Chapter 7

A/N- Before I start can I just say how much your reviews mean to me? Eee everytime I read a review I feel so giddy and ahh I'm so glad you're all enjoying this!. Special shout out to and122, Foster117 and animelove1001! Your words mean so much to me so here's an extra long chapter! Dedicated to you. I had a blast writing this one! Ah feels.

Levi and Mikasa landed on a rooftop three houses behind the disaster that was enfolding in front of them. The colossus titan, much bigger and taller was pushing the rogue titan Eren with both it's giant palms. Mikasa's adrenaline surges when the bigger titan punched under the rogue titan's jaw causing the latter titan to roar out in pain. Using that opportunity the colossus titan gripped it's palms around the smaller titan's neck causing the rogue titan's green eyes to buldge out, the already visible nerves popped.

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled as she took a step foreword with her hands tight around both her swords.

Before she could take another step foreword Levi blocked her way with his arm.

"Stand down Ackerman, you're going to get killed if you get in between that!"


Levi glared coldly at the girl. "You gave me your word that your ties with Jaeger will not affect your battle prowess"

Mikasa frowned and turned away her eyes glared down at her hands that still held the swords in a tight grip. "Are you saying that we should just stand here "

"No" replied Levi coolly. He glanced around and sees garrison corps perched on every corner of most of the roof's that were visible in sight. "At the state of this I am sure that the garrisons here have sent a messenger to wall Sina"

Mikasa widened her eyes. "Wall Sina? The government is going to kill Eren! If they see him transformed like this!"

Levi remained quiet. If the leaders of Sina were to here reports of the titan shifter, the so called allie of humanity responsible for accidental causalities, he wouldn't be able to get Eren out of a trial like last time. And knowing the governments warming last time, Eren would no be just imprisoned. No. His fate would be far worse than that.

That leads them no choice but to end the fight and get Eren out of his titan before back up from wall Sina arrives.

"We have to wait here till Arlet's group get here"

"And then what?" Mikasa asked impatiently.

"Captain Levi!"

A man from the garrison corps that had recognized Levi landed on the roof he was on.

"What is it?" Levi asked.

The man looked visibly distressed. Sweaty and eyes popping out. "Isn't t-that the titan that purged wall Maria? What should we do sir? Y-you're the most experienced soldier here!"

"I see" said Levi solemnly looking the man.

Levi noticed the garrison corps on the roof watching him as if they were waiting for him to give them an order. Noticing this Levi then raises an arm to signal them to attack.

"We have to allow the garrison corps to corner the colossus titan so that we can get Eren out as quick as we can!"

Mikasa looked on as the countless garrisons attempted to spread sharp wires around the colossus giant, but failing regardless partly because of the sheer size and mostly because of it's massive strength that allowed it to swat the garrisons like flies.

Mikasa nodded as calmly as she could. She winced when he heard Eren roar once more. She hated not being able to help Eren more than she could at the moment and she gripped her swords once again.

Suddenly there was a loud gun shot, a sickening laugh and thud on their roof. Both Levi and Mikasa surprisingly turned around at the sudden intrusion.

"Well isn't this quite the surprise?"

Levi , despite his neutral posture and expression flinched in surprise and widened his eyes which in turn made Mikasa more alert.


Historia stared at the titan crouched town on the roof. She shakily attempted to grab her swords and she flinched and yelped when the titan jumped down, standing only a feet away from the blonde. The titan's sad eery eyes looked at the blonde and attempted to take a step closer but Armin and Jean protectively jumped in front of Historia with both their swords out. Armin crossed his brows at the titan. So he was not just seeing things that night.

"Stay away from her!" growled Jean.

Armin glanced back. "Historia run!"

He became worried when she stood still exactly where she was, not blinking and staring past the two boys and straight at the dancing titan.


Before he could say anything more the titan had lunged foreword, when it reached it's hand to swap the boys away they moved away in time and the dancing titan made a grab for Historia.

In a sudden reflex that surprised everyone including her, Historia managed to graze the titan's hand just enough so that it screamed an earbleeding roar before jumping a step back.

Historia shakily gripped her sword. "Why are you here?"

The titan stood up and stared at the girl once more giving Historia her answer.

Historia furrowed her brows with anxiety. "Why? What do you want from me?"

The dancing titan let out another screeching roar before dashing off towards the opposite direction away from them. The action surprising everyone.

"Ymir!" Historia yelled and attempted to run after her but Armin stopped her.

"No Historia! She's leading you into a trap! You go to captain Levi and Mikasa!"

"But she's going to get away!"

"We'll catch her" replied Jean reassuringly. "Now go!"

Historia looked uncertain but before she could change her mind the two boys had already taken off after the dancing titan. Historia still shaken by the encounter used her 3DMG gear and grabbed the extra gas supply for Levi and Mikasa and took off towards the distance of the battling titans.

What is she doing here? Was the thought that clouded her mind as she neared the battle scene.

The strange man with a hand gun in a top hat and a suit with a rather unsual 3DMG gear sarted to laugh. "Bahaha Levi it's good to see my fellow street rat again"

Levi shook as he glared at the taller man. "Why are you here?"

The man glanced at the titans battling just a few feet in front of where they were standing.

"Here to see Jaeger's kid"

Mikasa's eyes widened in shock and she looked back and forth between Levi and the man opposite to him.

"Are you the back up wall Sina sent?" Levi glowered.

The man chuckled. "Nope but I am still in the military police whether you like it or not"

Having heard enough Mikasa took a step towards the man. "Who are you?" Mikasa asked assertively. Her grip on her sword tight.

The man started to laugh while Levi replied, his eyes not once leaving the man's eyesight.

"Kenny Ackerman"

"Ackerman?!" Mikasa glanced at the man questiongly.

The man laughed once more. When he stopped he pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes. "Nah if you're going to tell her then tell her the whole story… little lady I am his uncle!"

Mikasa gaped at Levi but before she had time to question him the screams of a couple of garrisons came crashing down onto their roofs. The roar of titan Eren as the colossus titan punched in the ribs immediately put her thoughts back on track again.

"Eren!" Mikasa ran.

"You can't go there yet! That's an order!" Levi yelled after her. Mikasa refused to answer as she pressed the gear to determinely maneuver towards the battling titans.

"Bahaha and that's the end of her I suppose!" Kenny laughed again.

Levi ignored the mans' statement and sighed angrily before taking off after her. He had no time to reminisce about the good old days with his uncle dearest. Going after monster size titans seemed to be the better deal here.

