A/N: Okay, this first one isn't exactly about Killian struggling with our world's technologies as much as about a little mishap he had in the LIBRARY. I hope you like it!

The next one will definitely show him facing a more complex, high-tec device (to his eyes at least), one he refers to as a metallic monster ;)

So, I got this prompt on tumblr: "You're in the emergency room because you were doing WHAT?!" And this is the result of it.

Feel free to send me a first-line prompt of your own either on tumblr (my url is the same as my username here), via DM, or in the reviews box below :)

You. Are. Unbelievable.

Captain Floor featuring: BOOKS!

"You're in the emergency room because you were doing WHAT?!"

Emma all but shouted on her phone not caring the least if what he needed was right now was rest rather than being yelled at. She was furious with him, and she would make sure he felt her every bit of ire, that way he would think twice before doing something as stupid as that ever again.

"Love, don't tell me you're mad at me for merely helping out a friend."

"Damn right I am mad at you if you'll end up in the hospital for it, Killian!"

"Em-" She hung up on him. She couldn't talk to him right now, she was just too angry to hear his voice. He was unbelievable, her pirate.

Emma got into her bug and sent her mother a text asking her and David to take Henry to Regina's tonight as she would be preoccupied with a Killian emergency before driving off to the hospital.

Since the last time Emma mentioned having a Killian emergency to deal with was when his hook got stuck on the toaster and hours went by before she gave up trying to gently release it from the apparatus and allowed Killian to smash the bloody thing with a frying pan, Mary Margaret readily understood this time it was something equally as time-consuming and comical.

Of course. Let me know if you need me to run to the store and get you another toaster.

Emma rolled her eyes and huffed out a laugh.

Thanks, mum. And not this time.

She parked her bug and got off, slamming the door and running to the reception. She quickly filled in the paperwork and hurried to the room Killian had been moved to, where she found him with a few bruises on his face as well as a gash, thankfully a small one, on his left eyebrow.

"You. Are. Unbelievable."

"It's good to see you, too, love."

"Seriously, Killian? Who gets hurt arranging books on a shelf?"

"Devilishly handsome pirates with a hook for a hand?"

She rolled her eyes and had to take a deep breath to stop herself from whacking him in the shoulder for being so, so, ugh."What did Belle say?"

"You mean after she laughed at me for a good ten minutes before she realised the pile of books wasn't moving?"

Emma's eyebrows raised up to her hairline and she couldn't stifle the laughter tumbling from her lips at that.

"What exactly happened?" She managed to say in between new bursts of giggles.

"Like I told you this morning, I was going to the library to finally thank Belle properly for saving my life. When I got there I offered to help her clean the shelves and rearrange the books. I was on top of the stairs placing the books on top shelf when I found a book that caught my attention. I reached to get it and I guess my foot must have slipped, because then I was on the floor with a pile of books on top of me." He told her all at once, as if he was too annoyed with himself to let the words linger on his mouth a minute longer.

Emma was chewing on her bottom lip and putting on her best serious face as she only nodded at him. She was trying hard not to start laughing at him all over again for being so adorably clumsy. Jesus, who gets trapped under a pile of books? Killian Jones, apparently.

"And," she cleared her through, "what book was it that distracted you, if I may ask?" She tried to mock the serious tone of his voice and the comical solemn face he'd put on sometimes. It was his turn to roll his eyes at her.

He scratched nervously behind his ear and muttered a reply.

"Pardon, what was that?" Oh, this was going to be amusing, she could feel it.

He let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "It was Peter Pan, alright?"

And with that she couldn't help herself, and burst into laughter for what was probably the hundredth time since she got his call that afternoon.


"Henry… Henry always tells me this realm has a very different version of my depicted in that book and I've always been curious to read it."

Emma shook her head and closed the distance between them, fixing a few strands of his soft hair that were falling on his forehead before locking her arms around his neck and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"Well, maybe we should kill what's nearly killing you and finally read that book. I'm sure Belle won't mind letting you borrow it as long as you stay far away from the shelves when you return it."

He smiled and pulled her closer to him, kissing her cheek gently before taking her hand in his to finally leave that hospital room.

"I can assure you of that, love."


PS: the prequel to this featuring the whole Killian's hook versus The Toaster debacle is coming up tomorrow! :)