. You will never hold on to the Shikon jewel. We will keep coming for it and we will get it for our master. You will lose your life!" with that final curse the monster turned to dust and crumbled to the floor.

The little girl set her brother on a pillow and looked at me with a strange look. Then tears formed in her eyes and she ran to me hugging my leg with as much strength she could muster. She started sobbing into my leg, but absolutely refused to let go. I couldn't even pry her off, that is how desperately she was clinging to my leg. I sighed and just walked over to the baby boy. I picked him up and the little girl just walked along with me, never letting go. Not knowing what to do with them I decided to bring them back to base until we found somewhere safe for them. If what that monster said was true, this was just the beginning for this little girl. I put away to make sure to look up the terms Shikon jewel and Miko when I got back to base. I walked to the pick-up spot, where Steve was coming to get me. I had to walk about a third of my regular speed, so I wouldn't drag this poor girl along with me. I still couldn't get her off of my leg. I got to the spot early still though so I sat down on the grass and the girl finally let go of my leg, only to hug me around the arm instead. I had her brother in the crook of my other arm and all I could think of was how did I get into this situation?

About ten minutes later Steve showed up in the jet. His eyebrows sailed towards heaven when he saw the two little kids. "Don't ask, it's a long story. Let's just get going, please. Can you take the baby, the girl refuses to let me go."

"Oh sure." Steven grabbed the boy. I stood up thinking that she would latch herself onto my leg again, but she didn't she stayed clasped to my arm. I looked at her in shock because when I stood up her feet weren't touching the ground, but she had enough strength to keep holding on. I maneuvered her so I could hold on to her. Finally getting her in a position that I could easily carry her I made my way to the jet and thought about what I was going to do once we got back to base.

How was that? This is a fist attempt at Inuyasha and Avengers crossover. I hope it was okay. Tell me what you think and please review.