Kenny laughed at the sight because what he saw was nothing but death for the two going straight on towards the angry titan and the titan twice it's size.

"Nice knowing you nephew" He smiled menacingly.

His thoughts were stopped by a large thud on the roof. As if someone had dropped something large. "Ahh I have company" he said as he turned around to face the person who had just landed on the roof.

His eyes held surprise for a few seconds before making his orbs reflect a taunting tone again. He smirked and opened both his arms as if he'd been expecting this little guest all along.

"My my.. you've grown" He smirked. "Well. This makes my job a lot easier"

The blonde girl in front of him stood frozen. Historia felt her palms wet with sweat from adrenaline earlier and now it's as if her heart beat had stopped to a stand still. She tried to take deep breaths but then realized that would give him the impression that she was indeed nervous. But she knew that she had already given it away by allowing the extra gas supply to fall out of her limp hands.

"You.." her voice shook as she spoke directly at the man who killed her mother in front of her all those years ago.

"Yes it's me, good to see you again" He replied, his voice oozing with bitter taunting.

"What are you doing here?" She felt like she was repeating words as she yelled at him, her voice unsteady.

"I think the question you really want to ask me is what do I want?" He smiled gleely at the horrified expression Historia withheld.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I've been trying to track you and Jaeger for a long time but you little creepers continuously slipped out of my grasps over and over again!"

"W-what are you saying?" Historia asked hesitantly after shooting a small glance at the titan Eren who was deep in combat.

"Oh don't worry about Jaeger for now I'm sure you'll want to hear this. I assume you and him got kidnapped or something? Yeah they did it on my orders.. you see my plans are all ruined now because one of my surboninates.. Injected one of the goons I hired, Tommasso with the last remaining substance of titan serum your father created."

Historia mind wandered hopelessly. Tommasso? She thought back to the titan attack in the little town she and Eren wandered into after they survived the crash into the river. My father? Her breathing caught in her throat. He was alive?

"W-why did my father have the titan serum?" Historia asked, her heart beaing slowly in the stress of the situation.

Kenny smirked. "Oh sweet Historia.. he wanted to change you into a titan of course! He recruited me to kidnap you, however his plans came to an end when Tomasso transformed… killing him in the process"

Historia's heart dropped. She felt foolish to think that her father could have been alive all this time. Even so despite the situation she wondered shamefully had they been kept in that dungeon long enough could she have met her father again?

Historia then glared at the man. "Why!?" she shouted. "Why would he want to change me!?"

Kenny laughed a sickening laugh once more. " It's a ritual of the Reiss. Passing down the titan shifting ability to one user from another. He wanted you only for your blood just so he could pass on the legacy of all his full-blooded children. because all his full blooded children died tragically in one night, he finally had use for his unloved bastard daughter.. which is you"

"Father let me live… he wouldn't do that" Historia replied.

"Wrong. He wanted to use you. He never loved you and I don't blame him. How could anyone love an illegimate child? You and your whore of a mother both were doomed to me erased from this world sooner or later!"

"No.." Historia shook. Nothing yet everything he had been saying processed into her mind that had stopped. She felt like she was deprave of oxygen from the amount of information handed over to her.

"And now that his plans of restoring balance to this world is ruined I'm just going to have to kill Jaeger… and you… because this world finally needs to be rid of the Reiss"

"But why Eren? He has nothing to do with my father!"

Kenny laughed maniacly before shooting a bullet in the air from hysteria. "Ahh Historia.. Jaeger's got a story of his own.. but I'm afraid you won't get a chance to hear it!"

She glared up at him. Her pulse shaking and her breathing increasing. And all at once she stopped. Historia stood still when it finally hit her who she was infront off.

You killed my mother" she said in a dazed voice. Not taking in the words Kenny had said earlier.

"Ah! But of course you don't mind that do you Historia? Neither of your parents really loved you? " said Kenny as he crept closer to Historia while the girl stood still in a trance failing to take all the information in. Kenny started to draw out a pocket knife.

"No one really loved you Historia so why keep living?" He teasingly grazed the knife close to Historia's throat. "Come on say it!" he said.

Historia's mind remained in a daze with all that's happened. "No one ever loved me… so why keep living? " She repeated for herself.

Kenny smirked from ear to ear. "Good" He then pressured the knife a little more but not too deep into her skin, drawing blood in the process.

"Now be free of the world!" He yelled before gradually deepening her wound. But to his surprise he felt a harsh shove to his stomach before he was sent flying before quickly regaining his composure by using his 3DMG gear by landing on a roof further away.

Kenny replaced his shocked expression with an amused one as the rogue titan roared murderously at him. Kenny rubbed his the area Eren had hit him and smirked. "aha not bad Jaeger" he laughed.

Historia grabbed her throat. Luckily for her the rogue titan had punched Kenny away from her before the knife could cut deep enough to be a problem. Finally coming to her senses despite what had been said to her Historia looked up at the large titan right next to the roof she was on. To her surprise the colossus Mikasa and Levi were wiring titan up further back with help from the remaining garrison corps. She had just barely escaped death. She was lucky.

"Eren!" Historia cried at the titan glaring at Kenny Ackerman who was maneuvering closer towards where they were again.

Kenny let out a yell before lunging towards Historia with both his swords drawn out this time. Historia tried to get away from him but the speed in which Kenny maneuvered towards her was too fast. But before Kenny could hit her, The rogues titan had shielded the girl by cupping her inside it's palms. However, even so Kenny's blades ramed into the titan's fingers and Eren let out a loud cry of pain once again.

Kenny smirked and took this opportunity to maneuver up towards the nap of the rogue titan's neck. The keen green eyes of the titan watched as the man started to maneuver dangerously close to his weak spot. Eren shifted his neck from side to side so that Kenny would not have a chance to rip though his flesh. During all this he still kept his hands covered over Historia. Kenny realizing what Eren was doing drew out his blades, lunged foreward full speed and stabbed the rogue titan's shoulders as hard as he could. The painful trigger made Eren roar out loud and remove his hands that were covering Historia.

"Eren! Historia yelled. Her eyes widened in horror when she noticed Kenny moving upwards towards the nap of the rogue titan's neck, blades out. Ready to slice through.

"No!" Historia yelled before she too pumped up her gas and maneuvered upwards and landed right on Eren's weak spot. She glared up at Kenny who was lunging towards her. She blocked his blades away from her with her own blades.

"I'm not going to let you kill him!" She glowered.

Kenny landed on Eren's shoulders. " My Reiss, you've grown out of that frail girl!" But then he lunged towards her by hitting her blade. She pushed against his blades with hers with all her strength but Kenny's stronger blade broke the blade in her right hand just in time.

