One morning the Avatar was meditating as a part of her normal routine and the CEO of Future Industries stumbled upon her in the garden. Korra seemed to be at peace with herself and Asami was simply captivated by the sight of the serenity Korra was displaying. Asami found herself calmed by the picture despite coming from a meeting yesterday that tried all of her patience. The board of Directors and President Raiko had become a very demanding bunch since they announced the expansion of Republic City. All of that irritation dissipated when she looked at Korra.

It was as if some sort of inspiration returned to her after a long yesterday. No one raised a brow when the pair got back from their vacation in the spirit world. Asami will never forget that month either. She smiled fondly at the avatar… No… At her avatar. She remembered what made all of this hard work worth all of the hardship she now had to face that came with the task of expanding and renovating Republic City. She remembered what she, her friends, and beloved fought for.

"Sweetie?" Korra called, realizing that there was someone staring at her.

Asami snapped out of her reverie. "Sorry, it was a long day yesterday." Her smile growing even more.

"I was beginning to think some sort of beard grew on my face because you seemed profoundly amused." Korra joked.

In truth, Korra still had some semblance of fear left in her heart but it wasn't so prevalent as it had been before she reconnected with Raava in the spirit world. This was fear she gradually came to accept with the help of her friends and especially her beloved. Korra didn't know what she would do without Asami. Korra had avatar duties elsewhere but each day they were apart Korra would smile and be reminded that she had Asami to return to.

Asami's face reddened slightly, "There might have… if you stayed any longer. How about we go get some breakfast?"

Korra smiled and stood up. The two then held hands and cherished each moment they were together as they walked to the dining hall.

"Do you think we'll be able to get another vacation?" Asami giggled.

"We will. Let's do our jobs first. After all…" Korra held Asami's chin. "It's sweeter to reap your rewards after working so hard."

Asami took initiative and kissed Korra.

This turned out fluffier than I planned. It's my first Korrasami fic though don't get me wrong, it's not my first time dancing in the world of fanfics… but it's been a while since I've written with characters that aren't mine hahahaha. Sorry if it's a bit out of character I just had to vent some of my feels out. This is just some of my feels. I'm still so giddy after re-watching this stuff last January 1. XD Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this :)