Too Easy

Summary: Short one-shot of something I wish had happened during one of the two Sherlock Holmes movies. (The movies with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law).

"I have to say, this is much easier than I expected it to be," Sherlock whispered to John as he delicately balanced a box under his right arm. Little did the civilians he was passing knew, it contained a deadly bomb. Who better to take care of it than Sherlock Holmes?

"Maybe too easy," John deduced, looking around feverishly for an invisible assailant.

Sherlock nodded smartly, turning slightly on his heels, stopping John in his tracks to motion to the top of an old lighthouse at the edge of a murky lake.

"What is it?" John asked, looking intently to the tip of the lighthouse, his eyes only saw an old lighthouse.

"What am I looking for?" John pressed his friend again.

"The second window from the top," Sherlock finally said, after it was apparent John was only searching the top.

"A gunman," John finally saw, earning a knowing smile from Sherlock, "But he wouldn't shoot into civilian streets… Would he?"

"Moriarty doesn't mind casualties," Sherlock turned to keep walking and act natural among the other bystanders, slowly followed by John.

"So how do we get up there?" John inquires, following Sherlock down a dirt path towards the lake and away from the lighthouse.

"We don't. Moriarty wants this bomb in the town, so we take it anywhere but," Sherlock explained, earning a shrug from his companion.

"You're dumping it in the lake?" John finally understood as they neared a small rowboat sitting on the muddy bank.

"It's almost too easy," Sherlock basked in the glory momentarily, before turning back to the rowboat, placing the box carefully into the middle, and pushing the boat into the lake.

They both hopped in, and began to row.

"I win this round, James." Sherlock mumbled to himself as he released the wooden box into the cold, dark water.

The shooter in the lighthouse saw the boat, surely, but would he really expect the great Sherlock Holmes to be in it?

Hope you all enjoyed that VERY short story, but I just felt like writing this because I'm so excited about the third movie coming out.

Favorite, Follow, and Review! Let me know if you'd like me to write more stories like this one!