"Just kidding you still are the frail girl I met years ago"

Historia glared and grabbed another blade from the blade compartment in her 3DMG gear. Kenny's blade grazed across the top of her hand, drawing blood as she attempted to attach the blade to her handle. Historia yelled in pain even though she managed to attach it.

Kenny again hit Historia's blade with his. She pushed against his blade once again this time making sure her blade was higher up so that he would not slice it in half again.

"Why are you protecting him?" Kenny sneered. "His father killed all your siblings"

"What?!" Historia was taken aback at the statement and Kenny took the brief pause in her movements to cut both her blades in half.

Inside the body of the titan Eren listened on. Though his conscious was in a haze he caught onto every word with disbelief.

"Remember how I told you how you father lost all his full blooded children in one night?" Kenny sneered. He then tapped Eren's shoulders with his blades. "Well.. this guy's father was responsible for it. He wanted the power of the Reiss family so he killed each and every sibling of your family, but not before he ate you sister.. the holder of the Reiss's power"

"W- why" Eren's gut sank as he heard Historia's shaky voice, he too was in shock and disbelief.

The rogue titan made a sound that sounded like a light roar. Kenny laughed at it.

"Are you listening Jaeger? Your father is a murderer! And that's not all!"

"What is it?" Historia glared up at Kenny.

"Eren's got the power of the Reiss family now because guess what!" Kenny leaned in closer towards the nap of the titan's neck, where Eren was inside and said loud and clear for both Eren and Historia to hear.

"Eren ate his own father!"

Eren heard the words echo through the titan's nap and into his ears loud and clear. He felt himself go limp inside the titan. He felt himself fall into unconscious hazy state and he felt the humanity in him turn off at the revelation as he lost control of his titan body.

The rogue titan shook and roared so loud that Kenny had had to maneuver away from the shoulders and stood on it's head. Historia managed to stay put on the nap of the neck despite the situation. With all the revelation that's been happening all through the day she couldn't bring herself to move.

"That's right! Turn off your humanity Jaeger and show the world the beast you really are!"

Kenny stabbed the titan's head with his blade making the titan cry out once again. The man laughed. "Yes! Fall beast! If your father didn't do what he did the Reiss could have found a way to save humanity! You Eren Jaeger don't even belong in this picture! " He then stabbed Eren once again.

The rogue titan roared aloud once again. " You did not need to happen Jaeger!" Kenny yelled once more before grabbing a hold of a blade once again. This time, Kenny underestimated him because the titan had raised it's arms over it's head and slammed the man off his head before crying out and shaking again. Kenny landed on a roof once again and looked around. He noticed the back up from wall Sina arrive one by one though they landed closer to the colossus titan. Kenny decided that it was his cue to leave and maneuvered as fast as he could away from the area. He glanced back at the rogue titan and smirked once more. See you later He thinks before he dashed towards the direction of wall Sina.

The rogue titan roared horrifyingly one more time before it's legs gave way and it slumped down onto the ground. Historia regrettably stuck one of her swords to the side of Eren's shoulders so that she would not fall. Hisoria then noticed the increase in soldiers from Sina and what that meant for Eren's life. The thought then snapped her out of her daze once more.

"Eren!" Historia yelled as she banged her fists against the nap of the titan's neck.

Eren who was lying inside the titan, connected to the beast heard her voice but could not register what she was saying.

"Eren you need to get out of there now!" Historia banged her fists harder against the back of the titan's neck while her right hand was gripped onto the blade stuck to it's shoulder.

"I know you're in there Eren! Please get out! If not they are going to kill you!" Historia cried.

Kill me? Eren caught onto the words and then his mind wandered off to what Kenny had said. I did not need to happen so why should I care about what happens to me. He thought unconsciously as he heard the echoes of Historia punching the skin above.

"Eren! Please!" Historia cried again. From the distance she could see that the garrisons were trying their best to keep the colossus titan in place. If they could hold on for a little longer till Eren breaks free maybe they would not notice the rogue titan. Historia hopes. She continued to bang her fists against the back of the titans neck. Each punch harder than the next. Her fists started to get swollen with blue and red marks. Then a thought occurred to her. Why am I doing this?

"His father killed your siblings" She almost stopped herself from banging her fists when she remembered those words. How could someone do something so awful? She thought. Before she felt anger surge up inside her she then recalled Kenny calling Eren someone who did not belong and , someone who did not need to happen. Historia widened her eyes andshe dropped her hands to her sides. She felt her heart pause and she felt a lump in her throat.

"You were a mistake! I just wish I had the courage to kill you!" Her mother had said after she had hit her, causing her to bleed from her nose. She remembered the time she had watched her mother look at her with disgust in her eyes. It was as if she did not belong. But it was true. She was the bastard child and therefore did not belong.

Hisoria blinked away the tears from her eyes before they fell and slammed her fists once more. The impact bruised her left hand even more.

"Eren! I know you can hear me and I won't let you die here!" she yelled.

He heard her voice above him once again. Won't let me die? Why? You have every right to leave me here.

"What he said is not true! You do belong here Eren! no matter what he said!" Historia took a deep breath. She could not believe that she was saying what she was saying.

Just leave Historia. Stop wasting your breath and go save yourself. Eren thought.

"You stubborn idiot! You can't just get yourself killed like this! You matter to a lot of people! What would Armin do if you were killed? What would Mikasa do!?" Historia screamed.

They would have one less thing to worry about and they'll have each other. He thought solemnly.

Historia then takes another shaky breath. Her heart beating faster as she slammed her fists one last time, fracturing her hand. Historia yelped out in pain before speaking again. " I want you to live too! But my reasons are selfish!" She admitted.

What are you saying..? Eren thought to himself, his mind waking up a bit.

Historia then takes another rasping breath.

" Besides Ymir, You're the only person who's accepted me for who I am! To this moment I still can't believe how accepting you are Eren! But I guess that's just in your nature and I don't think there's anyone else like you in this entire world and I don't know how to express my gratitude enough but I just want you to know how much that means to me!"

From underneath the skin of the titan his green eyes had opened halfway as he listened to her honest words.

"Also , I'm selfish because, I don't want to be alone again. I've lost someone who's accepted the real me once and I don't want to lose you too.. " Historia rested her forehead against the back of the titan's neck and couldn't stop herself from letting a tear fall out. "Please come back… don't you want to see the place beyond the walls?"

