After many many many MANY years i finally got back to finishing this story

It's been a year since the Nomi left to the land of shadows and Randy have been on his toes because he knows he will returned but today he can forget it because today was his graduation day and thanks to Theresa's and Debbie's "motivational" studies Howard and Randy was able to graduate with them, right now Randy was at home looking at himself in a full body mirror all dressed in his cap and gown.

"I can't believe it i'm graduating this is just great." He said.

"I know right my only complaints is that the gowns don't really protect you from drafts." Howard said walking in the room.

"You know your supposed to wear pants under the gown, right." he said.

"Uh hey the girls want us to meet up at Debbie's house so that we can walk together to the ceremony." He said trying to avoid the question.

"Okay…" He said as the two left the room


"Risa why do I need to have my hair done?" Debbie asked

"Because your valedictorian, you need to look your best." Thereisa said

"Hey Girls, it's time to go." The two looked behind and saw Heidi holding a little baby that had on a little death bear costume on.

"Okay Heidi will be right there." She said.

"I gotta say you made a cute child." She said.

"Yeah I'm glad I live to see him." She said

"And are you sure that it's his?" Theresa asked.

"Yep, as much as I want to deny it he is really Howard's child." She joked causing both the girls to laugh well let's go become adults." She said as the two left the house to find Howard and Randy waiting for them.

"Well let's get this over with" Randy said as the grouped hoped into Heidi's car and drove to the high school where other car and graduates were hanging out talking till it was time to graduate.

"Alright guys i'm going to find some seats i'll see you all on stage." Heidi said.

"Okay Heidi, Michal you better behave with Aunt Heidi." Howard said to which he replied with a raspberry

"Mi lindo pequeño oso muerte, es mejor que se comportan o no más de horchata para usted." Debbie threaten Michal then nods his head and kissed Heidi's cheek.

"I still don't know how you do babe." Howard said

"It's a gift and Howard si su comportamiento se puede destruir este coño cuando se hace aquí." She said in a seductive tone and kissed his cheek to which he blushed.

"What did she say?" asked.

"You don't what to know." Howard said with a perverted grin and went inside the gymnasium.

Few Minutes Later.

The graduating class was getting ready walk the stage while they were waiting the nomicon started to flash.

"oh man not now nomicon you can mindwipe after the ceremony." He whispered as he went to his seat as the ceremony went on Randy found himself getting sleepy from Debbie's speech if it wasn't for the clapping he would have fallen asleep, but for Howard he was already passed out, when it was time to hand out diplomas Randy had to kick Howard awake so that he could get his diploma after that was done everyone went outside taking pictures and getting details about later parties.

"Well we finally did it we out of high school." Theresa said

"Yep… it's over." He said with sad chuckle.

"What's wrong Randy?" Theresa asked.

"Um I need everyone to come to my place in few I have something we need to do." he said

"Okay Randy is it something serious?" She asked

"Just tell them to met me at my house." He said as he walked off when he got to his room he took of cap and gown and pulled of the nomicon which was flashing like crazy.

"I know, i know you need to mindwipe me but can we wait till everyones here." He said which made it flash and jump.

"Okay okay." He said as he picked it up.

"I gotta say it was fun Nomi-cool." He said as he opened the book and was shloomped into the book, he then fell on his feet into a hallway and found the First Ninja, Plop Plop, and Rain standing next to the ultimate lesson.

"Hey Guys, how are ya'll?" Randy asked nervously

"Randy Cunningham, for the past four years you have kept the peace of Norrisville, reclaimed the sorcerer's balls and kinda defeated the sorcerer." First Nina said

"I gotta say it was fun being the ninja to bad it has to end." Randy said

"End who said anything about ending it, how come you guys to tell me stuff." Plop Plop said.

"Uh what's going on?" Randy asked

"Randy Cunningham, with the sorcerer and sorceress gone Norrisville no long needs the ninja but your journey doesn't stop their."Rain said

"I'm still lost." Randy said

"(Groaned) Look NomiRandy is still a dangerous threat and our old ways won't be able to stop him, we need someone young." Plop Plop said

"Someone who knows him."Rain said

"Someone like you." First Ninja said

"Wait are you saying that i'm staying the ninja?" He asked.

"Yes, you are now are the one and only Ninja." First Ninja said.

"That is so Cheese!" He said.

"Will be counting on you Randy Cunningham Norrisville Ninja." The grouped then bowed.

Outside the Nomicon

Theresa and the others were in Randy's room waiting for him to come out of the nomicon of Theresa was nervous

"Theresa calm down nothing bad is going to Randy, I hope." She said.

"Debbie there is something I need to tell you, you see when your the Ninja you can only be the ninja until you graduate high school the ninja had to have their mind wiped so Randy might be getting his mind wiped right now." Howard explained

"What!" The girls said.

"Hey it's not all that bad, maybe it won't be as bad this time." He said

"This time how bad was last time?"Theresa asked.

"Um he lost his entire life." Howard said.


"I know i know it sounds bad." He said

"Sound bad, sounds bad! The love of my life won't remember who he was and all you can say is "sounds bad"!?" She said getting ready to cry.

"Oh is that Michael I here come on Debbie I think he need both of us." Howard said

"Michael isn't here." She said Howard then grabbed her arm and pulled her out. "And your supposed the be smart one in the relationship." He said as he and Debbie left the room, leaving Theresa with Randy's unconscious body. Just then the nomicon glowed and Randy sat up and looked at Theresa.

"Randy do... do you remember me?" She asked.

"Umm, I don't know, do you remember me doing this." He said as he took one hand on her cheek and kissed her sweetly, she then wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

"Oh Randy, I love you, I love you so much." She said as she planted multiple kisses on his faces. "I thought you would forget about me." She said.

"Theresa i would never forget about you in fact I have the most exciting news I get to be the ninja permanently!" He said

"For real!" Theresa said.

"Yep but you still need training and Rain going to help you with that." He said.

"So i'm still Rain?" She asked

"Yep but you still need to have training." He said.

"So that means…"

"Being shinobi is in our blood Theresa and I know that we can…" Just then they heard a loud explosion they looked out the window and saw a huge dimensional portal.

"Uh Randy, we got a problem." Howard said

"Don't worry we got this." Randy said as he held his hand out."Feel like your up to it?" He asked.

"You know it." She said the two then pulled out their masks and puts them on.

"Time to save to world." Ninja said

"And then some." Rain said the then left the house as they got to downtown they saw a horde of monsters from the realm of shadow, just they got ready to attack until…

"Smokebomb!" Just then Rain and the Ninja appeared the town cheered.

"Well time to get to work." Ninja said

"You got babe." Rain said they then started charging towards the the massive army signaling the acceptance of their new lives.