Historia heaved out a defeated sob when Eren did not respond in anyway. Then she heard hectic screams and she immediately shifted her gaze to her left. To her horror the collosal titan was free and had sent the garrisons flying and had ripped through the wire that was wrapped around him. It shifted it's head towards where she and Eren were and she cried out frantically.


At that Eren's eyes opened wide under the skin of the titan and with a stir of emotion his mind awoken from the daze as he took control of his body once again. To Historia' surprise the rogue titan started to stand up once again. Before she could slip down from his back, Historia maneuvered across and landed on top of the left shoulder of the titan. Luckily the Collosal titan, though it was large it was still a bi slow when it came to running.

The rogue titan let out a mighty roar before charging towards the bigger titan with it's fists rolled up behind him. Historia held on tight to Eren's shoulders as he did so. But before Eren could throw a punch at the titan, the dancing titan jumped on the collosal titan's shoulder, stopping it from moving. Historia gasped and quickly hid behind the rogue titan's long hair, obscuring herself from Ymir's vision.

The two opposite titans seemed to be transferring a message towards each other through eye contact. The two looked at Eren gravely and then suddenly there was a bright flash and big cloud like gust.

"What?" Historia stared. Once the foggy gust cleared, the collosas titan was no where to be found. Just disappeared into thin air. The dancing titan wasn't in sight either and there was a murmer of confusion amongst the garrisons. Historia felt Eren slumping down again and she suddenly felt the soles of her feet get warmer

"Historia !" she heard a familiar voice. She turned around and saw that the squad Levi were on top of the roof closest to her.

"You have to get away from him, his titan is dissolving!" yelled Mikasa.

Understanding what that meant and why it suddenly got so warm Historia quickly maneuvered and landed on top of the roof. Historia glanced back at Eren's dissolving titan form. From the roof she could see the damage that was caused by the battle of the titans. Even though it was that one particular block, it was still a tough blow on the people living there. Mini houses which she assumed were shops were destroyed and some of the houses had only half the roof it had. Then she turned her head towards the rogue titan who had visible steam coming out of his body, much like Eren did right before he transformed.

"Is he going to be alright?" asked Historia softly.

Mikasa looked at her searchingly. "Yes, he will have a fever for the first 24 hours." She then glanced at Levi. "He needs to rest properly this time"

Levi didn't reply. He along with the rest looked on as the flesh dissolved and the skeleton began to show. Through the flesh from the back of the neck Eren finally emerged, some of the flesh still connected to his eyes.

Once Eren fully emerged out the squad maneuvered down to the ground. Historia watched as Levi and Jean grabbed both of Eren's arms and pulled him, disconnecting him from the titan flesh completely.

Mikasa then crouched down next to him and placed a hand over his forehead. And just like every time he had transformed, his skin was warmer than normal temperature.

"We need to find him a place to rest" said Armin.

Sasha and Connie looked at each other. "We could stay in the innkeeper's house, I'm sure he wouldn't mind considering the fact that we saved his life" said Sasha.

"How many rooms does his house have?" asked Jean.

"Just two and one of them belongs to the inn keepr" replied Sasha.

Levi sighed as he slumped Eren over his shoulders. "Doesn't matter, We keep Eren in one room and the rest of us can just sleep in the living room. It's just for one day"

"Yes sir" replied Jean and Sasha in unison.

With that the squad used their gear to maneuver towards the innkeeper's house.

Levi sat down. This arm chair was much smaller than the one back in the inn. In fact the whole house was much smaller compared to the inn they had stayed the night before. The arm chair was the only chair in the living room. There was a small cube of a kitchen in the corner and only one small window right next to the wooden front entrance. The small staircase lead up to the only two rooms in the house. One room was for the innkeeper and his wife and the other was a small guest room. Sasha walked down the stairs holding an empty tray.

"How is he doing?" Levi asked after he sipped on his tea.

"He's conscious" said Sasha as she reached down stairs. "Mikasa is with him"

"I see" said Levi and he took another sip of his tea. "Well in either case, we still have to get on with the main plan. We have delayed enough."

The rest of the squad Levi were sitting on the carpet on the floor as there were no other chairs in the house. Connie, Jean and Armin had just finished their tea and bread while Historia did not bother to touch any of the meal. Her left hand was covered in a white bandage due to her fracturing her hand.

"You should eat Historia" said Jean with a concerned look in his face when he noticed her full plate and cup.

Historia forced a smile at him. Even though Historia did not have much of an appetite she decided to take a bite for their sake. Her body was still in shock with all that's happened and she had no idea what to do with the information that was given to her. Everything that had happened the last couple of days had happened way to fast and she wasn't sure that she could keep up.

"And don't worry about Eren, he heals pretty fast" added Connie smiling consciously at her.

"I wasn't-" Historia stopped herself when she realized she didn't know what to say to that. "Yeah I know"

Armin smiled knowingly at her. "Thanks for looking out for him even then"

Historia nodded awkwardly before brining the tea cup to her lips. "It was the right thing to do"

Connie tapped Armin's shoulders. "Man, you were right about Ymir!"

Armin smiled before glancing down. "I wish I wasn't though.. what were they doing here?"

Levi tapped his fingers against the wooden sides of his chair. "Well, Arlet next time if you think you saw a titan, report to me first no matter what the circumstance"

Armin flinched in guilt. The only reason why he did not report the incident was because Eren and Historia were in bad shape and he felt that it was only right to put them first. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again"

"Fair enough" replied Levi. He placed his empty cup on the side handle of the arm chair.

"What are we going to do about the mission sir?" asked Jean cautiously. Connie shot him a dirty look.

"What?" Jean raised an eyebrow. "I know that right now Eren's in a bad shape but we can't possibly delay the mission any longer now can we?"

Levi sighed. "That's true and we will head out tomorrow as soon as Eren wakes up"

Historia listened on. She had fallen asleep the last time they were discussing the plan but Sasha had managed to explain everything to her in the last hour. She attempted to take a sip of the cup of tea but so far both the bread and the liquid was tasteless to her. She took another sip before she felt sick and had to put down her cup. She placed a palm over her mouth when she recalled the things that had been said to both Eren and her. The worst part of it all was not what he had said but the fact that his words held some truth to it.

"Historia are you sure you're ok?" asked Armin with worry.

Historia managed to hold on and stop herself from being sick. The last thing she wanted right now was to show them any sort of weakness. Especially not after the things that had been told to her that day by the very man that took away her mother from her.

Historia's eyes became foggy as she looked around and nodded a small yes. But neither of her squad members bought her act. Not this time.

Mikasa helped Eren lay down on the bed again after he had finished the bread and tea Sasha had brought. She dragged the covers over him before she sat down on the chair next to the bed. The so-called guest room was tiny and it should be called a shed if anything else but then again this was a house and not an inn. There was a small window next to the bed and a little table where Mikasa had placed the empty cup and plate.

"Do you want me to get you anything else?" asked Mikasa softly. She looked out the window. The sky was completely dark and the stars had come out again.

"No" Eren replied, feeling a bit irritated. He then immediately felt guilty for using a stern tone towards her. She was only trying to help him. "I mean no, thank you Mikasa" He corrected himself.

Mikasa nodded softly. She was used to Eren's easily irritable personality. But she couldn't help herself from being protective over him. And no matter what and no matter how old they get she would always look out for him.

"You should not have shifted" she spoke again.

Eren wrinkled his eyes at the ceilings. "It was Berthold, I couldn't just not do anything"

"You could have waited for us, You never know you might have put yourself in risk by shifting" replied Mikasa.

Eren chuckled sarcastically. " What risk? I couldn't bare to look at those murderers faces again" Then he stopped mid way when he remembered what Kenny Ackerman had told him about his father.

No. Eren thought. His head started to ache suddenly and he clutched his head. "No! no!" he shouted.

"Eren!" Mikasa got up from her chair and grabbed Eren's wrists. "What's wrong?"

"Murderer" Eren replied eerily. His eyes wide up, staring up at the ceiling.

"Eren.." Mikasa slowly let go of Eren's wrists when she saw the pain etched on his face.

Eren closed his eyes and takes a deep breath in an attempt to clear his mind for Mikasa's sake. Then a thought crossed him. Eren takes another deep breath and turned his head towards Mikasa.

"Actually there is something you could do for me"

Despite her bad hand, Historia had volunteered to do everyone's dishes just for the sake of doing something. She placed everyone's plates onto an empty tray and made her way into the small kitchen across from the hall away from the living room. She turned on the light and placed the tray next to the kitchen sink and turned on the tap water. When she started to clean the first plate she heard footsteps behind her.

"Can I help?"

Historia smiled at Sasha and nodded at the bubbly red head. She was inwardly thankful for the offer because at least that would stop her from having flash backs to the horrid day and information. She realized that she still had not quite processed all the information. It had not hit her so to say. Historia handed the washed plate for Sasha to dry.

The taller girl laughed. "I think we should switch places, your bandage is going to get wet"

Historia chuckled lightly. "You're right" and they switched sides with Sasha on the washing and Historia on the drying the plates.

"How is the inn keeper?" asked Historia. The last time she saw him was with Sasha and Connie after the inn had collapsed.

"He's in his room resting with his wife, I've given both of them some soup" replied Sasha. She then handed a cup after she had finished washing it. "Here"

"You're fast" Historia remarked.

Sasha chuckled. "If I were you, I wouldn't worry! When you become queen you won't have to do the dishes!"

Historia flinched again at the word. She averted her eyes down as she dried the cup. She only wished that she were as enthusiastic as her.

When Historia did not react to her statement, Sasha smiled apologetically and placed a hand on the blonde's shoulders.

"Hey, I'm sorry that was very undependable of me"

Historia shook her head and smiled up at the girl. "No don't worry about it. Really I'll be fine"

"If you say so" Sasha removed her hand from the blonde's shoulders and went back to washing up a plate this time. Then she paused remembering the events of that day. When she and Connie were helping civilians below she had seen the blonde girl hovering on top of the rogue titan. And right after that the whole squad Levi had seen her on the shoulders of the said titan. Sasha's thoughts start to wander into places she shouldn't be prying in. Then she remembered the odd emotion in Historia's eyes when she stared after a certain brunet boy after Mikasa and Levi had rescued them. Being the kind of person she is, she could not stop herself from blurting out

"So are you and Eren kinda close now?"

Historia nearly dropped the plate she was drying at the sudden yet unexpected question. "W-what?"

Sasha felt guilty for prying by the curiosity built inside of her and she had to confirm that she herself wasn't just seeing things.

"I- I mean you've been together- I mean alone – I mean in each other's company for the past week so I just assumed you've had some one on one bonding time?"

Sasha nearly smacked herself when realized what she just said. She watched as the cheek's of the petite blonde glow a rosy color.

"O-one on one bonding time?"

Sasha quickly waved her hands dismissing the statement before the blonde could turn any redder. " No no that's absolutely not what I meant! I just meant that did you two get to know more about each other?"

With that Historia glanced down at the plate she was drying and her face cooled off. The amount of things they had shared with each other, the insecurities, the encouragement and finally the horrible truth revealed to them by Kenny was a lot to share together in the course of a mere week and yet she felt like she understands him as a person more than ever now. Not just as her angry classmate from the 104th trainee corps.

"Yeah we did actually" she replied her head hung low. Sasha tried her best to peer into Historia's eyes but failed as the girl's hair blocked her view.

"I see" Sasha smiled slyly. "You know.. my dad once told me about the story about snow deers"

Historia raised her head. "Snow deers? You mean the actual animal or.. ?"

Sasha chuckled. "Yeah the actual animal.. so any way according to him, these deers are also known as the great lone survivors in the wild, they can live and survive alone for the rest of their lives. They are not known to be in a group that's why they are almost extinct."

Historia nodded quietly, not sure where the story was going.

Sasha smiled. "But my dad once told me about how he had a snow deer called Coby as a pet once. One day Coby went out for a walk but it never came back. Weeks later my dad had given up on the search but to his surprise one of the hikers spotted it with another snow deer which also had a collar around it, indicating that it was missing too. After my dad and the other owner took their deers to their respective homes, my dad noticed Coby was not it's usual self. It did not play with him like she used to. Then it turned out that the other deer, Coby was found with was also experiencing the same thing. So both owner's decided to allow the two deers to see each other again and they both reverted back to their normal selves!"

Historia hesitated to speak. "That's a um.. a lovely story Sasha but why are you telling me this now?"

Sasha grasped both Historia's hands and the blonde could have sword she saw sparkles in the taller girl's eyes.

"It means that though these deers are designed to survive on their own. After helping each other survive by comforting and keeping company they physically could not revert back to a life without the other"

Historia raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I don't understand"

Sasha sighed and let go of the blonde's hands one again. Might as well just say it.

"I'm just saying, I've noticed some things and lets just say that after this is all over I can guarantee that you and Eren will have a lot to talk about"

Historia almost laughed at what the red head was saying. "No Sasha you've got it all wrong! Me and Eren, it's nothing. After this is all over we are going to go back to exactly as we were before I revealed my identity"

Sasha shook her head. "You can't be serious! I kept catching you two glance at each other after we got him out of the titan. Ask Connie Jean or Armin, they noticed too!"

"Notice what?" Historia asked, genuinely confused.

You know, I've never met Coby the deer but if I could imagine a look in it's eyes after the rescue, it would be the same look you had in yours when you were staring after Eren!"

"I-" Historia stood still stunned at Sasha's random outburst. She hadn't a clue on what to say to it. Once the red head had re claimed her composure from her earlier melodramatic performance she gave Historia an embarrassed smile and scratched the back of her head.

"S-sorry I may have gone overboard there"

A little. Historia thinks. "It's fine"

Foot steps coming up behind them stopped Sasha from saying anything more and Historia mentally thanked her savior as she turned around to face the owner of the footsteps. It was Mikasa carrying and empty plate and a cup.

"Historia, I'll help Sasha do the dishes" said Mikasa.

Historia blinked at the sudden request. "Huh? Are you sure? I don't mind doing this though"

"Eren wants to see you"

Historia felt Sasha's quick turn of her head towards her direction and the blonde did her best not to look at her.

"Now?" Historia asked feeling uncertain. She felt Sasha's gaze burning into her as she said this and she almost felt the urge to gulp.

"Yes" she replied while raising an eyebrow at Sasha who had her stare locked on Historia.

"Alright" Historia hesitantly takes a step towards the kitchen exit but not before she flinched after Sasha patted her on the back.

Historia made her way up the small steps of the staircase slowly. Taking her time to delay whatever the conversation that was about to happen even though she knew she shouldn't really be feeling different apart from sympathy. Wow Sasha has really gotten into my head. She reached up to the end of the staircase and stood in front of the door to the small guest room. She stared at the wooden door before taking a deep breath and opened it with shaky hands. The door made a creeks when she opens it.

Right in front of her was the bed where Eren lay, staring at the ceiling above and next to it was a closed window to keep the cold out. An empty chair was right next to the bed.

"You called?" She asked hesitantly walking over towards him. Eren turned his head around at the sound of her voice. His brunet hair was in a shaggy mess and his usually lively eyes looked so empty. He didn't speak a word but every possible emotion etched in his eyes said everything. Historia immediately looked away.

"Why didn't you run away?"

At that she turned to face him again. "Huh?"

Eren turned his head back up at the ceiling, obscuring his eyes away from hers.

"You should have gone and left me there when you had the chance. Why didn't you just run away?"

Eren's voice cracked at the last syllable making Historia blink in concern. She inched towards his bedstead and sat on the chair next to him.

"You could have been killed?" She said when she sat down.

Eren glared at her. "You sure you didn't do it because you wanted to become a matyr?" He snapped angrily.

Historia widened her eyes in shock. It's true, when she was Krista in order to keep up her act she was always trying to find one way or another to get killed on the battle field so she'd be remember as the "hero who died protecting her comrades". "Sucidal idiot" Ymir would call her.

"Don't give me that look. I thought Historia was nothing like Krista- "

"I'm not! I didn't do it to become a matyr!" Historia yelled. Hurt by the accusation.

"Then why didn't you just run?" Eren yelled back.

"Because that man would have killed you!" said Historia again as if that was the most obvious statement in the world.

Eren gripped the sheets of his bed. "No!" Eren yelled as he turned his head to face her again with tears welling up in his eyes. "Don't you understand!? If my father hadn't done what he did a lot of the people that had died in the war for humanity wouldn't have died!"

Eren tried to blink away the tears but it was too late. Histora widened her eyes as she stared down at the stream of tears falling across his cheeks and onto the white pillow under his head. "What on earth are you saying?" she asked. Historia had never seen Eren in so much emotional pain. She felt strangely flattered that he was openly crying out to her. Something she was sure that Mikasa and Armin would have already seen. But then her heart dropped when she saw the expression in his eyes.

"You are from the chosen bloodline, my father stole your family's power throwing the world off balance! And me?" He takes a shaky breath. "I'm not even supposed to be in this picture" He cried openly. "I am unnecessary!"

That did it. Historia shut her eyes and before she could stop herself she curled up her good hand into a fist and punched the side of Eren's tear stained cheek, making him widen his eyes at the sudden sharp contact.

"Be quiet! idiot, cry baby just shut up!"

Eren frowned and was about to say something but was cut short in surprise when she takes his hand with her fractured hand. She then cups his hand inside both of hers. Her fingers twirled around his, her elbows rested on his bed. Her head was facing down but he could clearly see tears streaming down her own cheeks.

"Don't ever say that" She said quietly as the tears started to drip on to the bed sheet.


"Shut up!" she sobbed. "Just be quiet and don't ever say that you are unnecessary because you aren't"


Historia couldn't stop herself from crying harder. Suddenly everything that happened the past couple of days hit her like a lightning strike. The responsibilities of being queen, the wreckage of the foster home she used to live in, seeing Ymir again and finally the shocking revelation to her by the man who had killed her mother. She shook and sobbed as the fingers around Eren's hand started to loose their grip.

Eren enlarged his tear stained eyes and immediately sat up. This time he gripped Historia's hands with his and tried to peer below her expression.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked despite himself.

Historia refused to look at him. She tried her best to stop shaking but she had no success. Eren takes it up on himself to grab both her shoulders gently to keep her steady.

"Just tell me what's wrong" He asked her again. This time Historia snapped her head back up making Eren almost fall backwards due to the sudden sharpness in her blue eyes.

"I'm scared ok?!" she yelled. "There I said it"

Eren loosened his grip on her shoulders, the tears on his cheeks dried into his skin. He watched her as she took a heave breath.

Historia started to cry again despite feeling embarrassed and ashamed for to allow herself to be seen in that state again.

"I'm scared of becoming queen, I don't have anyone who would guarantee to stand by me because the people I thought who wouldn't do anything to hurt me are gone, No one's going to take me being queen seriously because I was never loved by anyone so why should the people of this world do the same? So that's my answer, I'm scared of the world and scared for the future" She then sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "If anything at all the throne isn't even mine to rule if either of my half siblings were alive. So don't ever say that you are unnecessary because you are looking at the bastard child of the true king"

Eren let go of her shoulders. Historia's words shook him because it rang true to both him and her. Words had failed him and he just stared blankly in a daze. "I'm sorry" he said not knowing what else to say. If there even was anything more to say.

Historia did not speak. Her head was down and she let the tears fall freely across her face without a sob or a sound. Eren allowed her to take her time and sat up right on the bed in silence as the girl openly wept. This was the true Historia crying. Whatever emotion she was feeling right now it was real and Eren made it a point to wait patiently but he couldn't stop himself from saying.

"Thank you Historia"

Those exact words made her flinch once again. "You are really stubborn you know that right?" She remarked.

Eren looked at her. She still had her head down. He glanced at her. Her tiny shoulders drooping downwards and the bangs on her face covered her downturned face. She looked so vulnerable. Just like her true identity. Because Historia was made out of glass. Once shattered one can never put it back to the exact same way it was before. The first time she was broke to pieces was when her mother hit her and the second time was when she was given a new identity. Now she's made out of barely there leftover shards that could break at any given instant. And in that moment Eren vowed to protect her true identity that is 'Historia' from ever getting shattered ever again.

"I know" he replied softly. "And I'm not the only one"

Historia lifted her tear stained face. Her eyes were puffy from all the crying and yet they held a surprise tone to his answer. She tried to speak but the lump in her throat was too big and she could not risk crying again so she remained quiet. Historia sniffed and though she kept her head up she shifted her gaze down once again.

"I know" She said quietly after a few seconds and then she sniffs again.

Historia flinched in shock when warm fingers started to brush away her tears. She shifted her gaze up and widened her eyes in surprise at an equally surprised Eren who could not quite believe what he was doing either. His fingers remained barely brushing against her skin. And before he could withdraw his mind from its far places, his right hand touched her right cheek. Historia dared not to move nor to disturb the surge of warmth between them. Her blue gaze trailed up and locked into his green orbs. The unnamable emotion within his piercing eyes almost made her look away but his body moved on his own and he began to lean in foreword. The warm feeling around them grew stronger, their faces just inches apart that they could feel each others uneven breathing patterns. Historia shut her eyes. She felt again the rush of helplessness as she anticipated the taste of him, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth that left her limp. And the quiet face of Krista Lenz was blurred and drowned to nothingness.

"Hey sorry I really got to use the bathroom!"

The loud noise of the door opening and a very impatient Connie running into the room with absolutely no warning made both Eren and Historia jump backwards immediately.

"Oi ! Connie!?" Yelled Eren. A tang of irritation in his voice.

"Sorry!" the shorter boy called as he banged the door to the bathroom.

Just like how there are only two bedrooms there were only two bathrooms. They could not really blame Connie from having to go because that's the only bathroom he could use unless he wants to walk into a strangers bedroom.

Eren sighed. He felt all the built up of tension, adrenaline and heat immediately cool off. He hesitantly glanced at Historia who was looking side ways equally flushed. Eren felt heat rise up to his face when he realized what they could have being doing had they not been interrupted. A part of him wanted to cuss out Connie and another part of him wanted to thank him because there was no way Eren could have stopped himself.


He heard Historia say and he glanced at her.

"It's getting late.. I should probably go to sleep now" She said quickly as she got up.

No it's only 8:30. He thinks as he made a quick glance at the clock on the wall in front of him.

"Yeah you're probably right" He replied equally fast. He tried his best not to sound disappointed.

Historia gave him a quick nod before standing up. Eren inwardly groaned as the familiar poker face replaced her expressions, once again making it hard to read her.

With another loud bang Connie then comes out of the bathroom. "Oh hey Historia you're going downstairs too?" Historia gave him a small yes and begins to take big steps towards the door.

"Wait" she head him say and she stopped immediately her heart started to race against her will again. Connie stood inches behind her in wander. She turned her head just enough to take a small glance at him.

"I meant it when I said thank you" smiled Eren. "For everything you've done this past couple of days"

Historia gave him a small nod before hesitantly dashing out the door. Connie shrugged after her and made his way out the door as well.

"And Connie"

Connie turned around at the sharp tone of Eren's voice. "What?" He asked lazily.

"Learn how to knock?"

Connie rolled his eyes before walking out the door. "Jeez I said I was sorry"

Eren shook his head when the shorter boy closed the door just as loudly as he came in. With a loud groan he then flops back down onto the pillow and started to replay what had just happened. He wasn't completely sure what he was feeling. But one thing's for sure that adrenaline rush he got when he physically leaned in close to her was not the same adrenaline rush he got from an adventrerous day. Why did I even do that? He tugged against a hair string.

This is the last thing I should be stressing out about.

Historia dashed downstairs almost tripping foreward if it weren't for Connie holding her steady. "Careful" he said before he walked past her and into the living room where the male half of the team slept. Levi had his eyes shut as he lay on the arm chair. Armin and Jean had their sleeping mattresses out on the carpet along with Connie's.

"Where's Sasha?" Historia whispered at Jean softly in order to not wake the captain up.

Jean pointed out the door indicating that she was outside. Historia mouthed a small thank you before tip toeing her way out of the house and into the small garden. It was quite a small piece of land with barely enough crops anywhere. The only presence of an actual garden was the bush at the center and the grass covered ground. Sasha and Mikasa were sitting on the bench right next to the front entrence door. They were both staring up at the stars above and seemed to be in deep conversation. When they noticed a small presence behind them they glanced over towards her direction.

"Oh hey Historia!" Sasha beamed.

"H-hey" Historia couldn't help but stammer out her words.

Conveniently Mikasa got up from the bench and offered her seat to Historia. "I better check on Eren again" she mumbled before heading inside the house. Historia thought her eyes were playing tricks on her but she could have sworn she saw a small smile playing on the raven haired girl's lips.

"Uhh.." Historia stuttered once again finding a word to say.

Sasha smiled knowingly and patted on the empty side of the bench becoming Historia to sit down. The blonde complied and sat down next to Sasha.

The taller girl smiled gleefully at Historia. "Well..?"

Historia sighed at the red head's enthusiasm. "I don't know" she replied truthfully.

"Awh" Sasha smiled at the extremely confused expression the blonde held. "But you don't deny that there is something right?"

Historia remained quiet at that and decided to ask a question of her own. "How can you be so into something as mundane as this when there are bigger things we should be worrying about?"

"I won't answer until you answer first" replied Sasha. The smile on her face still strong.

At that Historia remained quiet again. Her fists clenched tightly not sure on how to escape this one.

"I'll just take your silence as a yes. Yes that you do deny that there is something more" said Sasha teasingly.

At that Historia widened her eyes and stared at Sasha. "No."

"Huh?" replied Sasha.

"I said no" Historia sighed. "I don't deny it. You win." She then started to shiver under the cool winter air.

Sasha smiled warmly. "It's not about me winning Historia.. it never was and you know it"

Historia glanced down at her shaky hands before speaking. "Can we not talk about this? I don't really know what I'm feeling and I'm still confused about a lot of things"

Sasha nodded, understanding where she was coming from. "Alright. I won't pester you on any further unless you want me to. And to answer your previous question. The reason why care about things as mundane as .. well.. this is because without thinking about the possibility of a future how can I fight keep fighting for one?"

Historia felt goose bumps over her skin when Sasha had finished speaking. As much as she wanted to blame it on the cold she knew what Sasha was saying was true. Not only did it ring true to her situation with Eren but for the whole idea of being the ruler of humanity itself. If she did not attempt to see herself in future where she is the ruler then what was she fighting for all this time?

"Thank you for that Sasha" she said in awe.

Sasha nodded and grinned at the smaller girl. "No problem"

Historia stared up at the sky and spotted the Maria constellation she spotted on the first night on the river bank. She kept repeating Sasha's words in her head over and over again. I need to believe in a future if I am to ever see one. A pair of green eyes immediately sprung into her sighed inwardly but she was sure that Sasha saw the pained, uncomfortable and confused expression that was painted on her face. And at that moment she knew. She knew that if she was feeling all these emotions stir up inside her that only meant one thing. She shivered slightly and her throat tightened.

Damn you cry baby! The last thing I need right now is to fall for you

Mikasa sits down on the chair next to Eren again. He smiled nervously at her and she could tell that he was bothered.

"What's wrong?" she asked. When Eren didn't reply she took note of the way his face tensed when she answered her own question.

"Is it something to do with Historia?"

Eren glanced at her with wide eyes and Mikasa stared back at him with the same neutral expression. "I'll take that as a yes judging by your reaction"

Eren glanced back at the ceiling once again still not ready to give a definite answer.

Mikasa tugged at her scarf as her eyes softened down at the boy lying on the bed. " I don't know what's going on between you and her but what Sasha told be just now had me concerned"

Eren sat up straight at that. "Sasha told you what about us?" A part of him immediately felt embarrassed by the sudden excitement that came over him of the possibility of Historia talking about him.

Mikasa shook her head. "About some snow deer or something.. anyway that's not important but what is important is you should not get yourself into something you might regret later on"

Eren furrowed his eyes. " What do you mean? There's nothing going on between me and Historia" Mikasa gave him an unconvinced look that made him flush.

"What ever it is I just don't want you to dwell deep enough to hurt yourself" replied Mikasa slowly. "I just want what's best for you Eren"

With that Eren softened his gaze with the comforting thought that her intensions are good and always was.

"Thank you Mikasa, I appreciate it and I can guarantee that there are no snow deer's involved" Eren chuckled.

"Yeah.." Mikasa replied uncertainly.

Just when Eren thought that was the end of his questioning session what Mikasa said next was even more out of the blue.

"How is she like really?" Mikasa asked suddenly before standing up from her chair.

"Huh?" Eren asked as if he did not know whom she was talking about.

"Historia. What is she like to you?"

"Oh" he replied Eren as he leaned back against the wooden bed frame. He stared at the wall clock in front of him in a daze. He inhales deeply before speaking.

"She's unbearably honest yet a bad liar, claims to be heartless but is really selfless for her own good. Finally she is extremely stubborn"

Eren looked at Mikasa after his explanation and was surprised to see her smiling.

"So she's normal?" it was more of a statement than a question. "Reminds me of someone I know…" said Mikasa hinting towards him before she made her way towards the door.

Eren leaned back against his below again. "Yes" he replied. Half to her question and half to himself.

The next morning, the squad had finished the breakfast of eggs and bread made by the innkeeper's wife. Eren had recovered completely thanks to his regeneration healing and had been able to join them for tea. The morning was quiet because Levi had made it perfectly clear that he would not stand for any more delays towards the mission.

Historia and Eren, though sat opposite to each other avoided eye contact completely. The intimate moment shared between them the night before had sunken in and both of them felt too unsettled to say anything to the other. Though Mikasa and Sasha does not know about that, they along with Connie, Jean and Armin exchanged looks because they all felt some kind of unspoken tension that even made Armin gulp nervously.

Levi placed his tea cup on the table and rises up. "Alright head out and get your gear on. I'll go thank the innkeeper and the lady and come outside right behind you"

Everyone replied a sharp yes sir before heading out. They attache the 3DMG gear onto their harness. Armin and Jean had already filled up the gas the night before so they did not need to worry about a refill.

After Eren had securely fastened his 3DMG gear, his eyes instantly wandered over to the most petite of the bunch who had also finished gearing up. He takes a deep breath before walking over the muddy grass towards her direction. He stopped an adequate from her and cleared his throat.


The girl in question flinched in surprise at the sound of her name. She turned around and was nearly equally flushed again. "Morning Eren" She replied before turning her head towards her belts.

"Look about last night it was- "

"Nothing " Historia smiled reassuringly. "Really, Don't worry about it" She replied quickly before walking past him and towards the rest of the group.

Eren frowned after her. Her reaction not fulfilling him in the least. "Yeah it was nothing" He mumbled before following her lead towards where the squad minus Levi were assembled.

Once they had all gathered around for a small brief with Armin going over their mission one more time. Suddenly the sound of horse hoofs on ground made them all turn around.

"What are they doing here?" Jean grunted.

Five Military policemen on horses came trotting towards them until they stopped their horses right in front of them. At that moment Levi came out of the house with his full gear on as well.

"The hell is going on?" he asked. Obviously annoyed.

A military policemen at the leading the other four stepped his horse foreword.

"Is this squad Levi?" the man asked.

"Yes it is and you are looking at him" replied Levi with his infamous glare.

"Good" The man smiled sarcastically. "Then can I please have Eren Jaeger and Historia Reiss step foreword?"

Eren and Historia glanced confused glances but they new better than to step forward without their captain's orders. Levi glanced at them and shrugged. Eren and Historia both hesitantly stepped foreward.

"Eren Jaeger and Historia Reiss" said the man as he eyed both of them menacingly. "We've heard from an inside source about an unfortunate incident"

"What the hell are you on about?" glared Levi.

The man ignored Levi and stared down at the two in front of him.

"Eren Jaeger and Historia Reiss you are under arrest for the murder of Alfred Karius, son of Boris Karius"

A/N- Oh my gosh that was the longest chapter ever! Hope you all liked it! And again until next time please let me know what your favourite parts were as there was a lot that I wrote in this chapter. See you next time!